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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.S Korea, China and Japan to hold trilateral talks next week for first time since 2019
SEOUL, South Korea©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Ricky Kaminski13
Wow. Right after China scolded Japanese and South Korean lawmakers for visiting Taiwan just this week. I wonder what the offer will be? Will they talk TO each other or aAT each other. Performance art or actual well meaning dialog, without the background menace of coercion or unilateral demands?
Still love to imagine a day when all this Sabre rattling, military building ups and provocations were just cancelled in one big announcement, and the whole region could start cooperating like the cousins they should be, on equal terms with genuine good will.
Still love to dream, but sadly the last twenty years paints a very different reality.
China will talk trade, emphasizing the importance of imports/exports with China. All while proceeding as it wants politically and diplomatically. China is carrying out an all-fronts war. Nothing that involves China is completely independent of China's goal of regional, and probably global, domination.
First on the list of topics to be discussed, an apology by China for their needless bullying and bellicosity.
Japan and South Korea will need to face fully historic grievances, to accept a formal decoration of peace, a reflection on a time of imperialism that brought war. occupation, enslavement, to fully embrace reconciliation.
The Government of China will waste little time forcing a political wedge between generations to come.
Xi Jinping regime will fan the flames of belligerence, division across the region, to wage discontent, to then seize control of trade economic prosperity.
To enforce it political ideological will.
I hope the ministers from Japan and South Korea engage in a phone conversation to plan their shared approach to dealing with a duplicitous China, before the meeting.
China is not to be trusted. Its words mean little when their actions are so often hostile and threatening.
WELL DONE and Congrats, just imagine what these three nation could accomplish for their people if they learn to work together!!!
Unfortunately, one of these nations is a controlling, totalitarian, anti-freedom andanti-democracy nightmare. The CCPs values will never align with South Korea nor Japan.
The Chinese said that Japan would end up in a fire hyena if it interfered in the Taiwan issue. so all these meetings mean nothing
End up in a hyena for supporting free Taiwan.
I bet Japan is really terrified at the prospect.
Neither China nor South Korea are trustworthy countries at all.
It wasn't that long ago that former South Korean President Moon Jae-in said, ''I stand with the Chinese dream.''
South Korea will definitely show a pro-China stance as soon as the government changes.
This is because South Korea's trade is in surplus only when it exports to China.
Japan should just look toward the United States and NATO.
Japan has no allies in East Asia.
WTF does that mean?
Oh good, I'll look forward to this 3-way meet-up next week - the perfect opportunity for President Yoon and Prime Minister Kishida to spell it out very clearly and strongly to Premier Li Qiang to Stop the bullying tactics against Taiwan, and in case he's not understanding the message clearly, they should tell him to "Get their filthy Chinese hands" off Taiwan, a strong sovereign independent nation, which has no wish whatsoever to become a part of China.
I really hope they don't fail on this - this is their opportunity to get the message out there, knowing the rest of the civilised world support them, and is watching closely.
North Korea is an ally of China, written on paper of their alliance. There is NO WAY to convince anything to China regarding North Korea. Their deserters were sent back immediately!
@Peter14: The ministers from Japan and South Korea engage in a phone conversation to plan their shared approach to China, before the meeting.
China doesn't want to hear the nonsense or wasting time to hear their issues as well. Also the Chinese doesn't want to hear the reasons from your Australia govt of why to stop Putin's war, regardless from Wong or Dutton's mouths! The only one the Chinese leaders is communicating is the honourable Valdmir Putin and how to help ending the Ukraine war in Russian terms!
@Matimurano. Kishida is an outgoing and unpopular Prime Minister of Japan and it was boring for the Chinese P.M. to listen with his rhetorics about Taiwan.
@nik: The Chinese said that Japan would end up in a fire hyena if it interfered in the Taiwan issue.
China sees the relationship with Japan in a whole picture from Shimoseki treaty 1895 until now. We should have been good neighbours if it wasn't about wars. Too bad, too unfortunately someone drew the first blood from us !
Pure hogwash. China does want to reincorporate the island of Taiwan and would love to see the USA string of USA military bases surrounding China go bye-bye as would any country in the same situation.
I’m sure you have heard of Tatemae and hone. The so called “rebuking” and “scolding” choice words by Western media when they are actually just statements is an example of Tatemae. It is the obligatory response China makes. The Hone is collaboration and contracts.
That two of the three are democratic countries is also irrelevant as they are democratic Tatemae but authoritarian Hone.
Besides, look at the “vibrant” democracy of Taiwan and its wrestling matches in its parliament chamber of government. This would never happen in Tokyo or Beijing.
Imagine conducting military exercises because of someone else's election.
Seems pretty democratic to me. Rows of clowns in suits applauding dutifully is an obscenity.
Union, understanding and cooperation between Asian countries..
Without the intervention of decadent western circUS..
Yet another reason so many nations identify China as being ruled by evil people. Anyone describing the war criminal Putin as an "honorable" man is delusional and not to be taken seriously. Putins invasion of Ukraine is the same as Hitlers invasion of Russia and so much of Europe in WWII, and nobody in their right mind would describe Hitler as "honorable".
If China has no interest in Japan or South Korean "nonsense" then the meeting is worthless and irrelevant before it even begins.