Japan Today

LGBTQ groups demand Japan adopt equal rights law by G7 summit


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Everything has a paradigm.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

L&G fine but the T is a whole different agenda.

-5 ( +26 / -31 )

LGBTIQ+ agendas are bad for children, especially for transgendering children at a young age through surgery and chemical castration. It's wrong on any level you look at it. Some parents are doing it to make money off their children. Sad, no disgusting. The world is getting really weird.

2 ( +34 / -32 )

Responding to an opposition lawmaker’s question in parliament, Kishida said whether to allow same-sex marriage is “an issue that must be examined extremely carefully.” A decision requires a thorough examination of all of society “because the issue may change the concept of family and values as well as society," he said.

This is the classic response, from any PM here, when it's an issue they dont want to deal with themselves. Kishida is in effect stating, "I am going to leave this problem for my successor to deal with"

Examining all of society is another way too of stating that they need to set up a "select" committee, more than likely in every prefecture, to have endless meetings to come to an ambiguous solution that just pushes the topic farther down the road!

-5 ( +13 / -18 )

LGBTIQ+ agendas are bad for children, especially for transgendering children at a young age through surgery and chemical castration.

Huh? How can a transgendered child be hurt by an agenda that seeks to bring more openness and understanding of their needs?

And, pray tell, when have you ever heard of any child HERE IN JAPAN being castrated or have surgery?

We are talking about Japan here!

-8 ( +21 / -29 )

This group can "demand" all they want, but they had better wake up if they think that Kishida and his cabinet is going to make this a priority prior to the G-7 summit.

3 ( +17 / -14 )

L&G fine but the T is a whole different agenda.

This is what people said about being Gay and Lesbian 20-30 years ago. While its unlikely you'll change your mind of the topic, the world as a whole is becoming more progressive and more accepting. So while you may never change your mind on transgender rights, the next generation will not be so close minded.

Also, you shouldn't be generalizing all trans people under this "agenda" you speak of. This is a term that only increases hate towards marginalized groups as they're an easy scapegoat.

-2 ( +16 / -18 )

Maybe they should flee Japan to one of the other G-7 countries where same-sex marriage is legal. Gays and lesbians should be granted equal rights in inheritance and housing but we mustn’t forget that the union between man and woman is the very foundation of healthy and sustainable society and must remain that way if the human beings are to survive as species.

-11 ( +18 / -29 )

LGB without the T

-6 ( +18 / -24 )

I've listened for years to human rights seminars given by LGBTQ members to my high school students. I have also given a speech every year talking about the difficulties of foreigners working in Japan. And I've noticed that in the end, minorities are really only asking for this: To be acknowledged, To be treated equally, and To be shown respect.

7 ( +24 / -17 )

Huh? How can a transgendered child be hurt by an agenda that seeks to bring more openness and understanding of their needs?

And, pray tell, when have you ever heard of any child HERE IN JAPAN being castrated or have surgery? 

We are talking about Japan here!

You get a lot of hysterics from those easily influenced mostly by North American YouTubers and podcasters. They can’t think rationally on anything including the transgender issue which is complicated.

As for the actual subject of this article, same-sex marriage:

Still, the certificates are not legally binding and same-sex couples are often barred from visiting each other in the hospital and from getting access to other services available to married couples

Time to call time on this. Unacceptable.

4 ( +18 / -14 )

 And I've noticed that in the end, minorities are really only asking for this: To be acknowledged, To be treated equally, and To be shown respect

Yes that's what everyone wants

11 ( +20 / -9 )

A decision requires a thorough examination of all of society “because the issue may change the concept of family and values as well as society," he said.

That's such nonsense. If a same sex couple gets married, it has no impact whatsoever on my conception of family. A family is a unit bonded by love and loyalty, not sexual orientation.

4 ( +15 / -11 )

The real question is whether they would like equal treatment or SPECIAL treatment.

9 ( +23 / -14 )

The people who have [the opposite opinion] regarding this issue

............................................are loudly silent.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

The real question is whether they would like equal treatment or SPECIAL treatment

They are asking for equality in marriage.

That isn’t special treatment.

Do you think it is?

5 ( +15 / -10 )

Family name is an issue since decades so same marriage will be even more something that will never change until decades (century?).

There are clearly many more other issues worrying 90% of Japanese than minorities.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

People thinking allowing gay people the same rights as the rest of us will somehow affect them or "damage" the foundation of marriage and further shrink the population haha. Gay people don't just go straight because you don't allow them to get married, same as you probably don't become into dudes if they disallowed straight marriages. They will still be gay but with less rights and an unhappier lives just because some old people and religious fanatics don't want to imagine what other people do in private.

4 ( +15 / -11 )

same-sex couples are often barred from visiting each other in the hospital

I can't visit a friend in the hospital?

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

They need to get in line, there isn't even equal treatment for women here yet.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

They’re not asking for special treatment. They’re asking to be treated equally like everybody else.

And on the trans issues it’s really really complicated and I’m not even sure if people with gender dysphoria should be boxed in with the rest. For the closed minded, it’s simply saying oh that’s a gay man in drag. But it’s not that simple and unless you have friends or a family member who are trans, there is no point in arguing because you are never going to get it.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

Watch the LDP conservatives squirm.

Don't hold your breath waiting, they dont care and it's a non-issue to them.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

@Mr. Kipling,

L&G fine but the T is a whole different agenda.

Excellent summation of the divide and conquer strategy!

Christian evangelical right group "Family Research Council" mapped out three non-negotiables in the fight against transgender people:

The first is to “divide and conquer. For all its recent success, the LGBT alliance is actually fragile and the trans activists need the gay rights movement to help legitimize them.” In other words, separate trans activists from the gay rights movement, and their agenda becomes much easier to oppose. As Kilgannon explained, “Trans and gender identity are a tough sell, so focus on gender identity to divide and conquer.” For many, “gender identity on its own is just a bridge too far. If we separate the T from the alphabet soup we’ll have more success.”

Kilgannon identified a wide coalition of potential allies outside the Christian Right who could confront trans friendly measures. Here’s her advice on how to draw them in:

Explain that gender identity rights only come at the expense of others: women, sexual assault survivors, female athletes forced to compete against men and boys, ethnic minorities who culturally value modesty, economically challenged children who face many barriers to educational success and don’t need another level of chaos in their lives, children with anxiety disorders and the list goes on and on and on.


2 ( +7 / -5 )

It would be asking too much for the self interested politicos to make society a Moe equitable place.

However, unless a lot of other laws are also changed then this will never happen.

Why not?

Japan is going through a massive societal change where it could be argued that more children is now a priority.

Opposite sex liaisons will therefore take priority.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

You don't have to look any further then the Nippon Kaigi membership rolls to know where Kishida falls on this debate. Apply the same "test" to any other politician who enters the conversation.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

girl_in_tokyoToday  10:24 am JST

Jordan Peterson is a trans- and homophobic misogynistic bigot, and has become a laughing stock among his peers. He found the best way to get fame and make money is to tout his credentials while catering to the dregs of society. In other words, he has sold his academic credibility for cash from bigots. He's also a junkie and all-around weirdo who talks a lot of nonsense that only stupid people think makes sense.

Being against young children being mutilated and enduring hormone therapy by a parent bent on changing the appearance of a child is not weird or transphobic.

There’s no evidence to support anything you wrote. None. Just vitriol and lies.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

SAG,s are a non issue to the LDP. The LDP could come out and say terrible thing about the SAG community but it would not put a dent in their support base. It is very unfair not to have the same rights as me and you. IT akin to being a non smokes in the 70,s have to put up with acrid toxic cancer causing smoke in the trains and bus and if they voiced an objection they be marginsised by society.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I love how less than 7% of the population is demanding laws that favor them.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

They are asking for equality in marriage. That isn’t special treatment. Do you think it is?

Problem is that asking for equality for something that "they" dont see as being the norm, is in fact requesting special treatment.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I love how less than 7% of the population is demanding laws that favor them.

That’s what gets me as well. Astonishing isn’t it?

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

I love how less than 7% of the population is demanding laws that favor them.

That’s what gets me as well. Astonishing isn’t it?

Asking for equality under the law. Not asking for laws which favour them.

Are you against minorities having equality under the law?

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Louder with Crowder "CHANGE MY MIND" segment:


4 ( +5 / -1 )

I love how less than 7% of the population is demanding laws that favor them.

No. Minorities are only asking to have the same rights as everyone else.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

No. Minorities are only asking to have the same rights as everyone else.

That's problematic if that's the only thing they're asking.

Because with regards to marriage they already have the same rights as everyone else, the right to marry the opposite sex

2 ( +7 / -5 )

LGBTQ, the rights of sexual minorities, enacting laws that ban discrimination, formal legislation to recognise same-sex marriage, guaranteeing equal rights evokes strong emotions beliefs, political, religious, tolerance etc.

There is a long way to go.

Toleration, referring to strong cultural beliefs that govern differences of opinion/behaviour cannot simply be enforced without careful consideration of the consequences that could affect society.

One area that personally I find difficult to accept/tolerate is separate or single-sex spaces.

Women and children must feel safe in changing rooms and onsens. An example, I would be incandescent should my nieces be presented with a "women" displaying male dingle dangles in any of the onsens I frequent.

As for demands to enact laws before Japan G7 summit, is premature and ill advised.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I love how less than 7% of the population is demanding laws that favor them.

gay people alone around 12% in most societies, so with the other Letters, it good be as much as 15%.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

I guess dinosaurs don't quietly become extinct.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Geez Japan get with the times!

As for ppl arguing against LGBT-rights why don't take a look at all the countries allowing gay marriage and all. Have the things you feared come to pass there?

Nope. People are still getting married. Heterosexuality is equally as dominant as before. The children are fine. Because giving a marginalized group the same rights as the majority doesn't affect the majority the slightest, except that a more open and tolerant society is better for everyone.

As for all the trans-hatred in Japan I'm completely baffled though. Like wow, where does it even come from? Have someone transgender personal offended you? How on earth is someone's choice of their own sex affecting you? As for it being impossible/unnatural/whatever, you know that sex change occurs in nature in all kinds of species right? You know that, right?

And for goodness sake stop dragging kids into the conversation. They are not going to get mutilated, they are not going to harmed in any way; the whole "It's dangerous for our kids"-argument had been propped up against everything from women entering the work force to anime and video games. Not true then and not true now, just give the hate a rest already.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

There is no reason why same sex marriage cannot be recognised in law.

I don't believe that to be an issue.

The debate widens when society reacts to families, parental choices, to how children and the promotion of LGBTQ relationships and rights are portray and taught in classrooms.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

There is no reason why same sex marriage cannot be recognised in law.

I don't believe that to be an issue.

The debate widens when society reacts to families, parental choices, to how children and the promotion of LGBTQ relationships and rights are portray and taught in classrooms.

Just has to be addressed separately

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

All the other G7 countries have same-sex marriages. Jpan for Japan to join the club. All people are equal under the rights of the law and should all enjoy the same protections and benefits.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

By May? As in May of this year? May 2023? LOL. Good luck with that. Every decision the Japanese government makes comes to light at a glacial pace; this demand is never going to come to fruition. It's most plausible to see pigs fly first.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I agree Ian, a number of teachers in UK have lost their jobs for voicing an opinion, or simply questioning the speed of change.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

These rights groups had the opportunity to vote for candidates who shared their views on these issues. Currently, the law in Japan does not allow same-sex marriage. So, these small minority groups have been treated as fairly as the rest of the population.

Obviously Japan does not want to legalize same sex marriages.

Japan recognizes there are two genders, male and female, and wants to maintain that societal approach.

Same-sex marriage is recognized as a flaw, and Japan rightfully wishes to continue there are boys and girls, men and women, and that men and women can legally marry each other, and that the concept of same-sex marriage goes against the basic legal interpretation of the phrase.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

I agree Ian, a number of teachers in UK have lost their jobs for voicing an opinion, or simply questioning the speed of change.

Unfortunately that's one of the biggest problems regarding this issue.

the ones shouting "bigot" the loudest are usually the ones who actually are.

Many people have lost more than their jobs just for voicing contrary opnions

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Ian, Japan has yet to come face to face with the laws surrounding gender recognition certification.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The thumb downs on this subject amaze me. There not one comment against equality. Yet we have someone or many who is prepared to cast their vote but will not put forward a debate supporting their opposition. like that something a child would do when they are not supervised.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Life is everything from A-Z and no one is excluded from forming relationships so the extra step of same-sex marriage should apply.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


Really? what is there to gain from defending this way of life and way of thinking that "everything goes"? Because in the end it's what is comes to. Like I mentioned look to the US. It started as tolerance of a private issue, and now it's everywhere, even when the occurrence has never been demonstrated to be healthy normal (as in being the result of a healthy situation) and when as Jenni pointed out is existence is not defendable as beneficial for mankind's existence. And other reasons.

Bigotry is a thrown out term to silence criticism and legitimate claims and questions.

There's no need for their lifestyle to be normalized. There is no gain. And they suffer no real intolerance legally as marriage has a purpose of rising children.

They don't need to be legally married. As they don't have a purpose.

Just "being in love" is no purpose.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

They already have legal equality with the rest of the population. They have a right to get married too, just as we all do, as long as it's to a member of the opposite sex of the species homo sapiens.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

 marriage has a purpose of rising children

Good grief, how many times does this need to be said. It's just a word. Like cabbage or blancmange. It has no meaning whatsoever. We all know many married couples without children.

This is just about allowing 2 people in love to reap the same legal benefits from society as the rest of us.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

I respect but do not advocate their choice.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

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