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© KYODOHealth minister apologizes for late-night party by 23 employees
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This being a farewell party, for someone who sounds like a fairly senior employee of the Ministry . . . . . I'm going to ask the question Who Paid?
If the Ministry is paying the bill for breaking their own restrictions, that would be even more embarassing. Strange how it hasn't been addressed though . . . . . . . hmmmm.
Strawman, what this means is that temporarily removing your mask o consume a drink while in company of members of your household or very close associates which you are spending a lot of time every day is not the same as having dinner with two dozen other people for hours and hours, especially when you have a recent test that says you are not infected nor spreading the pathogen.
And you can still be proved wrong, and yes, experts should recommend things according to scientific evidence, so if the scientific community gets more and better evidence day with day that means the recommendations should also change to reflect it.
Not at all, in any sense. Only people without a real argument would think two completely different situations are "equivalent" when the risk is not even similar. Do you also consider people indecent if they wear no clothes in the shower?
Raw Beer
That is complete BS. In one picture, all 3 are holding smartphones and Fauci is laughing. In another pic, he is focusing on the game; and nobody is holding a smartphone so some time went by between the two pics. Clearly, the mask was not down temporarily for a quick sip.
Again, I see nothing wrong with not having a mask on, I do it too. But he's they "expert" who is now not only telling everyone to wear a mask, but to wear 2 masks.
Close enough, and in the case of Newsom, it is exactly the same (actually, perhaps just one dozen)!
David Brent
A classic case of "Do as I say, not as I do".
That is false according to the consensus of science, your personal belief simply doesn't carry the same weight.
This gross exaggeration is the worst he did? that is not comparable at all, and well know as a very innocuous event in context.
"The woman on Fauci’s left is his wife, Christine Grady, and the man on Fauci’s right is a “close friend” of the NIAID director. This man was also described in a photograph from USA Today as one of Fauci’s “guests” at the event. In other words, the two other people in this photograph appear to be part of Fauci’s inner circle, which may reduce the need for social distancing in this instance."
"I think this is sort of mischievous with this thing going around. I had my mask around my chin, I had taken it down. I was totally dehydrated and I was drinking water trying to rehydrate myself," Fauci said."
This is absolutely nothing like going to a dinner with 2 dozen other people for hours until late night.
At least now you accept this imaginary data is invisible for anybody else but you.
Raw Beer
I agree in that there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a party. What's wrong is that those same party goers are telling the rest of us to stay home alone...
For most of us, having a party now is just as "bad" as having a party at the same time in 2018, 2017, 1984 ....
Are you serious? You haven't seen the pics? He's at an empty baseball stadium tightly sandwiched between 2 people (they could have easily sat at least one seat apart). His mask was on his chin for some time and he was not sipping water. And Newsom was attending a dinner party seated close to health officials and others...
Oh you mean like you seeing Fauci have a sip of water?
There is of course something wrong with having a party while it is a well know factor that increases the risk of transmission. The people in the party are wrong from that moment, and complicate things with their hypocrisy.
So what is what Fauci did? how is he supposed to be an example of doing something similar to this? is it like the Raoult data, something only you can see so everybody else have to believe you?
Raw Beer
I agree in that there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a party. What&s wrong is that those same party goers are telling the rest of us to stay home alone...
Oh, it is widely known that they've done much much worse than having a quick sip of water. Why do you even bother responding if you don't know what they did.
Brian Wheway
In the UK the police have been giving out fines if people, shops are breaking the rules ie opening, when they shouldn't and fining people if they have traveled unnessery etc, are the Japanese police doing the same? if so is that resturant going to be fined for opening beyond 9pm? how can you tell people not to go out and drink up and close bars, resurants before 9pm, and then have the ordasity do the compeatle opposite? what standards are you setting by doing this? I can see a lot of bars and resturants staying open beyond 9PM now. Ive notice they have not used the old chestnut, "I was drunk and I dont remember"
El Rata
Apologizing for having a party. The world has certainly gone mad.
here is an idea.
why dont we all stay home, work from home, order 100% online for next 100 years, just to be sure.
no more going out unless emergency.
that oughtta do it...?
Bjorn Tomention
Unhealthy form the ministry of yeah what do we expect
except that "pretty much the same thing" ends up being things like removing a mask for a moment to take some water, not exactly the same thing after all.
" Health minister apologizes for late-night party by 23 employees " They partied but they enjoyed. Ok I'm sorry if that is what you want to hear. Drink up!!!
Who is surprised.
Central government costs us trillions of yen each year, but would things be worse without most of it?
On the balance, I’d rather pay less tax and do without the constant news of central government failures scandals and out of control public spending.
Wick's pencil
This is not limited to Japan, in the US Newsom, Whitmer, and Fauci were caught doing pretty much the same thing.
Alan Harrison
This sort of thing is not new, in fact it's being happening for years. Government officials in Japan seem to break the rules they preach, then think that "Oh, we regret it" will suffice.
Of course, the millions of ordinary people who adhere to the rules and requests just accept this, as it is just the way it is.
Spoke to a close friend of mine by phone yesterday about this came up in conversation. He said, that's it's just the way it is in Japan. What can you do.
Don't see what the fuss is about. They were being LIBERAL, weren't they . . . They all agreed to do it, so it was DEMOCRATIC . . . And it was a PARTY!
No, they mistakenly believe so, and that they are above the people so they are "protected" by their privilege.
For a rational person sharing this kind of attitude with inept and hypocrite public servants should be worth of considering if that is the kind person you feel fine imitating.
On the other hand, for science deniers there will never be someone that falls so low that they will not use them as an example to follow against the recommendation of the experts.
Joe Unc
Go to apology script.
Alfie Noakes
That's the same Tamura who has no noticeable qualifications for his job except for membership of Nippon Kaigi. If you're going to complain about your staff "betraying the people's trust" maybe you should put your face shield on the right way.
Comment, he wrote
“It is extremely regrettable”
Of course it is. You got caught you idiot! Lol
And another apologize from the government. How many times will they do this? Since COVID they made some other mistakes. Just remind me about some lawmakers going to a host club during COVID.
This is how seriously health officials take Corona.
They know its a joke. We all do.
But lets put on our little face masks, pretend they do something, and continue the giant performance.
These are the dudes who mandate returning travelers be put under surveillance and promise not to use public transport for 2 weeks, even if they test negative.
Confused. *“**The ministry is at the forefront of the state response to the COVID-19 pandemic*.”
What ’response’ other than periodic ’urging’?
Raw Beer
Goes to show that even those who are requesting the covid measures don't even believe in them.
... that they were caught.
Stupid is as stupid does. Par for the course. Vote these guys out, haven't you had enough of the LDP Japan?
Yeah, yeah, “It’s regrettable! We’ve hurt the trust of the people. We vow to win that trust back. Well launch an investigation into ourselves. We vow to be transparent,” etc. etc.
Michael Machida
" Health minister apologizes for late-night party by 23 employees "
Well, you apologized. As long as you apologize, we will just pretend that it never happen.
"It is extremely regrettable''
LOL. well O.K. then.
That's taken care of that. Carry on everyone, you're all doing very well.
Maybe their phones were jammed by the restaurant and they could not tell what time it was?
At least someone at a higher level than the division chief should also lose his job, this is not some kind of impromptu escapade by a couple of guys but a well organized party involving quite a lot of people, that means that everybody there felt it was fine to laugh in the face of the people that are actually trying their best to keep the number of infections low.
Not that the requests are so effective, but if the people in charge are going to put lukewarm measures instead of something that would actually reduce the number of cases, the least that they should do is to make sure their own employees obey those measures.
Need to practice what they preach
What on earth are they doing?
Maybe enjoying the life. Working in the ministry is not easy everyday, certainly boring.