Japan Today

Mixed world reaction to Abe's WWII statement

By The Associated Press

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On Saturday, Abe sent a ritual cash offering to Yasukuni Shrine for war dead but did not visit the shrine, seen in China and South Korea as a symbol of Tokyo’s wartime militarism.

Hey, actions speak louder than words and the world should take this into account about Abe's true intentions.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

Both the Chinese and Korean govts have visited untold pain on their own citizens - they only complain because it was embarrassing to have a foreign govt meshing it out, not themselves. When theyve issued "heartfelt" apologies to their own people for their actions during the Great Leap Forward, The Cultural Revolution, ad nauseum and the wholesale displacement and use of citizens as human shields during the Korean war, Ill take their complaints about Japan`s lack of remorse a bit less cynically.

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Only e Chinese one was off. All othhers applauded.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Yubaru AUG. 15, 2015 - 03:19PM JST Hey, actions speak louder than words and the world should take this into account about Abe's true intentions.

Which brings up a good point. It's one thing for Abe to repent on behalf of the Japanese people for their sins during WWII, but are the Japanese people truly sorry? Even if Abe makes a courageous statement, even when his own people disagrees, the apology could greatly damage political career. But isn't that a hallmark of a great leadership, leading your people the right way regardless of the political consequences? Personally, only few, such as Merkel made repentant statement from powerful world leaders. Abe should work feverishly to avoid such an unparalleled calamity with neighboring countries. Japan's point of view is that Allies were just as guilty as Japan was, is popular among Japanese. Japan rewrite history in order to glorify, or at least excuse, Japanese atrocities is obscene and dangerous reasoning.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

So, why the US are supporting a militarist dictator like Abe? Anyway, all the West praised him. Normal Western hypocrisy.

-2 ( +12 / -14 )

His words should make it easier for other countries to accept Japan’s commitment to a better future for all, and to strengthen their own friendships with Japan.

Well Mr Abbott - with the TPP in mind - was hardly going to say anything to rock the boat.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

MyTimeIsYourTime: "Only e Chinese one was off. All othhers applauded."

Applauded? Really? The only one that was any good was South Korea's comment, which gave mild praise to Abe for upholding previous historical remarks, but at the same time said the truth: that actions need to back up the words, and that this is a chance for Japan to do that.

And as for the US statement, did you notice that Abe never specified Japan's brutality during the war, but the US singled him out as saying so, and Australia said 'he apologized'? I wonder how that is going to fly in the translations here when people say to Abe: "Thanks for apologizing for Japan's aggression!" -- he'll likely implode!

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Sounds like an apology to me.

To be honest, I don't think any country has to have an annual apology for its past transgressions. Does the UK have an annual apology to natives in N. America? Aborigines in Australia? Colonies around the world? Does France? Spain? How about an annual apology for slavery in the US? Shouldn't there be some sort of apology for returning many countries to colonial rule after the war?

Has China ever apologized to Korea for waging war against the ROK during the Korean war? Or its 60 year support for N. Korea? North Korea wouldn't exist if the Chinese hadn't waged war against the ROK. And that regime is responsible for mass torture, executions, gulags, destruction of cultural and historical objects, etc. How about an apology to Tibet for the oppression of the past?

11 ( +20 / -10 )

For 70 years Japan has demonstrated an abiding commitment to peace, democracy, and the rule of law. This record stands as a model for nations everywhere.”

Yes for 70, but on the eve of the start of the 71st year after the war the "rule of law" and "commitment to peace and democracy" have been thrown out the window.

Thank you Mr Abe.....

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

South Korea's comment, which gave mild praise to Abe for upholding previous historical remarks, but at the same time said the truth: that actions need to back up the words, and that this is a chance for Japan to do that.

smith, Japan hasn't fired a single bullet at another country for 70 years, what else actions needed to do?

6 ( +15 / -9 )

@hero77: this matter of apologizing has nothing to do with being sincere or not. When politicians are sincere? Never. These apologies are used like a political tool. If Japan apologized in a satisfactory way to China, the two countries could become closer. If there's trust, no more need for American/Japanese drills in South Chinese sea, for example. You see how Japan apologizing for WWII is against Western interests.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

@Alex80 So, why the US are supporting a militarist dictator like Abe? Anyway, all the West praised him. Normal Western hypocrisy

As I'm sure you're aware, 1. my enemy's enemy is my friend and 2. profitable trade underly most international relationships and always have. China - in my opinion - has taken the commercial lead in the Indian and Pacific Ocean sphere, potentially surpassing both Japan and the US because the US has been engaged in military conflicts (of its own making) and Japan has been stymied by a business community and its political minions who seem unable to adapt to the changing world. The US and Japan need allies to maintain their wealth. I doubt very seriously if the notion of hypocrisy is given any consideration by any of the three nations mentioned. I think a pagan ethos, realpolitik, is the reality of international relationships. No, I’m not defending it.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@Ptownsend: I was ironic, I know real interests of nations. I find amusing people who think politicians can be sincere. It's all a facade. And I don't think Abe is worse of Obama or others.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

hero 77 is correct. Chinese should also apologize for Mau killing over 34,000,000 of his own people. Every freekin year!

2 ( +7 / -5 )

China and Korea should stop teachin hatred to their youth . Japanese should not be required to keep appologising since they did so in 1995. Teaching hatred to the uoung just serves interests of the ruling people at the time but creates a danger for the future for the young

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Abe's speech was great yestersay,and the emperor dudes was too. Banzai Japan

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Japanese should not be required to keep appologising since they did so in 1995.

i sort of agree as well, given that most japanses don't really give a damn thing about the tragedies caused by IJA. Abe's message, and his actions to yasukuni plus historical denials are welcomed well domestically.

an apology is one thing, a cycle of denial tells the opposite. while the nukes of H&N quite venerated inside and outside, others like so-called comfort women will never gain that same rightful commemoration -- since the perpetrators themselves are the ones who crush those voices down.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Wannabe militarist dictator Shinzo Abe, true militarist dictator Xi Jinping, West should stop supporting both?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Alex80Aug. 15, 2015 - 03:50PM JST So, why the US are supporting a militarist dictator like Abe? Anyway, all the West praised him. Normal Western hypocrisy.

On this planet Japan is a peaceful democracy for the last 70 years and allied with western and other democracies. China is the militarist dictatorship presently threatening peace in the region with it's military and territorial expansion. Please try to follow the news before posting such an absurd comment.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

tinawatanabe: "smith, Japan hasn't fired a single bullet at another country for 70 years, what else actions needed to do?"

You've said this already, and I've already proven to you that that is factually incorrect. What other actions? Stop denying atrocities. Stop white-washing or omitting facts from the history books (and DEFINITELY stop going to other nations to demand they do the same! Remember when they went to the US to do that, tina?). Stop trying to change a constitution worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize so that Japan can engage in war, and then claim they are making the changes for PEACE! Stop blaming other nations for all of your problems and playing the victim. Stop the superiority complex when it comes to Asian neighbours, and likewise the inferiority complex when it comes to the West.

Alex80: "You see how Japan apologizing for WWII is against Western interests."

The usual anti-American rubbish. The West DEMANDED Abe apologize, quite clearly, and has numerous times demanded they acknowledge the IJA's role in sexual slavery and other atrocities. If Abe were the whipping boy you claim, he would do that -- not go AGAINST (and even state, literally, "We cannot bow down to foreign pressure" about his upcoming speech) what they demanded; and therefore said demands would be in line with what China, Korea, the Filipina sex-slaves, and others wanted. You contradict yourself so often you are actually AGREEING with the US while you hate on them!

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Assuming another shot is never fired, when should the need to apologize stop. Is 2045 appropriate?

As long as those countries that have military toys keep those instruments in "mint condition and never used", can't see a problem going forward. Let's just try to preserve their value.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

smith, what Japan does with its constitution is simply based on Japanese people's decision. Japan wants to be a normal country who can better defend itself so that no need to endure being bullied all the time by anti-Japan people like yourself.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Did anyone notice the real truth about all of this? Japan is almost a Western country. And china-korea are the other way around.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Japan hasn't fired a single bullet at another country for 70 years, what else actions needed to do?

Nor murdered millions of its own citizens like some neighbors demanding more "better behavior" from Japan.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stated and I quote:

"We must never forget that there were women behind the battlefields whose honour and dignity were severely injured."

So why is Park Guen-hye STILL BARKING about this so called and alleged "Comfort Women" issue. Despite that lack of evidence PM Abe conceded to Park and offered a special apologetic recognition that is still disputable by all means of the standard.

And within the same statement (and directed at squarely at China) PM Abe stated and I quote:

"Also in countries that fought against Japan, countless lives were lost among young people with promising futures. In China, Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands and elsewhere that became the battlefields, numerous innocent citizens suffered and fell victim to battles as well as hardships such as severe deprivation of food."

Does China get it now? Here's your apology and I don't know how much further and how much more The Japanese have to go or say to apologize?

What would make China and South Korea happy from this point forward? Do they want what's left of a 95 Year Old Aging Japanese Population put in prison for being drafted by the Japanese Government and ordered to Shoot and Kill Chinese and Koreans during the War? Sorry but we (The U.S.) already executed their Leaders & The War Criminals who forced their population into that nightmare and ordered 16 Year Old boys to fly Zero's (Kamikaze's) into U.S. Carriers and forced troops to Banzai Charge into a line of gun fire until they were shot to death or ordered to blow themselves up with hand grenades inside caves like Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima.

What does China and S. Korea want at this point? More Political Leverage? More Islands? More Money? More Japanese Territory?

They got their apology - Loud and Clear.

Now China and South Korea can make the "Right Choice" and accept Japan's apology or they can continue to be counterproductive and continue to harass Japan on alleged Historical Events that cannot be changed just in order to "Unbalance The Status Quo" in the Pacific Region and that will be "Their Choice" and their choice to make all by themselves, but beware China & South Korea; ANY attempts at using Historical Events in order to alter the "Status Quo" will be met with U.S., Japan, and Australian Deterrence.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

ANY attempts at using Historical Events in order to alter the "Status Quo" will be met with U.S., Japan, and Australian Deterrence.

US is using Historical Events to harass Japan too.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

i hate to spring it on you , but constant baiting of a pacifist society regarding a military past that they do not relate to, that only they have the "honor" of experiencing the horror of nuclear war.

may actually bring the change that i hear voiced in these pages

right now Japan wants to continue it's pacifist course, but how much baiting can a person and country take?

at this point 70 years on it looks like a bunch of bullies with sticks poking at a child on the ground

0 ( +2 / -2 )

tinawatanabeAug. 15, 2015 - 11:48PM JST ANY attempts at using Historical Events in order to alter the "Status Quo" will be met with U.S., Japan, and Australian >Deterrence. US is using Historical Events to harass Japan too.

When it matches the levels of China and South Korea let us know.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


Care to elaborate?

I can tell you that China's "Historical Map" claim of the Senkakku Islands was illegal & challenged by the International Community by offering China to make their claim at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and China refused to take it up with the ICJ and instead they established an Air Defense Zone (ADIZ) over the ENTIRE East China Sea which is international waters and air space, plus a Chinese Destroyer locked its Weapons Radar onto a Japanese Coast Guard Vessel while it was on routine patrol near the Senkakku Islands - That was China's 1st attempt at trying to change The Status Quo.

South Korea has also overlapped ADIZ's in The Sea of Japan including and over the Takeshima Island and they illegally placed a military base on the Islet and there has been repeated calls from Japan for South Korea to dismantle the base and remove themselves from the Japnese Islet and they have bluntly refused to leave - That is South Korea attempting to change The Status Quo (anything to do with Comfort Women Ms. Park?). When japan sent a team of politicians to talk to the South Koreans on the Japanese Takeshima Islands - Ms. Park responded by scrambling S. Korean F-15 Fighter Jets & threatened to shoot down the helicopter and kill all the lives onboard. Real diplomatic of her eh?

While on patrol in the South China Sea (international waters) the USS Cowpens was nearly rammed by a Chinese Warship just 6 months ago because the Cowpens was on a routine deployment patrol - China's 2nd attempt tat changing the Status Quo in the South China And now they are making a 3rd attempt at changing the Status Quo by dredging sand onto coral reefs in The South China Sea and by doing so, they are not only planting military bases on these reefs that an accommodate Fighter/Bobmbers, they are destroying the reefs and the environment all around The Spratley Islands, just to make Land, Air, and Sea Base Claims over the ENTIRE South China Sea - Again their 3rd attempt at Changing The Status Quo.

So, when has The U.S. attempted to change the Status Quo?

I am just curious.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Some people should learn the difference between facade and real states' will, rather than accusing people of America bashing.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I refuse to apologize for the misdeeds of the home island Japanese. I have done nothing wrong and my ancestors did nothing wrong. If we indeed were wrong why do the Korean and Taiwan people get a free pass? They are free of the Japanese while Okinawa is under the thumb of the Americans and Japanese. So I refuse to bow and scrape before the victors of the Pacific war. FYI I served my country in the Self Defense Force which is all about defending Japan. A lesson of the war is for Japan never to get involved in the affairs of other countries and NEVER to send our self defense outside of Japan into other countries. What do they want from us? The war is over and the vast majority accept that Japan was the aggressor and wrong. They refuse to accept the apologies from the Japanese leaders. The reason is they need to keep Japan as a useful foe for local support.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Not sure if I agree completely with YuriOtani's sentiments but it does bring up a couple of questions that never seem to get answered.

First of all, if the various apologies given by Japan during the intervening years since the surrender are not to the liking of China or South Korea (bearing in mind that these are the only two countries that now gripe about this on a regular basis), then what form of apology would satisfy them? Could Japan be reasonably expected to give such an apology?

Second, is it possible that Japan would eventually decide that it really had "bowed and scraped" before those that it did wrong to and just stop bothering to make these apologies?

It has been a long practised tactic by politicians from many countries to push a foreign agenda when things at home aren't looking too rosy for whatever reason. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it has caused a lot of friction internationally over the years even though it may make the offending politicians look good in the eyes of their own people. Could Yuri's comment about keeping the apology debate fuelled by China and Korea be valid?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

@Yuri: The reason is they need to keep Japan as a useful foe for local support.

@mistie: It has been a long practised tactic by politicians from many countries to push a foreign agenda when things at home aren't looking too rosy for whatever reason

This is really what it boils down to. Both Park and Jinping have serious issues with domestic simmering populations nearing boiling points. And if this past week (and the last couple months really) are an indication, Jingping may be in for some seriously rougher times ahead. Trotting out the 'bogeyman' (both internal and external) is, as mistie points out, a tried and 'true' technique to distract such populations. At the moment, they basically feel that they cannot afford to drop Japan as a useful bogeyman. This also is in large measure why you won't see anything specific about what would constitute a 'satisfactory apology'. Anything even remotely reasonable is too risky - Japan might actually satisfy it and that would be be too 'dangerous' for the foreseeable future.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Expected responses from China & S Korea. Japan & the Japanese people must stay strong economically, security & stay a United people. If there are cracks in a Democratic Japan, there will be disastrous consequences. Like in other democratic countries in Asia, the people will vote for good or mediocre leaders. The choice is always ours unlike Autocratic countries.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


When it matches the levels of China and South Korea let us know.

The US harassment of Japan regarding history may look smaller than China/SK's, but being Japan's ally and most influential country, US going along with SK/China and demanding Japan behave the way China/SK want is hurting the Japanese people the most.

Such as telling Japan not to go to Yasukuni, telling Japan include apology in speeches, telling only Japan concede to SK/China all the time, not try to listen to Japan position regarding historical facts, only listen to SK side and vote condemning resolutions against Japan many cities in USA and erect many comfort women statues, to name a few. You can't deny that all those things are happening only in USA.


So, when has The U.S. attempted to change the Status Quo?

Changing comfort women to sex slaves ignoring the evidence in Japan and US Archives? Erecting many comfort women statues many places in US? Changing history textbook of McGlow HIlls, Exaggerating Nanking incident? All those things started happening long after the war.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I think one has to be careful not to bundle all Americans in as one.

For example, the comfort woman statue campaign is run by Korean-Americans with god knows what connections to either South or North Korea.

There have always been influential and extremely biased anti-Japan and pro-China interests within the American elite, right up to presidential family. They would be happy to sacrifice Japan and all Japanese if it was good for business.

The ordinary people are just deluded about the issues and led around by the nose by all their jingoist rhetoric.

America has a lot to hide in Asia and so electing Japan to be the big bad bogeyman is a good cover.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

tinawatanabeAug. 16, 2015 - 10:33AM JST @OssanAmerica "When it matches the levels of China and South Korea let us know."

The US harassment of Japan regarding history may look smaller than China/SK's, but being Japan's ally and most >nfluential country, US going along with SK/China and demanding Japan behave the way China/SK want is hurting the >Japanese people the most.

The US does not demand Japan go along with their demands.

Such as telling Japan not to go to Yasukuni, telling Japan include apology in speeches, telling only Japan concede to >SK/China all the time, not try to listen to Japan position regarding historical facts,

PM Abe vistted Yaukuni at a time that he should not have, and many Japanese felt the same way, World opinion was on Japan's side at the time and Abe foolishly diluted it. The US State department made clear that Abe going at this time would simply give China and SKorea fuel and not be Japan's best interests. He did not agree and the US was disappointed, Even then the US recognized that he went to pray for peace, not worship war criminals as youer friends on the Asian mainland contend,

only listen to SK side and vote condemning resolutions against Japan many cities in USA and erect many comfort >women statues, to name a few. You can't deny that all those things are happening only in USA.

Those things are happening because (1) there is a large Korean-America community in the US that acts on behalf of South Korea.. (2) the US is a democratic system whereby such activity if lawfully carried out can be both implemented and prevented and (3) most importantly- no Japanse-American organization is willing to fight it, They are too busy harping on WWII interment camp victimhood,. Why? Because unlike the Koreans, Japan treats "Nikkei" as foreigners and does not support their causes or concerns. Hence you get idiots like Rep Mike Honda who being a typival politican (ie vote whore) goes along with the Korean-American activities because hem like many American politicians think that Koreans represent the "Asian Vote" in he U.S. THAT'S why these things are happening in the USA, The Austrakians at least showed some common sense.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@MyTimeIsYourTime: "Only e Chinese one was off. All othhers applauded."


All others ignored. All others knew Japan inc won US industries.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan should have made an explicit statement on the nature of the war of militarism and aggression and its responsibility on the wars, made (a) sincere apology to the people of victim countries, and made a clean break with the past of militarist aggression, rather than being evasive on this major issue of principle.

I put this into Google translate, translated it into Chinese and back into English, and this is what came out:

The disputed islands are ours.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@hero77: this matter of apologizing has nothing to do with being sincere or not. When politicians are sincere? Never. These apologies are used like a political tool. If Japan apologized in a satisfactory way to China, the two countries could become closer. If there's trust, no more need for American/Japanese drills in South Chinese sea, for example. You see how Japan apologizing for WWII is against Western interests.

In Scotland we have a phrase for what is written above... Alex80 is talking mince. I suspect he is anti-Japanese (like a few other posters) and wouldn't be satisfied with any apology.

I fail to see why people are moaning about Abe's statement... well, the Chinese would complain no matter what he said, and the S Koreans only have one subject to talk about it seems.

Why no negative comments from Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Burma....? Why is it always SK and China that go on and on like broken records, stuck in the same track.

I don't normally agree with Tinawatanabe but on this occasion I can see her point, or at least why she's upset. It seems that at every opportunity SK activists will raise the sex slaves issue, as if it's the only thing that happened in WW2. They'll conveniently ignore the fact that their ancestors were in the IJA and guarded prisoners of war, renowned for their brutality.

SK and China both have dark pasts, yet conveniently forget them when it's time for some Japan bashing. We all know that Imperial Japan was a brutal warmonger - but this isn't Imperial Japan, it's a modern democracy. Abe is a right wing nutjob, yes we know that, but he can be voted out of office and any of his actions reversed, such as Article 9. That's the nature of a democracy.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

After WWII, the Koreans jumped ship and sold their mercenary army off to the Americans to fight for a $1 a day - and carry out atrocities - in Vietnam.

Their apologies for those atrocities were not forthcoming.

They also took Korean comfort women with them and abused local women.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

China will also try to make politics out of everything including the World War II history. They will never be satisfied with any amount of sincere statements by Japan. They should reflect on their own past. CCP has not so far given any apology for the untold sufferings of the people under the Great Cultural Revolution or mass killing of students at the Tienanmen Square. The Chinese continue with their repression against their own ethnic minority people in Tibet and Xinjiang. In fact there is pressure within China for improving ties with Japan and they are looking for an escape route to convince their domestic audience for initiating a summit talks at the earliest. President Xi Jinping is already facing various domestic challenges and ties with its neighbours especially South East Asian countries are not good. China is also facing many issues with the US including cyber threat, human rights and aggressive Chinese move to send their agents to USA to apprehend what they claim as their economic fugitives who have escaped to USA. China should understand that the whole world is watching their aggressive behaviour, which is only going to further strengthen with their growing economic muscle.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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