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Momentum building on TPP deal despite U.S.-Japan impasse


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I say all the countries involved should drop this TPP stuff altogether! It will only benefit corporations and big business and it's bad news for everybody else!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"US-Japan impasse"??, or should it be "Japan impasse"?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Momentum building? What momentum? This article doesn't specify anything. Oh that's right, this plan is soo good for everyone, that we have to keep all details a secret.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Do you live in Japan? Do you like having to pay five times as much for rice as you would in another country? Do you like having to pay up to 40% more for a foreign car? Do you like having to pay 25% more in Japan for a Sony TV than you would in America? Do you like that Japanese companies can engage in price-fixing practices without impunity?

While I don't like those things, I feel that dropping everything to the lowest possible price, and devaluing everything, has a worse impact on society than the problems you mentioned. Things cost more in Japan, but people in Japan are living on Japanese salaries. If they cannot afford to buy the products, the products will drop in price to adjust to the lowered demand. The converse is true as well. If we open up to free trade, then people are competing with those earning salaries in 3rd world countries, and there is no competition there - the people in the 3rd world countries will always be able to work cheaper.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I appreciate it if cheaper products get to be available more . Still considering how incompetitive companies shrink its bussiness, I'd feel terrible unable to support them. It occurs to me there's no chance for companies, yet to expand its bussiness overseas and make its efficiency to the extreme, to compete with global companies. I'd hate to see in the future wherever you go you taste the same food, wear the same clothes, live with same furniture, and etc, it's already happening though. I wanna see more diversity.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

While such trade agreements are welcome as a way to promote free trade, one wonders whether there are far too many of them and if they may have some negative impact on WTO which is supposed to promote free trade in the entire world!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Maybe this will be the push to drag the Japanese rural farmers into the 21st century.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


You do realize that J-agriculture is doing a fine job of destroying itself, LONG before the idea of TPP was even tabled, I live in the inaka, love it, as an older dude early 50s I am a YOUNG member of the community so to speak

Japan has been doing itself in as far as agriculture is concerned for a good 3-4decades

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

They should not move forward with this. This will act as a catalyst for extinction process of Japanese rural farmers. Only the rich and the powerful with United States seems to be gaining from this pact. Asian countries are in the lose-lose situation.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I say all the countries involved should drop this TPP stuff altogether! It will only benefit corporations and big business and it's bad news for everybody else!

Do you live in Japan? Do you like having to pay five times as much for rice as you would in another country? Do you like having to pay up to 40% more for a foreign car? Do you like having to pay 25% more in Japan for a Sony TV than you would in America? Do you like that Japanese companies can engage in price-fixing practices without impunity?

And what you do mean "benefit corporations and big business, and it's bad news for everyone else"? If you are one of the many millions who work at a corporation or big business, wouldn't this be good news for you? For those who work and corporations who have seen their cost of doing business increase, while their sales fall, have you worried about your job security? Do you think your job would be more secure if your company could get a bigger market for it's goods?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

WTF! Dude just imagine where Japan would be if the rest of the world took the above attitude towards Japan from 1950 onwards!

Would've, should've, could've. Didn't.

the world has grown tired of Japans ways.

What ever makes you think that? Other than the TPP, which is on the radar of only a very small percentage of any population, most of the world still loves Japanese products. Look at how many Japanese cars are driven all over the world. Sony, though doing miserably in sales, still sells everywhere. As do many other Japanese brands. Japanese cosmetics are wanted by women all over asia. They are arresting Chinese people for buying too many Japanese diapers (well, that's not the exact reason they were arrested, but...).

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

SLAND its a big world and its either you join or sit on the fence and look out from the other side while all the other teams compete in a fair market. Its either supply or demand.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

If we open up to free trade, then people are competing with those earning salaries in 3rd world countries, and there is no competition there - the people in the 3rd world countries will always be able to work cheaper.


WTF! Dude just imagine where Japan would be if the rest of the world took the above attitude towards Japan from 1950 onwards! Well I will tell you.............Japan would have sold SQUAT to the rest if the world & would be living the life of somewhere between NKorea & China!

It always kills me how so many here think is perfectly fine, EXPECTED in fact, that the rest of the world buy J-stuff BUT that Japan buy only a few bits & bobs in return.....................

The gig is up for Japan, the old way aint working no more & hasn't been fro more than 2 decades, time no for Japan to play fair or bugger off on its own, the world has grown tired of Japans ways.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

OK SLand,

Japan has had its cake & eaten too for far too long without any real reciprocation, its time Japan got a REAL taste of how IT treats the rest of the world, Japan has been spoiled for far to long

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

U.S. access to Japan's auto market

U.S. access to Japan's auto market is fine. Just that US doesn't make the cars Japanese want is the problem. They don't even bother to change the steeling wheel from left to right. They always try to sell their cars by their political clout instead of by making the cars Japanese want.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

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