Japan Today

Moon calls for 'peace economy' with N Korea; slams Japan

By Kim Tong-Hyung

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Hi! South Korean here!

I just find it so interesting that many people think South Korea and North Korea might get reunited!

To be honest most South Koreans deplore that thought! Our people love a good republic. We just wanna make some railroads if at all possible and go to China and Russia, and Europe and.. You get the drift. We want to strengthen foreign connections.

It's kind of funny that while in the South Korea medium's comments, prime minister Abe is the far right evil manipulator of Japan, and in the Japanese comments president Moon is the incompetent North Korea-commie lover of SK. We hate the each other one's leader so much!

Just fascinating reading other perspectives and realizing how disconnected Japanese and South Koreans are. Our two nations should really talk more over tea and biscuit. With Trump's tweets and NK missiles soaring over our heads... That would be one hell of a picture.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Peace economy is all fine, but NK is no replacement for Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Kim Jog-un dreams of a united Korea with him has the dictator leader.

That is exactly the goal of the DPRK manifesto: a unified Korea under DPRK regime.

Somehow I don’t think Kim will agree to serve as Moon’s vice-president.

But maybe Moon will agree to serve as Kim's vice-president?

1 ( +1 / -0 )


South Korea is on the way to build a cooperative economic system with North Korea and other countries. Though there are lots of challenges for it of course, the way itself has nothing wrong in its direction and will lead to new economic opportunities to many countries after all

I am truly astounded, astounded at the naïveté of this statement. If I’m not mistaken, economic cooperation has already been tried and failed. The only “benefit” for South Korea will be the nuclear umbrella provided by North Korea, i.e. a guarantee that Kim’s domination of the entire peninsula will be unassailable.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Guess you never heard about East Germany and West Germany. Seems like that went pretty well too!

The comparison is not even close.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


It is only a matter of time before the Koreas are united. The economic benefits of a reunification would be massive.

I think you are assuming that reunification would be on the South’s terms. Somehow I don’t think Kim will agree to serve as Moon’s vice-president.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Japan's concern was eight then. Security issues. Maybe SK is escalating the situation in order to hide the fact that it's been sloppy on contracts. Or maybe SK is showing its true colors. It seems like SK wants conflict with Japan on purpose.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It is too bad that the US and Russia decided to divide Korea into North and South after WWII. I'm very glad that Japan did not share the same fate.

It would have, had the U.S. not used the atomic bombs and instead opted for invasion.

The Soviet Union was planning to invade Hokkaido on Aug 24, 1945 and would have occupied the northern half of Japan. The U.S. was scheduled to invade Kyushu on Nov 1, 1945 and occupying the southern half of Japan. Postwar Japan would have been divided into North Japan under a DPRK-like government and South Japan under U.S. occupation.


On the other hand, maybe this outcome would have been preferable as Japan would have been spared the horrors of atomic bombs?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It is too bad that the US and Russia decided to divide Korea into North and South after WWII. I'm very glad that Japan did not share the same fate.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

allot of these people are either disconnected with Japan or they are just like Japanese, get all their information from some book in a bookstore, where the authors and leading experts are some Japanese narrator (there are about 5) on some TV show. They then repeat word for word, what he said, and allot of it you can find on youtube, which is probably what he did to begin with because he speaks English. I look at everything; experiences Ive had, other media, other institutions, and form my own conclusions. Im never a cheer leader for anybody, and if somebody is, I know right away not to trust it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


juminRhee, unfortunately, yes is no, white is black, bad is good, lie is truth, that is reality in Japan today, and we all have to get used to it as citizens.

Mysterious. ... Is it rather because JT is a conservative newspaper that even your factual comments got downvoted? (The report of 2019 World Press Freedom Index of RWB/RSF has ranked Japan 67th out of 180 countries, which position may mean “not good”, while Korea 41th and the U.S. 48th.) Still I do not know well about JT though I believe that there must be respected some Japanese media.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


So if you read the comment on the countries in the PFI JP and SK are not really far appart. 

Korea has objectively greater press freedom than the US does, while Japan has much worse press freedom than the US does. So if you understand that Korea's got an objectively stronger freedom of press than the US does, that's all that matters.

Everyone in Japan knows about the heavy handed approach of Japanese government's press control.

I will give you an example.

In the movie "The Journalist" about the life of Mochizuki Isoko, the rare breed of Japanese journalist who isn't afraid of government pressure and is critical, the movie producers cast a Korean actress to play Mochizuki's character after all Japanese actresses backed out. Why? Japanese actresses feared Abe administration's reprisals if they accepted the role, so the producers cast a Korean actress who didn't speak Japanese(until she learned a crash-course Japanese) and had no stake in Japan's movie industry to play Japan's most celebrated journalist.


-3 ( +2 / -5 )

@samit basu

That newspaper may be the biggest anti-regime one but what it's saying it's completely true and a lot of people here will agree according to most of comments here.

Surprisingly, Korea Times, a newspaper that doesn't hesitate to write articles in favor of Korean government stance and that advertising Japan boycott movement , wrote an article criticizing the way Moon Jae In administration handle the rift.


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Helpless and hopeless are two different things. Japan still has the chance to reach out NK, and resolve SK problem from rear. Sometimes, you have to take different approaches when come to an impasse. In the end, every northeast nation has to following Confucian teachings to love your neighbors.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Good morning, oh what a thrill gave me this article with its comments to wake up. To me I just feel confirmed that Moon equals lunatic in the truest sense of words.

One further note on that last comment above mine from Samit: Yes, the press freedom index of Japan dramatically fell after implementation of the State Secrecy Law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Secrecy_Law and Fukushima, basically since Abe returned. Japan used to rank far ahead of South Korea. In 2010 for example, Japan was even ranked 11th in the world. Then it started dropping and currently South Korea is further up, unfortunately not really got that much better compared to the rankings before but since other countries lost, it gave it a push upwards. So since it didn't really get much better the rage and win against former President Park Geun-hye paid off there. Nevertheless, SK also faces state secrecy problems and defamation risks. So if you read the comment on the countries in the PFI JP and SK are not really far appart. otherwise you would not be able to read unbiased articles like this one here and allowing comments to flood in.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@Antoine Rasata

Apparently, some Korean newspapers don't agree with Moon:

Of course, Korea is a free country with free press, unlike Japan.

In free countries, there are different voices, and the paper you linked is the biggest of anti-regime newspapers.

By comparison, Japan's press freedom is comparable to Niger and Malawi.


2019 World Press Freedom Index

41 South Korea

42 Taiwan

48 United States

66 Niger

67 Japan

68 Malawi

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Kim Jong Un will get a big gift this month, when Moon officially terminates the GSOMIA and cuts Japan off from its early warning radar feed. Moon administration is actually telling the press there is no security remnification of terminating the GSOMIA from Korean perspective.

The sad part is that you actually believe that this is a good thing...

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Kim Jong Un will get a big gift this month, when Moon officially terminates the GSOMIA and cuts Japan off from its early warning radar feed. Moon administration is actually telling the press there is no security remnification of terminating the GSOMIA from Korean perspective.


N. Korea Propaganda Outlet Calls for Scrapping GSOMIA


This will just force Korean companies to phase out Japan out of its production line which has now become inevitable. 

February 2020 to be exact. The transition will start from next month and to be completed over 5 months.

This rapid transition is the reason behind Moon administration playing a hard ball against Abe.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Japan is miscalculating how this is going to turn out. This will just force Korean companies to phase out Japan out of its production line which has now become inevitable. The chip game isn't going away anytime soon and Japan will end up losing market share in due time... this makes Abe feel good and but will hurt Japan Inc in the long run.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Apparently, some Korean newspapers don't agree with Moon:


"Has Moon Left the Planet?

August 06, 2019 13:43

President Moon Jae-in in a Cabinet meeting on Monday claimed that Japan's economic superiority is largely due to its "domestic market" and that South Korea will easily catch up with it if it forms a "peace economy" with North Korea. Moon for some reason feels that Japan's fresh export curbs "once again confirm the need for a peace economy" with North Korea. There have been rumblings in conservative circles that Japan was able to ambush South Korea by removing it from a list of preferential trade partners because the Moon administration was obsessed with North Korea and dropped the ball in the diplomatic spat with Japan. Now it is becoming shockingly clear how true that is. The financial markets are reeling, but Moon sings about pan-Korean peace and prosperity, even though there is no realistic prospect of international sanctions against the crackpot country being lifted for years to come.

Of course cross-border economic cooperation will one day benefit the economy, and peace on the Korean Peninsula will erase the "Korea discount" that has hampered the stock markets due to the security risks. But even when that day comes, the initial benefits will not be vast for South Korea, which is among the world's top 15 economies, because it will have to foot the bill for getting North Korea, one of the world's poorest countries, shipshape. It is safe to say that the North is about a century behind South Korea, and even its exaggerated GDP figures are about those of a mid-sized city in the South. What can North Korea offer other than cheap labor? And is the North Korean dictator willing to embrace South Korean capitalism? Seeking to overtake a world-leading technological powerhouse by cooperating with a basket case is pure fantasy.

At any rate, inter-Korean economic cooperation is a distant illusion. How can Moon even think up such far-fetched notions at a time when the economy and businesses face an immediate crisis? After that peculiar outburst, many wondered if Moon has completely lost touch with reality, and they are now having to worry about the president when he should be the one worrying about the public. Who will steady the rudder?"

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I can only hope that the 2020 legislative election will have Koreans voting for parties OTHER THAN Moon's party, preferably those that actually want to mend ties with Japan.

If this lunatic's party gets majority of seats again in the next election, then I lost hope in Korean people.

Just how deluded and brainwashed are you to think that having your leader spouting this nonsense is a good thing?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Good luck with your new trading partner to the north, dude.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

South Korea has been petty, duplicitous and vindictive in it's dealing with Japan in the past, and is simply reaping what it has sown. Repeated violations of the 1965 peace treaty, breaking promises made in the settlement over the comfort women issue, supporting the theft of Japanese artifacts, and exploiting the events of World War II to create a racist and demonized image of the Japanese people...the list goes on!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

This... This is a joke right? I had to double check the date to make sure it wasn't April 1st.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

What planet are you living on? You can't just join a very rich country with a very poor one,

Guess you never heard about East Germany and West Germany. Seems like that went pretty well too!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

so Moon is jealous of Japan's success and thus throws a tantrum... it's like some weird school playground. Japan is the posh kid with an aloof air, SK is the grumpy loudmouth who complains about everything and decides to be friends with his strange, weird cousin that nobody likes.

I disagree. Koreans are Koreans, and Im betting in their hearts they want reunification; I would never assume they hate each other, they would find a common enemy in both China and Japan. Japan is a greying depopulated posh kid, nothing to be jealous of. China is nobody's friend.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

"The advantage Japan's economy has over us is the size of its (overall) economy and domestic market. If the South and North could create a peace economy through economic cooperation, we can catch up with Japan's superiority in one burst," Moon said during the meeting at Seoul's presidential Blue House.

I think this is what Trump wants. Access to N. Koreas potential, if/when it ever falls and unites with the South.

How long is the US military expected to stay in South Korea anyway? Perpetual? They are not a threat to anybody. If Korea became an unofficial colony of China, as Japan is a colony of the US....could see problems with that, but China doesnt want a reunification. Id like to see a capitalistic reunified Korea. They deserve it, and I dont blame them for not trusting Japan.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

juminRhee, unfortunately, yes is no, white is black, bad is good, lie is truth, that is reality in Japan today, and we all have to get used to it as citizens.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

South Korea is on the way to build a cooperative economic system with North Korea and other countries. Though there are lots of challenges for it of course, the way itself has nothing wrong in its direction and will lead to new economic opportunities to many countries after all. Abe government and its imperialist followers do not have right to say anything about it: haven't they been rather damaging the businesses and relations of all other innocent Japanese and Korean companies and consumers by restricting experts to South Korea so far?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


German reunification was much easier considering the power of east europe (Soviet union) had a forward thinking leader who wanted democracy (he was a democratic socialist - not a social democrat [Bernie says it backwards when he means the other]). North korea has no real overarching power holder (China comes closest, but more as an arbiter). Both of those leaders are not remotely democratic.

If reunification had a snowball's chance in Hades of remotely succeeding, the Kim Dynasty would have to be the head of state (monarch), prime minister would head govt, and the north and south militaries would have to unify (very big issues, especially with US tech and security). Further, to prevent China from intervening, US (and defence equipment) would have to leave korea and the unified Korean military would have to convert to a self defence force.

Just my 2 yen.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


"North Korea is more than a market for South Korea. It is strategic corridor, linking South Korea to China, and the rest of Asia; it is cultural tie that link Korean people with Chinese people."

Don't know why you got downvoted. That was a factual statement. I don't support moon or his decisions, but facts are facts.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

trump & abe are the only 2 persons on earth that like to make people unhappy. I always wondered, how do they treat people staying with them ???.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

So Moon is jealous of Japan's success and thus throws a tantrum... it's like some weird school playground. Japan is the posh kid with an aloof air, SK is the grumpy loudmouth who complains about everything and decides to be friends with his strange, weird cousin that nobody likes.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Akie......  Surely not.

Quicker for SK to send good by ship to China than thru NK.

The Chinese border with NK is closed now anyway.  Why would they open it freely for SK travelers and goods?

Unification of the Koreas would be a huge burden for the SK economy and taxpayer.  Might be worth it from a national pride perspective, but will take years of economic pain (witness German unification).

And thinking Kim wants unification is like thinking China wants democracy......

Moon might just be a NK sleeper placed years ago and now being activated.  Like a Manchurian Candidate.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Some North Korean coal and illegally-caught fish are not going to save the South Korean economy President Moon.

The South Koreans allowed the comfort women/ forced labour protest to go too far (courts seizing Japanese assets). This is the consequence of allowing populist politics to take over economic diplomacy.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Tokyo says its measures are based on national security concerns and, without providing specific evidence

I don't really get it, but I guess if Trump can authorize limiting auto imports from Japan to the US for national security concerns, this excuse, I mean, reason, applies to anything. McDonalds better watch out.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

tinawatanabeToday  01:04 pm JST

Unlikely. The heads of Korean military and courts are replaced by Moon's yes men.

Military coups don't usually occur from the very top. It's usually occurs from the mid ranking officers like majors, captains and/or lieutenant .

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Whoa. Things really escalated quickly.

It's pretty clear that Moon is betting the farm on improving relations with N. Korea, all while relying upon the the US do do the negotiations and burning bridges along the way...history is not going to be kind to President Moon, and if he stays in power for another term, S. Korea could suffer irreparable damages.

The hard truth is that diplomacy will never lead to democracy for North Korea. The only way forward is for the people to stand up and fight. Do not cast your pearls before swine.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Combined with South Korea's industrial capabilities and China's One Belt/One Road program to help develop North Korea's underdeveloped resources and economy, a unified Korea (under DPRK) will bury Japan economically and militarily. (Of course all this will happen after U.S. forces leaves the Korean peninsula and mainland Japan/Okinawa, leaving Japan to fend for itself.)

Is this a Chinese fantasy story of some sort? Because it's quite a departure from any reality on this planet. The South Koreans will allow themselves to be taken over by the north on the same day China submits to being ruled by Mongolia. Not gonna happen - ridiculous to even imagine it. Not even worth addressing the follow up to this fantastical scenario.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Interesting how many people try to portray themselves as historians even without knowing the basics.

Sorry Tina but Korea was unified several times in history,under the Kahn previously (mongolians) and Chinese.

Furthermore the Joseon dinasty ruled the whole Korean peninsula for almost 500 years,this includes the invasions,but still retained the unity of country.

People before post do your homework better please.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Does anyone else feel that there is a military coup brewing to happen in SK by year end ?

Unlikely.  The heads of Korean military and courts are replaced by Moon's yes men.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

What a shame that the SKorean peoples do not or will not see until it is too late. The Moon has sold out S Korea to China, if only someone was brave enough to follow the money trail at the mega big chabols profiteering from what is occurring and the Moon trying to fulfill his HAN past to unite the Korea's, reporting to China is in the days of his ancestors and get the US forces while breaking any alliances. These new alliances playing right into both the Russian and Chinese plan while Japan and both Koreas will end up losers bowing down to the both China and Russia.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

A 'peace economy' with a Pyongyang murderous dictatorship, it beggars belief

North Korean - Events of 2018


South Korean President Moon Jae-in has a bipolar disorder boarding on paranoid schizophrenia.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

The way I see it, both Japan and SK are to blame and both are suffering as a consequence. Heads of states in Japan should not deliberately antagonise China and SK by honouring war criminals just for the sake of looking good to the right wingers. And SK should pay up the compensation they took from the sex slaves and stop blaming Japan for it. Just these simple steps and we can all get on with our lives positively.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )


What planet are you living on? You can't just join a very rich country with a very poor one, the whole thing would collapse. The only way you could is to build up NK's economy to catch up with SK's and that would take decades. Besides, Kim's not gonna just give up his position, that would mean either life in prison or death. Not gonna happen anytime soon...

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Germany had hard time unifying West and East with a half of GDP compared to West per capita.

NK is 1/20th GDP per capita compared to South. It would crash hard. Japan should stay out of it.

All the Japanese co and residents leave no assets in there.

SK blamed Japan for false accusation. Moon has just proved that Japan was not making false accusation.

Here we will have Black Moonday!!

7 ( +10 / -3 )

It is your last straw, you Idiot , Moon.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

China and Russia is capitalizing on Moon's anti-Japan sentiments and encouraging Moon to take steps toward unifying with North Korea. 

But Moon is playing right into North Korea, China and Russia political goal to unify the Koreas under DPRK regime. Kim will never give up his regime and neither will China and Russia allow him to compromise to a democratic government under such a unification.  Moon, being a weak leader will have no choice but to capitulate. 

Combined with South Korea's industrial capabilities and China's One Belt/One Road program to help develop North Korea's underdeveloped resources and economy, a unified Korea (under DPRK) will bury Japan economically and militarily.  (Of course all this will happen after U.S. forces leaves the Korean peninsula and mainland Japan/Okinawa, leaving Japan to fend for itself.)

As Akie pointed out, Korea is strategic corridor, a link to China and the rest of Asia that will allow China to dominate the Sea of Japan and East China Seas region.  (Japan will not be considered a partner due to its political incompatibility with China, DPRK and Russia.)

It is unfortunate that the South Korean people will suffer for Moon's decisions. They do not realize that Moon is unwittingly leading them toward a unification that will not be under a democratic government as many wishfully think.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

I hope it happens. Japan will have to grow some, build an army and become competitive in the tech market.

Japan will also have to play nice to get access to that new nk market. You know the USA wants it. Good play moon. Even though I can't stand you, it's a good move. Shake it up.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Well done, Abe! 

You have pushed both Koreas towards re-unification. You have done more than what the past S. Korean leaders have ever done. 

The irony: it took a Japanese to re-unite the 2 Koreas...LOL!

Nobel Peace prize in 3...2...1...

That'd be ludicrous but oh so funny.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Wow the USA playing the puppet master here.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Well done, Abe!

You have pushed both Koreas towards re-unification. You have done more than what the past S. Korean leaders have ever done.

The irony: it took a Japanese to re-unite the 2 Koreas...LOL!

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Good luck with that, Moon. Just keep in mind, Kim Jong Un won't hesitate to nuke SK without warning. You think Kim has any intentions of relinquishing anything for SK? It's all about Kim and whatever benefits him.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

I'm happy to see Korea's economy tank if they continue to whinge about Japan.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Hhhhmm Mr.Moon really lives in another planet,or maybe the moon?

Even if hypothetically speaking the two Koreas will join side together and bond economically because of the north huge industrial disadvantage and rampant poverty rather than strength it will enormously impoverish and destabilize South Korea.

Mr.Moon will do good to his country and people if rather than keep asking compensation for the war which has already been payed would pressure the Japanese government to his insincere apologizes.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

30.0 is close enough to 25.4, 

Not even close, especially when you are talking about trade impact.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Are we sure Moon is not a North Korean agent?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

It is only a matter of time before the Koreas are united.

The economic benefits of a reunification would be massive.

President Moon is correct, North Korea allowing citizens free access to China and Russia by road would be a massive step forward and would invigorate both Koreas.

Japan would be at a competitive loss with an ascendant Korea.

Clearly you haven't the first clue how economics, politics and cultural interests, work.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Japan is isolated and ignored by North Korea, a simple fact. Abe hasn't been involved in any meetings since Kim visited China. It is an unfortunate and serious matter. Does Abe desperately want to be consulted ? Yes, and that is not insulting. Japan can play and should play a bigger role, not a whining at all.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

Why on earth would the North Koreans want to tie up with an incompetent loser like Moon?

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Scrote, if you have any common sense, then you will know it is a typo. 30.0 is close enough to 25.4, mathematically speaking.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

All the things I've said about South Korea aside, I honestly feel sorry for the people of that country with such a moron at the helm openly leading his country into economic collapse.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

Abe has kicked this moron out of door. he is free to go cry in his new master's arms. Its none of Japan's business now. Be gone, get lost, beat it!

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Unification will never happen unless one of two things happen.

Kim gives up his dictatorship & his luxurious lifestyle & hopes to be elected leader through a democratic election

The people of South Korea democratically vote Kim as their president

Does anyone really think either of these is going to happen !?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Moonie seeps blood from North Korea so no wonder the desire to be back in his true home country.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Unfortunately, Japan is isolated, and ignored. 

This comment is wackier than Moon. I would think the country willing to hitch its wagon on North Korea is the desperate isolated side...

14 ( +15 / -1 )

The poor people of South Korea - they're certainly not as bad off as their northern brothers and sisters with the murderous Kim Regime, but still it's sad.

Prior to 1988 sK was led by a series of military affiliated dictators who did not allow free elections or free speech. However, while these dictators didn't like Japan, they realized that Japan could provide industrial and monetary support to help the country - and they concluded agreements, to include the 1965 comprehensive agreement, that settled prior historical issues - and most importantly, they kept their word on these agreements.

Democracy brought much greater freedoms, but it also brought "growing" problems. sK democracy is still immature. Presidents have spurned prior legal agreements with Japan merely for political reasons. Further, each sK President has either been jailed for corruption or committed suicide after leaving office. The Moon administration's handling of its relations with Japan are a symptom of this immaturity; especially this latest example here.

Kim will keep his nuclear weapons, and continue to talk peace but will never allow any type of meaningful opening of of his country - he knows what will happen when the masses see the affluence of sK and know they've been lied to for years.

Perhaps some day sK will have a a transformational leader that will tell the people that they have to move on from history - they have to see Japan as a neighbor and partner with similar values.

Within the next 50 years, both will be facing an all-powerful China bent on turning the entire Pacific area west of Guam into its backyard, with all other nations subservient vassal states.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

doesn't Korea realize they look like children and are quickly losing what little respect they had in the first place? Nobody needs Korean goods..

17 ( +18 / -1 )

Does anyone else feel that there is a military coup brewing to happen in SK by year end ?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

China has 15 times of Japanese population, 300 times of Japanese area

China is 25.4 times bigger than Japan by area, not 300. I know the dictators in Beijing claim much of the world to be part of China, but their claims are nonsense.

20 ( +20 / -0 )

The South Korean people ousted one corrupt politician, it looks like it's time for them to do the same thing to an incompetent one. Moon has lost his mind. He's an angry old man yelling 'Get off my lawn!' at Japan.

Good luck thinking Kim plans to let you be in charge when you reunify... I bet he's polishing his anti-aircraft gun as we speak.

18 ( +18 / -0 )

"If the South and North could create a peace economy through economic cooperation,"

and The North's reply:

N Korea fires projectiles twice into sea,

LOL, what a moonie

16 ( +18 / -2 )

Moon's an idiot. Still pissed off regarding the comfort women, and wanting an apology which Japan has already done many time. He's also jealous of Japan's economic situations. Japan shouldn't give in to him and just laugh it off.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Beware of those who pretend to speak for a made-up groupings of people when they clearly have almost no experience in any other area or culture than the propaganda they so willingly propagate.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

NZ2011, you have no idea about northeast Asians. We are Confucius offspring, it is written on the flags, in the constitutions, at school teachings, from parental loves, through friends, and embed in cultures. All other ideology is just cosmetic.

-23 ( +2 / -25 )

Sadly this all seems to be playing into the hands of those who desire power and control more than the freedom and rights for their citizens.

This is a sad time for South Koreans and at some point too Japan, as this plays right into Chinas agenda to try and control the region if they don't very carefully pull themselves out of this situation.

We have our own China propaganda agent in this forum regularly.

We only have to look at the discontent in Hong Kong, Tibet, the claims on Taiwan, the claims of vast parts of the ocean, manufactured military islands, information controls over its citizens to see we aren't dealing with a benevolent benefactor but a dangerous regime that reminds me far too much of Japan of old.

That Japan is gone, and the current Japan of very little risk to anyone but as the status quo in the region changes or is being pushed to be changed we have to be very careful.

It isn't a specific race or culture that is at issue but when nationalism, elitism, justification for action on historical claims, blood or DNA groupings of people, control and editing of information available to people plus leaders who place themselves above any criticism, comment or inquiry we are on a path to suffering and sadness.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

In the meantime, they interviewed Koreans and Japanese in Shinokubo and Osaka's Tsuruhashi districts and none of them hate each other and one specifically said the old oyaji up there are idiots for making trouble between two fine countries.

15 ( +16 / -1 )


Yes, I understand your point.

However, there are the opportunities for all players in Korea to move in a positive way to address present problems.

It is not about now, it is what will occur in the near to medium term.

The present Kim no doubt realizes this all too well.


You make many salient points about the reality that is present day Asia.

China is already a huge force that is shaping not only Asia but the entire world.Korea will have to be part of that and it is Japan that will be disadvantaged.

Japan needs to (quickly) react to new realities.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

commanteer, see, isolation leads to stupidity, as simple as that. China has 15 times of Japanese population, 300 times of Japanese area, how do you isolate China ?

Isolation is isolation. Population and land area have nothing to do with it. And yes, I agree, it does lead to stupidity.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

It sounds like S Korea wants to be annexed to N Korea whatever to beat up Japan. Kim is president and Moon is minister.

17 ( +19 / -2 )

If the majority of South Koreans approve of giving up their civil and human rights to be more like North Korea than Japan, then go for it.

Be careful what you wish for.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

commanteer, see, isolation leads to stupidity, as simple as that. China has 15 times of Japanese population, 300 times of Japanese area, how do you isolate China ?

-25 ( +1 / -26 )

If Moon wants to sleep with Un go ahead.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

Beside, How is this unified realized with a country which no1 priority is to preserve present regime? Is he talking about future far away he wouldn't even able to see? Are ordinary South Koreans happy with this?


16 ( +17 / -1 )

why? If the two Koreas are united peacefully, it's good for the world -- perhaps not for Japan. 

@tooltalk - No doubt it would be great for peace and security in Asia.

But Japan doesn't want that. Not only would it economically disadvantage Japan, they need their boogeyman in NK to blame as a distraction for poor state of domestic affairs, and can't afford to lose grounds for further militarisation.

-19 ( +3 / -22 )

Unfortunately, Japan is isolated, and ignored.

Nonsense. The most isolated country in Asia is China. Not one country in Asia trusts the Chinese government. When the South Koreans realized they are being backed into China's corner, they will throw Moon out.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Moon really has jumped the shark. He is single-handedly going to tank Korea's economy, if not start a war. That's not good for anyone.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Japan is one the most connected countries in the world. One of the leaders of the TPP.

The biggest investor in South China Sea countries from Vietnam to the Philippines, to Maymar, Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, etc.

Japan is one of the leaders in the most advanced technologies and chemicals in the world, production of composite materials, to lasers, to robotics and hydrogen power.

S. Koreans are finding out right now how important Japan is for their manufacturing and economy.

25 ( +27 / -2 )

Delusional just like his NK buddy

17 ( +18 / -1 )


What a nice story it is. Meanwhile Mr Kim has launched terrible missiles, Mr Moon has spoken such beautiful dreams. It's an evidence of the friendship between the two people. Amazing.

Chairman Kim also refused to accept food aid from the South recently. Trump the orange man said the missile tests were nothing burger, so no need to panic.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Unfortunately, Japan is isolated, and ignored. The only solution is to reach out, and make connections. That is all Japanese 3000 years history about: to be a part of mainland. Isolation leads to stupidity, stupidity leads to fear, fear leads to dark side, dark side leads to destruction.

Really? If Japan were being ignored the measures that it has taken with regards to trade with SK wouldn't matter.

Me thinks you have your head in the sand!

History never lies.

Depends all upon whose version of history you are listening to!

18 ( +19 / -1 )

Melissa Shimosato

Earth to Moon, Earth to Moon, are you on crack or just cracked up??? No sarcasm intended... its just that what does it take for Pres Moon to realize that North Korea leadership does not like him or the freedom that the South Koreans have.... Hello Earth to Moon Wake Up Please......

why? If the two Koreas are united peacefully, it's good for the world -- perhaps not for Japan. It doesn't hurt to try.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

Unfortunately, Japan is isolated, and ignored. The only solution is to reach out, and make connections. That is all Japanese 3000 years history about: to be a part of mainland. Isolation leads to stupidity, stupidity leads to fear, fear leads to dark side, dark side leads to destruction. History never lies.

-34 ( +4 / -38 )

What a nice story it is. Meanwhile Mr Kim has launched terrible missiles, Mr Moon has spoken such beautiful dreams. It's an evidence of the friendship between the two people. Amazing.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

He is right that this should be a wake up call, but his solution is wrong. South Korea needs a more free market-driven economy. Their economy needs to be more liberalized in order to become more diversified. Their economy is dominated by big monopolies, which kills domestic competition. They need to stop helping these giant monopolies, and cut the size of their administration, spending and red tape. That's just one of the things they can do. As long as they are export-driven, they will always be dependent on foreign markets. Japan's advantage isn't their size, but the fact that Japan's economy is largely driven by small and mid-size companies, and they aren't as dependent on exports as SK is, although the Japanese auto industry is.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Abe should visit NK at earliest time, and put forward a four party initiative: NK+SK+Japan+China = hard core prosperous northeast Asia. This will address historical problem, economic problem, and security problem, forever.

-30 ( +3 / -33 )

S. Korea has always taken the relationship with Japan for granted, but under Moon it's gotten a lot worse! No previous administration would go this far to treat Japan like an enemy, and literally going back on both the 2015 agreement and than the 1965 aggrement.

I remember just from a few months ago how Koreans would make comments that Japan has no value to S. Korea, the relationship with Japan is not important, they said China, U.S.,North and Russia are consider important relationships and Japan does not. 

What now? Did you find out how much you depend on Japan? Waiting for sincere and honest apology.

28 ( +30 / -2 )

This guy is doubling down on stupidity. He got his country into this mess through stoking hatred against Japan on a national level, ripping up a "final and irreversible" agreement that Korea made with Japan, and replacing it with nothing, now rather than trying to fix his mess, he's teaming up with North Korea.

Smart move bro. Real quality leadership.

28 ( +29 / -1 )

No doubt because the Koreas would be blaming Japan on their partitioning, and then sending the reunification bill to Tokyo.

Except Japan has no obligation to pay for that bill at all

The economic benefits of a reunification would be massive.

Except it would be a hell of mess in the short run

He has accused Tokyo of weaponizing trade to retaliate over political disputes surrounding the countries' bitter wartime history.

As if Seoul is not weaponizing sports or anything else to retaliate....

15 ( +17 / -2 )

North Korea is more than a market for South Korea. It is strategic corridor, linking South Korea to China, and the rest of Asia; it is cultural tie that link Korean people with Chinese people.

-23 ( +4 / -27 )

Desperation, desperation, desperation.

And he calls himself a leader ?

The S.Koreans have the president they deserve.

It’s only going down from here.

24 ( +26 / -2 )

Moon is really a good leader, at right time, for Korean people. All Northeast Asians should be proud of him, support him.

-30 ( +5 / -35 )

Do you kind of get the strange feeling that Moon is closer to North Korea than to Japan?

28 ( +30 / -2 )

Sounds like "Good Bye US & Hello Master Kim"

25 ( +27 / -2 )

Moon whether inadvertently or not, just played into Abe's hand. Japan's justification for this dispute and taking S. Korea off the "white list" is because it could not trust S. Korea because of its handling of security materials. Making statements like this only gave Abe's reasoning more credence. Not taking sides, Japan has a lot to atone for, but diplomatically Moon is not adept and is only stirring up counter-productive nationalistic hysteria. I think by GDP S. Korea was #12 in the world and N. Korea is way down the list. How does that translate to overtaking the #3 economy in the world in "one burst?" He's doing a big disservice to his country.

17 ( +22 / -5 )

issued a nationalistic call for economic cooperation with North Korea

This is EXACTLY why Japan put trade sanctions on South Korea. For security reasons. SK has been dealing with Communist North Korea, in spite embargo. Moon is showing his communist colors. His family is from NK.

Moons pro-comminist NK stance will decimate the SK economy, and send it into a Great Depression, that is now almost guaranteed.

27 ( +31 / -4 )

President Moon is correct, North Korea allowing citizens free access to China and Russia by road would be a massive step forward and would invigorate both Koreas.

You actually think that China and Russia are going to allow "free access" by road to their countries?

China is ill prepared to deal with the refugees that would come flying across their border!

25 ( +26 / -1 )

It is only a matter of time before the Koreas are united.

The economic benefits of a reunification would be massive.

President Moon is correct, North Korea allowing citizens free access to China and Russia by road would be a massive step forward and would invigorate both Koreas.

Japan would be at a competitive loss with an ascendant Korea.

-31 ( +6 / -37 )

Tokyo says its measures are based on national security concerns and, without providing specific evidence

Tokyo should just say its measures are based on the Korean court orders to seize Japanese companies’ assets. This was settled in 1965.

Call a spade a spade.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

So here is the meat of the matter, Moon just wants to keep kicking Japan to get Kim to consider reunification.

26 ( +28 / -2 )

Can't say much more, @Melissa. But from this bystander's opinion, from Canada, Moon is losing it, to put it mildly. I've visited both countries, and the average citizen in each doesn't give a hoot.

19 ( +25 / -6 )

Oh dear lord ...

23 ( +25 / -2 )

Earth to Moon, Earth to Moon, are you on crack or just cracked up??? No sarcasm intended... its just that what does it take for Pres Moon to realize that North Korea leadership does not like him or the freedom that the South Koreans have.... Hello Earth to Moon Wake Up Please......

36 ( +41 / -5 )

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