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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2016.Most Japanese firms say Trump presidency would hurt trade ties, security aliance: poll
By Tetsushi Kajimoto TOKYO©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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One week I realized that I had been asked multiple times about Trump and his stance and views and how it scares Japanese people. But in the weeks before I hadn't heard a peep locally about it. Does everyone get their news from one source? It seems like everyone's formed an opinion from one news report, and now suddenly the whole country is afraid of Trump. Personally I think he's awful, but the one mind fits all is a little concerning.
Feel free to fill in the blanks with any country.
Maybe it should read......
Most of the world's businesses think a Donald Trump presidency would harm the world's economy and mark the end to the United States.
Bob Sneider
One positive thing about the Trump Presidency is that it forces Japan to think about the possibility of USA not always being there to babysit it.
CNN and other news outlets say that no one favors Trump. Yet the voters prefer him. News and minority groups insult him, choosing from his words and making new ones. Trump speaks the truth from his and voters' perspective. As for his stance on Chine and Chinese investors overseas, he is spot on. We see this in the Seattle and Vancouver areas recently. A lot of overseas Chinese investors have bought-up a lot of properties. Rent and leases have just skyrocketed. Trump knows opportunities and sees how investors and businesses operate. It's great that he has so far succeeded with voters. Now, those against Trump in this thread may take some of what i wrote and manipulate them in ways to make negative statements about Trump...
America will never leave Japan. America see China has there economical opposition. This is not news and even a dumbnut like Tramp realises this. This dumbnut who made is wealth by cheating,swindling and financial bulling will not be the Republican choice . Intellectually Trump is not and as the leader of the USA is just what the USA do not need.
Of course Japanese firms would think Trump is bad for business.... Trump has specifically mentioned how badly one sided the trade deals are between the US and Japan and how he intends to do something about it.
I completely agree with you about mass media HIVE MIND syndrom. 1 opinion to rule them all!
I truly believe HIllary = more war!
Simon Foston
No, some of the voters prefer him.
Republican voters prefer him. The majority of Republican voters prefer him in a three-man race. That's hardly the majority of American voters.
Please. He's usually quoted verbatim. There's no need to make things up to make him sound foolish. Remember he was one of the most vocal in the birther movement.
Frederic Bastiat
All those getting their knickers in a twist over the possibility of a Trump presidency is rather ludicrous.
Bingo. Then those SEALD's protesters wouldn't have anything to protest about. Heck, maybe a few of them could enlist into the SDF after they finish college. Japan needs its own leadership. Its time to step up or shut up.
Or the more plausible explanation that up until comparatively recently Trump was not covered in Japanese news because Trump had not directed any of his patented brand of crazy at anything relevant to Japan. Then one day he decided to demand Japan pay for hosting despite that Japan already pays, and suddenly it gets onto Japanese news because a candidate with that tenuous grasp of how the world works is truly frightening and news worthy. The story gets repeated across Japanese media outlets because it's relevant to Japan, and hence people bring it up with you.
I can see how that explanation might not be satisfying though. "People don't always care about things I care about until they're relevant to them" is not nearly as fun to believe in as "I'm the only free-thinker, everyone else are sheeple."
Kobe White Bar Owner
@ Thepersoniamnow.
"Does everyone get their news from one source?" In my experience in my place (generalizing i know) Im sad to say pretty much yes. With trump he is just controlled opposition made to look like a black sheep, imo. Im guessing Hilary will win and continue the bush/clinton/brzezinski agendas. What was it Mark Twain said "If voting made any difference they wouldnt let us do it."
"Trump has specifically mentioned how badly one sided the trade deals are between the US and Japan" Specifics? Mercedes Benz sure isn't complaining about the Japan market. As far as I know Japan is a free trade zone for cars and consumer electronics.
Manuel D. Valencia III
He's the only candidate who hasn't been bought.
Trump tries to pick topics generally uneducated or unknown to people. He gives half truths to win the agreement of people. A Trump presidency would all be based on the uninformed and that would spell ruin for the Us and anyone who deals with it.
Hiro S Nobumasa
A President Trump would be speaking like a President Trump.
The current Donald is talking like candidate Trump.
No need for Japan to worry once all the election rhetorics are gone!
Everything will return to plain old boring normal!
Kobe White Bar Owner
@Manuel D...
"He's the only candidate who hasn't been bought." Are you kidding this guy would sell his own mother. I new people here in Japan flying to the states to buy into his pyramid scams years back, hes a real low life. more info here
Yes, the mature and adult election process and candidates in the US illiustrates how mature the US is, and how the US needs to "baby sit" Japan.
Japanese people are increasing who do not take what Trump says at face values. Probably he is strategically acting and speaking to appeal directly to frustrated poor whites.
Scaremongering headlines are all pert of the media. Many are proved to have been immature nonsense.. Presidents don't mess with the trade of America. The balance of trade is dictated by top businessmen. All countries try hard to work in harmoney for the benefit of ALL.
They're just scared because they won't get the sweet heart deals anymore and will have to work harder to get a piece of the market.
What I really don't understand is that many Japanese want to be independent of America and complain all the time but when there's a threat to take away the protection they panic. They want it both ways and on their terms.
Yankees go home, no wait stay!
If he gets the presidency I don't think he will leave Japan high and dry like the media is pushing. There's nothing wrong with more competition. Innovation happens quicker and ultimately the consumer will have more choices. Not this inside deal tpp crap.
Bingo again!!
X's 2.
X's 3.
You seem to think that it's the same people protesting and 'panicking'.
and he has accused Japan of stealing U.S. jobs, that wasn't Japan but the cause of one sided, FREE TRADE agreements, the US and Japan both will lose more jobs to TPP. Trump is good for both US and Japan. He is tough, a rugged negotiator that is needed in the world today and speaks his mind clearly. bring it Trump, those who criticize just know one thing, how to whine..
We would be safe from a Trump presidency if the Dems would nominate Bernie, but it looks like they'll actually nominate Hillary, who might not be able to supress those damning Goldman Sachs speech transcripts, plus she might get indicted for those security breaching emails...
Kobe White Bar Owner
@ Whatsnext,
Exactly, many want to have there cake and eat it!
Are you telling me, that if you were selling your house and a Chinese national offered you 20% more than any local offer you were getting, you would turn them down? Do you think Trump would? If you do, then that goes against your last sentence about how Trump knows opportunities and how investors and businesses operate.
Jumin Rhee
"lack freshness and stage no surprise,"
The LDP platform
Kobe White Bar Owner
With regards to trump and the whole planet for that matter as people are dumbed down intentionally or unintentionally this is where we end up, circling the bowl.
@ John-san ... America (Amerika) is the name of the entire continent, divided into North, Central & South and the Caribbean. The united States of America (Bekoku) is the name of the nation country. Amerika ga tairiku desu, Bekoku ga kuni desu!
Nope. Colloquially, America is the USA. No one refers to America as the continents. Anyone saying America is referring to the USA. And that includes Americans.
Black Sabbath
Japan should know. Trump is a cross between Mori, Ishihara and Bobby Konda.
Vernie Jefferies
Now when I walk by a 7-Eleven here in Tokyo, I get a little chuckle.
Why wouldn't he know? I think during a campaign, he even bragged about how much he "loves the Chinese" when he sold a very expensive property to a Chinese tycoon. Thank you Donald Trump for selling it.
(really?) . . . . Heh. Then Hillary is a cross between Lorena Bobbit and Donald Rumsfeld. She was on the same page as both-
I find this funny the article say s "Most Japanese firms say Trump presidency would hurt trade ties, security alliance" First of all most Japanese aren't concern with the politics of their own country so why would they be interested in the politics of the US. Is this a poll of 3 people? By the way moderator the word Alliance is spelled wrong in the title for the article.:
Do you think it's better for the people who have been BUYING politicians to be president? Because that is what Trump is. His friends are also the same type.
The only non-corrupt candidate is Bernie Sanders. Thanks to bias media his chances are slim at this point, but do know we have a great man in the race that the majority of Americans people have heard very little about.
Recent polling shows that Hillary has only a 17% favorable rating among likely white male voters. that's means that 73% of white males think negatively about her. That's a huge gap that she has to narrow down. But Trump shouldn't take it for granted.
These are interesting discussions. I do not think Trump would make a good President as he is too much of a loose canon and for better or worse diplomacy matters. I do not particularly like the guy but I have to admit he is being trashed by both sides of the aisle in the U.S. and nearly all media. I really do not see any candidate (of those viable) that get me excited at all. Some things I observed related to Trump (and again I would not vote for Mr. Trump).
Trump is not always quoted verbatim. His quote about stopping Muslim immigration to the U.S. was cut off. The part where he said "until we figure out what is going on" is often left off of this comment. What is interesting is that Obama's appointee and DHS head Jeh Johnson said nearly the same thing and confessed the DHS cannot vet immigrants properly (just lack the resources to do so)
Trump is talking about what everyone is afraid to discuss (for fear of being called racist). He is talking about putting an end to illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a problem in the U.S. and with an economy in the doldrums and labor participation at a historically low level we need to fix our internal problems and use resources for U.S. citizens first (as should any other country such as Japan, Mexico, Ecuador, etc.). My mother is of hispanic origin, came to the U.S. legally and she agrees completely.
Trump is talking about getting stronger on trade. This is scary to other nations. The U.S. is selling out and losing our manufacturing base. Companies are laying off workers and replacing them with H1B visa holders (Disney, Southern Calif. Edison, IBM, Intel, etc.). In some cases U.S. workers are required to train replacements to get their severance package. This is something both Trump and Sanders are talking about. On the other hand BOTH political parties are selling out the American worker and pushing for more and more H1B visas.The U.S. is in trouble. Race relations are worse than I have seen in my lifetime, labor participation is at an all time low, wealth disparity at an all time high, public sentiment and trust in government at an all time low, etc. etc. etc. I think the reason that Trump (and Bernie Sanders) are gaining so much support is that the American people are seeing through the BS of the so called 2 party system and are starting to realize both sides have been screwing the people for years. Both Trump and Sanders scare the heck out of the establishment (which includes the bought and paid for media) and they will all do what is necessary to eliminate these guys.
I see Trump and Sanders as a breath of fresh air - and I think they do say what they think without the filters of the established political class (crooks). Unfortunately I could not vote for either as they have some pretty major weaknesses (Trump with his loose canon personality and Sanders with his very well meaning but impossible to finance plans).
All in all it has been an entertaining political season
Thanks for that observation. The- "until we figure out what's going" part is a reasonable suggestion by Trump.
The DHS knows it cannot properly vet islamic refugees. This is why there are 31 state governors who oppose those kinds of immigrants from coming into their states.
Its not over yet. Bernie, Kasich and Cruz won't go away. Popcorn sales have skyrocketed.
No it's not, it's as ridiculous an idea as 'The War on Terror'. It's not quantifiable, there is no way to determine whether this objective has been reached, and for that matter, it doesn't even mean anything. "Figure out what's going on"? We already know what's going on - some radicals are attacking people.
Trump's comment was simply meant to appeal to the fear felt by those who are not intelligent enough to see the comment for what it is.
Yeah. This is why Trump called for the temporary ban. Wish the authorities would've kicked Tashfeen Malik off of her US bound flight.
You mean like Obama's stupidity for not recognizing "radical islam" and addressing it as such? Oh wait, my bad, ISIS is "contained."
Being prudent is reasonable not unintelligent.
As a Japanese, I believe Trump presidency would hurt American Presidency itself. It will change America in the way they cannot undo. His campaign is very UnAmerican, against what America has been standing for in the world.
I'm looking at this campaign with the feeling that America that I know is no more. Fundamental values that America had been representing in the world is being gone. What I'm seeing is America's becoming "just another country" that's sad.
Wilson Lee
Of course Japan is freaking out - the gravy train is about to be replaced by the Trump Train - NO MORE GRAVY!