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© 2023 AFPN Korea notifies Japan of satellite launch as early as Wednesday
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Notifies Japan, so Japan can watch while Japanese news repeating the same footage over and over again, while commentator spread fear to their audience.
Congratulations on the launch, I hope Kishida will salut Korea's technological advancements.
hope Japan will send flowers to commemorate the launch.
until now, Japan was trying to scare the population with propaganda and fake missiles launched until now to fabricate racism toward NK.
I guarantee you that now Japan will use this excuse to purchase more missiles with debts.
what a joke! who are the people??
In other words, please don't shoot down our precious satellite that took our entire country's GDP to research and develop.
But the UN has said many times to NK..."Do'nt do it ""
Yet they ignore the UN's rulings.
Just like every other nation on earth.
UN like an old grannie spouting advice to unruly children....nobody cares.
Bruce Wayne
This is likely ominous news folks:
Giving "formal notification" serves two purposes.
1) Gives ample time for the JSDF to prepare to intercept and down the rocket therefore is testing the efficiency of Japan's ICBM defense capabilities. If intercept fails they will have that valuable information for when they launch by the hundreds...
2) Shoud the JSDF successfully destroy the rocket IT PROVIDES THE DPRK WITH "justified" PRETEXT FOR THEIR NEXT CALCULATED STEP (WAR?) after all weren't they oh so responsible and civilized informing everyone of their "peaceful test"
As everyone knows since Stalin was so careless as to die in '53 Russia lost ownership of the DPRK has become a wholly owned tributary state of the CCP and if they don't do what they are told from Beijing the lights go out in Pyongyang. Therefore BEFORE the CCP goes to war it makes sense for their proxies to attack drawing their adversaries into confusion over pandecmics, conflict with each other and economic peril. And that is the bigger picture.
We know what this is all about. Does anyone really care about North Korean satellites, that they even announce in advance? No! So, then what is this all about? Triggering WW3! Which we all know is the reason for fueling a 3-front conflict, in Ukraine, Gaza, and East Asia.
Sven Asai
Yes, like @sdca guessed, this one is precious and contains something important and valuable to them. I would take the rare chance to get it down and have a look at the remainder, under military and political considerations that has of course to be explained as a mishap or following UN sanctions and such.
How polite of them to notify in advance. Seems a bit out of character for NK. Are they seriously worried it might be shot down by the spineless Japanese capitalist puppets dogs on behalf of their American masters. That last bit sounds more normal for NK.
Nice of them to provide a warning, I guess.
Even if it makes it to orbit, their crappy satellite isn’t going to do anything Google maps satellite view can’t do…
Ah, but if this one succeeds, it will give the people pride today and a warm heart to get them through the winter.
While North Korea is a basket case, ruled by a family of hideous criminals, it remains a sovereign nation and neither South Korea, nor the UN has the authority to ban North Korea for doing what other nations are frequently doing themselves.
Many nations ignore UN resolutions against them including Israel, Lebanon, North Korea and a host of others. And why shouldn't they? Five nations get to veto or push aside resolutions against themselves and on occasion their close allies so why should any nation be forced to comply when there are those who do not? Sovereignty is not a two tier system.
As much as I detest North Korea and its leaders, the idea that their testing of missiles and rockets and satellite launching is subject to the will of others is ludicrous and hypocritical.
Suck it up people, they will put some spy satellites into orbit and god forbid, at some stage a nuclear weapon or two also. They have the same rights as every other country whether we like it or not. if you think it is worth a major war to change that position, then lobby for it. Otherwise leave it alone. The less you agitate over it the less likely they will make a big deal also.
The question is, why is there anything left to sanction after the nuclear tests which the world should not just tolerate?
They didn’t NOTIFY JAPAN, they notified everyone. Why is Japan so arrogant??
Brian Wheway
It sounds like someone is trying to gain as much attention to the rocket launch as possible, the best thing to do is totally ignore NK, don't broadcast it don't talk about it, don't play into someones hand
Daniel Neagari
AdamToday 02:27 pm JST
if anything, I sense a lot of ill focused anger in you
Some nation so hate the west they are willing to help circumvent sanctions and look the other way over nuclear testing, as it is not them that NK will fire at. Basic foods and medicines are not goods that should be subject to sanctions. That would go against the notion of basic human rights for all.
NK does send workers to China and Russia to bring home foreign currency they can use to purchase those goods not sanctioned, and some goods that are, but that can be sourced through willing third parties.
Russia will be dropping many if not all sanctions it had against NK in order to secure a constant stream of munitions for artillery used in its invasion of Ukraine.
NK has been a difficult issue for many decades, it does not look likely that it will be "solved" any time soon.
That's great and all but the UN charter says they have to obey UNSC sanctions.
I suspect the World Food Programme and World Health Organization are not subject to sanctions. There can be NK's food and medicine.
I suspect sanctions are being violated somewhere along the line there.
So Russia is disobeying the very sanctions it voted for. I agree not much can be done about it, but pretty shameful.
We can wait.
They dont care, nor should they, it is unfair for five nations to not be subjected to the same rules as everyone else. It is not in their interest to abide by the rules of others restricting their sovereign rights. Nobody is doing anything to Israel for ignoring UNSC resolutions against it. Same rules for all it it is going to have any chance of working.
No doubt you are correct.
Wait for what? Their compliance or them going totally off the rails and starting another conflict?
What UNSC resolutions against Israel? You must be thinking of the General Assembly resolutions which are nonbinding.
Compliance is one way out. If they choose to start a war, that can't really be helped as it is important to let countries know they can't just develop nukes without consequences.
There have been many UNSC resolutions against Israel including in 23 December 2016 calling for the end of Israeli settlement building.
"Resolution 497 (17 December 1981), decides that Israel's annexation of Syria's Golan Heights is 'null and void' and demands that Israel rescinds its decision forthwith."
Resolution 476: " ... 'reiterates' that Israel's claim to Jerusalem are 'null and void'". The altering of the status of Jerusalem constitutes as a flagrant violation of the 4th Geneva Convention.
Resolution 252: (21 May) " ... 'declares invalid' Israel's acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital".
Although this topic is about NK ignoring the UN attempts to override its sovereignty, it is certainly not alone in doing so as the short list of hundreds of times the UNSC has brought resolutions against Israel. Some that Israel asserts is attempts to remove Israeli sovereignty on some issues. There are parallels in play here, not just singling out NK for attention.
Samit Basu
Interesting there is no article on Japan Today yet.
North Korea's rocket already launched toward Okinawa, North Korea claims a successful orbit placement of the satellite.
The explosion observed on the 1st stage may have been intentional, as North Korea doesn't want the ROK to fish out the remains of its rocket from the sea.
The ROK fished out 1st and 2nd stages of North Korean rocket the last time due to the ROK's incredibly accurate ballistic missile radar network pinpointing where the rocket landed.
China also went out on fishing the rocket remains but failed to retrieve any.