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© Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.New defense minister favors strong military
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I am not sure who need to tread carefully here China or Japan. China needs to be reminded that history never on their side.
It is sort of humorous when listening to China in response to anything Japan. With all that China is doing in the East China Sea and South China sea, China wishes to make itself look like some country able to depict another of aggression or using a military as a form of intimidation, does China actually thing there is a country around the world to take their words seriously when speaking of Japan or say any other country around the world? There has not been one word that was not deceit in China's statements over the years when speaking of itself as its rise being peaceful, all total lies! As China says one thing it turns around, and is actually doing the total opposite! This has been China since other nations have been funding, and investing within China's territory! Totally a deceitful country!
Simon Foston
I thought that was the whole point of gruelling entrance exams, classrooms with no air conditioning, physical abuse from teachers and making little boys go about in shorts and thin socks in winter, all of which has clearly yielded reaaally impressive results. Or perhaps you had something else in mind?
You go to the real China.
@Simon Foston
Well, then the logical course of action is to toughen up the population somehow rather than waiving a white flag. Defense is easier than offense, particularly when it is done with F-35s.
It doesn't matter that the people don't want to change the constitution or bring back the type of military and mentality that got Japan destroyed in WWII -- Abe and Co. will bring it whether you want it or not! All hail the new China!
Tigran Yeranosyan
We welcome new defence ministry of japan, it's a good step to have common interests, good luck
Simon Foston
A fair observation.
So given that the aforementioned people would be hopeless at attacking other countries, what makes you think they would be any better at defending their own?
If they can say that with a straight face, they could get part-time jobs as "boke" in manzai.
And Russia and NK.
BTW, where do you hail from if you don't mind me asking? I'm certainly not anti-Chinese, but I am against any country that actively pursues an agenda of aggression against their neighbours, and own people. Japan does neither and I do not forsee it happening anytime soon. Or down the track for that matter.
First is fear, (China and its rising military) then its secrecy (Secrecy Act 2014) followed by legality(change Constitution) final piece buildup the military, (control of people) then Emperor (overthrow of old blood in with new blood =Abe.) Eventually leading to a sell-out to China. The cast system lives well, the rich get the education, make the new laws while everyone else pays taxes, and suffers oppression, including the media.
We know where everything is heading. Strong defense turning into a police state against their own people when NWO is established.
Zeitgeist alert: Saw two older guys on the train this morning sporting trim militarist mustaches.
Kenya has a totally new constitution. And it works like magic. The old one was outdated and the rightful place for it was the garbage bin! How people croak on changing just one article if the Japanese constitution!
That does make a bit of sense. Thanks for providing insight! Still I think it would be fairly easy to cut off supply lines from these countries to Japan. It is basically what the U.S. focused a lot of their efforts on. The fact is, Japan is an island nation that HAS to rely on imports to maintain its current level of population and lifestyle. Take that away and the effects will be seen almost instantly. It is a MAJOR handicap for any aspiring nation to NOT be self sufficent.
In fact, in the history of mankind, was there ever an island nation that was at the "centre of the world"? Powerful, self sufficent etc?
I really think this comes down to basic geography and people here need to be THRILLED that such a tiny place was able to achieve number 2 and 3 economies in the world. What more do you need Japan??? Be happy and appreciate your ways of lesiure and apathy.
Raymond Chuang
Japan does need a better military due to the increasing belligerence of China, especially in the way they want to exert influence over the East China Sea and South China Sea.
I guess strategically the plan is that Japan provides know-how in engineering and such, while the SE allies like Vietnam and Malaysia provide cheap labour and resources.
I am just wondering, why f.e. China should plan to invade Japan? They have still enough growth potential and Japan is not really rich in anything else than brain power and patents (only makes sense when backed by US/EU laws, as China will copy anything they can without asking).
I see the push for a strong military more founded in the fear of the Japanese elites to become even more irrelevant than they already are. Smart money for long term invest is moving from Japan anyways and by this I mean Japanese smart money as well. What is left are hedge funds, carry trades and speculation. These guys will move on when the bazooka runs out of ammo.
So, yeah... Third arrow wouldn't be bad, though I am less and less inclined to believe it structurally possible to do this.
Japan simply does NOT have the resources to maintain a capable military machine. Being so dependant on imports for almost all sectors, all it would take is an end to supplying Japan with resources and it will fall apart. This is even MORE of a danger if Japan were to build here military to unsustainable levels and then suddenly find herself without the resource to maintain and oil the military machine. Even doing so now would come at the expense of other gov. expenditures.... or maybe just less road work lol.
Why does China talk as if there exists an agreeing audience. (except Korea)?
This is a classic case of お前が言うな。(Omae ga yuuna)
Knox Harrington
Well, it should be obvious to all people in these islands what Abe & Co. reall wants. They want to realize their fantasy of a "beautiful" and "strong" Japan. Is this and Asian thing? No European countries use language like this. To my knowledge, they don't talk like this in South America either. Perhaps in Africa? Does Australia and New Zealand actively try to strengthen their military?
In any case, I feel Japan misses the mark. This nation became wealthy because it focused on other things than militarism and patriotism. Now, the powers that be seem to want to take it back to this fantasy notion of a somehow fearsome Japan. What good is that going to do?
You know nations have real problems when they speak in terms of fear - defending themselves, be it from immigrants or foreign "threats". Perhaps Japan should just call it quits again, go all sakoku and close down. I mean, that must be what they want, right? They can sit here and have their tea ceremonies and forge swords or whatever, not giving a damn that the world passes them by...
To bad most people are too ignorant to see where this country is headed.
Yeah! These pesty bully nations! Here in Japan we are already so occupied by bullying each other at school, work and home. Thank God there will be a strong military to start the bullying of other nations as we are really to busy to this ourselfs.
A strong deterrence policy without aggressive agenda will keep Japan away from all bully nations. Go Japan.