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© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.New U.S. Ambassador Kennedy arrives in Japan
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Isn't the horse-drawn carriage, with Japanese attendants dressed in ancient European court wear, a bit anachronistic and inappropriate for Japan?
Exactly one week short of 50 years from the day her father was murdered in Dallas. Can't help but take note of the timing.
i'd say a large number of ambassadors fall into the third category. raise a couple million dollars for a presidential campaign, and you, too, could be an ambassador. fortunately, the position, especially in japan, is like a two year all-expense paid vacation.
Mariam Tebourbi
A jinrikisha with people dressed as samurai and geisha would be more appropriate I think :D
A touch of Camelot has come to Japan. Hope all goes well for Caroline ...
That's really getting ridiculous. And she is bringing a calumet pipe ?
That's what the next Japanese ambassador in the US should do.
Frederick Shapiro
In my view, there is nothing wrong with ceremony, nothing wrong in making it a special day for Japan, and for Ms. Kennedy. She is a brilliant, forceful, and dynamic individual, with the Kennedy DNA. She should be celebrated, not diminished, by sideline nonsense. I think some are a little to quick to judge! Been in Japan a day and already put down!
In my view, there is nothing wrong with ceremony, nothing wrong in making it a special day for Japan, and for Ms. Kennedy. She is a brilliant, forceful, and dynamic individual, with the Kennedy DNA. She should be celebrated, not diminished, by sideline nonsense. I think some are a little to quick to judge! Been in Japan a day and already put down!
Well said give Ms. Kennedy some credit, instead of tearing her apart!
She is a female. Samurai would not ride with geisha. Jinrikisha is not like Basha, This is hearsay I snooped from gossipping classmates of Empress Nagako. Japanese houses are easy to snoop. In Gakushin (Joshi- girls) students went to school with Jinrikisha. Only Princess' jinrikisha could get inside the school gate. Nobles daughters could not. When Princess Nagaoko stopped to come they knew she was going to marry a prince. They gossipped how many concubines she has to mingle. But found none later. So, not jinrikisha that do not get inside of kokyo Imperial Palace). Smaurai and Geisha together? Then they have to have Harakiri and Uchikubi simulation. Beside, who will be able to draw jinrikisha? Japanese people are freed with Constitution but female have many obstructions in their culture. Ms/ Kennedy will be able to encourage female politicians that they can be more than just elected House members. Basha will enable people to see Carolyn than Limo. She is a good role model for Japanese than S. Korean female President.
Jean Val-Jean
Mrs Kennedy is the best thing since sliced bread!
Now, seriously, I'm fairly sure she'll do a swell job as ambassador. John Roos did fine, too. But, I still think she ought to return Obama's ear. (Note! That's a pun from the article, a form of humour.)
Many Japanese people had a chance to see a Female Ambassador from USA on a horse cart.
Vast Right-Wing Conspirator
She is a joke as an ambassador, as were her two predecessors. Japan is NOT the country to choose as a way to reward local political partisans. This region is too important and volatile to have an inexperienced representative. Make her the ambassador to Belgium, or perhaps Ecuador. But not one of the US's most important strategic partners. It again shows that the President is a lightweight, in a job that he is not very good at.
"U.S. ambassadors to Japan can be grouped into three categories, Nakayama said. They are big political names, Japan experts and those with close ties to the president. Former U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale and former Senator Mike Mansfield fall into the first type. Edwin Reischauer, President Kennedy’s envoy, would be the second.
Nakayama puts Caroline Kennedy, an attorney and author, in the third group"
Caroline Kennedy is a big politcal name as well as having close ties to the president. And she can read "Nihon de oaimashou," so she should make a great ambassador!
Vast Right-Wing ConspiratorNov. 15, 2013 - 10:55PM JST
First of all, your name is very misleading. It does not represent what you are.
Fault!!! She is a perfect choice. Her job objectives is to play a role of liaison between two countries. She should be evaluated highly for her easy accessibility to the White House in time of disaster and crisis.
Hope you are man enough to give her a full support before commencement of her job.
Caroline Kennedy may not be the kind of ambassador whom Japan is exactly looking for in terms of strengthening its tie with its closest ally in dealing with the increasing growing Chinese influence in Asia. But looking on the bright side, she does have a very good personal relationship with President Obama since she played a significant role during Obama's 2008 presidential campaign against then predominant candidate - Hillary Clinton. If there is a crisis, she surely can pick up the phone and call the Whit House directly. (bypass the normal protocol. )
In addition, her ex-husband, Andrew Cuomo, current Governor of New York State is warming up for his Presidential bid in 2016.
That being said, Caroline Kennedy may be more than just a ceremonial figure. However, personally I think that Obama should have chosen a more experienced candidate for the ambassador to Japan.
Given the advances in communication in the last few decades and the speed of international travel I think that ambassadors now play a much more symbolic and ceremonial role, in that sense she is a perfect choice.
If anything serious did flare up in the region I doubt that she would have any real part in the decision making.
I hate foods
Sweet Caroline. Her smile is the best diplomatic weapon in the world. Let's see what she will bring more to Japan.
She may have her president's ear, but his ear doesn't listen. She's nothing but a shill for an increasingly unimportant and disappointing country. To give her the benefit of the doubt as a representative of the US to Japan is about equal to giving the benefit of the doubt to a representative from China.
You're confusing. Caroline's ex-husband is Schlossberg and they are not even officially divorced. There is only one newsworthy thing about him : he is a gadzillionaire that owns so many business shares in Japan that the White House had to spend half a year checking his companies will not be too overtly favored by the Embassy's business support services. Not easy to avoid giving the impression that the position has been bought twice, once by Mrs with her fund-raising, and another time by Mr. lobbying for his interests.
Starting with a colonial parade.
Really an obsession. The White House doesn't need to be called, they listen to the phone calls, read the emails, spies the meetings of everybody else on the planet, so they already know everything.
It's been a tradition that ambassadors are received in this manner, just like soldiers receiving full military honors at Arlington cemetery and deceased U.S. presidents are taken to their grave site by a horse-drawn cassion. Tradition often supersedes modern technology.
??? So if it had only been six days short, then it would have not been worth mentioning?
Interesting. She steps off the plane and before she even has a chance to present her credentials, you're labeling her "a joke". Just another reason to summarily discard anything you post into the trash can.
Ehh... No. You're confusing KERRY Kennedy with CAROLINE Kennedy.
@cos: You are right. She has been married to her husband for 20 years. Cuomo 20 years ago? Now?
While I've never been a "Kennedy's Fan" I think we should give her a chance. Japan on one hand doesn't require a mile of diplomatic credentials because like the UK, it's a close ally. But at the same time, the importance of Japan to US policy has been multiplied by our friends in Beijing. She's smart, eloquent, has a full head of hair and who knows, she might even end up on a Presidential ticket eventually.
They've been doing it since the late 1860s or something like that. And the British obviously even longer. Harmless old tradition not really worth complaining about.
@Ossan: Hi, Someone did not check about Cuomo at Dem. party office. Mario Cuomo is an old man who has 50 years marriage wife . He has a son who married to 2erry Kennedy who is a daughter of Robertt Kennedy, not Ambassader Kennedy. Right now, Dem ia only interested in recruitting Hillary who is too bysy kkeping her eyes on her husband, but you never can tell she wll be but No Cuomo movment.
As I recall she's the sister of John Jr. who died in a plane crash years ago. I thought she had withdrawn from an active political life and had decided to take care of her then ailing uncle Ted. Wish her well in her role as diplomat.
genjuro: I think she took the Ambassador job because it is a diplomat job and she did not consider ti is a politic position, I'd bet.
Looking forward to meeting her in a couple of weeks...
"As the first woman to serve as U.S. ambassador to Japan, Kennedy may also be a role model in a country that traditionally has restricted the role of women, said Toshihiro Nakayama, professor of international politics at Aoyama Gakuin University."
I will say this: Japanese women young and old will idolize her.
This cant be good. Since Abe and Obama have different political views, we can only hope that Miss/Mrs. Kennedy won't screw things up.
Jessicca Robertt
welcome to Japan U.S. Ambassador Kennedy! its good news for us that Kennedy arrived in the great country Japan.
She met PM Abe. Looks like Abe skipped some of his busy schedule. I think Abe valued to meet Carolin more thnn some countries trying to get Japanese economical aides. Anyway, Abe is a rare Japanese politician who do not hate women,