Japan Today

New U.S. envoy Rahm Emanuel arrives in Japan


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I love that he’s comfortably dressed, carrying his own backpack, and holding his wife’s hand. Welcome!

-9 ( +18 / -27 )

What an embarrassment to the U.S and Japan.

17 ( +36 / -19 )

During a Senate confirmation hearing in October, Emanuel vowed to enhance U.S.-Japan ties as China seeks to "conquer through division," and said he would welcome any major increase in Japan's defense spending.

The wrong man at the wrong time and another symbol of the regressive, oligarchic forces in American politics. Biden almost could not have chosen worse.

12 ( +27 / -15 )

Who was the ambassador under Trump? I honestly can’t remember. Whoever it was he obviously did very little and in true Trumpian fashion probably just lined his pockets.

-4 ( +20 / -24 )

Chicago is not a role model for Japan to follow.

16 ( +31 / -15 )

No mention of quarantine or vaccination status Rambo!

And Chinese armed coast guard boats are still entering the yaeyama islands city limits every two days.

And yes the senkaku are within ishigaki city limits where the new Japanese military base is being built very slowly.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

New clown is coming to town!!..

13 ( +26 / -13 )

As we are all happy to have Rahm Emanuel san help Japan in terms of life in general but also assist with the China twist. Welcome! We are happy you are here.

-11 ( +10 / -21 )

He seems likea really good guy. Huge job ahead with the incredible danger and instability in the region.

Welcome and good luck, Emmanuel!

-16 ( +10 / -26 )

Who was the ambassador under Trump? I honestly can’t remember. Whoever it was he obviously did very little and in true Trumpian fashion probably just lined his pockets.

Apparently, you don’t know who Rahm Emanuel is…


8 ( +21 / -13 )


-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Rahm knows how to deal with China...quietly, discretely, and with deniability.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

I don't think anyone on the left has ever really liked him.

16 ( +19 / -3 )

Enjoy your 10 days in a 1 tatami mouldy room eating the same bento twice a day!. Or let me guess, rules don't apply here.

15 ( +23 / -8 )

No thanks.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Straight into hotel quarantine NOT. Shown arriving with many people around including the media, .How about testing before departure and on arrival. Probably not that either,

Must have the US serviceman's exemption.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

Welcome to Japan "Rahmbo". I hope you tenure here is more successful than your term as Mayor of Chicago.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Enjoy your 10 days in a 1 tatami mouldy room eating the same bento twice a day!. Or let me guess, rules don't apply here.

Rules here only apply to little people. Us peasants will return back to our rooms.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

... is known for his close ties with President Joe Biden.

Hmmm, Rahm's known for much more (murkier) stuff than that but the diplomatic slant of the article forbids more pertinent details on his qualifications for the post, like, "Mr Ambassador, can you use chopsticks?"

11 ( +14 / -3 )

A national audience deserves to know what those of us in Chicago have already figured out: Emanuel’s mayoral administration is littered with failures and false claims, and the recent elections in Chicago represents a complete repudiation of the Emanuel years.


Biden picked a good one. This guy does not have a good record. He'll be out after 2024. He's just here for some light cultural exchange - sushi, sake, and the fancy Japanese restaurants - and to finalize some contracts.

Mental health crisis -  closing of half the city’s public mental health clinics

Environmental crisis - eliminated the city’s Department of Environment; Chicago Tribune revealed that lead levels were above federal health standards in 30 percent of homes where homeowners had requested tests after work was done.

Education crisis - Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett, nicknamed “B3″ and appointed by Emanuel, sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison after pleading guilty to steering the $20 million no-bid contract through in exchange for millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks.  Hundreds of millions of dollars of budget cuts, neighborhood schools have suffered under his watch. 

Policing crisis - more scandals and spikes in crime rates

Infrastructure crisis - more scandals, false claims or financing

Housing crisis - policies and initiatives failed to live up to its promises

Rahm Emanuel's case is support for a system of meritocracy.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

Rare moment when our conservative friends and liberal friends seem to equally dislike this guy. He has to be trying hard to have that distinction.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

The post of U.S. Ambassador to Japan needs a seasoned experienced diplomat, not a former Major of Chicago.

Day One, an Ambassador that fully comprehends/understands the geo political challenges the region is going to present.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

New clown is coming to town!!..

And no matter the political party, belongs to the same circus..

5 ( +9 / -4 )

We went 2 years without an ambassador, we're doing just fine. Keep looking till you find someone better...

7 ( +11 / -4 )

No one likes anyone anymore.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Rahm's an expert on using a crisis to further a political agenda, hence his value to President Biden.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Wow Japan just received a do nothing worthless ambassador. The position would have been better off not being filled this guy is a crook!

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Beyond the exchanging scripted pleasantries, I think the former Major of Chicago is going to have to on his toes. Rahm Emanuel has little or no experience in international diplomacy.

Senate approves Rahm Emanuel as U.S. ambassador to Japan


3 ( +7 / -4 )

filling a key post that has been vacant for more than two years

Then it's perhaps not as 'key' as you make out, AP.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Time will tell, but not a bad thing.

If there was ever a guy who isn't afraid to shoot his mouth off, it's this guy... which could, perhaps, help lots of us who are waiting for Japan to ease border restrictions, if a strong enough case is built by those who will be petitioning the new ambassador regarding the entry bans. Still, with 88% of Japanese voter supporting the 'no gaijin' rule, I doubt Kashida will give much of a hoot what this guy says, but again, time will tell.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Thank goodness he’s an Ambassador rather than mayor! He did nothing to keep Chicago safe!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Although Mr Emanuel was born in the United States of America, he served in Israel’s Defense Forces, and not in the armed forces of his own country. His loyalties were to a foreign country.

He should have lost his U.S. citizenship. Instead, he ran for office to the U.S. Congress as a representative of his native State of Illinois. Later, he become Chief of Staff on the White House during the Obama Administration. Later on, Mayor of the City of Chicago.

He should not be representing the USA as Ambassador to Japan, or for that matter, any other position representing the USA.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Although Mr Emanuel was born in the United States of America, he served in Israel’s Defense Forces, and not in the armed forces of his own country. His loyalties were to a foreign country.

He should have lost his U.S. citizenship. Instead, he ran for office to the U.S. Congress as a representative of his native State of Illinois. Later, he become Chief of Staff on the White House during the Obama Administration. Later on, Mayor of the City of Chicago.

He should not be representing the USA as Ambassador to Japan, or for that matter, any other position representing the USA.

I agree.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

So I guess because he's some big hotshot, he doesn't have to abide by the quarantine rules? Figures.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

It is sad that Japan is seen as a 'boutique' ambassadorship, to be used as a party favor. It is understandable that Presidents award these posts to their friends, donors, etc. But not Japan. Perhaps Luxembourg or Ecuador or Nepal, but Japan? It is an insult to Japan that the US takes the Japan-US relationship so lightly. This is a sad trend that both parties are guilty of.

Now, take a moment to see who Japan has as their ambassador to the US...career in the foreign service, previous posts in Israel and South Korea....


2 ( +9 / -7 )

What's with the stupid thumb up ?

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

I will be honest, I didn't even realise he was still involved in politics in any capacity. Though sucks he is just going to be attending lavish dinners and doing nothing useful during the course of his appointment.

That said, glad he isn't in a position with any real power to affect policy.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

He’s a sharp guy. Japan’s lucky to have him.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

The new viceroy has arrived.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The Brits always appoints a career diploma.

Does anyone care who UK appoints? Doubtful.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Apparently, you don’t know who Rahm Emanuel is…

Citing one of the most far left media outlets. Kudos!

2 ( +3 / -1 )


Caoline Kennedy was US ambassador to Japan between 2013-2017

3 ( +4 / -1 )

4 years playing in Japan on a high end expense account at the US tax payers' expense. A handsome reward for his loyalty to the failing Democratic party and for running the notoriously corrupt, and also failing despite taxes that will make your nose bleed, City of Chicago (just check the city's net migration stats if you disagree).

What an utter insult to the importance of Japan and its people to the Biden admin.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Just don’t let him in the American club to work out!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I am sure hew flew business class or first, so why dress like he is going shopping in Harajuku? First impression of his dress codes I don't approve. Already shows lack of respect for his host country. A bit more formal or at lease fashionable would have sent a better signal. As usual this reflects the general attitude of the US o its allies.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

He will fight the j-justice system and force Japan to follow the human rights international conventions.

I'm looking forward some real action now he's in charge.


0 ( +2 / -2 )

If it were me, I probably would’ve left Chicago off my résumé…

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Let's hope he learns a thing or two from Japan about managing a city

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

this man is incompetent, you should read his resume'.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Sakura,having critical thought only thing needed, becoming Ambassador to Japan

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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