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© Thomson Reuters 2023.New Zealand confident about IAEA advice on Fukushima water release plan
By Lucy Craymer WELLINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Wow - a non-hysterical Asia-Pacific nation following the science unlike at least three of Japans neighbors.
Refreshing to see.
How far the distance between Japan and New Zealand? Please compare that to Korea and China. Her statement just really meaningless, considering the distance between New Zealand and Fukushima. If that power plant located in Canberra then we can consider her statement.
New Zealand, as a nuclear- free nation...
Wonder what 'Price' this decision came at for Japan- Can't see the IAEA or UN dipping their hands in their pockets.
Marc Lowe
Mahuta has a good head on her shouldersand New Zealand knows its stuff when it comes to the environment. Other Pacific nations and dictatorships seem to prefer illogical protesting when the facts clearly show that Fukushima is safe. Maybe if Barry Obama would fly over and eat some seafood and drink a glass of Fukushima water everyone would hush up.
What attracted my attention before reading this article is Nanaia Mahuta's facial tattooing. That tattooing culture must be related with that of the native tribes in Taiwan and young women in old Ryukyu. In Ryukyu, women tattooed different designs on the back of their hands according to the social class they belonged to.
The practice of tattooing was prohibited by law by the Meiji Government because tattooing ran counter to the Meiji Government's Westernization policy. The Meiji Government thought any kind of tattooing barbaric and so tattooing was practiced clandestinely only among the members of crime syndicates. Most of professional tattooists, who had openly practiced their talents during the pre-Meiji era, found a means of escape in an unexpected quarter, however: abroad.
It is ironical then that public bathhouses in Japan's hot spring regions prohibit tattooed persons from using their bathing facilities.
@Roy Sophveason
Anyone with a world map can show the distance between Japan and New Zealand is around 9,322 km to be exact, instead just saying 3km, the closer it gets the more relevant with that more water dump.
New Zealand's statement, is less relevant as if countries in Western Africa that miles away from Fukushima made a statement about water dump.
@Roy Sophveason
In fact nobody knows the actual long term effect of tritium that being discharged from that crippled plant, up until today, no scientist and of course not you, can tell that for sure. However the thing we can know the more distance we have, the less effect it will be.
Yeh Roy, Fukushima is so safe , isn’t it?
That’s why I meet people down in Kansai not willing to believe the Japanese government and its lies.
How’s the ongoing testing for tumors in the population going up there in Fukushima?
Children doing ok?
Fukushima is safer now than in 2011. Radiation levels around the plant have greatly reduced allowing workers to wear normal working clothes. In the contaminated area which represents 4% of the prefecture radiation levels have also been reduced in many areas but there are still hotspots and will be for decades to come.
The Fukushima Prefectural Government has conducted a survey on thyroid glands covering some 380,000 people aged 18 or younger who were living in Fukushima Prefecture at the time of the nuclear catastrophe. As of June 2021, 266 people had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer or suspected thyroid cancer.