Japan Today

NHK manager's Nanjing denial no problem, gov't says


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Momii should replace Abe as prime minister. At least he speaks his mind without then trying to hide it or "explain" it. What's the point of trying to hide, when the majority of the Japanese, at least the young Japanese think the same way as these people. They don't believe Japan did anything wrong any time in its history. Japan, in their view, has always been a peaceful country as it is now, and that it has been a victim of the American bombing for no good reason. Such was the extent of its "defeat" in WW2. WW2 in Asia is only WW1.

Let the majority view in Japan prevail, and let history take its course for them!

-21 ( +7 / -27 )

What a disgrace.

I read it on the home page of the BBC first, so if they think that it's something the world doesn't care about, they had better think again.

I just do not understand the insensitivity and lack of empathy and compassion from these old goons.

35 ( +40 / -5 )

...have fuelled fears that NHK’s editorial independence had been compromised

Pretty sure it was compromised the moment it came into existence. Anyway, regardless of whether he violated any rules in making those comments, it shows extremely poor judgment on NHK's part for keeping him on because it demonstrates they are comfortable with having top management displaying extreme ignorance in public. Not ideal for any news agency.

18 ( +23 / -5 )

And again we have NHK taking an extreme right-wing bent when it's supposed to be neutral, and it's not surprising the ultra-right wing government supports the man in question.

One more reason to never, ever pay NHK.

29 ( +38 / -10 )

He just made the best argument for teaching the children this. Photo evidence, former soldiers testimony, independent witnesses mean nothing in the face of such stupidity.

18 ( +24 / -6 )


Momii should replace Abe as prime minister. At least he speaks his mind without then trying to hide it or "explain" it. What's the point of trying to hide, when the majority of the Japanese, at least the young Japanese think the same way as these people.

You are wrong, because, voters are mostly old people, and it seams , some old people are interested in cleaning history of Japan of bad things . Sadly, they will ruin the future of Japan with this . This article is like a key for China action in Senkaku region . I hope that Naoki Hyakuta will take the responsibility for anything that will happen because of his words .

10 ( +17 / -7 )

Dump NHK. It's an insult to fee-payers. Over ¥2000 a month can get you some worthwhile channels or quality newspapers. Do you really want to watch, let alone fund, this kind of broadcaster?

9 ( +14 / -5 )

He subsequently apologized for the statement, blaming his inexperience in press conferences, ...

Why the hell has this guy been promoted to management of the biggest Japanese media if he cannot hold a press conference?

12 ( +16 / -4 )

NHK should be abolished and Japan should have only private broadcasters. My comments will be deleted so keep in mind that I think National Broadcasting is no good in any countries.

-2 ( +11 / -14 )

Japan needs a law like Germany where they can't deny history, at least publicly. This would force change throughout the oyaji-sphere to catch up with the rest of the country.

17 ( +22 / -5 )

So history according to Japanese claims that I've heard so far in summary:

1) Nanjing is a hoax 2) Comfort Women is a hoax 3) Japan never invaded anyone 4) Japan peacefully united Asia 5) Attack on Pearl Harbor was preemptive defensive strike 6) Unit 731 is a hoax, never happened. 7) America nuked Japan for no reason 8) No Japanese mistreated Allied POW's, they were all strictly the work of Koreans

26 ( +36 / -10 )

Chucky you said it in a nut shell.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

This is exactly why I refuse to give NHK my money.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

1) Nanjing is a hoax 2) Comfort Women is a hoax 3) Japan never invaded anyone 4) Japan peacefully united Asia 5) Attack on Pearl Harbor was preemptive defensive strike 6) Unit 731 is a hoax, never happened. 7) America nuked Japan for no reason 8) No Japanese mistreated Allied POW's, they were all strictly the work of Koreans

According to Japanese:

1) Vicims number is exaggerated by any claims from PRC claims 2) No one dinied it, some just said that it wasn't 'forced' 3) Who claims that? Koreans? 4) Who claims that? Chinese? 5) Who claims that? 6) Uni 731 wasn't a hoax. The truth is that no one really knows what was happening there all of you can read is made in fantasies, not actual military reports. 7) Some think it wasn't necessary to annihilate thousands of civilians using a weapon of mass destruction (it's not only brought up in Japan actually) 8) POW camp's aren't vacations in any place around the world even in XXI century (remember Guantanamo and still existing prisons held by various countries around the world?)

-23 ( +4 / -27 )

There is a noticeable lack of coverage being done on this story because of a couple of armchair theories. First off the notion that NHK is neutral or should be neutral is a matter of semantics. It's the news agency powered by the Japanese government, the leading faction will always have their own spin. With that said, Naoki Hyakuta is a nice little position where news agencies won't go after him because of some unwritten law and the government can't go after him because to do so hurt a lot of Abe's more conservative supporters as well as giving the opposition the firepower say that Abe has chosen some dangerous people to manage Japan's best source of mass media.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

The head of a supposedly independent public broadcaster funded by TAXPAYERS is making speeches in support of political candidates? I don't care what message he is promoting (as distasteful as his Nanking denials are) there is definitely a conflict there. He shouldn't even be given the chance to resign, he should be fired outright. Whatever little bit of integrity NHK had is long gone now.

10 ( +17 / -7 )

His opinion is held by a lot of people in this country who will never stop believing they were victims during the last world war. NHK is lucky they don't have to deal directly with me when collecting their undeserved payout.

6 ( +11 / -5 )


Yes, the Japanese extended a helping hand to China, Korea and the rest of East Asia to help them rid themselves of those evil white colonists and create a peaceful co-prosperity sphere. And I'm sure the last few remaining Korean royals, like Empress Myeongseong and Princess Deokhye were treated wonderfully. I'm just waiting for people like Nigelboy, reformed basher, Ossan, RR and other Japanophiles to back you up.


This is exactly why I refuse to give NHK my money.

I sold my television set years ago. FA to watch, NHK or no NHK.

6 ( +15 / -9 )

This guy just doesn't know when to keep his stupid mouth shut.

In most other countries, he would be long gone. Why is he allowed to keep his job??

On the TV a few days ago, he talked about putting stuff on NHK talking about his views. That just gave me another reason to not pay for NHK. I'm not going to give any money to fund right-wing nationalist garbage.

I' don'T know who is worse: this dickhead; or the government for letting him do and say whatever he wants.

17 ( +20 / -3 )

There was a brilliant article in the Japan Times newspaper 2 days ago about how recent happenings, including Katsuto Momii's comments, are putting the NHK's image of being a neutral media broadcaster in jeopardy. The article looked at how the government exerts control over NHK by having the power to appoint members to the management committee, like this idiot Naoki Hyakuta, who then appoint the chairman, in this case another idiot Katsuto Momii. It also mentioned that while NHK depends on the public for it's revenue, it's budget is still sanctioned by the house which is controlled by Abe cronies LDP. That's why many people at NHK are starting to worry about what to put in the programs.

LDP is trying to make NHK the Fox News of Japan. That, coupled with the passing of Secrets Act and other stuff, means things are not looking good for the Japanese public.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

"And again we have NHK taking an extreme right-wing bent"

About 70-80% of the adult population of Japan share that "right-wing bent." This is one of the world's most reactionary societies.

When Japanese express outrage over comments like these, it's only because the comments may harm Japan's image, not because the comments are wrong.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Tell you what, you really cannot blame the Chinese and Korean for not accepting thousands of apologies offered to them cos you have all these Abe wannabe idiots keep repeating reminding and stirring up the old wounds first !!

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Why is he allowed to keep his job??

Because it's Japan, that's why.

It's amusing but when it rains, it pours. Now they're all coming out of the woods to reveal their true characters. I just knew Japan couldn't go on pretending when the majority of its population agrees with this guy.

10 ( +18 / -9 )

Naoki Hyakuta (among others on the NHK management board) was hand-picked by Abe precisely because of his right wing revisionist views. It is not simply a coincidence. It is obvious that Abe intends NHK to forsake neutrality and go for an aggressively conservative and nationalistic stance.

Abe has gone far beyond how previous PMs have dealt with NHK. Abe is, above all, a propagandist.

I’ve learned expressing personal views doesn’t violate the Broadcast Law. The government declines to comment on the issue

That settles it then . . .

13 ( +17 / -4 )

that NHK,... is falling meekly into line with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s aggressively nationalist agenda.

sure why not? If it's good enough for the Bank of Japan...

7 ( +7 / -0 )

NHK manager's Nanjing denial no problem, gov't says

This is a misleading headline considering that the government simply declined to comment on someone's personal opinion.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Japan has freedom of speech.

-17 ( +4 / -21 )

I never hear of any Japanease speaking out against such nonsense. Does that mean they feel the same as these issues? Japan is such a "One-way thinking" kind of place. Does say much about character does it?

10 ( +14 / -4 )

To all those people who said Japan has apologized enough so lets just move on in other threads, this is the kind of crap that keeps us from moving on.

11 ( +16 / -4 )


I'm just waiting for people like Nigelboy, reformed basher, Ossan, RR and other Japanophiles to back you up.

As far as I'm concerned, the guy is an idiot. I can't see how anybody can sensibly deny the massacre occurred and it disgusts me that he is portrayed as a "normal" Japanese.

As for NHK, I like quite a few of their programs. I think their fee thing is weird because our government run stations are free back home. I do not associate this man with the entire station or the programs though.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

3) Japan never invaded anyone 4) Japan peacefully united Asia 5) Attack on Pearl Harbor was preemptive defensive strike

3) Who claims that? Koreans? 4) Who claims that? Chinese? 5) Who claims that?

3 was claimed by Shinzo Abe who last year said Invasion of Asia is open to interpretation, which is just code word for saying he doesn't believe Japan invaded anybody. Link here:


4 is claimed by Japanese revisionists who claim that Korea was annexed willingly into Japan who was trying to help out poor barbaric subhuman Korea. This claim is chimed in by the museum at Yasukuni which claims that Japan fought for Asian Co-prosperity sphere lead by Japan, fighting against the encroaching white colonists in Asia. Yeah, the same Yasukuni that's visited and worshipped by your leaders and hundreds of thousands of Japanese every year, says Japanese were self-appointed saviours of Asia. 5 Attack on Pearl Harbour: Again, Japanese trying desperately to find any excuses to justify their sneak attack while negotiations were going on with Washington, illustrated here:

In Japan, opinion persists that if the Japanese embassy staff in Washington had worked properly and the envoys had handed the memorandum to the U.S. in time, Japan would have been spared the stigma of having carried out a “sneak attack.”


For every single criticism of Japan, some Japan will inevitably come up with something to excuse their actions. Nothing was Japan's fault.

12 ( +19 / -7 )

People, put your pitchfork down. This is Japan, so it is probably just another mistranslation. Everything is just fine!


2 ( +8 / -5 )

What is it about Japan so that these denialists are able to occupy senior positions within Japanese politics/media?

Too often Japanese people and supporters of Japan call for Koreans and Chinese to 'get over it' because it's been a long time, but I bet Japanese people won't get over it either if the Obama denies internment Japanese-Americans during WW2, and the head of NBC or ABC deny a-bombings.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Naoki Hyakuta is the Japanese equivalent to a Holocaust denier. That the government has no problem with means this remains a war criminal nation.

Boycott NHK. If you cannot get out paying them, then refuse to watch their programs. Enough people can make their rating drop and thus send NHK a message that Hyakuta's lies are not okay.

One more thing. None-Japanese: Insist to your governments that people like Hyakuta be made persona non grata in your countries.

I know a lot of Japanese hate the right-wing trash that is giving Japan a bad name.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

It seems to me Chenchan's comments are emblematic of the real problem, and that is one of mass revisionism on a national scale. Trying to paint what is generally accepted history worldwide as some sort of regional propaganda war is quite insulting to those of us who actually have an interest in history beyond what is spewed forth from agenda-driven mouths.

By the way, certain segments of Japan's society trying to gloss over ugly moments in history is nothing new, for all countries engage in the practice to one extent or another. But what I find most troubling is the extent to which the current administration and it's right-wing backers will go to try and either debunk, diffuse or render moot what the majority of global academics consider to be settled history.

Reminds me of the ongoing creationism versus evolution debate that's all the rage in the US. One side basis it's arguments on wishful belief and the other side relies on science for answers.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

It seems to me Chenchan's comments are emblematic of the real problem, and that is one of mass revisionism on a national scale.


Just in the last few years alone, the list of prominent denalists include the PM Abe, ex-Tokyo governor Ishihara, Osaka mayor Hashimoto, Defence Chief Tamogami, and now NHK chief and NHK general manager.

And to think that some people argue China and SK need to move on, because formal apologies were issued before.

What good is an apology when prominent Japanese politicians come out to deny Japan's past wrongdoings? The other day somebody asked why do the neo-Nazis of Germany get a free pass and ultra-nationalists in Japan so closely examined, but the difference is that in Germany the neo-Nazis are a fringe group, and in Japan they occupy prominent positions in government and media.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

NHK is Japan's version of Fox News.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Now we see the fox's tail. Soon we will see the fox and if we are not prepared, we will all be eaten! Abe and his cronies can't wait to show the world their true colors!

7 ( +9 / -2 )

At least he speaks his mind without then trying to hide it or "explain" it.

It is a sad day when saying something ignorant is celebrated as 'speaking your mind'. In order for for a person to speak their mind, they must use their mind first. Momii's continued stupid comments point to someone unused to using their mind before speaking.

This man should be let go and the sooner the better.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

did he consumed medicine before he talk? INSANE!

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Japan has freedom of speech.

Japan does not have freedom of speech, I have witnessed it with my owns eyes. OK you are partially correct, as there is freedom of speech as long as you are towing the nationalist line, anything else is swiftly belittled, intimidated into silence and finally gagged.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

This exemplifies Everthing that's wrong with the Japanese economy. This guy and momii's comments, and they are in the top circles of power for NHK? Cronyism, old boy network, f@#king dumbass people, running a huge company.....into the ground. Kickem out, get some younger men AND women in there. Wake UP Japan!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

What a complete and utter fool, this Hyakuta is. Do they have any idea the damage they are doing to Japan's international image, by making these comments? I very much doubt China and South Korea will sit down for a summit while the LDP is in power (and while they are, NHK staff get a free rein to spout their nonsense)

3 ( +5 / -2 )


I know a lot of Japanese hate the right-wing trash that is giving Japan a bad name.

I'm glad you can distinguish between them. It would be nice if other posters were capable of doing so.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

I'm glad you can distinguish between them. It would be nice if other posters were capable of doing so.

Except the right-wingers aren't confined to faceless keyboard warriors on 2Ch, rather they occupy senior positions in Japanese politics and media.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

I know a lot of Japanese hate the right-wing trash that is giving Japan a bad name.

Yes, that is true. They disagree in private, but dare not say anything in public. Freedom of speech in Japan is permitted as long as it toes the government line. Anyone who follows another path is belittled, shunned and marginalised.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Another prize tool opens his mouth to impart his wisdom. It amazes me how these people, who were not in Nanjing, deny anything happened there when we have accounts from both Chinese, Japanese and others who were there stating the exact opposite.

I'm surprised this fool is permitted to take part in election campaigning. Civil servants may not do so. Employees of my university may not do so, even though we stopped being civil servants some years ago. I wonder why NHK employees are different?

6 ( +7 / -2 )

I was out drinking with a 27-year-old girl on Friday night. The subject of Abenomics and Abe in general came up. She told me that not only did she dislike Abe and all he stood for, her entire circle of friends did too. I was quite surprised, but she reminded me that the LDP is elected by an unconstitutional system which allows elderly people (particularly) in the countryside to skew the vote. 1 vote in the countryside is worth about 2.3 votes in the city.

A majority of Japanese adults did not vote for Abe, but a majority of those who voted (mainly the elderly) elected him. So old fogies like Hyakata represent the Japanese voting public, but we shouldn't make the mistake of believing they represent a majority of Japanese. Face it, if you are young and female, you are not represented here at all, and there is nothing to vote for. Old women vote Abe and LDP, younger women don't vote, thus we have the politicians and "public servants" that have been voted for.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

What country welcomed Japanese occupation? He is sprouting a vile and disgusting version of facts, anyone with a most basic education knows that. The rapes, tortuous murders, actions of a barbaric army completely out of control are well documented. The J government has for decades reduced the evidence and feels a plausibility denial. But the rest of the world know better, grow up.

I have yet to see celebrations about Japanese occupation.....anywhere

7 ( +9 / -2 )

So history according to Japanese claims that I've heard so far in summary:

1) Nanjing is a hoax 2) Comfort Women is a hoax 3) Japan never invaded anyone 4) Japan peacefully united Asia 5) Attack on Pearl Harbor was preemptive defensive strike 6) Unit 731 is a hoax, never happened. 7) America nuked Japan for no reason 8) No Japanese mistreated Allied POW's, they were all strictly the work of Koreans

Good post. I would add:

9) The whole world (SK, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Netherlands, Vietnam, Philippines etc) is telling the same lie about comfort women, and only Japanese politicians are telling the truth.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Aaah, but you see it IS possible for the rest of the world to be wrong and Japan alone to be right. How? Easy: just repeat the mantra, "They don't understand our culture..."

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Abe's campaign pledge to the voters in 2012 basically, said "I'll fix the economy for you, but that will come bundled with my unrepentant right-wing ideology." After two decades of deflation, Japanese voters were ready to make a deal with the devil, and they did. At least no one holds a gun to their heads and makes them watch NHK.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Old women vote Abe and LDP, younger women don't vote, thus we have the politicians and "public servants" that have been voted for.

You are absolutely spot on with this

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Everyone agrees that the NHK president is a dag who couldn't keep his trap shut. Having said that its laughable that the tight butts here make this thing a magnanimous reason for not paying the NHK fees...

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Depictions of Japan's wartime role are still contentious in Asia,where many have criticized Tokyo's apologies for wartime actions as insufficient. Regarding NHK, I've had enough of the one- sided programming you blindly call politically neutral (balanced). NHK's programming is as politically balanced as a first-time tightrope walker trying to cross without a balance beam.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Nanjing and comfort women issues were exaggerated. China and South Korea keep increasing the number of victims.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

@Cricky: I have yet to see celebrations about Japanese occupation.....anywhere

The exception would be the Taiwan Independence movement. Members of that group wholeheartedly support Japan. Their former President Li Deng Hui even proclaims himself Japanese and made a speech (in Japanese) in support of Abe.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Ridiculous statements? How so? Who's making worse? Mr. Momii was asked many times to answer. The press asked him on purpose to cause this mess. There is NO Evidence of 200,000 women were forced to work, saying that is ridiculous?But Japan lost the war, so should not say?

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

So history according to Japanese claims that I've heard so far in summary:

1) Nanjing is a hoax 2) Comfort Women is a hoax 3) Japan never invaded anyone 4) Japan peacefully united Asia 5) Attack on Pearl Harbor was preemptive defensive strike 6) Unit 731 is a hoax, never happened. 7) America nuked Japan for no reason 8) No Japanese mistreated Allied POW's, they were all strictly the work of Koreans

9) The whole world (SK, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Netherlands, Vietnam, Philippines etc) is telling the same lie about comfort women, and only Japanese politicians are telling the truth.

10) ...but Japan already apologized...even though it didn't happen....

5 ( +7 / -2 )

ReformedBasher For anyone the truth is important especially when you are constantly critisized. So, it's nothing wrong for Japan to argue on exaggerated stories. Japan once accepted everything knowing it was exaggerated. But they don't stop exaggerating and critisizing. So, the only thing Japan can do now is to fight for truth showing evidence.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Taiwan is a province, not a country :-)

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

11) Anyone with a contrary point of view to those expressed by right-wing revisionists is Japan-Bashing, the one-word rebuttal to any and all arguments which involve thought or knowledge.

Japan is a) perfect and b) the victim in all matters.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

I am all good with this man's right to free speech. But where is my right to stop giving him money because I disagree with him?

See, that is one of the real problems here. Its not that he spoke his mind or is in senior management of NHK with the "wrong" opinion or even that he denies a fair bit of proven history. Its that I have no easy means to stop supporting him. NHK should lose money for having this guy at the top, but they won't. He is free to lie as he pleases with little repercussion for his stupidity.

I suppose its also a problem that NHK is obviously not neutral as it is supposed to be. But there again, I cannot easily pull the funding from my family. (my wife pays against my wishes).

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I have lived in Japan for 20 years, which is almost one third of my lifetime. I like living here but this constant revisionist crap wears you down and its a shame that all of the nation ends up painted by the same paint brush. @zichi, Its one daggy "oyaji" who put his foot into his gob. You're sick of it then go back to the UK where everything is "fair" and have rationalized their history to the satisfaction of all their historical enemies, at least it won't cause you to be worn down by the constant revisionist "nonsense".

-4 ( +6 / -11 )

Um, where to start?

Perhaps with this:

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters Tuesday that Hyakuta, a noted right-wing novelist, was entitled to his opinions.

Sure he is. If he's doing it as a private person only. But this guy is a manager at NHK, an organization you are required by law to pay for. Then you can't have a bunch of old guys running around, expressing their personal, rightist agenda points everywhere. Also, would Suga be as protective of personal expressions had they been different from the white-washing, history denying views of the current Japanese government? What about personal opinions on for example nuclear issues? No problem there, I'm sure.

As a rule, I think fools should be allowed to be fools, but when said fools possess pntentially influential positions in society, especially if those are government positions (which NHK is), they should be scrutinized heavily and be accoutable for their views and opinions. This does not happen in Japan. Why? In many aspects, I feel Japan has never really left the shogundoms of old times. People are still afraid of "powerful" people and do rarely speak up when some of them tired, old oyaji spew out their BS.

6 ( +7 / -1 )


I'm not calling you ridiculous, I'm calling the NHK manager ridiculous.

Only a fool would deny something like the holocaust or Nanking massacre happened. I do agree that a lot of facts get lost, exaggerated or glossed over when people have political agendas they want to push. Careful research in WW2, and the events that lead up to it will reveal that things were not black and white. But extremist idiots on both sides will try to portray it as so. And politicians use history as an excuse to promote their agendas.

Meanwhile, the average person gets caught up in this nonsense. At least there are those who are thinking for themselves and believing reconcile, not rhetoric, is the best solution

2 ( +5 / -3 )

was claimed by Shinzo Abe who last year said Invasion of Asia is open to interpretation, which is just code word for saying he doesn't believe Japan invaded anybody

He said that the concrete definition isn't established in international documents. He never said that agressive war or colonial rule never happened. I don't know what was coded in his words but he only said that.

is claimed by Japanese revisionists who claim that Korea was annexed willingly into Japan who was trying to help out poor barbaric subhuman Korea.

It was an annexation an I know Koreans have a problem with wording of it. But it was signed by both sides so if it was forced I doubt. There were simply people in Korea (those who ruled at the time) who looked for money and easy life. That's all.

Attack on Pearl Harbour: Again, Japanese trying desperately to find any excuses to justify their sneak attack while negotiations were going on with Washington

I haven't read a serious historian writing about times of WWII who said that declaration of war before attacking Pearl Harbour was a bad thing as well...

-8 ( +3 / -11 )


His lectures were sometimes met with jeers and scowls from rightwing nationalists. One time, firecrackers were thrown to disrupt his speech.

“After an appearance on TV in 1981, I received a letter with no return address. It was a threat written by a rightwing activist,” he said. The writer told him to feel shame for making such revelations and warned him to “be careful when choosing what to say.”

Even a former colleague at Luan hospital contacted Yuasa and urged him to “go easy” on the revelations.

Freedom of speech my ass.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Lets not drag Pearl Harbor into this. If you don't understand by now that Roosavelt new the attack was coming, and let the Japanese attack, well, back to history class then.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Wow is it ever embarrassing being a foreigner in Japan of late............geeezus!

Must be something in the sake making these old fools spout this crap! Its truly amazing the gross & utter stupidity of many of this old farts!

And NO ONE loses their job..........................hey that's Japan where there is no word for RESPONSIBILITY!!

And nhk being neutral..........eh NEVER has been but looking like a real propaganda machine in the works of late

And freedom of speech.......... not really, the vast majority will keep an awful lot of their thoughts to themselves & not DARE speak what's on their mind

I hope the yanks grab abe by the scruff of his neck & haul into a room for a LECTURE, the yanks I bet are plenty pissed off at Japan right now. The yanks have long wanted Japan to step & do more out in the bog ole world but NOT like this

6 ( +7 / -1 )


"So history according to Japanese claims that I've heard so far in summary: 1) Nanjing is a hoax 2) Comfort Women is a hoax 3) Japan never invaded anyone 4) Japan peacefully united Asia 5) Attack on Pearl Harbor was preemptive defensive strike 6) Unit 731 is a hoax, never happened. 7) America nuked Japan for no reason 8) No Japanese mistreated Allied POW's, they were all strictly the work of Koreans"

And yet the great irony is, that they all claim that they've apologised for the above......

Anyway, the problem for me isn't just that some NHK guy believes the above. That's just the tip of the iceberg. The probably is that millions of Japanese could graduate from high school (and university) and hold those views.

"During the war there probably were atrocities committed by some members of the military,"

Probably??? You mean you are in a senior position in media and you can't say what they are? Someone in your position in another country would be ashamed not to not know in detail.

"but that is not limited to the Japanese. There is no reason to teach these things to children in compulsory education"

There's no reason NOT to teach these things. So there's no reason to teach the most important relevant part of Japanese history in terms of relations with all of its neighbours, but there is every reason to teach 1000, and 2000 year old history that has no bearing on anyone?

That thinking my friends is the problem. Maybe just a little smidgen of teaching would help Japanese understand their neighbours a little better.

You'd think that would be common sense.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters Tuesday that Hyakuta, a noted right-wing novelist, was entitled to his opinions.

Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion.

But that's not what this is. This is a nonsense claim that directly contradicts well established facts.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

By the way, in case you all don't know why Naoki Hyakuta would be on the streets campaigning for a politician - he is extremely popular at the moment.

He's the guy who wrote "Eien no Zero" which is a huge hit and very heavily advertised.

He was on a TV show the other day telling people how to write a bestseller and saying how many hundreds of books he reads as research. So, we have a problem here.

Most of you think he's a crackpot who isn't taken seriously. To the Japanese public at the moment he's well versed in wartime history and a great patriot who wrote a bestseller on which a huge tearjerking hit was made.

And, he's a great friend of Mr Abe. So, there is absolutely no surprise that the government has no problem with him.

For added info, he was also for the govt. secrets law and wants to change the constitution.

So we are not talking about someone on the fringe. The fringe is now firmly mainstream.

Almost makes you think about whether this is the type of Japan you want to raise your kids in.

If the govt holds power, I think we are in for a rough ride.]

"Is it becoming clear there are a whole bunch of right wingers working in NHK? Who's up next?"

Don't ask! Just look at the rest. One is Abe's old tutor and another is an academic who doesn't like democracy and has written books about it.

So, don't hold your breath waiting for anything critical of wartime Japan coming out of NHK.

Kinda scary huh?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Excellent food for thought @Peacetrain.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It gives me great satisfaction not to pay NHK fees and therefore contribute nothing to this mans pay. If you're in any doubt, how about watching The World At War, an excellent series by Thames Tv. That will show you how disgusting and shameful the Imperial army were at Nanjing. So terrible that even the local Nazis thought the Japanese had gone too far. It was made by a commercial broadcaster, not a mouthpiece of the government.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I don't have all of the facts, nor was I even born when it happened so I wish I had the free time to see the facts for myself. Here are the facts that I have seen though, which is confusing to say the least, and I stand by what I say when the fact that the modern Chinese Government is filled with fingerpointing and number inflators is detracting from the truth and giving Japanese truth-deniers more fuel for their fire, because numbers cant match and therefore the truth is hidden. Very sad situation.

Tokyo Tribunals, the very court held by Americans who just lost millions of lives against the Japanese, determined that 100,000 - 200,000 were massacred. The estimate was lower to the lower 100,000 area due to the fact that Nanjing only had a population was 200,000 at the time and Nanjing experienced population growth not shortly after the Battle of Nanjing, and the Nanjing Massacre was over.

Not to mention that the 100,000 ~ 200,000 tally include not just the massacre, but the Battle of Nanjing tallies. Is that really appropriate? You don’t add the deaths the Germans caused against the Russians to Holocaust death tolls.

Multiple foreigners staying in Nanjing reported what they saw. Which wasn’t pretty.

But as long as China has no interest in actually discovering the real truth, that feeds the Japanese flame that 300,000 didn’t happen, it didn’t happen this way and finally…. hey… none of what you said makes sense…. therefore YOU probably made it up.

Truth is always somewhere in the middle

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Just how far will this Ultra-Nationalism go ? Will it end up with the extermination camps of the Nazi era .. which given my own first hand recent experience from some so-called Nationalists wouldn't be surprising.

Yet, on the other-hand, this isn't the case for many (majority of ?) others whom I've had the pleasure of meeting/knowing, who've showed kindness and care, exemplifying what I had thought the Japanese people were all about.

What's happened recently - is it simply Abe ? If so, maybe it's time for him to go before he tears apart the Nation.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Two headlines today = - NHK manager's Nanjing denial no problem, gov't says - U.S. urges Japan, S Korea, China to overcome historical animosity Guess which country is responsible for the historical animosity...

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The only good news here is that NHK's managers aren't running any nuclear power plants because their heads must be exploding after coming up with such tripe.

Abe should have a few of these guys sacked so that they learn to stop meddling in foreign policy. Abe doesn't need any more help messing that up.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Only a truly repentant criminal can earn the forgiveness and trust of his former victims.

I see no repentance in Japan. Very little among its populace, and none whatsoever among its politicians.

Where there is no repentance, there is no knowledge of one's mistakes and wrongdoings, there is no way to correct them, there is no way of moving on.

In this setting, history WILL repeat itself. Sooner or later. Unless the whole Japanese nation gets up off their butts and realises what a huge problem this poses, for THEM primarily, not even for the Chinese or Koreans, then I see no other scenario than a repetition of history. And that is quite sad.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

“During the war there probably were atrocities committed by some members of the military, but that is not limited to the Japanese. There is no reason to teach these things to children in compulsory education,” he said."

Yes, there is. And it's not "probably, Hyakuta, it's indisputable.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The usual Japanese apologists have stayed away from this story in droves.. interesting.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Considering former Air Self-Defense Force Gen. Toshio Tamogami got canned for his statements (justly), this guy should also have been fired.

@Zichi and Jo Dod, thanks for your comments, they are very useful.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

So even though this guy's views goes against the Japanese government's official stance, it's perfectly okay.

It just proves that the Japanese government has no actual central authority or control over their own entity.

This is not a matter of who is right or wrong. It's about the Japanese government holding two contradictory views: one that of admitting the nanking incident, etc, as wrong, and the other denying that it ever happened. So which is it? Which view does the Japanese government official hold? And are these views actually represented by its own people, or not?

This would be unacceptable in any modern nation.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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