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© KYODONo women appointed as vice ministers under Japan's reshuffled cabinet
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Because during photo ops only minister that being showed not vice ministers, as simple as that.
Aly Rustom
sakurasukiToday 06:38 am JST
I could not say it better. Hopeless. Can’t they understand that the country has been stagnating for over 30 years and things need to change drastically before it is too late.
Business as usual for the LDP.
More proof, just "window dressing". Open the package and nothing inside has changed.
Look at high ranking officials in the bureaucracy to see the real picture not the random appointees who won't last in their office longer than a year before another "reshuffle".
Let me guess... nah, aint worth it!
It bothers me because I live and pay taxes here and know for a fact that there are competent women out there in this society that are far more capable than the old Showa geezers that are living the good life off my taxes. I don't want my son or my grandchildren to live in a crap hole that these guys are driving the nation to, i.e. short term vision while stuffing their pockets with cash. Hell, my mother, wife and sister have more common sense than these freeloaders, and more backbone for sure.
And the locals will complain when next year’s gender ranking has Japan near dead-last again.
I wonder why people think having women in a political party means it's automatically better for the country.
It's not.
They make the same mistakes that their male counterparts do.
gee. what a shocker
let me guess, none of those 54 VMs are under the age of 60?
Simon Foston
WesleyToday 10:44 am JST
Who has ever expressed that opinion?
The problem rather seems to be that they're being automatically overlooked for promotion because of gender, not insufficient skill, qualifications or experience. How's that good for a country?
Keepyer Internetpoints
Please name names.
Well, should not be hard. Most anyone is more competent than these geezers....if the point is to represent the common people. But still, who are these women? Its an important point because if Japanese women aren't interested in politics much they just aren't.
Back in the Stonge Age with this lot, way behind other countries.
Color me shocked....
Mr Kipling
Of course.... It is the vice ministers who actually know about the subject and do the real work.
Sven Asai
What's the problem here, if there is any? Most women and most men equally never in lifetime will become a minister or vice minister, not only here but everywhere else too. And we foreigners can't even elect or be elected as anything. That's really a useless discussion, as there's nowhere any significant statistical chance for both genders to become a vice minister.
Jonathan Prin
0 out of 54, impressive.
I am far from asking equality in numbers, but this is surely showing incompetence is rampant.
Even in Japanese army you have high rank ladies !
At the same time, there is not a single protest to my knowledge by Japanese women to change that situation.
So all is fine.
I hope my country will never reach Japan's demography though.
Nothing will change in this country until the old men ruling Japan are gone. They will never resign, because they love their cushy paychecks and all the perks that come with it and not even scandals get them out of politics. When they are caught in a scandal these men say "gomen nasai" and say they resign and return after the matter is forgotten it is truly shameful.
Simon Foston
Sven AsaiToday 02:02 pm JST
That's not what the politicians are saying themselves though, is it. They're always professing virtuously how committed they are to gender equality, smashing the glass ceiling, allowing women to rise and shine etc etc etc, but what they are doing is quite different. Isn't that a problem?
The reason Japan has failed to advance in gender equity is that most leaders (political and business) don't believe in it. It's all empty promises and lip service to appease the international community. How do we know this? It's evident by all the gaffe the politicans make and token appointments. Change will not happen until people really believe.
Simon Foston
Keepyer InternetpointsToday 12:12 pm JST
What, and Japanese men are?
Nothing will change in this country until the old men ruling Japan are gone.
Unfortunately nepotism is solidly in place and they simply get their sons and close friends/associates elected.
Real, you are spot on, however, I pray though the younger generation has been exposed enough to the outside world to make the change their fathers and uncles couldn't.
I knew this would minor position. They need to upgrade their offer.
No women appointed as vice ministers under Japan's reshuffled cabinet
I assume there were no qualified women.
Doesn't affect me anyway; I can't vote here so let them do what they want,
No sense getting all crazy over politics in a country in which I am not a citizen.
Leo T
news why?
Simon Foston
gcFd1Today 09:33 am JST
Assume what you like.
That's what Japanese people do too.
You do pay taxes here right? You're not bothered that the trough they've got their snouts in is filled with your cash?
Did I need your permission? Besides, the resultant facts support my assumption. Did you have a different one? If so, why? And why did the results show otherwise? Based on your assumption of course.
No, becauseJapanese can and do vote.
Why would that matter? A female is going to lower taxes?
Is there any country where people pay taxes and are happy with the result? Would females here give me back taxes? I'm not bothered.