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© 2011 AFPNoda seen as frontrunner to replace Kan as PM
By Frank Zeller TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2011 AFP
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Just-a-guy, Kan took plenty of money from Koreans, and was about to be kicked out and possibly impeached for it when the quake happened. Maehara's offense is tame by comparison, but yes, it would be used by the opposition to undermine him if he is made leader.
I like Maehara mainly because he was one of the only people in the cabinet to display a set of basket balls in response to the mafia-esque tactics of China over the drunk sea captain ramrader case in Japanese territory in Okinawa. I think he was the only guy in the cabinet who didn't act scared of China, and that is why I would love for him to be PM.
Noda is Kan's guy, mainly because like Kan, Noda is basically owned by the Finance Ministry, and Noda shares Kan's agenda of dispensing with all DPJ election promises in order to raise sales tax at all cost as soon as possible. It is a sign of just how owned Kan is by the Finance Ministry that he is backing an openly pro-nuclear power guy to replace himself, and retracted his own anti-nuclear statements when contradicted by Noda.
Never mind the fact that nobody likes him.
I prefer Maehara myself, even though he is as rabidly anti-Ozawa as Kan is. Also like Kan, Maehara is tainted by illegal donations, albeit in a case which shouldn't be illegal - zainichi family friends.
Nonetheless, the damage is done - the next PM is already doomed by Kan to be the DPJ's "Taro Aso", basically holding the PM job until the DPJ is slaughtered in the next house elections, which will probably come in about a year from now. From that perspective, given that the job is a ticket to political oblivion, Noda might be okay - I like Maehara and would prefer if he were to become PM, doing so in a hung parliament is the worst way to do this anyway. An observation Ozawa himself made on the news today (that basically whoever the next PM is going to be is going to be pretty much totally screwed).
Hope it's not Kaieda - after the debacle of how TEPCO and the nuclear accident has been mishandled by METI, it would be repugnant to me to see the METI minister throughout the crisis made PM.
So, yeah, I like Maehara best, but for his sake, hope he doesn't win. There again, Noda would be the icing on Kan's cake for perfecting the total betrayal of supporters of the DPJ if he get in, boosts sales tax, abandons all election pledges AND restores Japan's pre-accident nuclear policy, as seems likely.
Great idea, tokyokawasaki. The transparency is needed. How about creating a website like "KOKKAI.ORG" for non security sensitive issues (spies can still read)?
@just-a-guy, unlike your country, Japan is always progressing and forgiving.
First, Maehara did not know that woman was a gaijin national. Second, he admitted his wrong. Third, he was a man enough to resign from his job immediately unlike Ozawa. Fourth, young Japanesetoday believe in a "2nd chance" in life when the person is truly trying to do it better. Fifth, he is a new generation of Japanese bleed standing up tall trying to do what is a right thing for Japan and Japanese people.
Pray for Japan.
Maehara wasnt born from a wealthy Japanese political family like Mr Hatoyama, be PM of Japan is a dream for him! Money is the only factor in the japnese political traditions!
Maehara shall never able back to stage again, you people dont understand japanese political taboo! Mr maehara taken money from a Korean woman who has no japanese nationality! Taking money from gaijin means that person was untrustworty and 'treasons' in Japanese culture! He was finished and he shall never being welcome by the Japanese business sector, he was a man holding a hostile attitude to China and if he was choosen to be the next PM will seriously affecting sino-Japanese relations in terms of economy and security! It was a great relief that this man was fired, his resignation has avoided a 'catastropic' conflict in asia! Japanis very fragile after the tsunami, it is definately not the moment to anger China, Russia because of a man loves to play 'political cowboy'! By the way, Mr Ozawa is still the godfather of DPJ, dont expect his hands were off the politics arena! Ozawa hates US and of course he hates people like Maehara's pro-US attitudes!
I love to see the quick rise and fall of the Japanese PM, their quick changes has seriously let Japan sitting idle in the last 20 years! This is a good lecturing material to convince the world, democracies was aterribly wrong and setback to a nation's prosperity! Here is a comparison of the two political system in asia and given big contrast of outcome! Only a one party dominated political system lead by a group of powerful elite will brought a nation great leap forward!
The guy had a lot to go through this year
Poor Kan san
Noda isn't a done deal by any means. Perhaps Maehara will run. I'll be happy to see anyone who isn't in debt to Ozawa and Hatoyama get the job.
Just changing the leader!!! My question is why? What do they hope to achieve by doing this?
Due to the structure of the political system nothing and I repeat nothing will change just by replacing the leader. The leader has no real power or control, he just becomes another whipping boy for the media.
They need to drastically shake up and sanitize the whole system. Starting with ousting all of the"'very old" behind the scenes bureaucrats and law makers who have far too much pulling power. They need to severely punish those who exploit 'jobs for the boys' to prevent corruption at all levels.
They should not allow a politician to hold a position with any opposition party for at least 24 months after resigning from his post. This would hopefully help prevent the common 'switching sides' when things start to get tough.
They need to offer greater transparency - they could start by issuing monthly progress reports on key election promises (and learn to become responsible when progress is slow).
They should allow the public to vote/choose a new prime minister (if and when required).
Ahhh - this post could go on forever. So much needs to be changed for it to translate into real change that the public can see and feel. Just changing the leader is window dressing. It will have no long term impact what-so-ever.. 'sighs'...
Noda = nobody
This is beyond lame already quack quack!
"No Duh Sorry"? Or is it "Sorry, No Duh"
One of the damaging ones is a former Finance Minister of Japan; Fujii.
Hope he is not sitting in the Diet as a politician. He caused a serious damage to a fate of Japanese economy. He believed in a strong Yen.
The world was laughing when he said, "I am not saying today what I have said yesterday, but I am saying today what I had said a month ago." LOL
Pray of Japan
The next PM may well be Noda who is smooth without "qualities"- a Japan style.
I am surprised to learn this guy never had a real job experience in private sector. Very interesting..... Hope he will be able to understand what;s like to be unemployed when he needs to think about a job creation.
But at least, I am glad to learn he is willing to fight for the YEN's future.
Pray for Japan
The DPJ is doomed. With Noda's right wing inflammatory statements he will cause untold damage to foreign relations.
hopefully he will be terrible enough for the electorate to swiftly reinstate the LDP. Then again the tyranny of Nero didn't return Rome back into a republic did it?
I though Haraguchi Kazuhiro would come out. Haraguchi or Hosono Goshi would do better with Ozawa.
The next PM is the finance minister...and how is Japan's financial situation? Japanese politics are too full of excuses and fear of blame. They need someone who is willing to step up and get stuff done for the country and not for themselves.
Sounds just like the US... 70% polled don't want something, but the government does it anyway. Over and over again. Who in the world are these people lording it over the population? Scumbags and influence-for-hire, that's what. And the great mass of sheeple to enable it. If you choose not to be one of the sheeple, then you're on your way to being classified as a criminal or terrorist, and instead of answering polls and making internet posts, you can stand up in front of the plastic bullets and water cannons.
That sounds ominous. If the LDP like him, he must be bad.
Yup, that sounds like typical LDP claptrap.
That makes no sense at all. If people support his policies, why not just let him get on with them, or better still, help? Because there's no money for nuclear-funded LDP politicians in closing down nuclear power plants, is why not.
I agree with gogogo. This photo should have been picture of the day...or even better year.
The term length for Japanese Prime Minister should be set for a 2 year term. This is just getting ridiculous. Nothing is going to get done.
Photo is priceless!
Anyone have anything good to say about Noda?
Ok...Ready??? Start your timers.... All bets are final. How long will Noda be PM before he comes out the other side of that revolving door.
Anyone holding hope that this "change" will result in improved governance is an extereme optimist.
^ This. Exactly.
Also, it's sad that it took a cataclysm to force a political party truce (albeit short-lived), as well as make everyone start paying more attention to the decades-old technology being used in nuclear plants whose structures are just as old, if not older.
At the very least, Kan's energy bill will start the ball rolling on safer, renewable sources for power. If even a mere 5% of electricity production over the next 5 years comes from solar, tidal, geothermal, and aerial -based technology, it's more than enough (for now) to ask of a very dense, tech-savvy, appliance-dependent population.
I don't think Noda's going to last long.
" as Naoto Kan bows out to make way for the country’s sixth new leader in five years." the media does it again. It is if they like the idea of the revolving PM circus as the norm for a japanese government. Big business and those powerful bureaucrats know that a stable leadership is not in their best interests. They really don't care about the japanese people only themselves and the power they wield. By not having a stable leadership or government their power within the japanese society goes unchallenged. The figure quoted of 6 PM's in five years, the media should have quoted how many PM's post war, that figure gives you a real insight to the power of those powerful bureaucrats and big business leaders.
Does it really matter who wins? The PM's job here has to be one of the most thankless positions in politics anywhere in the world. Whomever gets the position will be chewed up and spit out within 6 months to a year.
brown-est nose?