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© 2012 AFPNoda urges Israel not to attack Iran
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© 2012 AFP
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From Iran, actually, and for quite some time now.
'Kill all Jews and annihilate Israel!' Iran's Ayatollah lays out legal and religious justification for attack
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The article is not an opinion piece. It is from the news services. Look up and choose whichever one you like. It is certainly not the first time Iran's leaders have threatened to destroy Israel. They have done so several times this year. They also support, train and supply Hamas and Hezbollah in their goals of Israel's destruction. It is hardly a state secret.
Just in case you don't like that source:
Right on.
All these acts of assassination and bombing reported by the media, and Iran and Israel accusing each other, but neither countries or the media have provided proof. Read between the lines, who would benefit from a conflict between these two countries ??. The cost in lives to the ordinary people of those countries and maybe be others would be unthinkable.
No, Egypt had its armies on the border, had closed the Suez and had ordered UN troops out. You seem to be under some fantasy that Israel one day in 67 just decided to attack its surrounding countries. Nothing, but nothing, could be further from the truth.
Good question. When Iran gives you an answer, let me know. While you are at it, you can ask them why they support, finance and train Hamas and Hezbollah which have sworn to destroy Israel. Was does Iran feel it needs to be involved? Really good question. I have wondered that myself after after these years.
Since it is simple to show Israel occupies less land than it did after 67, it is simple to show this is false. Why keep repeating it?
No, they and the EU, US and UN did put sanctions in because Hamas would not follow agreed to agreements between the Palestinians and Israel and Egypt. Egypt supported them too, by the way.
None of this is true. Hamas denies all that you have written. You better check your facts more carefully.
willi, u got ur 2nd fact wrong in regards to land. everytime u hear an announcement by the israelis in regards to building a NEW settlement, where do u think they are building them? on Palestinian farms taken for SECURITY reasons. That wall they built, gave them so much more land. They have been expanding their land mass since 1967. u have better check ur facts. umm, mass punishment by the israelies. These past two weeks palestinians in gaza have had 5 hours per day of electricity. people are going crazy. this is an extreme case, but since 2008 war, its been real real bad in gaza. and now mass punishment on the iranian people. anyone supporting mass punishment in my opinion is the worst of the worst. we all have our morals and ethics, and i am honestly very surprised by this kind of behavior. as far as i know, the iranians and palestinianns havent carried out their "backed in a corner" threat. what do u expect from proud people when they are bullied, to do or say things to make themselves save face in front of their nations. its quite embarrassing in fact to be slapped around in front of your kids (their people) and all though i hate violence if someone slapped ne around in front of my family, even though the guy is bigger and stronget, i will act in an uncharacteristic way to save face. thats the fault of proud people.
How about urging Iran to stop its aggressive support of Hamas and Hezbollah and its recent suggestions about killing Israelis (I think they used the word 'Jews') and destroying Israel? If Iran were to do that, they would not have to worry about any Israeli attack, which probably isn't going to happen anyway.
Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt. Israel lefted Gaza. The land that Israel physically occupies is much less than in 1967.
In addition, both the US and Israel reacted to the statements. So, it is not just the imaginings of some guy typing in a dark room or something. I am surprised that Iran's continued aggression towards Israel would be unknown to anyone in this day and age, especially Noda. I assume he has the internet.
As for Iran, I feel for the normal people there too. Crazy leader, crazy religious figureheads. Get rid of them both and give the country the freedom the people deserve. I am hoping the demos and whatnot comeback and they win. Too many crazy leaders running the show messing it up for people who just want toive a safe and free life.
Yes, the rest of the Middle East sure has been peaceful recently, hasn't it?
Isreal already has a recent history of war crimes..FUNNY considering the Jewish plight a LONG time ago.
Will he listen to someone that practices peace in the same timeframe.. history says no.
Israel and Iran and for that matter most of its Arab neighbours are both Guilty of agression and when it comes to attacks, who really knows who are behind them ( Iran, Mossad, CIA, China)
But the long and short of it is, an attack on Iran will be likely terrible for the middle east and the chance of disruption to Gulf Oil supplies high. The Area with the greatest dependency on Gulf oil is East Asia.
Nope. The Chinese did under Chairman Mao.
Just not to them this time. They have been committing crimes against humanity on Palestine for decades.
But probably not by Iran - the US Department of Defense openly acknowledges that Iran has no capacity to launch a serious attack on Israel.
Can I ask - why all the sympathy for Israel? Why keep bringing up the "annihilation" business but fail to bring up that Jewish Senator Lieberman is "all for" a strike on Iran to protect Israel.. err I mean America and that the Jewish-run Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) published in their magazine an article "Its Time to Attack Iran" Secretary of State Clinton openly admits that the CFR has "too much influence" on her department.
Not ONE shred of evidence has been found in regards to Irans "weapons of mass destruction" - sound familiar? Are we going to be played like suckers yet again?
For all the Americans cheering from the sidelines - dont forget, your tax dollars are going to pay for this war, your friends and brothers are going to be brought home in body bags to fight this war and the rich, well, you can probably finish this sentence all by yourself.
Come on Ben - I thought you were trying to sound credible. Dont ever quote the Daily Mail and expect to be taken seriously. Everyone with a clue rolled thier eyes when they say that link. The Daily Mail - you may as well have quoted The National Enquirer.
Yeah, Iran possibly having nukes is bad for the region, but Israel had nukes first and that is worse for the region. Hypocrisy at its best. Israel seems to enjoy being the bully in the area even though they are surrounded by countries that detest Israel. They all learn that if you have weapons you can be the tough bully. Pathetic really.
I don't understand how people can call Israel a "bully" when even recent events show that their heavy-handed reactions are reactions to direct attacks on its soil. When exactly was Israel a "bully" toward its neighboring countries? How about an experiment? Don't attack Israel for a while and attempt to live peacefully and let's see if Israel attacks. How about that? How about Iran, which has no direct connection to Israel, doing the same? The supreme leader of Iran discourages peace talks with Israel and has done this many times. Sadly, this and its often spouted threats against Israel are ignored or completely downplayed. There is nothing good to be gained by a country like Iran getting nuclear weapons. North Korea shows this.
Yes, that was very nasty of them to be attacked from all sides, wasn't it?
If Iran were to change positions and say they stood for Middle East peace and wanted to work to get a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians, I would be the first to post criticism against Israel if they did not jump at the chance. However, I don't think I will need my jumping shoes for quite some time.
Responding when attacked is not being a bully.
They will not listen to reason, the attack on Iran is imminent, but after a few weeks after the attack watchout world, there will be earth quakes and possibly volcanic eruption of an astronomical proportion all around the world.
Israel has been doing nothing of the sort. The muslim Arab population both in Israel, in the West Bank, and in Gazah is growing by leaps and bounds. Some "genocide"...
Ahmedinejad, on the other hand, is promising the "real holocaust" on Israel, and is building the weapons to carry it out.
Will, based on your post can easily guess your nationality and political beliefs.
It is like david and Goliath. Indeed, the Palestinians aren't saints but neither are the Israelis. In terms of who is more disgusting though, Israel gets my vote - keep stealing land, keep building, keep killing, keep asking for money and support and claim they want peace. Whatever.
. You also need to keep in mind that Israel has now got a very serious issue amongst their own people which are breeding like rabbits. The extremists among them is cause for concern - and even Israel is admitting that.
No need to guess my political belief or yours -- we post them here.
Fact: Israel has not been "stealing land".... it has been shrinking since the 67 war. Check your facts.
Fact: The muslim Arab population inside Israel (as well as outside) is growing much faster than the Jewish population. At this rate, it is a question of time until Jews will be a minority even inside Israel proper. So explain again who is "breeding like rabbits"?
If Israel attacks Iran it's going to break out into WW III
Every rocket Hamas and Hezbollah have fired at Israel has been an attack by Iran.
No. the fact that they are smaller leads me to claim that. You unwittingly agreed with me when you admitted they have given land back. Compared to what they did control in 67, they are smaller. It is a plain fact. If and when they give more, that will make them smaller still. In fact, they would probably give lots more back if they actually had people willing to talk peace with them for it.
Not attacked, responded to attacks. There is a great difference.
Except, nobody is saying that.
No. I don't see anyone saying that either.
Why? They are not threatening to destroy any countries and they never have. Were that only the same for Iran.
Only just recently Iran's laid out supposedly legal and religious justification for attacking and killing all Jews and annihilating Israel. Could you show me any Israeli leader saying anything nearly that similar? Noda is urging the wrong country.
I see you agree with the Iranian leadership.
I didn't realize the Daily Mail does not print anything that is true. Thanks for that. However, the same article was on the Iranian website Alef and on Fars News Agency's website.
As does Irans decision to drop the dollar as primary currency for its oil bourse on March 20.
Nice gesture from diplomatic and business point of view !
Someone needs to smack them both around the head. Israel and Iran are both acting like a bunch of immature children.
Heres a solution. Let Iran do their nuclear program but on one condition. The activities must be strictly monitored by a 3rd party independent source. That way they can carry on with the program and if they decide to follow little north korea with trying to make nukes we step in and stop them.
Equality, hes vowing, not happening right. well, the israelies have been ACTIVILY commiting genocide against the Palestinians for the past 40 years, why do u think he is vowing this?? just for the fun of it. grow up. the world just watches but hes the only one standing up to them albiet the wrong way but the only way a fed up and angry country could. what a hypocrite u are! go back to your matrix and when u decide to wake up, dont be afraid but join the true fight of equality. u should b ashamed of your name.
Jonathan Prin
One can say whatever he wants, but you can't judge Iran for things they just so far wish as verbal actions. If they are proofs of nuclear threat, west will nuke them. Otherwise, one must accept the rules of independance...Israel is applying rules of WWII, bad as history tells ! We europeans have learned from our mistakes. Not them yet. So be it. Humans.
Well said Ivan. If anyone should have empathy and sympathy for people being treated like crap, mass discrimination, little hope... It should be the people of Jewish faith based on their history. Instead they use it time and time again as a reason to be nasty and violent.
Why go back to 67 land claims?! Why not the 50s?! Giving a little land back is great. Too bad they keep stealing it from people who have deeds and land titles though - all in the name of security. If the land is so unsecured, why are they building houses on it?!
Producing like rabbits... Ever thought to why this is happening?! Both side are doing it for the same reasons. Lack of education with regards to birth control and fear. At least the Israelis can admit they have a huge problem with extremists. Shame that pro Israel JT readers can't do the same. The Muslims are indeed having kids but most are not being raised as extremists. Israel can't claim the same is are crapping themselves about it. I feel for refueled Israelis. Too bad their government sucks.
To be honest, get rid if Israel. Should never have been created in the first place. We'd have peace in the region if it was done away with. Well, a certain amount of peace anyway.
I agree. Iranians are good people and their country is a wonderful one, without any doubt. Also, don't get me wrong, of course there are nuts on the Israeli side, too. However, there is a majority, in fact most, of people in the Israeli government who are not nuts at all.
It is hard to deny that Iran has been threatening Israel for a very long time and it is impossible to deny Iran's extremely active support for Hamas and Hezbollah, both of whom has sworn to destroy Israel. This support has made any negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians impossible. Blaming Israel is ignoring one very large side of the coin.
War drums beat to the prelude of war.
I dont blame the Israelis at all. If I were in their shoes, I'd do the same thing. Iran having nukes is bad for everyone, not just Israel. I mean, we are talking about a country that is the size of Shikoku.... I understand their paranoia.
I mean, think about it. The day after Israeli independence was announced by the United Nations, it was assaulted by SIX neighbouring countries. Fought them off and has been fighting ever since. The Palestinians have been caught in the middle, but they are sadly used as pawns by their Arab 'brothers', They were displaced during the war, as were an equal number of Jews in Arab/Muslim lands. The result? Israel welcomed and assimilated the Jews who were forced out of their homelands. Palestinians were treated like scum by their co-religionists and fellow Arabs.
All readers back on topic please.
Noda's correct that it could create a very dangerous situation, but the real reason they don't want Israel to attack is because of Japan's reliance on Iranian oil. At least, that's the main reason.
"In a show of solidarity, Noda said that Japan will strive to reduce its oil imports from Iran. Tokyo currently imports around 10% of its oil consumption from the Islamic republic, the report said."
Why would Israel care?
Great idea KariHaruka. Too bad it was already tried - more than once - and failed when, after lengthy negotiations, Iran agreed to allow IAEA nuclear monitors access to their nuclear sites but eventually refused them entry. Regarding your statement that "Israel and Iran are both acting like a bunch of immature children", this is an overly simplistic analogy. The Iranian President has vowed several times to annihilate (completely destroy) Israel saying he will, "wipe it off the map", and as recently as two weeks ago, Iran's supreme religious leader threatened to destroy Israel again, saying that, "The Zionist regime is a true cancer tumor on this region that should be cut off ... and it definitely will be cut off".
Having suffering the worst genocide in human history and vowing to never let it happen again, the homeland of the Jews has got to take Iran's threat seriously, since as soon as Iran develops an atomic bomb (which is predicted to be 1 ~ 2 year away), given it's close proximity to Israel, Iran could very well carry out this threat.
Sorry but if places like the US, Russia, India, Pakistan, Israel... can have nukes, who the heck can turn around and tell Iran they aren't allowed? I don't like the idea of them having them but this "We can have them and you can't" crap is exactly WHY they want them. How about getting rid of ALL of them?
Ivan Coughanoffalot
Washington Times and Daily Mail are both notoriously Israel-friendly conservative mouthpieces. Get me something from a reliable source and I'll start debating whether or not the aggressor here is the aggressor.
Maybe if Iran was not always threatening Israel, Israel would be friendlier to Iran.
The problem is that the radicals have had their way in Israel and the Arab world for too long. There is reason to fear a nuclear Iran, I do not trust religious fanatics with nuclear weapons. The old USSR at least was atheist, they didn't expect to be welcomed in an eternal paradise if they blew up the world, and thus had no incentive to do it. The same can't be said for very religious people.
That being said, Pakistan is very religious and they have the nuclear bomb, and a festering historical conflict with India, another nuclear nation, yet neither have used their weapons. Maybe, since Israel is not-so-secretly armed with nuclear weapons, this could even bring peace between the two countries instead of war.
Anyway, I think that we must not forget how we came to this place. The reason there are still tensions in that part of the world is Israel and its settlements. It keeps cutting piece after piece of Palestinian territory, proceeding to ethnic cleansing by establishing "security zones" and expelling the Palestinians in the area, many of whom have lived there all their lives, and their fathers and fathers' fathers before them. The "peace propositions" Israel has made always ended up in a Palestinian territory that was fragmented and economically unsustainable, with much territory enclaved by settlements, isolating the people there from the rest of the world.
The solution is this: go back to 1967's borders, tear down every single settlement. If the settlers want to keep living there, let them live under a Palestinian government. At best, make a few exceptions for large cities that border the old 1967 borders, but that is IT. All major Palestinian organizations, even the Hamas, have explicitly or implicitly said that Israel has a right to exist, that's not the issue here. The issue is that Israel is denying Palestinians the right to have a viable State. Refugees should be allowed into the new Palestine, but not Israel (Palestinian leaders have acknowledged in private they have stopped hoping for the refugees' right to return, they keep claiming it publicly because the more they give up on, the more Israel asks of them).
If the situation there is solved, it will do wonders towards stabilizing the region.
Israel won't want to, but I think the Western world should embargo them until they accept. Israel is very dependent on foreign trade and aid (exports are around 25% of GDP, and so are imports). If the Western world leveraged this fact, Israel would be forced to cave very fast.
When jas Israel acted like a bully? Well, the Six Day War for starters. The wall they built and the settlements they build on Palestinian lands. The murdrers of Iranian civilian nuclear scientists (who do you think is doing it?). They've also murdered a Canadian engineer becuause he was working on artillery prototypes for Iraq. They are oppressing the Palestinians daily, in a system that many commentators have called an Apartheid. They invaded Lebanon because of a few attacks by an armed group inside Lebanon, which is collective punishment, illegal under international law.
I could go on. Israel is a bully.
Worried about that oil eh Noda? Tell you what. You can buy your oil from US, The U.S
By all means, wait for Iran to attack first.
Ivan Coughanoffalot
Here we go again. We were the only people in the world to have a bad time under the Nazis, therefore we have every right to invade beyond our legal borders, attack anyone we don't like, and kick-start World War III. If you don't like what the state of Israel is doing, you must be a neo-nazi Holocaust denier.
If any country in the world is a serious threat to world peace right now, it's Israel. Why aren't we imposing sanctions on them? Oh right, because "having suffered the worst genocide in human history..."
Ivan Coughanoffalot
I don't see anyone saying that, outside of a Fox News studio. From which side is the threat of attack coming? Israel. Oh, no, that can't be true because Israel is the victim at all times, even when threatening aggression.
I wonder what Noda would say if Japan was in Iranian missile range and the islamic republic was declaring that the "dirty bacteria" Japan should be wiped out.
What this hypocrit is really saying is: "Don´t mess with our oil supply".
That was the Yom Kippur War. In the Six Day War, Israel attacked from all sides.
What has Iran to do with negotiations between Israel and Palestinians? Why are you putting off criticism of Israel's criminal behavior towards Palestinians until Iran tells them to get a peace deal? That seems like moving the goal posts, you will always find a reason to avoid criticizing Israel by blaming someone else. I know that sort of reasoning.
Israel is gradually stealing more and more lands from Palestinians and making their lives harder and harder. They imposed a blockade on Gaza for not voting for the "right" party, making them suffer for their votes before the government was even sitting.
Israel is in control of the situation. That is the truth. They could end this whole situation if they wanted to tomorrow, as I said, tear down settlements or tell them that if they remain there, they will be living under a Palestinian Arab government. Offer Palestinians sensible borders, very close to 1967's borders, grant them East Jerusalem as capita and it's over. Palestinians have given up on the right of return of the refugees to lands that are now in Israel (not publicly though), they don't deny Israel's right to exist in peace.
All of this is in Israel's power, if they wanted. But they don't want it, or at least they're too scared of what the Jewish fanatics in their society would do. They remember what happened to Yitzhak Rabin.
Israel will be attacked first and not Iran.
The justification for U.S. meddling in the Middle East and possibility of starting a war with Iran is the protection from ally, Israel. Yet no military treaty of any kind exists between the U.S. and Israel. This unlike U.S. allies such as Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, and the members of NATO, all of whom we are treaty-bound to defend in the event they are attacked. Israel has more than demonstrated her ability to take care of herself. In any engagement with Iran, limited or unlimited, there can be little doubt what the outcome would be.
All of which helps to bring the nuclear debate on Iran into perspective. Even if Iran managed to touch off a tiny nuclear device and it would be tiny, given how long it takes to produce enough weapons-grade material for even one small warhead in a year or so, they would still be many years away from creating a deliverable nuclear weapon that could threaten Saudi Arabia or Israel, and probably decades away from creating an ICBM or submarine-launched missile that could menace the American mainland. And by that time, military technology in the U.S. would be far advanced over what it is now. In sum, like Iran’s underfunded, backward conventional forces, any Iranian nuclear device would have little near-term military value except (as with North Korea) as a deterrent. All of which helps to bring the nuclear debate on Iran into perspective.
So they attack, give some of the land back, and you claim that means they're getting smaller. Sorry, that's just not true at all. They also haven't given back the Golan Heights, stolen from Syria. Israel is an illegal apartheid state who has repeatedly attacked its neighbors, and caused ill will.
Israel is the real aggressor, they're the ones attacking people, killing people. Iran hasn't attacked anyone. I hope Iran destroys Israel if they attack.