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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.North Korea slams U.S.-South Korea-Japan military cooperation
By HYUNG-JIN KIM SEOUL, South Korea©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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No I don't know and neither do you it seems as Googling this
which countries have most rare earth metals reserves
doesn't provide any mention of North Korea so where do you get your disinformation from?
Desert Tortoise
Nope. Japan has more rare earth metals than all of those nations combined, enough to supply the needs of the world for centuries. They lie on the seabed within Japan's EEZ off Minamitorishima Island.
The deserts of the southwestern US have an abundance of rare earth metals. US mining costs are higher than China's so the Chinese undercut everyone else's price and were able to dominate the commercial market, but they are not in possession of the great majority of rare earth metals. They are pretty well distributed globally and already mines in Wyoming and California are producing them.
There's no bad guys and good guys in humane history. Look at Russian long-historical behaviors for a example, not to mention so-called China. How come Russia used to have 1/6 and even now 1/10 of total land are on the planet? How did they acquire such huge lands? There are only winners and losers in our history. and then narratives are created accordingly. It just makes you look moron when you keep sticking to what Imperial Japan did or didn't
I guess it has something to do with Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons which North Korea was a signatory but has withdrawn. But just because you withdraw doesn't necessarily let you out of your obligation.
@Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Actually your point was irrelevant as it was a reply to my comment.
Irrelevant means that it is not related to what is being discussed or considered
And what I was discussing is if the north tested a nuke the US had commented that they would reply with a forceful response. So I am unsure how the fact that North Korea use underground to test has any relevance to what was being discussed.
Please feel free to enlighten me as to how it is relevant to the US's forceful response if NK test a nuke.
you do know that the top five countries with rare earth metal are: China, Russia, Chile, Afghanistan and…North Korea?
We have Putin's invasion of Ukraine, Xi's supporting him and continuing to threaten Taiwan, and both of them supporting Kim to thank for that.
North Korea is surrounded by China and Russia who lie and threaten others but they do nothing to North Korea. North Korea regularly threatens doom on South Korea and the US and occasionally Japan and anyone else that catches their attention. For such a poor nation they spend much of their scarce resources on their military. Nobody threatens North Korea except when it becomes too vocal in its threats to others.
Lets be clear, North Korea invaded South Korea and have not signed a peace treaty. They threaten nuclear destruction to the US and to South Korea while their starving citizens are pushed to the limits by the regime. They would love nothing more than to take over the South making it part of their slave like culture. It is due to their attitude of seemingly psychotic threats of violence for the smallest inoffensive comments that they twist into an insult of the highest magnitude against them.
North Korea wants everything it's own way and takes great offense when that does not occur. They know what is required for sanctions to end and they refuse to entertain any agreeable compromise or pathway to retire their nuclear arsenal. They fall under China's nuclear umbrella in the same way that South Korea is under the US nuclear umbrella, so they have no need for such weapons themselves.
Hello Kitty 321
What right does America to demand that other countries disarm when it has no intention of doing so itself?
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
I don't see how North Korea testing their own nuclear weapon underground in their own country justifies the USA using a forceful response.
What do the North Koreans think they have that makes their country worth invading? They have no natural resources to speak of: maybe it's their long border with China and very short border with Russia which they think makes them special.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Obviously my point isn't totally irrelevant because it on topic .
As in - North Korea nuclear testing.
Perhaps it would be useful for you to understand what irrelevant means !
Tom San
A few more sanctions will teach those North Koreans a lesson!
The preamble to the Constitution of the DPRK states that the national goal is to unify the Korean Penninsula under the Kim regime. The 1950 Korean War never ended, there is still only a truce in place. I would say they very much have the intention of attacking South Korea. It's just a matter of when.
These big bulling countries don’t seem to understand that they are spending trillions of dollars of tax money on a country that has absolutely zero intention to attack them.
@Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Who cares how they do it that wasn't my point and totally irrelevant.
My point was that an US official vows 'forceful response' if N. Korea tests nuke.
In other news, North Korea has launched yet another ballistic missile capable of . . .
The N Korean have no right to complain/shout etc etc about what the American/allies are doing.
SIMILARLY, the American/allies have no right to complain/shout etc etc about what the N Korean do?? eg developing their nuclear ability???
I am a pacifist. My personal views is ban/forbid all nuclear weapons.
The US isn’t the enemy here. Read up on history. The US only took global homogeny after WW2 because the European and Japanese imperialists screwed up the world and left their former colonies in ruin. There was no other country, at the time, capable of rebuilding the world and give military and economic support to most of Europe and south east Asia. Heck, the Vietnam war wasn’t even America’s fault. They were handling the crap left behind by the French. America ain’t great but is the lesser of evils. The Americans were the ones who liberated the Philippines, Korea and Indonesia of Japanese rule and oppression and then they left a military presence that each respective government agreed upon. Douglass McArthur : “People of the Philippines; I shall return.”
Hey Kimmy, don'cha have a CoVid-19 problem to deal with right now? Why don't you be a REAL 'Great Leader' and tackle that issue, which is everybody's fight right now and quit whining like a 2-year-pld? Be a man, Kimbo.
Desert Tortoise
The US has no intention of initiating a 2nd Korean War. The whole reason the US has its forces there is to prevent that from happening. About half the South Korean population lives within range of DPRK artillery. South Koreans are clustered close to Seoul living and working in very dense high rises. The expected casualties in the first day of a 2nd Korean War are on the order of 100,000 dead per hour. Per hour. There isn't a commander in the US who considers taking DPRK worth the bloodshed it would entail. DPRK knows they can commit many outrages and the US / South Korea will not retaliate. Patience and preparation to defend the south are all the US and South Koreans are interested in. The CCP and DPRK won't be around forever. Historically hereditary dictatorships do not survive past the third generation. Kim Jong Un represents that third generation. The South and the US just have to be patient, be well armed and keep their gunpowder dry to prevail. All the rest of this fanboi chest thumping and finger pointing is just a bunch of hot air.
Bob Kunihiro
NK must be shaking in their boots!
“Mommy mommy, the US and South are bullying me again….”
Desert Tortoise
Pakistan borrows $6 billion from IMF and you say they are "trapped in IMF debt". How about the $61 billion and counting they owe China for the development of Gwadar Port and the land transportation from there to the Chinese border? China is going to turn them into the next Sri Lanka but some here will blame it all on the US and IMF/Globalists.
Too much talk! Start shooting down all those NK ICBMs that they keep launching!
“Yes they used nuclear weapons and tests that perished millions including their own people -dont forget about the New Mexico Trinity test of 1945 and the Atomic bombings of Japan and the Pacific islanders -bogeyman yes !”
Kyo, your use of the past tense rather than reference to current events, coupled with the exaggeration “millions” does little to increase your credibility in the eyes of the intelligent reader.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Well so far from what i can gather NK conducts it's Nuclear testing underground.
So comparing how the other Nuclear armed nations conducted their testing in the past makes NK appear more responsible .
One would hope so anyway
No It is just Kim and some 10 surroundings that feel threatened. Taking them down for the peninsula and the world is justified
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Yes they used nuclear weapons and tests that perished millions including their own people -dont forget about the New Mexico Trinity test of 1945 and the Atomic bombings of Japan and the Pacific islanders -bogeyman yes !
That's ridiculous !
You do realize that The USA and it's colonial allies have invaded and colonized more of what was the free world ?
Apparently not .
You should be able to clearly realize that what the USA calls freedom is just a false dream.
They gave up their freedom but don't realize it .
USA is a bully ! Plain an simple
There are far far more differences between NK and pre-1945 Imperial Japan than there are similarities.
However, that both used a national leader, deified and practically worshipped is similar. Which is why today's Japanese seem to get goosebumps when watching Kim before the crowds on TV.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
That's BS !
The USA intervened in the signing of a peace treaty between the north and south Korea's which has led to the nuclear arsenal capabilities of North Korea.
Imposing sanctions and demanding they give up their nuclear deterrence is not effective.
Technically they are still in a civil war .
Look at what happened to Ukraine when it gave up it's nuclear deterrence.
Is North Korea actually threatening Japan ?
North Korea feels threatened by the USA and its allies so it's reasonable to assume nuclear disarmament won't willingly ever be achieved.
It appears there's some truth to that.
Classic USA tactic of stirring up trouble and destabilizing causing more conflicts in the hope of gaining superiority as leadership.
Leading us into WW3 is what it seems.
I wasn’t expecting to play “Spot the conspiracy theorist” when I read this article, but am not complaining. Funny how some people want to paint the US as the bogeyman even though the reality is that it and its allies are the only things stopping completely evil governments from enslaving even more of the free citizens of the world.
Not sure If NK testing a nuke would be a good idea.
Will be interesting to see what kind of forceful response. Might be goodnight NK.
Are you actually defending Kita Chosen… North Korea? They hate western alliances so much yet they’ve committed more atrocities against their own people. There are more than 2 million North Koreans held in prison camps for petty alleged crimes such as watching a pirated South Korean movie. The women in these camps are raped and forced to give birth in prison. The US is not the problem. And you are really misinformed.
Michael Machida
North Korea has no grounds to complain. None.
englisc aspyrgend
While it’s disease riddled population starve due to successive dictators mismanagement, the current one wastes vast amounts on killing fish and building nuclear weapons to protect his own power but justifies it as defence against the neighbours even though their need to arm and ally with each other due to continuous threats from NK.
William Bjornson, I can only conclude you live in an alternate reality as your description of NK and its neighbours is so utterly twisted from any connection with the facts. Never mind that NK launched an unprovoked attack on its southern neighbour, NK’s military was comprehensively crushed and the Chinese hoards suffered such disproportionately high casualties, forcing them to finally accept a truce.
Ercan Arisoy
No surprise, maybe an alliance similar to Nato is about to be born in East Sea?
This is the only thing NK ever does. To anything. Why bother reporting it.
In a sense, N Korea today is much like the pre-WW2 Japan defying big bullies.
The time will come when N. Korea will someday miscalculate and the response from the trilateral military will be swift and deadly.
Stop firing off ICBM's then
Even if obedient, they’ll keep you down. Look at Pakistan and trapped in IMF debt.
William Bjornson
Bukhan (North Korea) is one of the smallest, poorest, most resource scarce countries in Asia surrounded by the most warmongering and heavily armed countries on the planet who do nothing but LIE and threaten, at the behest of the U.S., this tiny little state. They do this because Bukhan is 'disobedient to U.S. hegemony. The U.S., Nihon (Japan), and Hanguk (South Korea) have a combined population of 525 Million people and Bukhan has about 25 Million people. They have endured brutal economic warfare for decades but are a feisty, proud people who refuse to give in to BULLIES.
Their ability to wage any kind of modern warfare for more than a day against the psychopaths around them is ZERO and the only thing that has prevented the U.S. from utterly destroying them is their large friend nextdoor who kicked the U.S.' butt 70 years ago and would easily do it again. Other than Nihon, the U.S. White establishment has not done well in dominating Asian countries and, although Bukhan has offered to completely dismantle its Nuclear ambitions if the U.S. treats it fairly, we saw trump play 'Respected Comrade' Kim for a fool for political gain just a couple of years ago. But any real THREAT posed by tiny Bukhan is entirely in the Western media for the mindless to fret about.
They’ve been holding these drills for decades. Nothing new. Just put the rabid dog which is North Korea out of its misery.