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© KYODONot having children is selfish, says LDP Secretary-General Nikai
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Actually, not having children is UNselfish.
Less resource strain, less finances, the list goes on. Not having children far outweighs the benefits of having children for the sake of the environment.
Dinosaurs living in the age of computers, proof that age is not a measure of wisdom!
Dango bong
This guy is a complete buffoon.
And we wonder why some people don't believe in evolution.
On a separate note....I do not understand why the media keeps pushing Abe's agenda on this issue. They keep reporting on it as if it is going to become reality, just like Abe's urges.
The media SHOULD be hammering at Abe for his constant failures, particularly now with the upcoming LDP leadership vote!
Well if everyone had your salary and benefits, I am sure more people would have more kids. You should stop being selfish and reduce yours and every other politicians salary and reduce taxes and cost of living.
"In order for everyone (in Japan) to be happy, we should have many children and develop our country"
According to my narrow, dated definition of happiness, mind you. Also, ignore that we politicians have failed to address the work-life balance or stagnating wages. Or that other than pretty speeches by our leader, gender-equality seems like a distant fantasy. Or that we can't even build enough childcare facilities for the present population or adequately address the 13.7% of kids who live in poverty.
Our own failings have nothing to do with it--it's all about your selfishness. Have more kids, don't worry about whether you can feel or house or educate them properly. Just have babies.
Underlying all this dinosaur talk is a sexism that goes unstated. If women simply knew their place and gave up their fancy dreams of equality or a career or respect from chauvinists like us, if they just stayed barefoot and pregnant, we wouldn't have all these problems. Plus we'd have greater tax revenue to repay our cronies with and hit high-end キャバレー until all hours of the night, ignoring complaints from our spouses that we might want to show our faces to our kids once a month.
Hmmm..... wouldn't go that far, but there is selfishness in the Children equation. Especially those that complain about noise from newly proposed neighborhood children's daycare and pre-school facilities. We need to make it easier to have children not shame them into having them.
This is ridiculous. Think about the housing situations in Japan - small and expensive. Young couple cannot afford housings of enough space to grow their children. When I see housings in China and Korea, young parents live in wider space with more rooms of "danchi" style apartment houses which probably are provided by their governments. Unlike Japan in the past, today basic costs for living is very high. Japan was poor when we had many children and did not cost a lot of money to raise children at that time. If high officials of LDP continue to say such things, they will lose in the next election.
Let them eat cake!!!!!!
what he is really saying is that if the patriotic daughters of Japan don't keep producing children, the government will have to allow more foreigners in to cover the jobs that the local Japanese don't want...
If Japan wants lots of children, there are refugees looking for a place to live.
Ha! Who’s gunna take life advice from a politician?
If more people were bad for tax revenue you would be telling us to stop having kidz and be happy.
79 years old Obviously no retirement plans. Now decided to lecture young people who are on 12 month contracts earning just enough to eat. Unlike him earning ¥3million a month. How on earth can a couple living hand to mouth really look after a child. This long life boast is actually a negative thing.
Simon Foston
SchopenhauerToday 07:45 am JST
I don't think they can stop themselves. However it seems that there are enough LDP supporters who either think the same way or just have such limited intellectual capacities they'll keep voting LDP no matter what.
Well, since he brings up the war, why doesn't he just consider the babies not being born, equal to the ones who were sent to their deaths by their own leaders? Instead of killing them when they're teenagers and young men and women, it's better that they not be born.
And if he wants children to be properly raised in Japan, why not start with the children in care homes whose own families won't or can't take care of them?
What a buffoon.
Not providing enough schools for the children as it currently stands is selfish.
You've beat me to it !
This old argument is so stupid. Reasons to have kids are much more selfish.
Also, "In order for everyone to be happy" ?? Having kids is NOT a guarantee for happiness. Just watch the news or parents anywhere you go.
LDP grandpas really need to shut up !
Maybe not having children is selfish. If that's the case, so what? What obligation do people have to not be selfish? Why shouldn't people consider whether or not they have it in them to take on the responsibility of having children? Why should they be criticized for deciding that they don't actually have that in them, and therefore don't want children? On the contrary, a person who doesn't want to have children but does so out of a sense of societal obligation will likely turn out to be a crap parent, and raise crap kids, thereby bringing down society. In this case, being selfish is actually better for society than being selfless would.
The whole premise that people have any obligation whatsoever to have children is absolutely ridiculous. Anyone who states that others have an obligation to have children should be prepared to take on the responsibility of all the unwanted children that are born as a result of that comment.
Matt Hartwell
I don't know why childcare is cited as such a crippling reason to not have kids. Out of all the issues Japan has to solve regarding birth rates etc, surely another 300,000 childcare places is the least of their worries. Same applies to any lack of school places.
They should get onto that asap.
What a moronic statement coming from a self entitled LDP man stuck in the Showa era.
This is the face of Japanese stagnation and the face of Japan falling behind as other nations catch up and surpass Japan.
Do the hustle
Yet another idiot Japanese politician spouting garbage from his desk. Has he stopped to consider why people aren’t having babies? The main reason is the flailing economy. The next reason is the complete lack of daycare facilities. And then, add the failed pension system and huge public debt. People do not have any confidence in the future of Japan and do not want to have children. Fix the problems first and then people will have babies, you old fool!
Nobody has kids for this reason. People are not servants of the state.
Can you imagine this dude coming to your wedding and telling your new bride that she "must raise at least three children?" Wow!
This is code for "in order to keep the foreigners out".
The LDP ageing cabinet, mediocrity, the same repetitive policy solutions. Government, that mirrors to an extent the effect depopulation has in every sphere of authority to manage the economy.
Combined with a millennial generation that are unable to comprehend, or unwilling through plain laxity to vote, lacking any political acumen or interest.
And the result, LDP Secretary-General Nikai, another LDP politician ranting, without any proposal, stratagem, or reform for change.
I do personally feel a level of guilt and selfishness, for not making any effort to marry and have children, I value my dependence, and enjoying a level of prosperity. I share through the tax system, I have no problem contributing to family orientated policies.
My wife worked for a large insurance company. When she had a few difficulties during pregnancy (thankfully our son was born without issue!) she was basically forced to resign due to ridiculous working hours and stress being suddenly forced upon her after taking 3 weeks off.
As a result she lost maternity payments and the government paid 15,000yen/month. We are lucky in that my job pays well, but that measly amount would have made life more difficult if we were relying on government support due to a lost second income.
How can they say maybe more babies are needed when they make it hard to justify doing so?
These morons never shut up do they.
LDP? check.
Passed retirement age? check.
foot in mouth? triple check.
Chris Clancy
With the Earth population still escalating out of control, people the world over should be commended for unselfishly deciding to forego procreation. Some say climate change brought about by global warming is the greatest danger we face today. Greater populations consume more resource energy, further contributing to global warming. Population, therefore, is a greater concern than global warming. I once had the opportunity to pose the question of population as it relates to global warming to Climate Reality founder & chairman, Al Gore. His simple answer was education of women. Mr. Nikai here is proof positive of Japan's systematic attempts at dumbing down society.
OK then. By that logic we can now clearly state that Abe and his wife are selfish individuals. Even more selfish than the masses, since they have far greater riches than the average struggling Watanabe.
WOW, I did not realize Japan does not allow people to live in freedom. This should be left alone to each individual. The government has no business telling people what to do in the democracy.
Ricky Kaminski
These guys certainly know how to inspire the young generations to parenthood. Powerful stuff. Just order people to have children mate! Thing is these politicians were charged with stewarding in a better nation for the next generation , making the hard moves and important informed decisions for a brighter and robust future.....
Instead they became self serving cronies actually stifling progress. Now they turn around and blame the youth! Textbook example of the one of the senior architects of the lost decades. Sitcom worthy.
Lol! Another dinosaur with foot in the mouth syndrome.
If women don't reproduce, the earth will end, as simple as that. Sex carries responsibility, as well as happiness. However, if the govt really means what it meant, then give all the benefits to the women, not only the responsibility.
For women to take the responsibility, the other side can't be impotent. In the end, it is really men's problem.
Not sure about that tbh. There are just thousands of reasons (in Japan and abroad) to remain child-free these days. Imo it's an ongoing decision i.e. day after day ppl realise life is pretty good without children (alone or with their partner). We see ppl have kids (mates, bros/sis, colleagues etc), the joys & struggles etc, and realise it's just not something we want in our lives.
Am sure that for some of you 'daycare facilities', 'the pension system' and more generally $ is key but for many others it's not. It's just a life (& lifestyle for some) choice.
If you're talking about the large number of kids after/before WWII, then you'll also need to bring back:
-extended families living together/nearby for support
neighborhoods where everyone knows each other
the standard of living goes back to basic and poor
years of education for many back to elementary or JHS levels
having lots of kids so they can help with agriculture or the family run business
hoping that the more kids you have the more chances that your offspring will make it to adulthood and carry on the family lineHardly any of these conditions exist anymore and people in the 21 century expect a hell of a lot more.
The government's failure to prioritize stabilization of employment, pressuring of companies to pay corporate taxes in full, enforcement of employment laws, punishment of 'black' companies, adequate funding of education rather than depending on parents' ability to pay extra for private after-school schooling, provision of free or low-cost daycare for all, and other measures that might make it easier to settle down and start a family, is selfish.
I agree with what he said but the government is severely lacking in the support systems that would actually allow this to happen. Daycare, after birth reemployment, help with additional costs, etc.
Toasted Heretic
What an idiot.
I've heard this kind of nonsense from religious folk but didn't expect to hear it in Japan.
I suppose couples who, because of age or medical reason, can't have kids are selfish?
This party is so out of touch, it's surreal.
Alexandre T. Ishii
I think this dude, "Mr. Yoda" has no meditation force to know the difference of third world and first world. I lived my youth in South America, my friends of many brothers/sisters at that time consisted big family was normal, all of them helped each other, where there were no support from government. The problem of less birthrate isn't only in Japan, to see most of advanced countries the population is decreasing, even China have this problem. This world of advanced materialism created so much costs to live, money for everything. As things went this way in Japan, I want to know what the govt. have of formats or structural frameworks to support birthrate, he is just speaking in the air to spoil his "force" from his mouth.
As much as I dislike the current government they are actually giving some help to families with children, obviously I would like more and they should do more to help working families. especially if they want more children in society.
They give child support payments, tax breaks, subsidised kindergarten for 2nd children, free kindergarten for the 3rd child, free school meals. I don't know if this is nationwide or just localised however.
In the U.K. for example, the cost of nursery in some cases negates the salary gained by one of the parents going back to work, insane.
As for the debate, to child or not to child. Entirely personal decision. Never criticise a person either way.
We need to take emotion out of it. Japan needs kids. Can’t build a robot for everything.
Otherwise they are going to have to do mass immigration for working age people. Japan is even less structured to successfully andle that issue than they are the birthrate problem.
The impotent Abe govt is the problem. If Japan spends all the money on reproduction, instead of on militarization, then perhaps women will take the responsibility. By the way, PM Abe promotes women to take more responsibility in political arena, not in a reproduction house.
I do personally feel a level of guilt and selfishness, for not making any effort to marry and have children, I value my dependence, and enjoying a level of prosperity. I share through the tax system, I have no problem contributing to family orientated policies.
It'sonlyrockandroll - I don't think you need to feel any guilt or selfishness for that.
This argument is a cop out.
Have kids (if you're willing & able) but raise them well. Help the next generation be better that the current one. Parenthood is exhausting but it's the best. The struggles you face teach you to be better, more efficient, less wasteful. I guess that's also selfish, but I don't care.
Another day another LDP member that comes across as a colossal moron that has no clue what they're saying because they are so far detached from reality. There are a number of factors resulting on couples not wanting to have children. First of all, it is a choice, it isn't selfish to not want children in the slightest. Another factor is the financial burden, and also the lack of adequate nurseries and day care.
You want to encourage couples then the government needs to DO something about it and not blast off senseless statements. I keep hearing how "elite" these politicians are and the "elite" institutions where they studied, yet they come across as not having an educated clue.
The worst thing about this is that young people are more likely to vote for the LDP than old people. This guy may be an old buffer sprouting outdated opinions, but that doesn't mean he's being elected thanks to old people's votes. Just as the half of the electorate that is female could force changes in Japanese politics if it wanted to. LDP politicians can come out with all the nonsense they like because there are no repercussions.
I'll say it again, but the childcare issue is overblown and amounts to only a couple of years of raising a child anyway. Family-unfriendly work practices and low female wages are for life. While a falling birthrate is par for the course in the First World, Japanese are generally more conservative and less lifestyle-driven than Westerners, so I think there will be people in Japan who want (more) kids but are not having them.
Simon Foston
BlacklabelToday 09:10 am JST
Why? Not having children is only "selfish" because it doesn't help the LDP solve the demographic crisis that its policies have helped to create. This clueless old buffoon wouldn't have any opinion on the topic at all if the birthrate was higher and there were enough people of working age to contribute to tax revenues and pension funds.
What a stupid cro-magnon boor this guy is.
"If you can't feed your baby, yeah yeah!
Then don't have a baby, yeah yeah!
And don't say "maybe", yeah yeah!
If you can't feed your baby, yeah yeah!"
Simon Foston
BintaroToday 08:02 am JST
Unlikely that will ever happen. Having reached the top strata of political leadership and doubtless not ever having anyone around who dares to tell them they're talking nonsense, they're bloated with self-importance and a sense of entitlement to say whatever's going on in their tiny brains.
Ray Payne
Many young adults in Japan today do not want the burden of raising children, they want the good life.
Double income, good salaries, large bonuses, fun time for dinning and partying, many holidays, long vacations with lots of travel.
For employment, to achieve this wonderful way of life, first choice for employment is the government.
Why you so selfish ?! Have children! because they will ensure my stock holdings keep increasing in value!
Basically, you're saying what every child-free person hear when the discussion pops up, so as a child-free man, here are my thoughts :
The problem being that not everyone is capable of that (even when they actually wanted kids). We see it on the news everyday.
Why would you need to have kids for that ?
Maybe it was/is for you, and other persons, but you can't guarantee it to anyone. We see it on the news everyday.
Once again, why would you need to have kids for that ?
Talking about cop out... :o)
The point is, it's a choice, nothing more. None is better than the other, and you don't need kids to play your part in the world.
Japan should invest more on technologies that replace the role of women in child-bearing. It should be technologically possible to create an artificial uterus capable of carrying a child to term. In vitro fertilization takes care of creating the fetus. Put the two together and you could have a Japanese "baby boom" in a matter of a couple of years of 24/7 baby production. If you feel adventurous, mix a little bit of CRISPR technology and generate "designer babies." I think this is an awesome opportunity to enter a new stage in the history of human reproduction . . .
CrazyJoe - sorry but you're completely missing the point. Many Japanese people choosing not to have children for all kinds of social, personal and economic reasons, but inability to physically reproduce is not a problem for most couples who have decided to have children.
Where do they get these muppets from?
It has to be convenient. That’s what this society is about. Until we can just buy babies at convenience stores, it wont happen.
People will be required to donate sperm and eggs to the local bank on a monthly bases. The government will just mass produce babies in factories and ship them off to government care facilities. I could actually see them going to this extreme in order to keep Japan "pure".
Simon Foston
expatToday 10:46 am JST
It makes me wonder if Nikai isn't one of those LDP members who advocates changing the Constitution to outline citizens' "duties" rather than "rights."
Another of these old fogies with one foot in the grave telling others, whom they have absolutely no ability to relate to because said old fogies are privelaged, what they should or shouldn't do and what it means when they don't. NO, it is not selfish; selfish is cutting assistance for families and then demand they create more families so that you can live in luxury while being diaper trained for the second time. Selfish is giving corporate tax cuts to your vested interests while "hoping" it leads to a trickle-down effect that will help the people you call selfish for not wanting to be forever in debt.
"Selfish" is this old man, whose face should go along Yanagisawa, Mori, and others who have said women should be baby-making machines and spend time at home, having babies, etc., in the dictionary next to the definition of the word. Because they sure as hell don't know the meaning of it, but encompass its meaning completely in their words and deeds.
Another comedian hogging a seat where politicians should be!
We chose not to have children here for many reasons. Funnily enough none of our considerations had anything to do with thoughts of service to our country. Lol!
Commenting on personal decisions made by private citizens is selfish. The LDP views Japan's citizens in the same way a medieval monarch viewed his subjects - as property, as human resouces, as serfs whose role was to enrich him. Comments like this demonstrate just how shallow the understanding of democracy is in this country.
Spot on!
Of course it is totally unfair and ridiculous to criticise the Abes for not having children. We don't know whether they wanted children or not, and it is none of our business. But this just underlines the stupidity, insensitivity and rudeness of Nikai's original comments.
Reproduction is a very complex labour process and should be recognized as such. The hardship is unbearable and no men would even try it. Japan must pass a special law to recognize women's reproduction right as exclusive right and as a result women should be paid highest in this regard.
Kniknaknokkaer, what do you mean by saying simple ? You are not a scientist, are you ?
What an utter moron. Proof yet again that those in charge know nothing about life as an ordinary person.
Just curious. Do you actually live and work in Japan?
Kimball McCarty
My way of thinking may be old fashioned here, but I feel a need to comment.
I feel that if couples are able to have children, then they should. Sure it takes sacrifice on your part. It is not easy at times. You may not be able to go traveling as much, end up spending your weekends taking them places or not being able to buy the things you have always wanted now.
Just remember that when you are in the nursing home or hospital, who is going to come visit you? Who are you going to ask for help if you don't have a spouse? With children, it will be easier to ask them for help than a complete stranger.
My wife and I have tried to do our best to raise our five kids. We are not perfect parents, we have have our faults. we don't expect our kids to be perfect either.
My wife and I, we are the only ones of our own siblings to have children. The others either never got married, or did get married and did not want to have children. That was their choice and I don't say anything. However, when it comes to them needing help when they are older, I know that they will call us for help. Our children and grandchildren will have top priority. We feel no obligation to them, even though they are extended family. They will just have to wait. I may sound cold, but they all had their chance to get married and have kids. They just didn't do it (and they were medically able to have kids).
So a life with out kids can be easier, but I think it is more full filling with them.
The LDP creates the conditions that lower economic outcomes for the working class and then calls them selfish when they cannot afford to get married or have kids even if they want to do so. Other countries, like France, have helped solve their slowing birth rates. It did not include scolding the victims of the "winner dog, loser dog" economic policies of the out of touch with reality LDP.
If the LDP wants to make the birth rate go up they need to create conditions for Japanese people to feel positive about their futures. They do not current feel that way. It is remarkable that it is gaijin or mixed couples that are producing more kids than Japanese parents. Maybe the LDP oyaji's should encourage mixed couples to get married. Right, that will not happen.
People are not servants of the state. and thats exactly what many of these moronic politicians cant seem to understand, they're still living in pre-democratic Japan
wtfjapan - was just coming to say the same thing. You beat me to it.
LDP has a severe shortage of humanity.
So basically, you had five kids in order to pad out your own old age = selfishness!
What type of future have you born them into?
I feel that if couples are able to have children, then they should. Sure it takes sacrifice on your part. It is not easy at times. You may not be able to go traveling as much, end up spending your weekends taking them places or not being able to buy the things you have always wanted now.
thats just fine if your living in 2nd or 3rd world country, but Japan has worked hard to pull its country out of poverty and prosperous democratic country, this empowers people to live the lives they choose. Having children is nothing to do with social responsibility and everything to do with couples choosing when / if they want to have a family. Forcing / pressuring reproduction onto women is a form of slavery.
Yuko Maeda
People who want children will have them. Plain and simple. We already have enough stories of babies being found dead with umbilical cord near kobans, rivers, etc.
@Kimball McCarty
Child-free people often hear all or part of what you say when the subject comes up. So, here are some thoughts :
Well, child-free people will enjoy all they want, and kick the bucket without regret because of that.
In this day and age, nobody. Even if you have children. Also, child-free people certainly have less chance to end up in a nursing home than parents who experienced all this stress and physical burden.
People I pay with all the money I saved not having children.
Depends if you have a good relationship or not, if she/he's close to you, if she/he has kids of his own to take care of... It may just be easier to ask a professional.
Once again, maybe true for you, maybe true for others, but you still can't guarantee it to anyone. As we often see in the news.
I dont agree him, but its the truth.
I know he is a friendly-China old man.
I've hear much times about his opinion and disgusting comments.
We Japanese don't know him for our future.
Civitas Sine Suffragio
Saw this on the news last night. All my solidly pro-LDP J in-laws over 65 agreed with him. Lots of "sou na no" and "atarimae da". Must be a huge generation gap in this country.
Kobe White Bar Owner
@plasticmonkeyToday 08:16 am JST
"Nobody has kids for this reason. People are not servants of the state."
They are at j inc mate, makes me think of the battery scene in the matrix.
Jonathan Prin
@Bintaro and all :
Money does not buy all. If too many people think someone will keep their bottom clean by paying them, only very rich people will get that.
I would bet a very large majority here to shout against that dinosaur are single/without kids so it is so easy to protect your way of thinking.
Just imagine country in 100 years...if everyone remains with commentators opinion, with a minority only to be willing to have kids.
I chose family, not material world only. My choice.
What I dislike is speaking black or white : it is a society issue, not an individual level issue in fact. Having too many kids or even one is bad to some, true, but tbh, seeing many single enjoying life leeching support from parents is not good at all either.
Make it easy for people to get a normal family. Japan is so failing to this (experience talks with 150 000/month/kid toi low) And say things truly : life is a hellish need.
The Government and governments should stay out of this. Children are not brought into the world to serve governments.
Can you imagine this dude coming to your wedding and telling your new bride that she "must raise at least three children?" Wow!
Ha-ha, there is very good way off tackling that and I'm often surprised how literally Japanese accept everything said. First of all the couple should smile on him and then the groom should ask him if his wish means he is offering his help :-)
Waiting for #BowRinseRepeat
More & more young Japanese wanting to enjoy themselves and have more freedom. I can see that happening. And it is, so I’ve seen in the past.
But on the flip side those old politicians got a point. So what? More & more foreign workers in the future? They won’t be westerners..... probably a bunch of Chinese, Filipino & Sri Lankans.
Commeting on stuff which should be a personal choice for people is childish, stupid and insensitive.
An old LDP dumbo
Daft old goat
So there are more people with incredible mouths other than Aso?
I'm thinking Aso just lost his crown for the mouthing-off like a muppet category.
As long as the country continues to make unfavourable conditions for raising a family, eg lower wages, overtime-mania (where do you think that downtime goes for families? Raising kids takes a loooooooooooot of time) and so forth, this problem will only continue to get worse, and will get much worse at a more rapid rate.
I don't think it's just the ineptitude of this government, but they definitely don't help one bit. Not having kids is "selfish" when you don't want to promote the optimal circumstances to enable couples to start families? I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry, probably both at the same time, to be honest. Laugh at the idea of how such geriatric recalcitrants like this muppet are regarded so highly in this country, or cry about how much damage that they are actually doing with regards to this very topic.
In summary, this obsolete old fool is just that, a fool past his use-by date.
Yes we are, you fail to secure our living cost including baby.
please arrange salary and bonus like you, we will show our kindness.
Many Politicians are money maker but never refuse to take salary bonus from revenue, which generate by our taxes. You are really so kind.
Andrew Crisp
He is right if the Japanese don't start having kids they will have to import people from other countries, but all the people making negative comments about what this gentleman said are so short sighted they fail realise if population doesn't increase naturally then the Japanese people will eventually be replaced by another, what will happen in 50 or 100 yrs the Japanese Culture will cease to exist.
We really, REALLY need to impose a retirement age on elected officials. Members of goverment should NOT be able to keep their jobs beyond the age they allow companies to impose mandatory retirement.
I'm retired and a long way from 78 what is wrong with him? He earns a crap load of tax payers money has absolutely no ideas at all about parental responsibility. The LDP are hopeless old men reliving a time past with no awarenes of the present or future.
So that's why temperatures have gone up all all over the country, it's all the hot air when he opened his mouth.
Ben Youknowwho
The media is partly to blame here. Don't join the governments press clubs! Who cares what rubbish they have to say. It's always stuff like this. Next they will blame foreigners for the same issue. Morons.
Come on, these are all excuses. The real reason people don't want children is to avoid the burden and responsibility of raising children. People today "just wanna have fun and live extravagant lifestyles." Having children is an obstacle to that desired lifestyle.....which is self-serving and selfish.
The unpleasant reality is that most first world countries like Japan are not replacing themselves as their population continues to age to unprecedented levels. It's only a matter of time when there will be no future generations.
Born in 1939 Toshihiro Nikai’s wiki states nothing about his own family affairs, only professional data. Maybe time to tell us if he is selfish too.
I would advise this 79 year old that first, it isn't 1947 anymore, it's 2018. Then tell him to tear down the old boys network that makes everything overpriced. Start with housing, land, and real estate business. Cheap houses, no insulation, no solid floors, etc, all equal expensive bills and a miserable home life. I don't buy this crap that a house needs to "breath" so much. But what do I know?
I saw babies all over the place today.
Children are a person's one and only chance at immortality. But perhaps that is no longer so important.
Tell that to your Parents...
and if you're old, (as the name suggests) guess who's paying for your Pension ? Not the money you put in... as Pensions are big Government run ponzi schemes, but its the younger non-retired people who're putting money into Pension schemes such as yours which is paying for you.
I won’t even comment on this man’s outdated thinking. What I’d like to see is more focus on is societies functioning with fewer people, not more. It’s just not a very creative (or ultimately sustainable) way to problem solve to say MORE BABIES!
Well they created a generation of spoiled spineless kids, kids who live with their parents until they're 30 or older. They have no idea what responsibility is. Japan is a society of grown up kids not ready to make any commitment. Things like a lack of kindergarten, maternity leave nado nado, are just poor excuses for not being ready to do anything responsibile like a relation or having kids.
In other countries Young folks suffer the same or likewise problems, but they are ready to take the next step in life, whereas the Japanese just never seem to grow up.
Simon Foston
Andrew CrispToday 05:20 pm JST
Or find ways to make do with a smaller population and pension fund. I'm sure rich old men like him don't need state pensions, for instance.
I think we all fully appreciate what might happen. I don't particularly care and neither should anyone who is wondering about starting a family. Cultures come and go. If Japan's isn't around in a hundred years that'll be too bad but it will be the fault of the old fogeys like Nikai running the government and the economy, not the couples they're trying to blame.
HalwickToday 07:38 pm JST
Some people don't want children for those reasons. Others are smart and self-aware enough to realise they would be bad parents, and others just lack the kinds of resources needed to give children the upbringing they need and deserve.
So what? As long as people pay their taxes and don't break the law no elected or unelected official has any business telling them how to live their lives. Anyway, politicians are always going on about increasing domestic consumption and capitalism does kind of depend on people having extravagant lifestyles. I mean, it's not very considerate to manufacturers and retailers if you decide to have a baby instead of buying their latest products, is it?
How much more OUT OF TOUCH can a person be?? Your country has an OVERPOPULATION problem!
Actually, the Earth will be fine if humans disappear. Most animals will actually be better off if humans are gone too.
If humanity can't figure out how to live together, with the resources available, for the next 2,000+ yrs, or spread out into the galaxy sufficiently before the Sun becomes a red giant, everything is over anyways. Humanity needs to be working together to make that happen. It is a tough problem.
Understand the country needs developing with children.
It’s a personal choice/preference of having children.
Christopher Blackwell
I suspect the drop in Births is much the same in Japan as it is in the United States. The cost of living continues to climb faster than wages, so fewer people can afford to raise a child any more.
The birth rate has dropped in the United States to below replacement level, and even those births are coming later in life such as the thirties and forties, when they used to be in the early twenties. But today fewer people can afford a place to live on the salaries available and even some working people are now homeless, and the number grows each day.
Meanwhile programs designed to help low income families are being cutaway. So how can the poor afford to have a family any more?
With 40,000 Japanese children spending their young lives in orphanages, and only about 400 being adopted each year, the much less selfish option would be to adopt children waiting and hoping beyond hope for a chance to be welcomed into a loving family. Lawmakers can help this miracle happen by passing more laws in favor of children’s rights over those of neglectful or abusive parents.
It is heart-breaking and ironic that these poor kids label themselves as unneeded and unwanted while the government officials encourage Japanese couples to have more children.
This is the same politician who vocally supported Abe and Kuroda's plan s to destroy the value of the yen and send consumer prices upward, ruining the middle and lower classes while letting the LDP run up debt that can be repaid to the public in depreciated yen.
I can't think of a worse policy for aspiring parents. Everything this buffoon and his party have done since retaking power has been to make the younger generation fearful of the future and lss likely to have children. As someone who wants children more than anything in the world, I can't think of more depressing policies than the ones his party espouses.
His statement was poorly worded but European countries including very liberal and progressive Denmark have had both local and national programs urging people to have more kids.
Another comment from a fossil-brained politician. Telling people to have children while making policies that say the opposite is very disappointing.
Almost everyone don't seem to understand what he really meant to say or most probably the way he tried to explain couldn't able express or clarify in proper way for people to understand.
A singlr person or couple who don't want to have kids, just want to have fun, enjoy whatever they can. But they are also mostly the ones who encourage people that marriage life is a problem, having kids are even worse and cry out that their low income won't make them able to enjoy their life if they get married or have kids, too many similar complains making the social life complexity. They are also the one who causes negativity points (again, the low income and responsibility, then see low/middle class family in SouthEast Asia) towards families. They also make pregnant and doesn't take responsibility. I am not saying/forcing that they need to have kids but All they want to do is just enjoy their life, not contributing towards society and for the nation.
So practically these so called single happy wannabe people are ignorant and selfish.