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© KYODOOpposition CDPJ asks Kishida to explain Abe's state funeral
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It will cost several billion yen,the 250 million is a red herring.
I wonder how many ICUs and Covid specific hospitals that could get for the same amount?
He might explain with a moment of Silence
Nearly 80%-90% of JTers are unconvinced by Kishida's explanation for why it was appropriate to hold a state funeral for Abe
This is chump change given the quadrillion yen of public debt accumulated (much under Abe himself, to stain his record), but “forcing people to engage in public displays of mourning” - huh?
Have people forgotten what the word “force” actually means?
Derek Grebe
The public is split over the decision to hold the state funeral
The public is not split. The public does not want a state funeral.
The LDP does not give a tinker's toss what the public thinks. There's money to be made out of this, so it will happen.
The majority of posters on JT don't get to vote.
Countries hold state funerals for their leaders regardless of how they were supported.
The Avenger
Maybe the LDP can do it from its own money?
I can't believe we are wasting so much money only for Kishida to pacify Abe faction and continue seating on PM seat.
People on twitter are saying "LDP jijis who agree, should retire and use their retirement money to pay for it!".
Bill the Unification Church. After all, they are one of the reasons he is dead in the first place.
The reason is dead is because he was assassinated.
Why not have Kishida and his buddies pay for it out of their own pocket? They can easily afford it.
The issue is really not the cost. As the opposition point out, the issue is that there are no legal provisions for a state funeral. At very best it is unclear. The precedent is to not hold state funerals for any politicians and there is no good reason to start.
It raises concerns about certain nationalist motives. Why go there?
We, noncitizens, have no voice, no vote just like in other countries.
so you are using the model of the Tokyo olympics predicted cost being $7billion, but actually costing $23billion, not counting the alleged $3.7million Abe paid to get the Olympics?
Lionel Lyyn
If LDP wants to do state funeral, they should open a donation box so the 42% of people accepting can pay for it. Or better, they can ask their friends at the UC to pay for it since they are the root cause of all of this.
Both LDP and CDPJ, Don't you ever read your memo ( prepared by bureaucrats especially) when on Air.
People are watching. State what you believe by your own words.
xin xin
The money spent will help revive the economy a little. It is fitting for Japan to honor a pm with great international standing. Pls put away partisan feelings.
The reason is dead is because he was assassinated.
(This damn functionality…)
By a man who was upset at the Church’s connections to Abe and because Abe (and a hell of a lot of other LDPers) took the church’s money while it ruined his family.
Bob Fosse
I want to know how much the bungled security detail cost.
ask moonies to pay for this unecessary circuss...
I wonder how much it would cost for a former US president state funeral, or for a former British prime minister state funeral. Its assumed they will be publicly spent and not private unless the family wish it. Their citizens don't even get a say, through congress/parliament or referendum.
Not saying if it's right or not, just that ttbomk, it is the standard practise around the world. And many US and UK leaders were corrupt or had issues
People are crying over 250 million but not taken into account the cost of his life and what Abe did. Before Abe Japan had a circus of prime ministers at least he brought back some decency for the leading role of the country. There is no cost for death just a life!
It's clear his death is being used for political purposes and the public know it as well. Good on Azumi to call Kishida's game. Only thing missing is the other half of the story... The religious group in gov't angle as well. None of which would have come out unless the killer accusation against Abe made the news. Serious enough for Kishida to shuffle his cabinet, only to fail again as the new cabinet still have religious broup affiliation. Leading to a questionaire, which Kishida himself didn't answer... Hooyboy, what a disaster for the LDP and Kishida.
This funeral is actually growing into a national embarrassment not the send off the public are being lead to believe, which they can see. The veil is off the LDP, at last, for all to see. Who is fooled?
Drama drama. I don't think anyone is embarrassed sending off a prime minister of Japan. I actually think it's pretty normal to honor the dead.
If ever you want evidence of Japan being a 'democratic' country, look no further. For 3 days around the 'event' Tokyo will be on 'high-alert' and even airspace is retricted - the cost of all that security theatre and beurcracy will be 100's millions of yen.
Mr Kipling
Bob Fosse....
It cost the head of the national security agency and the head of Nara police their jobs.
And also the life of the ex Prime minister.
Petty politics, disgusting to quibble over a state leaders funeral.
Simon Foston
kaimycahlAug. 29 08:50 pm JST
What did he do? I can't think of anything good.
I would rather have had eight more years of revolving prime ministers than incessant cronyism, corruption, mismanagement, inaction and sleaze.
Simon Foston
Why choose when you can have both? ;)