Japan Today

Over 70% say they don't feel any benefit from Abenomics: poll


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This isn't surprising, the only people who will benefit are the corporations and the share holders, people with big money who contribute to the elections. With the aging population on pension and fixed income the misery is only going to increase. Abe and his policies are a joke.

33 ( +37 / -5 )

You are right at the tittle about the benefit but about feeling no effect, I would say that is wrong. How about higher utilities prices? People are not feeling the hikes in prices that will take us to the "dreamed inflation paradise"?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

The arm's race and the money investments in alliance building will soon have an effect that more people can feel. Just wait couple more years. Just now, Abe is enjoying the sort of popularity that George Bush Jr was enjoying in his first term. In Bush Jr's case, it it took 4 more years for the American's to feel the effect: crashed economy, 5 trillion $ in debt and hatred from all around the world.

It will come. If you are a patriotic Japanese, you should hope it comes sooner rather than later.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

When Abenomics was first introduced, I knew that if was only meant to help the same fat cats who always seem to get what they want. Sure, we got the end of deflation, which means higher prices for everything, but with no benefits for the regular working guy. Companies have said they won't raise workers salaries, as they want to take a wait and see approach to what will happen. So workers have to pay more, while earning less, and with no hope of seeing any increases. Then April first, a 3% rise in the sales tax will make it even harder on most people. Mark my words, Abenomics will be the event thats starts a financial meltdown in Japan.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

People certainly won't feel any benefits while the Japanese minimum wage is one of the lowest in the civilised world coupled with the most expensive food in the world.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

When you apply economic policy like a stock trader you'll suffer heavy losses. Once a policy is decided there cannot be a stop-loss. Abenomics has made economic policy a gamble. The bet seemed to have won last year but there was a turnover of the market. Shoppers in coming months may determine whether Japan's recovery from the chronic deflation develops self- sustaining momentum or slips toward another slowdown. The ides is to control a ballooning government deficit and create a tax structure better suited for the mid 21st century when Japan will have more elderly citizens and fewer workers to support them through income taxes.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"global acclaim for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s economic project."

Acclaim ? Where ?

Abe, who was in Davos last week ... trumpeting

Yes, He trumpeted and the audience was waiting politely for the opening of the lunch buffet, thinking they'd have preferred hearing a group of taiko, or even Miss Pyamu Pyamu. For the Davosphere, just like for most Japanese people, Japan is considered as a has-been country that is slowly and surely heading toward the second rank nation league, living in the shadow of... China, hey, who else ? For that Abe may have accelerated the transition of a good decade. Good thing that he makes the kids stay more at school to learn the kanji. They will need them later to apologize about Abestorics with their Chinese bosses,

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Lazy people are always compalining.

-27 ( +3 / -29 )

Lazy people are always compalining.

Lazy? What are you basing this on? It seems you know very little about the economic situation in Japan.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Sure, but isn't this the ultimate goal of conservative politics anywhere? Make the rich richer at the expense of everyone else.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

The findings will come as a blow to Abe,

Something tells me he won't care. As long as the rich get richer he'll be happy.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

“Japan’s economy is just about to break free from chronic deflation,” Abe said in his keynote address.

Deflation is not all bad news. There are not much benefits due to Abe pork barrel spending. The more government intervened, the more chronic problem will occur. Back in 2008, US, Australia and PRC government increased spending for surviving from financial crisis. All nations are heavily indebted now and unemployment is keep rising. Au and PRC were relatively debt free nations back then. Now both are facing the unrecoverable bad loans from infrastructure projects. For Au, making the well balanced budget will take for a long time.

This spring, wages will increase. Higher wages, long overdue, will lead to greater consumption.

Higher wages will make Japan is less competitive for service and goods. It will make harder for preserving jobs in highly competitive climate. Greater consumption comes from consumer confidence. It can not be forced by the government. For getting confidence, the people needs stable and secure employments. Singapore is high wages nation like Japan. However Singaporeans have more confidence than Japanese consumers. The reason is they have better job security, affordable housing and public transport and ever growing retirement fund.

Abenomics is not the magic wand for Japan pro long recession. It is just a band aid approach.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

The problem is that Abenomics is based on the flawed idea that trickle-down economics works. It doesn't. The more the people make at the top, the more they keep. Very little of the money ever trickles down.

Lazy people are always compalining.

You really think that 70+% of Japanese people are lazy? You're kidding yourself

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Next stage is "Chronic Destruction."

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Don't feel a difference?

Wait till consumption tax goes up in the spring and they scrap the K registration for cars.

I expect we'll begin to feel the difference then.

But not in a good way.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

certainly don't be feeling no love from Abe

Even less for him.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Unless you have like 10 million yen invested in stocks at the start of 2013, no you won't feel any benefit. On the contrary, I do a lot of baking at home, the price of flour shoots up from 138 to 198 in a month, so yeah screw you Apenomics!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

"73% of respondents do not feel they are benefiting from the policy package that has sent the yen plunging and the stock market soaring."

Abe is glad to turn his attention to a tiny string of islands. Wars always favor the wealthy. When you run out of ideas remember to blame someone.

What "decisive leadership" fails to accept is the fascination with a small cadre of wealthy friends only helps a small cadre of wealthy friends. Abe has the same illness. Myopia.

Either more is done to share much with many or the few will have little to continue their vampire capitalism with. They used to call it a race to the bottom, now they call it “Abenomics”. Reagan called it "trickle down".

Somehow too big failures are the only symptoms greed guarantees except for the ultra-wealthy's domination of government.

Only the lazy complain. That's sounds just like Mitt Romney's "70% are takers". How odd. 70% of the Citizens of Japan are lazy? It must be really annoying to be so wealthy you have to put up with poor people whining about starvation. "If they'd rather die they had better be quick about it and decrease the surplus population." - Dickens

7 ( +10 / -3 )

As expected. Just wait until April.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

If anything, what we see is the fact that more people need to put their money into the markets, where it can really bring them returns. It's important to realise that economic recovery is not for everyone. In every society there will be a struggling underclass providing us with the labour we need to drive the economy. They have what they need in terms of entertainment to keep them happy, and they have a roof over their heads. It is selfish to ask for too much when they are not willing to work for it.

It's not true at all that Abe's policies have only benefited the rich. Other people also benefit from the increased mood in the country, the knowledge that Japan has won the Olympic bid and is thus a superstar in the eyes of the international community. Pride in one's country trumps personal wealth every time.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

What? Say it isn't so? I'm shocked..

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Filling a hole with a hole doesn't work!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Still waiting for the "Third Arrow". If that is done properly Japan can really accelerate it's growth potential. The first and second "arrows" were easy, anyone can do that but they rely heavily on the success of radical reform. If the third "arrow" reforms haven't been implemented within 1.5-3 years, Abenomics will most definitely fail.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Like all of this type of stimulus (QE) all it does is make assets pricier and the rich richer.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Whether one likes Abenomics or not, it is reality. These cards have been dealt, it's up to individuals to look after themselves accordingly.

The findings will come as a blow to Abe

Is that really so? If more than 20% of 120 million people are feeling benefits from Abenomics, it's impact on the greater economy can not be underestimated.

is having little impact on the majority of the population, which by and large does not own stocks.

Such people should play the cards that have been dealt. They ought to consider taking some of their savings out of the bank where money loses value with neglible interest rates, and invest in some stock or bond funds via a tax-free NISA account, for example. Most people living in Japan do have some degree of savings to be able to put at least a few nights at the izakaya into investments. These new NISA accounts are aimed at first time investors, and there are a range of low risk products available as well. Given that the government is pursuing a reflation policy, it's financially risky to keep all one's savings in a yen savings account. Like it or not, one has to play the cards that are dealt.

Two thirds of respondents say they are against a proposed further rise to 10%, which the government is considering for October 2015.

Did they also ask these people whether they would have government cut current levels of spending, so large that the government spends twice as much each year as it takes in in tax revenues? I am guessing not...

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

Where's JeffLee to defend the brilliantly planned Abenormalnomics?

Abenomics, like Obamacare, is doomed to failure because it is based on bad principles. Garbage In/ Garbage Out.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

The findings will come as a blow to Abe

Wrong!! These findings will come as an assurance to Abe that his class warfare neo-liberal economic policy is going according to plan. With a declining population base, continued economic growth is impossible. The first step in his plan is to prime the pump and gas up the wealth of his elite corporate and hedge-fund friends, then the next step will be to go after pensions and other social security rights of the common person.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Of course, with 20% reduction in value of Japanese currency, Japanese are 20% poorer.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

' It's not true at all that Abe's policies have only benefited the rich. Other people also benefit from the increased mood in the country, the knowledge that Japan has won the Olympic bid and is thus a superstar in the eyes of the international community. Pride in one's country trumps personal wealth every time'. Undoubtedly the most bizarre paragraph I've read on JT. Try that mind-boggling last sentence in an election manifesto. Your wages are stagnant, you're struggling to do the best for your kids and your families and your cost of living is rising but hey, Tokyo got the Olympics! You couldn't sell that surreal idea to most of Tokyo, never mind the parts of Japan that will see little or zero benefit from the games.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

There is no quick fix to the economy...we'll just have to adapt all to live with less for the next..20~30 years, until developing countries start buying products from countries like Japan, hence start putting money into the world economy, rather than just sucking dry our piggy bank...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

And you forget the dance of the currency! As always when yen was getting weaker the corporations were happy they can go out of the red exporting. But here in Japan nothing changed for us! On contrary - now when the yen is getting even weaker the prices are up (without being lowered before). Hence the gasoline, flour, PC parts - you name it - everything is getting higher recently! Who cares about Abenomics?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Well, they'll notice the effects after March when the sales tax hike hits home. Everyone will be up to 10% worse off as the price increases filter down the line to the consumer. Also, I dare say, those 25% of the positive votes are from corporate leaders who have refused to pass on their tax cuts to employees. Of course they are happy with Abenomics!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

How much are the Olympics going to feed families??? Sorry, but reality is Abenomics are not very effective for working class.

12 ( +12 / -1 )

Fat cats feeling good about themselves while regular people have to eat a 10% hike in utilities, 5% hike in sale tax and no salary increases.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

People certainly won't feel any benefits while the Japanese minimum wage is one of the lowest in the civilised world coupled with the most expensive food in the world.

Yes, at around 800-1000 yen per hour to work in a convenience store or McDonalds, regardless of age, youre not wrong. Its why you often have many middle aged women working in McDonalds, compared to most western countries

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Duh... the whole policy is meant to benefit a small portion of the population. I'm surprised as high as 25% felt they were being helped.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Because of ABENOMICs, I noticed that all the prices went up overnight. I'm a camera-mania, the price of Camera , especially from Canon 7D and upward models, jumped to at least 10,000 yen higher than the price before he staged a magic show of how abenomics.

Now, 70% of the Japanese see the real economic miracle of ABENOMICs, I can safely focus that he will be gone by next election for good.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Huh...funny. On the one hand there's this news. Meanwhile, what's the pro-Abenomics (and comfort-women-denying) NHK yelling at the top of its lungs on last night's nationally televised flagship news program? "70% of companies in Japan are currently considering pay rises."

That's right. Considering, not actually doing. But never mind: put those rose-colored glasses back on, Japan! Rah-rah-rah!

1 ( +3 / -2 )


Lets call them what they are - sex-slaves. By calling them "comfort women", you are actually supporting the governments stance by saying they were paid prostitutes

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Consumption tax hike is not part of Abenomics in my opinion! It was long due too no matter how hatred it is. Many countries have much higher taxes for ages.East Europe for example was hit by 20-24% consumption tax when "democracy" came. All these countries are "surviving"!

My point of view is moderate shouhisee increase is good as it will shell off a bit of the burden from general salary tax. Pensioners have also to share and some of them have fat bank accounts contrary to the young working poor!

The key is how this tax is used. If just passed on to corporations - it's a loosing case...

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Mr. Abe, Mr. Abe ...Mr. Abe. I got to handle to you....you really know how monetary streamflow works, How do you propose and foresee that a SALES tax hike will promote consumer spending ?? This theory of yours is absolutely ludicrous... !! Corporate Tax is your key winner, Mr. Abe.

And, while we are on the subject of "PRICE", do your REAL job and submit-pass a bill on regulating sale prices - its preposterous !!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

70% only? I thought around 85% would feel this way by now. In April we will have tax increases, then again the following April, and probably again and again and again. There is no "Abenomics", there is only the normal LDP policies of weakening the yen and spending borrowed money on pork-barrel projects. Meanwhile prices will rise (inflation) due to monetary easing, but salaries will not rise for most because there is no improvement in the domestic economy. Japan needs inflation to service its debt, but Abe's policies were not made with the majority in mind and will do nothing good for the vast majority of Japanese, particularly the retirees who voted for him, and the working families.

7 ( +7 / -0 )


"Comfort women were women and girls forced into a prostitution corps created by the Empire of Japan during World War II."

They were forced to be prostitutes. Get it? It's the force part you should focus on rather than splitting hairs over petty semantics. As for saying I "actually support the government," if I use a widely accepted English synonym of "sex slaves," (specific however, to a certain historical period created by a specific government): are you serious?

You imply that if I use a term internationally recognized and regularly used by intergovernmental groups (c.f. The Comfort Women Project), governments throughout Asia and the US (c.f. 1993 House Concurrent Resolution 226) as well as former governments here in Japan (c.f. Kono Statement) to specify women FORCED into prostitution by the Imperial Government of Japan and its armed forces, then that means I support revisionist history? Talk about a stretch!

I have a better idea. Why don't you go on calling a specific group of historically-specific people by the generic and all-encompassing term "sex slaves" and I won't point out any more glaring deficiencies in your atrocious forensic skills.

-3 ( +0 / -4 )

Look like the PM of Japan and the Pres. of the U.S. think alike.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


"Comfort women were women and girls forced into a prostitution corps created by the Empire of Japan during World War II."

This page is for a discussion on economics, Im sure your comments will be deleted by the mods in due course. I have a better idea, why dont you stick to the topic at hand on the page?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

People like to talk about Japan's deflation, but it is still more expensive than most of the other countries in the world.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Hellokitty. Exactly. I very much doubt this tax hike is going to help matters

0 ( +1 / -1 )

**Abenomics, like Obamacare, is doomed to failure

No, Abenomics is failproof. It's to spend money to creat jobs and inflation. How could it be a failure.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

more than 70% feels no effect...just wait until the prices of commodities hit the ceiling. But hey try to invest, if you don't buy a lottery ticket you will ot win. Same with Abenomics, if you don't invest you deprive yourself.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The biggest problem for the masses as several posters correctly have pointed out & that is in Japan, N.America, UK & Europe etc for 3decades now wages have been stagnant so most people are finding themselves deeper & deeper in debt.

Meanwhile the rich have reaped MASSIVE profits over these same 3decades all the while howling that taxes are too high, the investment environments needs to improve before wages can rise(mean while the rich pay packets sky rocketed for most of them)

Like investing in the market NOW just trying to have a life its also rigged against the masses.

I have said it before the rich had better wise the hell up as they are KILLING the golden goose & the masses wait for that evasive economic situation where wages will rise, yeah right & we will continue to hear about rich ""earning"" disgusting levels of incomes!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The company I work for has just recently signed a lease on a building in central Hokkaido. We got a good loan and some subsidies that will cover machinery and some of the first year operating costs. We start interviewing on the first of the month - we will be employing 40 new staff. 32 full time, 8 part time. Every position is above minimum wage - and everyone gets two bonuses per year.

This expansion is something that has been talked about for years - but the economic conditions in general have always been prohibitive. Enter Abenomics, and the ball got rolling. We started the official planning in September, outfitting the building all this month, hiring next week, training in March and all systems go for April.

It takes time and planning, and regardless of how you feel about Abe for his views on the second world war, Abenomics has created an environment where businesses can finally plan for investment beyond immediate necessity.

Commence your down-voting.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

From april it will get so much more expensive. Me and my partner and kids are going to move back to Australia next year, I think. Life in Japan is just no longer sustainable.

5 ( +7 / -3 )

Lots of cynicism as usual. We're in export so we're doing great, lowering our prices and selling more. We hired new staff, gave everyone a raise and are raising the bonus too. It's a slow process, but if people in the position of my employees get more money, they will presumably spend it, and whatever industry you're in will also improve. And a lot of people's positions will improve as Japan's companies do better. In addition, we're paying tons more tax which helps offset the costs of Abenomics.

But since this is JT, everyone will be negative about every aspect of Japan, period.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

For those here who feel that you are benefitting from Abenomics, it would be interesting to see how (raises, increased business, own a lot of shares that have appreciated). I am curious.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

For those here who feel that you are benefitting from Abenomics, it would be interesting to see how (raises, increased business, own a lot of shares that have appreciated). I am curious.

More money in circulation means a devaluing of the Yen. Devaluing of the Yen means more exports (Japan is an export-based economy). More exports means more money to invest domestically which in turn raises overall economic activity and productivity, which generally leads to higher wages and economic growth which helps to cover the costs of the monetary aspects and the fiscal aims of Abenomics.

I myself work at a US company, with salary initially decided based on US dollars, which is good news for me as I should be able to negotiate a higher salary this year due to the weakened yen as well as growth in our business here (due to the loose monetary policies associated with Abenomics.

In general, Abenomics probably won't affect minimum wagers and foreign English teachers, but for everyone else it's probably quite a godsend.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

" No, Abenomics is failproof. It's to spend money to creat jobs and inflation. How could it be a failure."

tina, try reading just one of F A Hayek's economics books, to see the obviously foolish ideas wrapped into Abenomics.


1 ( +4 / -3 )


For those here who feel that you are benefitting from Abenomics, it would be interesting to see how (raises, increased business, own a lot of shares that have appreciated). I am curious.

I confess, although it seems extremely unpopular to say so on this story going by the negative ratings being dished out by readers...

I took steps to protect the value of my modest savings when I recognised the writing on the wall for the yen in late 2012, continued to maintain this stance throughout 2013 and indeed I maintain it now.

From a global perspective (e.g. US dollar or Euro terms) I've just stood still during the duration of Abenomics. But in the context of Japan I have "benefited" because I took steps to protect myself. It's almost fraudulent really - Abenomics resulted in a depreciation of the yen, and I, for the privilege of taking steps to protect myself against the government initiated depreciation, will be paying extra tax to the government as a result. At least I can buy more stuff in Japan with the extra yen I have as a result, but from a global perspective I've just spent a year of my life for nothing. (I imagine I'll be thumbed down on JT for saying so, which is just an extra kick in the nads! haha)

I mean not to brag, but to offer an alternative option. Whether we like Abenomics or not, what is one to do? Complaining about the politician of the day achieves nothing at all. We have to play the cards as they are dealt, anything less is not doing ourselves and our families justice. This is my view for what it is worth.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Thank you Jean I'll read them. But I 've read many positive articles too such as Paul Krugman's, and he doesn't think Abenomics a bad idea. Probably no economics can tell, we'll see, but I have a feeling this is going to work.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

I hope it "works" for a while at least, and if it actually works really well then Japan may escape what has come to other debt-destroyed governments.

That's just a sentimental hope though. I'm not holding my breath, or taking any chances on it.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

People (including here) are wishing for immediacy which is out of question when it comes to a whole country's economy. Mainly if we have this background of more than 15 years of stagnation and the coup of grace in 2008. But it's easier and the last trend to point fingers over only one person. Too much optimism may undermine things but all this pessimism is worse.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@ tinawatanabe

No, Abenomics is fail proof. It's to spend money to create jobs and inflation. How could it be a failure!

If you are saying Abenomics is fail proof, I would like to see your post 4 years from now when you see all of the taxes kick in. Spending will only create more debt, ask Obama, people don't realize when they report new jobs were created they don't report what kind of jobs. In the US the job market they claim is returning but the types of jobs are PART TIME JOBS small wages, that is Obama play on words when he said a "CHANGE" will come he didn't lie it is small change in americans pocket and hire insurance and taxes!! Good motivational speaker or preacher but terrible president!!

5 ( +6 / -2 )

Bought ISHIHARA SANGYO KAISHA LTD at ¥.87. last year, sold it Friday at ¥1.37. Get off your asses people.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The wealth of a nation is in its currency. ABENOMICs is doom to fail if it is not corrected fairly and soon. If it is the blood (Money) flowing in economics, that blood is anemic. To name ABENEMICs is appropriate.

Japan needs materials and resources for the production of finish products. Therefore, Japan needs fixed-strong Yen to import. Disadvantage in manpower wages in Japan is no worry. Japan can overcome productivity in terms of automated factory lines, the efficient transport system, production quality and the logistics. An analogy in production of finish product in Japan as example is that 1 staff can operate an automated factory line producing 100 plus finish products. As compare to less develope countries with 10 staffs operating manually producing same output. A productive manpower system means more earnings to the company that is equals to more wages and translates to more spending. The flow of various taxes and insurance premiums to the government is enormous. Public earnings and saving are attainable. The present 80% of the big Japanese companies are operating abroad. This is opposite to national interest and has to deal with. If they need manpower, encourage immigration. More people is more power and earns more. See how the strength of the currency of other nations are. Japan is a close country. With Olympic on sight, its possible.

However as a member of United Nations, Japan has to face up for whatever social misunderstandings it has. If only Japan can correct the past in international level then peace will be just in the corner. Japan through PM Abe can manage to meet the world affair. As thing goes by, his leadership and mobilities with his party can make miracle in this harsh political world. By then to name ABENASTIC is fantastic.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Since "Abenomics", Japan has racked up $1 trillion worth of new debt. Now the numbers don't even mean anymore.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

We're in export so we're doing great, lowering our prices and selling more

Peter, I'm happy for your export business. But the bolded should show you why inflation is simply not a good thing for the public. You're lowering your prices and selling more -- selling more to people outside Japan, who can now buy more. Everbody in Japan is now getting less for their money, because raising prices = selling less.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

But the bolded should show you why inflation is simply not a good thing for the public.

Inflation is natural and healthy. Deflation is sickness.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Sell Japanese Yen, it's about to implode and rapidly lose value (and it won't be due to Abe's currency manipulation).


“Investors, in particular bond traders, have become skeptical about whether Japan can continue to cover its fiscal deficit with domestic assets alone,” a source said on condition of anonymity.

So far, around 95 percent of Japanese government bonds have been financed smoothly at home, as the Bank of Japan has pledged to buy massive government bonds in an attempt to keep long-term interest rates low to stimulate the economy.

“But if Japan’s current account balance deteriorates and investors start to expect the government would be compelled to sell its bonds to foreigners, they could try to let go of them with concern growing over the outlook for the sovereign bond market,” he said.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Nice article chucky. I must be reading too much Japan Times or something, I agreed with almost everything in it.

The last bit about attracting foreign tourists to get foreign currency though, I'm not sure about the numbers, but that sort of comment just makes Japan seem like some kind of 3rd world banana republic. But at least I'd be welcome in Japan in such a scenario :)

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@tina, Krugman's idea of a good economic idea is to employ the unemployed by filling holes with holes, on the confiscated dime from the productive class, mind you.

While you're adding to your reading list, might I suggest "Democracy in America"(Tocqueville) and "Atlas Shrugged"?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Oh god, please don't tell me you took Atlas Shrugged as having a basis in reality.

Most boring book I've ever read, and totally biased, without any accuracy.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Wait until April, then it will be more like 99% see no benefit.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"Krugman's idea of a good economic idea is to employ the unemployed by filling holes with holes."

That IS a good idea because it works in times of slow growth. When US soldiers left to fight in WW2, they left a depressed, impoverished country. When they returned in 1945, they witnessed unbounded prosperity.

Where did it come from? All that government spending on the military, which created world-beating industrial infrastructure that instantly transformed the USA into the world's uncontested economic superpower.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

2014 will be the year for Abe when the horse ran away! And it is a shame as Japan has so much going for it. Looks like imperial China in the 19th century, ever so defiant and spending so much until the empire broke!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"Nice article chucky."

I don't know what your standards are for journalism, but the thrust of that article comes from "a source (who) said on condition of anonymity."


"...., analysts said."

Which "analysts"? They don't have names? Yeah, let's hear it for hearsay.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@strangerland, although "Atlas Shrugged" was written as fiction (yes, Ayn Rand was a bit verbose ) but it's a great book. It has, however, become non-fiction much like 1984.

Not even remotely. It was never based in reality. It completely ignored the fact that the so called people that matter (the ones who kept 'disappearing' througout the book) needed the working man to do the work. The problem with its verbosity is that its too much for most people to actually get through, and so most republicans take it on other republican's word that its a good book, without having ever actually read it.

It was biased a biased book, and whether Rand ignored reality through ignorance, or on purpose, is unknown, but it doesn't change the fact that the book was entirely incorrect in its hypothesis.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Massive monetary easing and stimulus packages are certainly going to momentarily cause yen to drop and stocks to rise but artificially injecting precious funds into the economy is not meant to last a longtime and If the rest of the economy don't catch up to the surge then the temporary boom which only a privileged few are enjoying will soon bottom out... What we're seeing now is the precursor to the end of Abenomics and with all the crazy antics, Mr ABE's tenure will not endure another economic downturn.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Over in Britain it`s much the same

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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