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© 2022 AFPPelosi says U.S. will 'not allow' China to isolate Taiwan
By Tomohiro OSAKI and Katie Forster TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
China can not be permitted to isolate Taiwan from the world. Taiwan is free to do as it's people wish, whether that be to join with mainland China or to remain independent as they have been for the past 70+ years. It is not a choice for the CCP and it never has been.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
I'm not remotely interested in weeks of Westjern MSM speculation. Suffice to say: If you think that an ancient civilization and current super power is going to be cowed by Nancy Pelosi, PM Kishida, and Liz Truss shooting their mouths off, you're just as much as a liability as they are.
Kamala Harris went to Europe, said Ukraine should join NATO, immediately after Russia attacks Ukraine.
My crystal ball says that China will attack Taiwan immediately after Pelosi secures all her illegal insider trading with her semi conductor investments.
The free world will not permit China to invade or blockade Taiwan. The same free world that allows CCP supporters to post their comments here.
Suppporting a dictatorship is like supporting cannibalism. It's all great until you find yourself on the menu.
The people of Taiwan, and all Chinese who recognize the evil that the CCP represents deserves our support.
President Pelosi enjoying the limelight and showing the Republicans the Democrats are "tough on China."
Don't like Pelosi, but on this one, she has more brass ones than Biden for sure. Kudos to her all the way.
Isn’t Taiwan surrounded right now by “military exercises”- right after she left there? Thanks a lot.
Tony Sin
Time to block land purchases and business operations by the Chinese in Japan. China doesn’t allow Japanese to purchase land or run business in China unless it’s majority owned by a local. Why Japan, USA , or EU allows this is beyond me. All scholarships to Chinese students should also be canceled. It’s literally training the enemy. Unlike other countries nearly all Chinese citizens and businesses will do anything for the CCP. Ignoring this fact is playing with fire.
Oligarchs East and West value Russia's vast resources and China's manufacturing capacity far more than a small nation's sovereignty.
China has Taiwan in its hands, unification is imminent and the United States will be able to do nothing.
ONE CHINA is unstoppable..
One reason is because all land is owned and leased by the government of China whereas in the West, land can be owned almost completely privately.
If the US adopted this approach, then it would be acting like the CPC throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Recently many parks in Japan have very few jungle gyms and things for kids to hang on and to climb. Due to some accidents and injuries, the good ones get thrown out with the bad ones.
Some 350,000 Chinese foreign students study in the US. They are a source of revenue for US colleges and universities. This would be yet another tariff like policy that shoots the US in its own foot.
And what exactly would that support be? Military support?
One China is imagination only.
China's hands are covered in sh-t. Taiwan remains independent and self ruled. The US needs do nothing.
Right up until it is stopped, eh?
And what happened to the 1 country 2 systems (not “ONE CHINA” in all-caps no less...) and democratic self-determination Hong Kong was promised and which was promoted to Taiwan?
I seem to recall something about a “peaceful rise” of China. Where’d that go?
Truth is, everyone now sees China for the totalitarian thugs a few of us have known them to be for a long time.
Let’s hope it’s not too late to take a stand.
The US can't leave Taiwan and the Taiwanese hanging out to dry. I'd have to disagree here. I know that the US has done so with the Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Chinese Nationalists, the Kurds, and so on, but by doing nothing, the US eventually win the battle of landing Pelosi but lose the war with China over Taiwan. China takes Taiwan and the US responds, "but we got Pelosi to visit."
William Bjornson
"Pelosi says U.S. will 'not allow' China to isolate Taiwan"
The detente between the Taiwan regime and the PRC was relatively stable for years until the U.S. started picking at it like a compulsive scab picker, started instigating provocations by sailing WARSHIPS close to China and, particularly, through the strait which China has asked repeatedly be halted. I am looking forward to when a Chinese fleet visits the Caribbean and does routine transits through the strait between Florida and Cuba and America discovers the tat that goes with their tit. But China isn't really the cheap hustler bully that America seems to be and isn't looking for trouble because they find fair trade to be more profitable than the piracy that has been America's foreign policy for generations and the "Big Stick" a tool of thugs and not civilized people. Nor does China have military bases in every part of the world and ill serves and ignores its own people and accrues unpayable debt to pay for them as America does. America is LOSING and its only mentality is to try to intimidate a much older and smarter competitor, try to create internal problems for that competitor, and, if all else fails, murder hundreds of thousands of its own and Chinese young people in bloody war. If we look at American history, that is the only style a politically completely erratic America has, lacking long term consistency and completely devoid of sophistication. China will not 'isolate' Taiwan or it would have long ago. But it does have a strong 'hands off' sentiment for Taiwan akin to but much more modest than, for example, America's Monroe Doctrine which claimed almost the entire Western Hemisphere. And the absolute ARROGANCE of the words 'not allow' show clearly the crudeness with which American politicians view the rest of the world, the words of self-appointed Masters who may drag all the rest of us down into the sewer in which they deserve to be incarcerated.
Firstly it is essential to fully understand quote:
A blockade is an act of war that is regulated by international law—namely, by the 1856 Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law and by Articles 1–22 of the 1909 London Declaration Concerning the Laws of Naval War.
Read the next thread, one step down the ladder.... Taiwan slams 'evil neighbor' China after missiles fly over island
China is arbitrarily destroying the world's most frequently used waterway with military exercises, Taiwan Premier Su Tseng-chang told reporters in Taipei on Friday, referring to it as the "evil neighbor," when asked about China's missile launches.
"That's unprecedented," Bonnie Glaser, a Washington-based Asia security specialist at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, said of statements that four ballistic missiles had been fired over Taiwan.
"In my view, the larger threat is that China is doing a rehearsal for a blockade, demonstrating it can block Taiwan's ports and airports, and prevent shipping," she said.
I would not go as far as blockade, more an embargo
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised that the United States will "not allow" China to isolate Taiwan,
Not only is Taiwan isolated, it is under siege, surrounded, with ballistic missiles flying overhead, and live fire drills blasting away violating Taiwan territorial Sovereignty.
Its this what strategic ambiguity actually looks like?
Weasel words and sit there and do nothing.
Sorry bass4funk U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi/Joe Biden are all hat and no cattle, the Government of China only listens to action, meaning lock and load and mean it.
classic US tactic, stir the pot then leave, leaving others to brace for potential war...
US has got to chose a side, not send/allow US Congress version of Mrs. Doubtfire, to effectively challenge Xi Jinping to a flipping pillow fight then hide behind the sofa.
The Taiwan Straits are vital global shipping lanes, if you have a message to get across send United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, accompanied by a full naval battle group.
Look this whole charade would have had more legitimacy had the senior Republican members that stated a wish to attend the trip hadn't been given the cold shoulder.
However Nancy Pelosi wanted to make this visit her own.
Well, can't argue with that.
What do you think? Every kind of support needed.
The only problem with your thesis @William Bjornson is that the Taiwan Straight is roughly 90 miles wide. Sovereignty extends 20 miles from each shore leaving about 50 miles of international water free for all to sail through.
It is actually 12 miles for sovereignty (20KM). If the straight is 90 miles wide there is a path 66 miles wide (106KM) that is free to travel for international transit between China and Taiwan.
Michael Machida
I'm still laughing! Stop! " China is unstoppable! "
Do behave!
That’s right!
Pay no attention to that MASSIVE debt, nevermind that inflation and shrinkflation, don’t worry about the billions we’re giving to a very corrupt country, just stop driving to work and daycare, skip a vacation and a few BBQ’s.
Trust in ME! Nancy “the Nanc” Pelosi!
Now, were’s my Wagyu?
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that the United States will "not allow" China to isolate Taiwan, after her visit to the self-ruled island infuriated Beijing.
She doesn't work for the State Department--what is she basing her statement on? She is not in the position to make decisions as to how the US will act.
David Quintero
Nobody can trust Communist China!!! Look at what Beijing is doing to Hong Kong and to the Muslim minorities in the Uighur region and to the the Tibetan Buddhists, etc
The free people of Taiwan do not want to become slaves to Beijing!
Ask the Vietnamese if they can trust China!!!
China announces sanctions against Pelosi and her direct family for serious violation of sovereignty. Looks like they are taking a page out of the US playbook against the Russian oligarchs.
Until it’s broken up into many little pieces of China. Then we will have thousands of little pieces of China. It’s all up to China. The US and her Allies will break apart China at the first launch of a missile towards Taiwan.
Well she cant visit China, but can visit Taiwan. Chinese sanctions will hardly make any difference at all to Pelosi or her family. So nothing lost at all.
It does not seem that China is asking permission but making a satement of fact about how hollow the USA has become riddled with corruption, it has become as Swisscheese to ever hungry rats, full of holes.
It makes many promises it never has any intention of keeping, empty words, from a nation empty of honor and integrity, just a puppet of it's corrupt corporations, pulled in too many directions at once, a tangled puppet dangling on the twisted strings of it's far too many masters.
Such sanctions are generally mostly symbolic in nature.
Peter Neil
Fine, but congress doesn’t make foreign policy. The Administrative branch does.
Pelosi is overstepping the Executive branch; hence, Blinken is trying to step up his game and raise the rhetoric a notch.
Peter Neil
It comes down to how much Americans are willing to sacrifice to back up Pelosi’s cavalier statement. China’s government is willing to make Chinese people sacrifice a lot.
American houses are full of Chinese furniture, kitchens full of Chinese stuff, closets full of Chinese clothes and shoes that have made American companies extraordinary profits. Americans aren’t going to sacrifice much and American companies aren’t going to sacrifice profits.
The major driver of US inflation is the Trump 25% duty on Chinese goods. Companies have raised prices because they aren’t about to give up the 10-15 times markup on goods from China. That $110 dress costs about $8 landed. Americans are eating their favorite food of bacon made by Chinese owned companies. Americans won’t give up bacon.
If China decided to disrupt trade, Americans and American companies would be apoplectic. The Chinese government wouldn’t care.
Painkiller,the speaker is third most power person in the US,she has the power of the purse
I know it’s just a phrase but maybe it should be retired.
These days it’s “the power of Ctrl + P”
China as the manufacturing king of the world is over. It started to end in 2020 as the Covid pandemic spread across the world. Worsened with the global supply disruption. Americans of all poltical persuasions are willing to dump chinese products whenever there are alternatives. And they are growing.
The country that would be apoplectic is China, if it chooses to follow Russia's path and invade Taiwan. The entire world will respond the way it has to Russia; sanctions, removal from Swift, etc. The CCP will have to face the Chinese public and explain why they sent China back 50 years.
A brutal, genocidal dictatorship is threatening to invade an independent democratic country.
Do you need to dumb it down further to suit your intelligence?
There is little doubt the Government of China, is beyond redemption.
The appalling human right abuses, atrocities, genocide are without doubt a crime against humanity.
US government must keep one's powder dry.
If you call out your foe, it must be head on, without fear or quarter.
If you are going to step on your foe toes, don't use a feather duster.
The hammer must come down hard.
Maybe this is the wrong time.
However U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could well have brought the region to a point of no return.
Pelosi and the rogue state of the USA, trouble makers wherever they go.
After Biden groveled before the Saudis she can still say that with a straight face?
If Biden groveled before the Saudis they’d have paid him $2 billion and hosted a tournament at his failing golf courses.
For there to be One China, the people and Government Taiwan would have to acknowledge and fully endorse the proposal.
John Lennon, Elvis, Buddy Holly, will descend and hold a Christmas concert for world peace before Taiwan would agree to such a scenario.
They put sanction on Pelosi and her family,but still left lots of People in Taiwan pissed,that ruined their peaceful summer,
Yes, that is the Chinese!
Will the president of the US grovel to anyone who pays that?
And that's considering Biden supposedly hates the guy
You foreigner should not worry about US response to China,you should worry about your own country response to China
One play out of the playbook of strong powers is to offer an unequal treaty and coerce the weaker nation to sign. If they do not sign, it would lead to undesirable consequences.
Similarly as you have pointed out before, Japan never invaded Korea in 1910, but only forced Korea to sign the unequal treaty known as the Japan Korea Treaty of Anmity 日朝修好条規, Treaty of Ganghwa 1874 and later when Korea signed a treaty to "agree to allow" Japan annex the Korean peninsula.
Matthew Perry, not Chandler but the Commodore, also tried this with Japan. There aren't many options if you do not wish to go to war.
:) Don't kid yourself. Its not China versus Taiwan. Its not even China versus Japan, or, for that matter, anyone.
Its China VS Usa.
The rest are just pawn.
Anyone catch the Chinese ambassador to France with his statement...
How chilling is this. Out and out admitting it.
So much for all their Ughyr treatement denials.
Christ almighty, it's like watching the Three Stooges, but in color.
Yep, just like it's not Russia vs Ukraine but Russia vs USA. Let's not kid ourselves. This time, USA will use the Taiwanese as cannon fodder / collateral damage instead of the Ukrainians. After decades of countless wars, the Americans are realizing it's better to get others to do your fighting (and dying).
"Allow"? Oh my. Lets see what her regime does once China imposes a naval blockade on Taiwan. More big words, backed up by hot air?
The US and its puppet Nato are so used to successfully bullying small, powerless countries. Now, in their hubris the current crop of leaders think they can do the same with nuclear superpowers.
@itsonlyrocknroll Lock and load means nothing but fireworks! LIP SERVICE!!
*Sorry bass4funk U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi/Joe Biden are all hat and no cattle, the Government of China only listens to action, meaning lock and load and mean it*
@samuraivunyl A lot of anger from a monitor, whats your point?
The us is just like alot of their citizen.... Big mouths who can't keep their noses out of anyone's business and when the push comes to shove, it all turns out to be a lot of hot air.... Yeah America... You did a great job telling the Communists in Vietnam what to do...and then again in Afghanistan....and you really showed Putin how tough you are when he reclaimed Ukraine... But at the same time, your own country is a complete mess... So why don't you stop interfering in things that don't concern you ( please correct me if I am right in saying America has never been elected to be the world's police ) and put your own house in order first
*It comes down to how much Americans are willing to sacrifice to back up Pelosi’s cavalier statement. China’s government is willing to make Chinese people sacrifice a lot. *The people in China has had enough those who can leave are leaving and those who want to leave are trying like hell to leave.
*American houses are full of Chinese furniture, kitchens full of Chinese stuff, closets full of Chinese clothes and shoes that have made American companies extraordinary profits. Americans aren’t going to sacrifice much and American companies aren’t going to sacrifice profits. *Are you insane that crap does not work or last, most american will not put chinese made crap in their homes. I think you are referring to yourself, the question is have you ever been inside of an American house besides peeking through a monitor?
*The major driver of US inflation is the Trump 25% duty on Chinese goods. Companies have raised prices because they aren’t about to give up the 10-15 times markup on goods from China. That $110 dress costs about $8 landed. Americans are eating their favorite food of bacon made by Chinese owned companies. Americans won’t give up bacon. *Dude please tell hook me up with your guy you got the best stuff out there!
*If China decided to disrupt trade, Americans and American companies would be apoplectic.* The Chinese government wouldn’t care.Americans would never bow down put the pipe down dude.
Are you suggesting that you are somehow American (as in American born and bred)?
@Yrral Great that explains why China's internet went black for 30 minutes when Pelosi arrived in Taiwan. They tracked her plane and then lost their GPS coordinates is that the excuse for not shooting her plane down as they claimed they would do. Don't think they can be re-programmed to return to sender!!
You better be glad China did put the GPS Coordinates of 35.7,139.7 in their missiles Google 35.7,139.7
Taiwan does not want to be assimilated by the Great Borg of China. It's right that the U.S.A should protect a democracy from being consumed by fascist China.
WilliBToday 10:52 pm JST
I guess you've never heard of the Berlin airlift? And that was the free world standing up to a massive nuclear armed superpower. Blockades can be broken. Check your history.
The CCP is making a bigger problem for themselves by freaking out than if they had have just sucked it up when Pelosi went to (the free and sovereign nation of) Taiwan.
Now the CCP is freaking out, and they end up sounding more like abusive wife-beating husband, than a modern first-world nation.
I guess they're proving that they may try to pretend the are a first-world nation, but they're exposing the truth that they are actually just a bunchy of whiney dictatorial b!+¢#es.
Pelosi talking tough on China must really throw the right-wingers for an ethical mind loop. They want to support the Anti-China stance of Pelosi's that they've been pushing forever, while at the same time feeling like they've been raped at knifepoint due to the person supporting their position their most hated person in politics after Obama and Biden...
They aren't very good at sorting out their positions from their hyper-partisan extremist politics.
Same sanctions as imposed on Russia. We may as well rip off the band-aid and isolate these dictatorships all at once. The age of standing by and hoping these dictatorships will fall into line is over, Putin has proved that to be a lie. Buh-bye China. You can hang out with Russia, maybe they'll share their borscht and cabbage rolls with you, and you can sell them your contaminated food.
China has made more advances in their quest to take Taiwan.
Missiles have flown from mainland over Taipei and landed on the eastern side of the island. No response from Taiwan because they can’t respond. The US isn’t doing anything.
This would be the equivalent of North Korea shooting missiles over Tokyo and Japan and the U.S. just sitting.
They are carrying out exercises for a blockade. Without oil and energy TSMC will not be able to perform.
So China, the so called freaking out, has basically asserted itself over Taiwan without invasion.
"I think that would be Formosa..;-)...having said that I do like a nice fresh samosa sometimes..goes down a treat ;)"
You "is an idiot""
But, yeah, me agrees with your statement.
If they do, same as Russia. Sanctions.
The age of negotiating with dictators is over. They either fall in line, or they get quarantined.
If covid taught us anything, it's that we as a planet can get through a difficult quarantine.
That is false information. You will not find a quote from a Chinese spokesperson saying they’ll shoot down Pelosi’s plane. You heard that from some talking head that China is “insinuating” when it’s just the media.
You literally have to wait until she lands before you can accuse her of infringing upon the One China policy.
And you have to wait until she leaves because the anger is towards Taiwan. You wait until the guest leaves then you shut the door and discipline your child.
I wish these idiots would keep their mouths shut so everyone could just get on with their lives. World leaders are the only people who want a war
Harry ,I am a natural born American
Kaimy,these are the GPS Coordinates of Tokyo