A picture has emerged on social media purporting to show a man dressed as General Hideki Tojo, the prime minister who ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor, saluting at a weekend conference, sparking outrage online.
General Tojo was among those executed for war crimes and later honored at the Yasukuni shrine.
The picture that surfaced on Twitter appeared to show a man dressed in period military garb saluting while standing on a campaign car for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) -- sparking a backlash online.
"Does this mean the LDP tolerates this?" @hatsunoji wrote.
Said online user @okchibita: "This is not even a bad joke. I cannot believe this was done by the ruling party."
The picture was believed to have been taken at a weekend conference organized by an Internet broadcaster, which Abe had briefly attended earlier in the day.
The huge two-day event, attended by more than 120,000 people, had dozens of booths sponsored by a wide variety of organisations including political parties, gaming firms and the country's sumo association.
An LDP spokesman said he was unaware that the unidentified man was dressed to appear like Japan's wartime leader.
"If we had known that he meant to be dressed up like Tojo, we would have had second thoughts about letting him get up there," he told AFP.
A person claiming to be the man in the photo apologized on Twitter Monday and claimed he was simply dressed as a military policeman.
"There was the campaign car which people were allowed to climb on," wrote the person, identified as @vice0079. "I was guided by LDP staff."
© (c) 2014 AFP
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Come on JT... you cant give us an article like this then NOT show us the photo!
to quote the Internet cliche - "pics or it didn"t happen" :)
To be fair, it's a bit of stretch to say that someone dressed in a Second World War uniform was dressed as "Tojo". It could have been anybody seventy-odd years ago.
Still, clearly a fool....
They were foolish to allow him to climb on the campaign car dressed in ANY kind of military uniform. I hope JT tracks down a photo and adds it here so we can all see it.
Typical of the Japan gets a free pass because its a kawaii country crap. If somebody dressed up as Hitler at a campaign in Europe, I dont think they would get a free pass
Oh come on, it's a niconico conference, not an LDP conference. Compared to other stuff there, that was pretty mild.
Casey James Vanbuuren
^^^ You mean like that time prince Harry dressed as a Nazi? And for the most part a simple apology was enough for the media? That was royalty, this is just an ignorant civilian who dressed in military garb, he's probably got some nationalistic views, but to insinuate that reflects on the LDP somehow is ridiculous.
One of the more disturbing aspects of this is how, to put it kindly, oddly it was reported. As others have pointed out, this was a COSPLAY conference. The LDP apparently had a presence there and the "LDP staff" who led the guy up there were clearly total idiots, but to report this as an 'LDP conference' with someone pretending to be tojo is pretty lame. It's this kind of stuff that gives the 'press' a bad name...
Here is another view, after the cosplayer has come down from the LDP van https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmIW2e7CAAA078k.jpg
Here is Tojo himself http://shisly.cocolog-nifty.com/photos/uncategorized/2011/12/22/2.jpg
Tsugawa received a Japanese Oscar for his sympathetic portrayal of Tojo in 1998 http://blog-imgs-27.fc2.com/s/e/i/seiudomichael/2009041918541740f.jpg
I think that the cosplayer would have worn specs if he has wanted to portray Tojo.
There should be a new news section entitled "Stupid things politicians and their friends do".
Mischief making, ignore him and he will go away or become the next PM.
"we would have had second thoughts". Not a definite "no". I wonder what the original Japanese is (tried Googling but couldn't find it).
jsa-aerial is right. Simething fishy about this guy;s explanation,
About LDP,
The LDP was formed in 1955 as a merger between two of Japan's political parties, the Liberal Party 1950 - 1955, led by Shigeru Yoshida and the Japan Democratic Party 1954 - 1955, led by Ichrp Hatoyama both right - wing conservative parties, as a united front against the then popular Japan Socialist Party. The party won the following elections, and Japan's first conservative government with a majority was formed by 1955. It would hold majority government until 1993.
This was not an LDP conference. Can we get a correction on this?
Abe doesn't think Tojo did anything wrong, so he wouldn't mind in the least.
Tojo costume-play: <pic.twitter.com/MkmBpPHgPb> or https://twitter.com/aitaiima/status/460026385629585409/photo/1
I know exactly what kind of event it was. That's why I find it amusing.
If it were an official LDP event of some kind, I'd find it disturbing.
Nevertheless, the guy's choice of character to cosplay, and its/his juxtaposition with the LDP campaign car, fits the current PM and cabinet perfectly.
@ OssanAmerica
Who are these "we" that you speak of. A group of like minded people ? Surely not the USA, do you speak and eat for them all?
Gen Mac released Kishi from Sugamo Prison so that Kishi can help the new political party. In 1960, Kishi went USA and invited Pres. Ike and at airport Japan's right wing knifed him and almost assassinated. Then in order to stop right wing, yakuza groups in entire Japan were recruited and they created Welcome Ike Parties. Before that, Socialist Chair Asanuma was already assassinated by Right Wing. Ike did not come but only organizations in Japan that Right Wing avoided was yakuzas then, Kishi was PM and he received UN Peace Prize. Both Socialist Party and Communist Party shrunk under Kishi. So, LDP and GHQ were cozy then. Ike did not come but right wing that time was violent and anti USA.
Thank you for providing the new picture of the player. This new shot clearly shows him dressed (COSPLAY) as a member of the Kempeitai with a rank of either a Second Lt to Captain, can't tell how many stars. This clearly show that he wasn't dressed up to look like General Tojo as so many folks here have claimed.
It amazes me the way people so easily jump to conclusions and turning into an angry mob. This media is to blame reporting these stories without actually taking the time to do some research.
If the media would at lease try a bit harder and look into these stories rather than accepting hearsay as proof these kind of stories wouldn't grow legs and start running off by themselves. But, if the media did do their jobs they wouldn't be able to get more advertising or more subscribers.
Now, I wonder how many of these media outlets will have the sincerity and fortitude to admit their mistake and apologize to this young lad who they have vilified by their over reaction and lack of journalistic integrity. Then while they are at it, they should also apologize to their readers.
But, these days the media isn't like the media of past days, these days it's all about making a splash rather than doing a good job. That is why we will not hear a single retraction or apology to this young man or the readers.
Sad, but we get what we get because we the readers accept these stories at face value.
We didn't know, we don't condone this action we apologize, but pretty cool we think?
Lax, lax, lax......common theme in Japanese government.
@tokyodoumoAPR. 30, 2014 - 01:47AM JST LDP was intrical part of Imperial fascists during the war and they still secretly reminisce the Imperial Glory Days. U.S. should of completely banished the LDP fascist but they couldn't or didn't because of growing tension with the communists of China and Russia.
There was no LDP during war.
I just love the headlines here.....
Photo of man dressed as Tojo at LDP conference causes stir online
It claims as if this was a LDP Conference of some kind and not a COSPLAY event! Talk about trying to make a splash!
This wasn't an LDP Conference, it was a CSOPLAY event where the LDP and other groups/political groups attended. Wow!
I am wondering how long before the Korea's and Communist China start using this COSPLAY event as more of their anti-Japan propaganda?
I give them until this afternoon or maybe it's happened already.
Let's start with your claim that there seems to be little doubt that the young guys was cosplaying General Tojo.
I'll start by asking you if you have a better picture than this?
If you don't then you must have some great software to enhance this photo to make such a bold claim.
Next, the kid said that his uniform was that of the Imperial Japanese Military Police (Kempeitai) and not that of General in the Imperial Army. But, as most folks here and on the net are certain he was COSPLAYING Tojo, let's play your game and not take the kids word.
What struck me by looking at the photo was that you couldn't see the left side of the young mans dress uniform which makes it difficult to tell what medals he was wearing on hiss uniform. BTW, it does appear to be a dress uniform and not a causal one.
But, luckily we can see the right side of his uniform and a looming problem with your argument shined through very clearly. General Hideki Tojo always wore his Order of the Golden Kite 2nd class on the right side just below the right-breast pocket when in dress uniform. If you look carefully at the photo no large medal is visible.
So, he either didn't know what medals to put on his Tojo COSPLAY uniform or it's not a picture of a guy wearing a Tojo COSPLAY outfit as it's being claimed.
Here is a shot of some COSPLAYERS wearing such uniforms from 2013. Tell me if you believe each and everyone of those young men were also dressed up like General Tojo?
Your joking right? Well, I hope that you're joking because the LDP didn't exist until 1955.
Words can't express the complete jaw dropping moment you have provided. Seconds later the laughter came rushing in because there is no way that you are actually being serious.
Markus L
Thanks JoeBigs, it's comforting to know that the LDP didn't let someone dressed as Tojo climb onto their campaign truck and salute the audience, just someone dressed as a member of the Kempeitai, the Japanese equivalent of the Nazi Gestapo. We can rest easy.
For political purposes rather than accepting the fact this kid didn't dress up like General Tojo as the hysterical news claimed. You're now trying to paint him with a very broad-brush.
Here are the facts about his get-up, he was a kid who went to have fun at a COSPLAY convention dressed up like many other kids (and adults). But, when one person who didn't know the difference between a mushroom and a war criminal saw him they leaped into the air and made a false assumption.
Then the insanity known as social media got wind of it and this kid went from a kid to a villain. Then like it always happens with politics the far left saw an opportunity to draw a line between the LDP to General Tojo. Then things progressed even further down the road when the reality tv inspired media of today got wind of this they tried to crucify this kid, Prime Minister Abe and the LDP.
But, then when the spotlight of reality turned on and it came to light that this kid was not dressed like General Tojo and the event wasn't a LDP conference the pitchfork welding mob dispersed. But, like clockwork someone had to get their say and try to justify all the vilification that came through here.
The funny part of all this is that this all happened in less than 36 hours.
Now back to you....
So, I'll ask you a real simple question, do you feel the same way of military re-enactors who dress up in Confederates uniforms or Waffen SS uniform?
Are they also vile individuals like you and others have tried to paint this kid?
Now more reality, there are organizations all over the world and in the US of A the members are Liberal, Conservative, Democrats and Republican's.
Your attempts at making this into an issue isn't working. You are trying too hard.
Unbelievable. Only "second thoughts". They really just don't get it.
LDP was intrical part of Imperial fascists during the war and they still secretly reminisce the Imperial Glory Days. U.S. should of completely banished the LDP fascist but they couldn't or didn't because of growing tension with the communists of China and Russia.
The LDP did not exist until after WWII was over. Furthermore the U.S. supported the LDP as a bulkhead against the spread of communism in post war Japan. To a great extent we still do.
Markus L
JoeBigs, The issue is not the "kid". And I actually didn't make any mention of the "kid's" personality, although walking around in the uniform of the Kempeitai, an organization that struck terror into the hearts of millions in Japan and throughout Asia, does seem a tad insensitive. Not only would it be illegal to walk around in a Gestapo uniform in Germany, but, and this is the main issue here, it would inconceivable that the ruling party, the CDU, would lead someone in a Gestapo Uniform onto one of their campaign trucks to give the audience a Nazi salute, no matter what the event. It seems obvious that the LDP people who did this either had no idea what that uniform symbolized for millions of fellow Asians, or just didn't care. Either way, it's troubling.
But, this isn't Germany and people are allowed to dress-up as their favorite manga/anime characters without fear of being arrested for having fun, big difference.
As for your case that the Kempeitai struck fear in the whole of Asia, well they did and they did much more. But, last I checked the Kempeitai was disbanded in late 1945.
Now, if you're claiming that this kid is a member of something or other I hope you have more proof than just your opinion.
Now, I understand that you're trying to make hay out of this, but you really don't have a leg to stand on. So, you can continue with your irrational tirade because we live in a free nation that doesn't try and control what it's people think or do.
Here is something interesting for you, did you know that in Germany there are Waffen SS re-enactors? Yep, they dress up as if they were in the German military during WW2 and reenact battles.
Kind of funny if you ask me.
Karen M. Henton
No WONDER Michelle didn't join her husband over here in Japan last week. Sheesh.
'“If we had known that he meant to be dressed up like Tojo, we would have had second thoughts about letting him get up there,” he told AFP.'
So, dressing in WW2 military garb at an LDP shindig but not parading oneself as Tojo personally is perfectly acceptable?
I find it particularly amusing, in a grim kind of way, that he's standing right above the LDP's "take back Japan" slogan.
Very appropriate.
And from the picture, there seems little doubt that he was doing a cosplay of Tojo, not some generic WW@ Japanese soldier.