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© KYODOKishida says Japan-Russia ties are 'difficult'
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Actually the Russians never concerning Japan's demand !
These incisive, perceptive comments illuminating the psychological and historical aspects of geo-political phenomena are why Kishida is richly compensated and enjoys the exalted position he has.
It’s ok to not have great relations with Russia right now. They aren’t deserving of any with their actions under this dictatorship.
Putin is laughing all the way to his lunch.
“Japan what ? Oh, just let them dream away”.
Politik Kills
He should also say “regrettable”. That’s a beauty. Look out for that one in the coming weeks.
As Japan has sided with Ukraine which the Russians view as being Russia then it will all be good in a few years.
As for the illegality?
The requisite response is to wage war on the Russians,as in the past.
However, large numbers of Japanese suffer and die in that scenario-no action needed then…
More alternative reality from the land of Potemkin, see 'annexation' of Crimea and other areas of the sovereign nation of Ukraine for more current examples.
You have to fight to get them back. Look at the Senkaku’s. China is giving Japan a good lesson on how to reclaim lost property.
If the Northern Territories are Japan, isn’t the military, one of the strongest in the world as claimed here, required to defend Japan?
If you say we are not allowed by the U.S. according to the U.S. written Constitution to wage war, the U.S. allows Japan to defend herself, does it not?
Does the Constitution not require Japan to defend its own territories?
In Japan if stuck with something, just say difficult 難し.
Stephen Chin
Relations with Russia difficult? Mainly because of Russia's attack on Ukraine? The best way to ease the situation is to be frank with Putin.
Putin will respect no one who fawns upon him. Tell him straight to his face, "Stop the war on Ukraine!"
Does anyone doubt that Putin would, if he thought he could, attack and seize more Japanese territory?
You're darn right they should be difficult. They should border on non-recognition.
Gee…..really, Kish?
Welcome to reality, joker.
What else can you tell us?
Life is hard?
Bills never end?
Birds fly?
kishida who is a false Japanese representative wants to invade illegally Russian territory.
it is a War declaration that Russia needs to sanction ASAP..
It's a diversion, Northern Territories are not front and center for the average citizen in Japan. Japan's many islands RAPIDLY depopulating, more islands not needed.
Rather, country needs to get back on its feet. 2023 GDP approx. $3.6Trillion (with massive Govt. deficit spending), Japan's GDP peaked at $8+Trillion with MUCH smaller world economy, economic collapse = Real Problem!
They really need to learn to accept the outcome of the Second World War.
Many countries lost territory - because they sided with the Axis. The "northern territories" are a figment construct of a bygone era.
Russia needs to learn to accept the outcome if the USSR breakup.
Because of Russia. FTFY
That is by no means certain that the US wrote Article 9. In any case, Japan can change it and find out.
There's no way Russia is giving up the islands now that the US has ratcheted up military tensions in Asia to Cold War levels. The first thing that would happen would be the installation of missile bases.
Sorry, Kish. I have viewed the islands from Rausu and they look lovely.
Did you see any US installations in Rausu? Then I guess your statement is just an excuse.
It is very important to remember that these islands are geographically part of the Kuril Island chain (extending south from Kamchatka) and the "northern territories" are a fictional disneyland.
Secondly, they were removed after the Japanese army failed to cease hostilities.
Thirdly, it was part of an important demilitarization process - many people aren't aware that the massive attack fleet which hit Pearl Harbor mustered and sortied from Kasatka Bay - 44.965972, 147.656894
Missile installations on the islands would deny Russia passage between the islands thus forcing them to sail much farther north. See Wikipedia article on sea ice.
I think Russia needs some parts removed after failing to cease hostilities in Ukraine.
Of no relevance to anything in the world.
deanza said it. Basically, these islands are crucial to the maneuverability of the Pacific Fleet and thus shall remain in a safe pair of hands.
And I would assume so would Russia's partners in imperialism China, North Korea Iran and possibly many members of the USGQOP, along with perhaps some from the Global South, especially those beholden to, aka 'finlandized by, the authoritarian bloc of nations.
The usual posters with the usual disinformation, I see.
And that's the problem: Putin thinks he owns Ukraine. He doesn't.
Most of this post makes no sense at all. Apart from "illegally Russian territory" - you got that part right.
No, China is giving the world a good lesson on how it is an aggressive, revisionist country that cannot be trusted in any way.
It doesn't matter "where" it is for the "average" citizen (not that such a thing exists). It is a matter of national concern, and the Japanese government will rightly continue to press it.
The rest of your post on GDP etc. has nothing to do with the article, and is just the usual Japan bashing that you post virtually every time.
They do. Japan announced its surrender, marking an end to its involvement in the war. Then Russia stole the islands after this.
It's Russia that didn't accept the outcome (a Japanese surrender), just like it hasn't accepted that formerly Soviet states are now independent countries. Hence, Putin's aggression in places like Ukraine... hence poor relations with many other countries, such as Japan.
Absolutely irrelevant. Lots of countries have borders over contiguous landmasses, such as almost the entirety of Europe and Africa.
You will find that China's aggression and illegal actions (such as illegal island building and militarization, ramming other countries' ships, and swarming Taiwan) is what is "ratcheting up tensions in Asia", not the US's response to this.
I say Japan needs to put US bases on Hokkaido. The US declined to do so, with only a small radar station in Wakkanai which they eventually closed. Keeping US troops out of Hokkaido was thought to prevent USSR/Russia from building up any further military on the Southern Kuriles (北方領土). But Russia under Putin did it anyway. And now Sino-Russian joint exercises are being carried out in the area. Hokkaido has plenty of land and Putin needs to be shown that any further military development in that region will be prone to near immediate elimination by US forces.
The elephant in the room is no other nation in Asia endorses Tokyo's claim to these islands. Especially their direct neighbors. Work that out for yourself.
Let's look at facts and figures for a second. Japan can claim about 10,000 alleged former residents of those islands - and they must be using walking frames because none are in the photo. Besides, that figure is probably grossly inflated.
Here's another fact: Japan signed a certain alliance with Hitler which directly led to the loss of those islands.
Kishida's clearly in big trouble politically if northern territories, his 'go to' issue.
World is on fire, Japan's collapsing, let's get into reality, Russia's not going to allow those islands to become forward military installations of the US.
Incorrect. Japan did announce the surrender. The Kwantung Army (the largest of Imperial Japan) fought on. Thus all territory lost during that period falls under the hostility clause.
So because Xi won't tell his pal Putin that Russia's war with Ukraine is stupid and hurting China and the world, does that mean Putin does not respect Xi.
"In 1855, Russia and Japan signed the Treaty of Shimoda, which gave Japan ownership of the four southern islands and Russia ownership of everything to the north.
Communities developed on three of the islands and by the time World War II began, there were 17,000 Japanese residents.
Russia took control of the islands at the end of the war, and by 1949 it had deported all residents to Japan."
The USSR unilaterally broke the Non-Aggression Pact with Japan. It continued to take territory after Japan surrendered.
". By the night of Tuesday 14 August 1945, the Japanese government had sent a letter of surrender. The American Secretary of State Mr Byrnes considered, on behalf of the Allies, that it amounted to satisfactory acceptance of the terms of the Potsdam Declaration."
" just before he left Moscow for the Conference, Stalin had received a personal message from the Japanese Emperor, asking him to act as intermediary between Japan and the United States. The Soviet betrayal was an important factor in forcing Japan to surrender.
The Soviets launched their invasion simultaneously on three fronts in the east, west and north of Manchuria, the day after the declaration of war. Soviet forces also conducted amphibious landings in Japan’s colonial periphery: Japan’s Northern Territories, on Sakhalin Island. ",after%20the%20declaration%20of%20war.
I rarely agree with @OA but I do in this instance. Having crossed the island of Hokkaido three times over the past 18 months it's rather obvious that there are few military installations including naval ports.
Of course I'm not in favor of even more US bases. Get more JSDF up there.
I do enjoy a concise post. I have zero time for long rants. Who does?
I think Medevev was a little less delicate than "difficult" in his wording regarding the northern islands.
On July 7, 2005, the European Parliament issued an official statement recommending the return of the territories to Japan.
Here is a starting point for your research:
Yes. Medevev is a global laughing stock renowned for graft, corruption and greed.
Medvedev owns and controls large areas of land, villas, palaces, yachts, expensive apartments, wineries and estates through complicated ownership structures involving shell companies and foundations. Their total value is estimated at around US$1.2 billion. The original source of wealth is gifts by Russian oligarchs and loans from state owned banks. These revelations have resulted in large protests throughout Russia. Russian authorities responded by arresting protesters in unauthorised protests—hundreds were arrested. An April 2017 Levada poll found that 45% of surveyed Russians supported the resignation of Medvedev.
Stephen Chin
OMG! What's Happening in the Far East? Russia claims northern Japanese Islands! Japan claims eastern Russian Islands! China claims Japanese Islands ! Japan claims Chinese Islands! China claims Taiwan! Taiwan wants to become a State of the United States. OMG! What's Happening in the Far East and the Pacific right up to the United States? Are islands THAT important? Come on Children! Stop Playing Silly Island Games.
Moscow's position regarding the jurisdiction of the Kuril's is the same as Tokyo's position on the Senkaku islands: there is no territorial dispute over a settled question.
Well argued, OssanAmerica. Agree 100%.
I'd love to see a huge USAF base - perhaps in NE Hokkaido - and a huge US Marines base in Eastern Hokkaido, adjacent to the Northern territories.
A strong US Military presence on Hokkaido sure would prevent fascist Russia from trying anything in the future - and the Marine base would be crucial to assist the JSDF in any future re-taking of the islands. I doubt there would be significant local opposition. The people of Hokkaido know how dangerous the situation has become.
Join the club. Everyone is having problems with Russia, including Russians.
The Kuril Islands fall under the Russian nuclear umbrella. Any convention operation would result in cancellation of the invaders by the Russian Pacific Fleet and/or worse.
Besides, Russia is beefing up the local defenses there currently.
Threatening nuclear war now?
Time to put the vodka bottle down comrade!
So it is okay for Russia to push smaller countries around, huh?
You got that backwards: no other nation in Asia endorses Russia's claim to these islands, except maybe North Korea.
Nothing directly led to anything. It is Russia that has a land theft for peace policy.
Conveniently ignores the fact that civilized countries return things that aren't theirs for the greater cause of peace.
US marines are not an artic force and will never be one. In a hyper sub-zero environment they will pack their bags and run back to the heated PX at Yokosuka for some Popeyes chicken.
Besides, Hokkaido doesn't want to become the next Okinawa with random crimes of all manners being committed by US forces against locals.
So basically Japan/US did the right thing but take their sh*t anyways, huh? At least you are consistent with your superiors.
I'm sure it is quite comfy in F-35s.
US is pulling back globally, too much debt, interest rates too high etc. Troop reductions in Japan, SK, Mid-East, Europe, all coming soon!
These islands have ZERO strategic importance, just dangerous sentiment rocket fuel for failing politicians. This great hope of their return, quid pro quo for Ukraine support, now that's a BIG FAT Whopper of LIE!
I will be interested if the journalist, Tucker Carlson asks President Putin about this dispute in their interview and what his answer may be.
That's because you decided to stick your nose where it does not belong.
Just how many straws can you grasp at in one post? Let's take a look...
1) The Northern Territories aren't in the Arctic
2) In any case, the US is a member of NATO, which includes several countries that are experts in Arctic warfare. The US trains with these and participates in exercises in their countries
3) Due to Putin's actions, NATO has grown to include Finland (experts in Arctic warfare) and, soon, Sweden (also experts in Arctic warfare)
4) If Putin attacks US troops, even if they're in Japan, Article 5 will be invoked, and Russia will have to face NATO troops and their Arctic warfare experts
No, it isn't his "go to" issue. It's simply one of many that he deals with as prime minister, like every other leader.
The world isn't on fire, and Japan isn't collapsing. Your definition of "reality" must differ greatly to mine.
This is a diversion. Nothing is happening with Russia.
They’re trying to take attention away from the 5.5 tons of water containing radioactive materials that leaked from equipment used to process nuclear-contaminated water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, announced by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) on Wednesday.
tell me again, which country in the world is having good relationship with Russia? except chinese commies, NK commies, Taliban terrorist, Iran.....i always think that after Putin retired, everything will turn to normal and we can see Russians back to Euro big family again, but it seems that they are drifting further and further away to form ally with pillars of evils.
Had Japan surrendered earlier maybe the Northern Territories would still be in Japan’s possession. By the time they got the message it was already too late. A taste of Pearl Harbor medicine.
Talking about straws eh? haha
NATO has been drawing for decades before Putin invaded.
trust me, another war in the East for Russia, it will 101% tear that country apart. I have many good Russian friends and i enjoy having picnic/barbecue time with their family. I always wish they live in peace and easy environment
No, a taste of Pearl Harbor medicine would have been if Russia left as the US did many Japanese possessions.
It turns out they didn't leave after all.
Raw Beer
Obviously Japan-Russia ties are 'difficult' because Kishida continues to show blind obedience to a power (US) long determined to try and destroy Russia.
If we had wanted to destroy Russia, we would have moved in when they were falling apart, and not just with the CIA like you like to imagine.
That ain't an army that is winning anything, folks.
The UN recognizes Russian sovereignty over the Kuril Islands.
Ricky Kaminski13
These blokes certainly have a way with words don't they! Master orators!
Raw Beer
Back then, the US managed to get control of the country. With Putin, Russia broke free and the US has since been going after him...
I think Japan could have gotten the islands back many years ago if it wasn't occupied by the US. Putin knew that if the islands were returned to Japan, the US would immediately place a military base on them.
The Ukrainians at least would disagree with you.
Wholly irrelevant.
Also irrelevant. Russia stole the islands after Japan announced its surrender. No matter what the timing "could've" been, it doesn't change that fact.
NATO has been growing as countries want to join it and actively apply to. And the reason they want to join? Russian aggression: past, present, and potentially in the future.
If Russia were nice to its neighbors they'd have no need for a collective security treaty. But Russia isn't, so they do.
A nonsense comparison and you know it.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida breathtaking understatement…..
Japan's relations with Russia are currently "difficult".
"Regrettably, the issue of the Northern Territories has not been resolved and a peace treaty has not been concluded,"
Even the merest hint suggestion whisper from Vladimir Putin , he is prepared to negotiate even the prospect of a form of duel administration with the Japanese Government in reference to Russia illegal occupancy of the Northern Territories, would spell the end of Putin dictatorship possibly with the jab of poisoned umbrella or a nerve agent laced afternoon cup of tea.
To be replace by another probably more frightening kremlin gargoyle, just listen to the slab faced Sergey Lavrov Minister of Foreign Affairs is enough to freeze the soul.
Peace treaty? Please.
Putin word cannot be relied upon or trusted to respect any legal undertaking in its most simple form.
Bruce Pennyworth
Putin is great and Japan's culture and borders would be much safer allying with them. If it takes conceding some territory so be it
Russia under Putin deserves be brought to it's knees and made to return Russa's stolen property to Japan, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, etc.
The State Department later clarified that "the Habomai Islands and Shikotan ... are properly part of Hokkaido and that Japan is entitled to sovereignty over them". Britain and the United States agreed that territorial rights would not be granted to nations that did not sign the Treaty of San Francisco, and therefore the islands were not formally recognized as Soviet territory.
Incorrect. The US UK and EU recognize the Southern Kuriles as Japanese territory under Russian administration (occupation),
The US UK and EU recognize the Southern Kuriles as Japanese territory.(occupation)
Utterly irrelevant with the real world.
The Russians military presence in those islands are real. The Russo Chinese military activities shadowing those waters are real as well. Just make sure no way to let US military stationing in those islands is the focal point for both Russia and China's stragetic vision.
then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was attempting to secure the return of the islets through friendly negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The Russians were not friendly to whichever the country allied with US having military connection!
Why? Do you believe that the US, UK and EU don't live in the real world or something?
Putin had no intention of returning anything in my opinion. He was just trying to wring concessions out of Japan.
It's impossible to conduct "friendly negotiations" with a dictator like Putin.
US Marines will fight anywhere anytime. They'll put your forced conscripted and prisoner ragtag Russian Army to rest anytime. They can't even get through a Ukranian winter.
And just how in the world would YOU know how people in Hokkaido feel about anything?
Exactly. That would be Britain and the United States trying to keep Russia from enjoying the spoils of war.
Good for Russia for standing up and having none of that. Come and take it from us if you want to settle the duspute. Noticed the U.S. was silent.
Is Misawa’s proximity sufficient enough?
Since when was "enjoying the spoils of war" a good thing? I agree, though, that Russia is a horde state whose main objective is spoils.
Kishida on Wednesday said Japan's relations with Russia are currently "difficult".............So, whats new? Nearly all of the world countries are having difficulties with them. They are a nation being run by a genocidal maniac, who treats his own people nearly as bad as the Ukrainians, except he is not bombing them ....yet!!!
Has an already rotten relationship deteriorated? are you serious? In Japan they say on TV that Russia will also take Hokkaido? Or are they no longer making up all sorts of nonsense about Russia? All "the train has left" tuuuuu" Again the Japanese bet on the wrong thing. We had to sit and watch Roccia and Ukraine figure it out on their own. A couple of weeks would have been enough to solve everything. Did you want to catch a fish in troubled waters?
Putitng all else aside, there one major problem that remains unsalable. This is the danger the Russians see in the northern islands becoming military footholds for the US. Until that problem is resolved, the northern islands will stay in Russians' handss.