Japan Today

Polls predict easy victory for Abe in Dec 14 election


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I wish the Vagina Kayak woman had run. She seems more impassioned than the sorry lot Abe's against.

16 ( +18 / -3 )

If apathetic youth could get off their apolitical spoilt backsides, hey, if they actually thought about their OWN futures, instead of being led into the darkness, hey, BUT... the abyss awaits gaping, hungry and ready to consume the debris that will left in Abenomics' wake. A ship of disaster, no lifeboats onboard.

7 ( +13 / -7 )

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

A very sad state of affairs

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Something fishy here! It is becoming obvious, same as in Europe the votes are being manipulated, too keep the whole circus running as long as possible, just a week ago we heard that he had lowest support since he became a prime minister...

0 ( +5 / -5 )

With an exception to a burp here and there over the past 70 years the LDP keeps rolling along, and taking everyone with them down, and down, and down.......

The LDP and all the old-farts running this country think that what worked once will work again....19th century thinking in a 21st century world.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

さすが!(as expected!) Was there ever any doubt about the outcome?as soon as the election is over he and his right-wing cronies will bring all their devilishly conceived plans back to the fro and the downfall of democracy in Japan will continue in its downward spiral!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

For decades, the ruling party has combined pork-barrel largesse , big-city machine politics and personal problem-solving. Many Japanese will not quickly forget the obligations they have incurred. In the past, in fact, during Japan's decades of phenomenal postwar growth, the LDP managed to keep everybody happy. Huge subsidies satisfied farmers, while blossoming prosperity kept urban consumers from complaining about the resulting high food prices. Left-leaning opposition parties dwindled to near insignificance. But now many Japanese seem to doubt the LDP can keep everyone happy.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Such a pitiful theater. Unless he stops dancing under the flute of U.S.A., nothing good is to follow. Good for people, for the world.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

A coward way of calling elections,,knowing that ur counterpart is weak, and knowing well of spending huge amounts frm taxpayers pockets in the face of ur failed policies,,just to make sure that u don't lose power. I don't understand what Abe is trying to do now,,there are lots of things that can be done throughout this week instead of driving around with a loudspeaker.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Last week, reports said that the LDP may lose seats! Did the LDP twist their arms?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I #CGN: wish he had run for PM

Please know that there is no PM election in Japan and formulate your opinion of this election to write here.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Same O, same O.

Japan is not moving forward and nothing will change while all other things in the world are changing in rapid pace.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Well, of course, there's no viable alternative.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Michael CraigDec. 04, 2014 - 09:03PM JST Last week, reports said that the LDP may lose seats! Did the LDP twist their arms?

It could have been that the reports were wrong.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

than a symptom of the parlous state of the opposition and the lack of credible alternative on offer.

When a country with as many problems as Japan cannot field a viable opposition party, the system is clearly broken. This is a direct result of the apathetic nature -- "shoganai" -- of the Japanese population, and their willingness to let a political and bureaucratic elite patronize them for decades.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Political staff writers have been lamenting the lack of clarity to manifestos presented by the LDP and DPJ in the Asahi Shimbun, vague and uninspiring. It been reported in the 2012 Lower House elections, only 37.9% of voters aged in their 20s turned out to vote. It going to need a rocket more than kick up the backside, apathy was particularly abysmal among 20 to 24 year olds at just 31.18%. NHK world has been broadcasting Obama harping being "wary of weakness in Japanese economy" pressing for action on the debt position. Its all starting to look like a senseless $500m spectical of political musical chairs.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

But now many Japanese seem to doubt the LDP can keep everyone happy.

Doesn't matter, those people probably just won't vote. Or if they do they'll remember how hopeless the DPJ were when they were given a shot at running the country, and vote LDP to keep them out. Could be a good thing for the LDP to win big, sort of. All those stupid splinter parties could get wiped off the political landscape as the younger rank-and-file with less effective election organisations lose their seats, the survivors could go grovelling back to the LDP and the DPJ leadership could (and should) quit en masse to make way for people prepared to try to rebuild the party based on a single ideology, not continual shabby compromises between conservatives, socialists and centrists.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@cracaphatDEC. 04, 2014 - 11:08PM JST Don't need a poll for the obvious.

You are right, First poll , result enabled pollsters revealed hpw dumb and they had to hurruedly correct. But too late.


@jerseyboy: Shoganai neans There is no ginger, book, Prize, Ministry .... etc/ . I believe you meant Shiyo ga nai. Just write in English only instead of using strange language. as JT is English only. .

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

@jerseyboy: Shoganai neans There is no ginger, book, Prize, Ministry .... etc/ . I believe you meant Shiyo ga nai. Just write in English only instead of using strange language. as JT is English only.

toshiko -- no, I meant exactly what I stated. Respectfully, I spent ten years in Japan, so Japan is not a "strange langauge" to me. Nor is the meaning of "shoganai". Go troll somewhere else.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Last week, reports said that the LDP may lose seats! Did the LDP twist their arms?

Nope. It's simply analyzing the candidates and the districts they would represent. In addition, DPJ was foolish enough to enlist its two former DPJ leaders (Kan and Noda) and the current DPJ leader (Kaieda) into the proportional representation list. What it's basically stating to the voting public is that their leaders can't even win in their own turf but asking the public to vote for DPJ party.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

jerseybooy: Only 10 yeras in Japan. Don;t you know we Japanese live in Japan many more yers and went Japanese schools usualy up to graduate colleges and many more years live in japan? Also, some of us major Shujigaku and lingiistic. So you meant shoganai? Go to Japanese elemenary school to learn Japanese before arguing against me, Japanese. .
-8 ( +1 / -9 )

I believe LDP will win majority. Next, LDP will have candidates for LDP chairman, Either Abe or Aso. So my guess is Abe. LDP Chair will become PM. So. if Abe becomes chair, Abe will be PM. Just my guess.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I believe LDP will win majority. Next, LDP will have candidates for LDP chairman, Either Abe or Aso. So my guess is Abe. LDP Chair will become PM. So. if Abe becomes chair, Abe will be PM. Just my guess.

Wow! You really went out of on a limb on that one.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Last week, reports said that the LDP may lose seats! Did the LDP twist their arms?

Sure they may lose some seats but the DPJ does not have enough candidates to fill all the slots.

If the LDP loses 20 to 30 seats out of their current majority it will be seen as a slap in the face to Abe, especially with the mess that the opposition is in now.

If Abe gets over 300 seats and maintains the super-majority he is going to twist it into a major victory for his policies and the rubber-stamp LDP will take this country further into the dumpster.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Of course LDP is going to take it. Can't believe this is even a topic of discussion. BTW, I've been here 33 years and don't need to be a psychic to know the future regarding politics in Japan.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trouble DPJ has is it does not have enough candidates and no btother parties while LDP is together with Komeito. I have feeling that Abe will take credit on LDP majority when he will become candidate on LDP Chair fight.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Nope. It's simply analyzing the candidates and the districts they would represent. In addition, DPJ was foolish enough to enlist its two former DPJ leaders (Kan and Noda) and the current DPJ leader (Kaieda) into the proportional representation list. What it's basically stating to the voting public is that their leaders can't even win in their own turf but asking the public to vote for DPJ party.

I don't know why anyone would vote this down. As much as I loathe the LDP, it's an undeniable fact that the DPJ are utterly hopeless and I don't think any of the leaders even deserve to get local assembly seats, never mind Diet seats in PR blocks. As Diet members they get paid generous amounts of taxpayers' money to offer constructive criticism of government policies, compromise with the government when necessary and otherwise present a credible, viable alternative to the government in power, and as they have abjectly failed to do I think they should pay back their salaries.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Good for Abe! Good for Japan!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Campaign slogan on right pic is Very soon Ecxonomic situation will recover. Whether it is true or not, Abe and LDP sure know how to convince voters. Maybe he has strategy in his mind? Maybe he will demand USA to payback debts it owes to Japan? I doubt but wish DPJ slogans will be shown.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Such a pitiful theater. Unless he stops dancing under the flute of U.S.A., nothing good is to follow

If Japan had adequately made amends for WW2 I would agree, but at the moment the US is the only thing keeping Abe and co in check. And it looks like Abe has this election sewn up

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

What USA got do with Abe up? USA need Japan more tjhan Japan need USA. Japan pays more than 2 billion dollars to USA for letting US M foces in Japan. Japanese ecomomy may be flat but not neat to bankrupting USA. USA owes too much to China and Japan. If Japan decide to get rid of US Forces in Japan and demand US pay its debt to Japan, don;t expect China loan more. China says no more lending to USA.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I don't know why anyone would vote this down.

As if this has any bearing on what I might post in the future.

As much as I loathe the LDP, it's an undeniable fact that the DPJ are utterly hopeless and I don't think any of the leaders even deserve to get local assembly seats, never mind Diet seats in PR blocks.

You're kind of in the same mindset frame as those opposition candidates. You loathe them for some trivial issues which they support but when it comes to the important issues, you are frustrated that the opposition can't come with, as you say, "constructive criticism of government policies" and "otherwise present a credible, viable alternative to the government in power."

Here's the thing. Neither can you.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

You don't need polls for this. The only thing you need to know is than Japan is essentially a one-party state with citizens so indifferent to the future of their country that they don't vote, and the ones who do vote, so behind the times they don't understand what the country needs. This is just another political trick to hang on to the throne. Reminds me of Hugo Chavez...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Abe's repetitious campaign speeches are full of sloganeering about same huge issues facing Japan. All of these issues will likely continue to be exceptionally difficult to resolve. Election exaggeration, reflecting voter opinion, is divided and superficial on most of the issues. What I find particularly unhelpful and worrying is the campaign rhetoric from Abe’s stridently uncompromising display, that he is so hardening a current position that he is foreclosing options that might achieve a progress for Japan’s vital long term interests. The best government system is the one that can govern best. Can one really say that democracy is flourishing when the top candidates have such poor backing numbers? When PM’s are swapped out every few years, preventing long term policies and diplomatic strategy? Where is the great leader Japan needs to sway the other 49%? Underneath the Japan's superficial democracy, I see a system of patronage and alliances that is quite undemocratic.

The Japanese media is quite insular and consists of like-minded organizations that validate mutual biases and agendas. Not one editorial in a major paper comes to mind that differed from the unwavering government line on the important issues and called to question its actions.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You loathe them for some trivial issues which they support...

Oh do I? Care to tell me what those trivial issues happen to be, seeing as you presume to think you know?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japan doesn't have much choice. The consumption tax was a DPJ idea, foolishly backed by Abe's predecessor. Whoever wins, will either push on with PM Abe's anti-growth, pro-tax policies, and continue the deficit spending that has put an enormous debt load on the country.

The decision to delay the tax hike is a sensible move, although it should be delayed indefinitely so the economy has a chance to recover. If Abe wins, he should adopt a more consumer friendly, pro-market approach. This means giving working people, and business a break, and liberalizing the economy from excessive regulation and protectionism.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

LDP will form the next government, this is a forgone conclusion. The debate in the media at present is centred around the size and shape of that mandate. What is frankly alarming is both the LDP and DPJ party leadership campaign beyond bland and obvious rhetoric are deliberately failing to present coherent policies in there manifesto, I am referring to management of the financials either fiscal or structural, health, reform to administrative mechanisms of government. Where is there any mention in the slightest detail of structural reforms to either the employment market or agricultural sector?. Wage deflation is locked into over 40% of the population. Food prices reflect a stubborn reluctance for change. Energy prices are set to increase as an equally incoherent policy is clearly communicated to the nation. No mention or debate on/to safety aspects in provision of nuclear energy. Its scandalous. There are contributors to JT that are ardent LDP supporters. Step forward and present the LDP case. Explain how the LDP will stabilise the economy and reduce the out of control debt position. All I can read is shout downs.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The problems and likely solutions and collateral costs to Japan macro problems,:

Aging and declining population; import young foreigners; social disharmony. Big and heavy spending government; shrink & cut down bureaucracy; less control and less social patronage. Multiple and mutual businesses layers; cut down red tapes & free competition; disrupt social harmony & culture. Nuclear energy mismanagement & old reactors; green energy & new reactors; high investments required. Web of mutual self-interest social & political institutions; cut down spending; social disharmony. BOJ monetizing debts like crazy & impoverishing savers, consumers & salarymen & importers; slow down pace; exporters weaken.

Broad Issue; To remain "Japanese" or less "Japanese" or "Global".

2 ( +2 / -0 )

mr_jgb, lots of interesting suggestions you have proposed are definitely doable,

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The opposition parties have collapsed. Even the big name candidates in Minshuto are running scared ... they have spent so much time helping candidates in other areas that they have endangered their home-ground chances of staying in the Diet. It appears to be a really huge, ridiculous landslide in the making for the LDP. If this happens, they have full control over everything. Forget hanging on to your purse strings ... start worrying about what money you have managed to save. Abe and his spend-crazy cronies will be eyeing every yen of it ...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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