Japan Today

Reconstruction minister resigns over offensive remarks; Hirano takes over


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Ha Ha!!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I wonder if Matsumoto didn't do this on purpose as a saboteur to bring Kan down even faster? Either way, it is a lose-lose for Kan. If he did appoint this jerk knowing his personality and lack of people skills, Kan showed poor leadership. And even if Kan didn't choose this guy, he has surely made the current cabinet and party look very uncaring and sorely lacking in common sense. Oddest part though, Matsumoto is being forced(?) to resign over this and yet this is how Shintaro Ishihara acts on a regular basis. SI is teflon-coated. Amazing!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

After watching the video of this debacle, I think he had to go. Some of what he said was commonsensical, but there was a better time/place/way to express it. But his petulance about having to receive the governor of Iwate rather than the other way round sealed his fate, I think. A more talented politician (read: someone who actually had to campaign hard for his seat, rather than inheriting it) would have shaken the incident off and smoothly moved on to the issues at hand.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They got one thing right, he was a disaster at communicating! Sound more like a cheap oyabun in the available soundbites.

However, he was substantially correct that locals should come up with their own ideas. How can Kasumigaseki and Nagatacho really know what Iwate needs? He himself admitted that he was from Kyushu and knew little of the Tohoku region. It seems that moves to decentralise government from Tokyo have a long long way to go, and part of the responsibility must be on local government refusal/ reluctance to take on the responsibility for their region. The feudal mentality lives on...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Saw the video of this guy this morning. How he could simply not manage to keep his act together and arrogance in check for a single-day visit to this devastated region is beyond me. Does Kan vet any of his appointees?! The whole lot of these morons need to go.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He told the governor of Iwate, one of the hardest-hit prefectures, that the government would not help municipalities that did not put forward good ideas about rebuilding.

It's to bad Ryu Matsumoto is leaving.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

What a douche.... but thinking about it Shintarō Ishihara said much worse things, he needs to resign.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What a clown. Where do Japanese politicians come from? They all seem to have no common sense, and just the most bizarre things come out of their mouths all the time.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I`m glad that Ryu Matsumoto quit. Now there is one less idiot in office. What he did and what he said is unforgivable. With all of the people suffering from the earthquake and tsunami, he has the nerve to act like he is much better than everyone else. People like him should not be in any government position at all.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

LDP criticizes gov't bill for nuclear disaster compensation

Bring Back Ryu Matsumoto the LDP needs to be taken down another notch.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Well, the talent of politicians never ceases to amaze me. Guess we'll see what happens next....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

At least Matsumoto chewed out a centre-right governor. He should chew out Ishihara, too!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Ahhh.... this is sad. I do not know what to say.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


0 ( +1 / -1 )

With the amount of time he lasted in office, he's suited to be a Japanese PM!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Does Kan vet any of his appointees?! The whole lot of these morons need to go.

Combini you must b new to japanese politics.Heres how it works; Be very rich or from a famous family. Enter J politics with absolutely no credetials, expertise, morals or integrity. Wait a few years until your number turns up. Like Matsumoto, implode after 9 days or so. Enter new drone.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Great news that this moron is gone. Just another few hundred of them to go...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Not only did he not do any "reconstruction," he created his own disaster.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

When they say he "resigned," does that mean he's out of a job, resigned, or does he still have some function and salary and office?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

where he refused to shake a governor’s hand, scolded the official and threatened to withhold aid.

dude... this guy needs to be put into a shelter for 3 months

2 ( +4 / -2 )

good riddance!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It just gets whackier!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

While Japanese politicians are so caught up with the political fiasco, I just want you to know that US Ambassador to Japan; Mr.Roos, has been very devoted himself along with many US volunteers still working since 3/11 to help these victims. (NBC news dated 7/4) . Mr. Roos has been giving up his own private time and digging ditches. He understands what's going on there.

Now with this news, I am getting very frustrated as well as many Japanese victims. I was there, but now I am not there to help them. I feel so helpless.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

When they say he "resigned," does that mean he's out of a job, resigned, or does he still have some function and salary and office?

He still has a job, just not reconstruction minister

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The video was quite shocking indeed. It is one thing to say 'We're not helping people who don't want to think' and another to say "We have to work on this together and we will welcome any suggestions/recommendations from the devastated prefectures as you are the ones who know the best what you currently need." He had to assure them that the country is ready to help 100% because what is happening in Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima is not a problem of only these prefectures. His tone of conversation and his excuses later on that he is from Kyushu and has B blood type were just ridiculous. People like him, no matter how intelligent, should never be put in important positions.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan has enough holes to fill, digging more of them isn't helping

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Enter J politics with absolutely no credetials, expertise, morals or integrity.

That's a bit harsh. You just painted every politician in Japan as an idiot or worse. I think it would fair if perhaps you did some research befoer making such a comment.

There are some good politicians out there. This guy made a mistake. He was insensitive and now he's resigning.

Perhaps he was overwhelmed by the situation. Maybe he was under a lot of pressure. What could be worse is maybe he knows something that we don't know, that the press hasn't mentioned and we are all barking up the wrong tree.

Nobody disagrees that he handled the situation poorly and his remarks were insensitve but hoserfella.......seems like you are doing the same thing.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

He is a caricature of every bumbling, arrogant and bullying politician that ever was. Are we sure this is not some elaborate joke TV show in Japan that foreigners are not in on? Maybe we just didn't see the reveal scene where the then-reconstruction minister and governor of Miyagi are laughing together with Ashton Kutcher.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

If I were the Governor of Miyagi Prefecture and had to listen to this clown I would have been quoted in the media as having said to my aides "please escort this a$$hole out of my office and make sure to give him a good swift kick in the a$$ out the door!" Arrogant is an understatement for this moron! Once again Japan makes headlines that the world can laugh at!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

What always astounds me is that so many Japanese politicians don't even know how to pretend to be sincere and are completely incapable of making the standard inoffensive comments.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Many non-Japanese, including myself, have been on the receiving end of this type of oyaji condescending verbal thrashing. It's inherent to self-employed rich middle-aged privileged Japanese men. These guys are everywhere and love to belittle anyone they think is inferior.

So I wouldn't expect much sympathy from the NJ community.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He keeps his job. He stays out of touch. Politicians are a different class.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ryu Matsumoto did what anybody else would have done. When dealing with the Liberal Democratic Party, they hold alot of power and he did not back down from their slights in business etiquette and told them what for.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

That's a bit harsh. You just painted every politician in Japan as an idiot or worse. I think it would fair if perhaps you did some research befoer making such a comment.

But you have to admit, hoserfella is at least right about the majority of politicians out there, at least at the national level.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

That's a bit harsh. You just painted every politician in Japan as an idiot or worse. I think it would fair if perhaps you did some research befoer making such a comment

Actually he is pretty accurate, the level of politicians in Japan is incredibly low, seems to be getting worse. Can you name a few that are worth anything, I cant

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Kan picked another sure winner. But of course many of the gaijins here will still see absoutely no fault what-so-ever with Kan.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Another big blow to PM Kan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I don't think Kan picked him. Matsumoto was a loud voice calling for Kan's resignation. Ryu-chan was a political appointee - ie: intra-party politics. Kan's possibly just as happy to see him self immolate so promptly.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Utrack, why don't you go watch the video so that you know what you're on about.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well I didn't really care beforehand but I guess I would have to say Kan ought to just quit. Hiring someone like this is beyond incompetence. And as accurate as Horsefella's comment is, even this Matsumoto guy takes the cake. It isn't often you see someone be so blatantly condescending when the entire point of being there is to offer a helping hand and at the same time repair the image of your party.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

NetSamurai, in the case of the meeting with the Iwate governor - fair enough. I could let that slide as some badly chosen words; a bad attempt at humour in a stressful situation. The meeting with the Miyagi governor on the other hand, is NOT simply circumstance. There he showed his character. An arrogant, petty, callous excuse for a human being. Worse than the bumbling, attention-seeking Ishihara. Matsumoto deserves a good shunning.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

So-long to the master of disaster. No, type B blood type is no excuse for this, nor is being a Kyushu man any excuse.

Matsumoto is just a d*** , end of story. Most of the the politcal commentators are saying he did this performance on this purpose, to ditch a portfolio he loathed, and to add to the woes of the ailing Kan cabinet.

Good riddance rude little man!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

NetSamurai: "That's a bit harsh. You just painted every politician in Japan as an idiot or worse. I think it would fair if perhaps you did some research befoer making such a comment."

Hoserfella is 100% on the spot; look at Tani Ryoko being elected a lawmaker, for example. What were her credentials? good at Judo is grounds for being a politician? Does she have the proper degrees and qualifications?

This guy was a no-brainer from the get-go in terms of bad choices, as are nearly all Japanese politicians (and many around the world, as well). Seriously, he's right on... they come in with zero qualifications except that their grandfathers were politicians and they are rich, and then they wait patiently (or not so in Tanigaki's case) for their turn in the PM chair. How many positions was Kan recycled to himself before getting the PM seat?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@ taj

Utrack, why don't you go watch the video so that you know what you're on about.

Ryu Matsumoto's statement below, thepro has it posted

'Get the consensus. Otherwise we won't do anything. Just do it. You came in after me, but when you greet a guest, be in here first and call in the guest. Understand? The Self Defense Force would do it because they have the sense of seniority. Got it? Do better than this. [Speaking to the news reporters in the room] Oh my last remark is off the record, understand? Everyone. Understand? If any of you dare write it, that will be end of your company.'

What, Business Etiquette is Universal. Try keeping the owner of a Company waiting. Try it anywhere in the world and you will get wait the LDP got, if their in a good mood and still want to deal with you.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

aeho11: post the video link please

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What an utter prat! Self important morons of any color who cannot understand what those governors are going through should be flogged.

Another brain dead leader in Japan. Too many idiots in office and no good leaders standing by to take over. Japan is in deep trouble with little or no light at the end of the political tunnel. And that largely a self inflicted problem.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

ahh found the video.... look at the miyagi's guy face, he is in disbelieve... this guy is a seriously douche... I hope this guy never gets another post anywhere in government


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Can you say "prima donna"?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wow, that was fast.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

If I were him, I would apply for an entry in the Guiness World Record for being the shortest term minister. Anyone knows if you get a reward with an entry?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hit the road Jack!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The wife has been giving me the skinny on Matsumoto and it seems like he’s been really working his ass off already. He is an anti-political type of person who did not really want the post in the first place. He is also a military man who expected the civilian government to run with a bit more military efficiency. He is also angry at all the party politics going on during this time.

He is dumb for his remarks; the Japanese people of today really can’t handle an attitude like that. However his cut the crap, get your act together and let’s get to work type of attitude is needed to get things moving.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Utrack: "Try keeping the owner of a Company waiting."

This isn't a meeting between two corporations; it's a meeting between a man who is trying to lead a DEVASTATED area and the man who is supposed to help with reconstruction.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Seen the Video.

And I think he has some good points, there is protocol to follow for such a meeting. On same token it should have been done after the meeting once the cameras, etc were switched off.

And, yes, talk like that is pretty common in the Business world here, may it come from the client or your boss/fellow co-worker.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This thing about waiting 10 minutes and getting mad is something strange about Japan. People can line up for an hour and half for a bowl of ramen but waiting 10 minutes for a busy emergency relief official can't be tolerated? What's up with that?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It was 90 seconds, not 10 mintues.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He seems to be good at disaster management !

0 ( +0 / -0 )

if one rule in protocol is to be on time, another one is to be polite with your guests and do not address issues in public...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

90 seconds is late? Is everybody running on atomic watches?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I welcome any blow to the Kan government, but what Matsumoto had to say for reconstruction of Tohoku is nothing short of reasonable. Come up with new ideas on your own. You can ask us (the government) for anything but when necessary we may shake off your request. And get a consensus of the local people before proceeding with a plan. Otherwise it will fail. Adopted grandson of a buraku liberator as he is, the way he speaks sounds rather like when he deals with wreckers and yakuza and all but still it's a sound argument.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

He is dumb for his remarks; the Japanese people of today really can’t handle an attitude like that. However his cut the crap, get your act together and let’s get to work type of attitude is needed to get things moving.

That was basically how Edano reasoned it as well and I have to agree with him for lack of a better explanation.. Although I'm not sure how "anti-political" you can be and still be an effective Environment Minister. Did he not want that position either ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Seiharinokaze: "Adopted grandson of a buraku liberator as he is, the way he speaks sounds rather like when he deals with wreckers and yakuza and all but still it's a sound argument."

No, he just sounds like Yakuza -- not someone who deals with them. A whiny, petulant child. He'd probably line up for an hour for a Kobe roll cake, but can't wait 90 seconds to discuss the worst disaster in Japanese history outside of WWII. He's gone for a reason, and that reason is that he is an utter a%% and a self-righteous pri&k.

As for welcoming any 'blow to the Kan cabinet', whom do you think will do better? Where are their genius ideas?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Although I'm not sure how "anti-political" you can be and still be an effective Environment Minister. Did he not want that position either ?

He is in the same party as Kan but he says he hates Minshutou, Koumeitou and Jimintou. That is what he said when he was first assigned to this position but later apologized a few days later. The rant was most likely in inference to the political infighting and the lame duck PM not being able to accomplish anything.

He never said he didn’t want the position, people (mass media etc) were assuming he didn’t want it because he would not be able to accomplish anything having to take too many shots from every direction in a fractured government.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

As for welcoming any 'blow to the Kan cabinet', whom do you think will do better? Where are their genius ideas?

Kan is a lame duck, he can get nothing done. 3 out of 4 Japanese disapprove of him. I am pretty sure just rolling the dice you couldn't do any worse and might just do better. It is time for him to step down.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Name a better or better candidates, rolling a dice don't guarantee anything. Any gambler will tell you that.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

CruzControl: " I am pretty sure just rolling the dice you couldn't do any worse and might just do better."

I think that's what they do in Tokyo all the time; no qualifications needed, just roll the die and see who's next.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Typical japanese breaucracy! Dont be surprised!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The unusual thing this time isn't the arrogant, bullying remarks of the minister, but the fact the press actually reported it as it likely happens all the time. I hope this is a sign that the press will start holding these useless old fools to accountability.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Matsumoto doesn't just sound like a yakuza but has something untouchable with him. The job of the second in command of the Buraku Liberation League is not something a whiny petulant child can manage. The media likes to close up a tiny part of the whole. But getting things done and clearing debris away needs snappy negotiation with wreckers and others. Better listen to the whole of what he said during his meeting with the governor of Miyagi Pref.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I think Ryu Matsumoto was correct but he expressed himself bad. The japanese are used to some kindly formality. But Japan's government has to face an enormous public debt and the money can't be wasted in useless or overpriced things. Most of these rural/less developed provinces are unde the hands of corrupt and anachronic oligarchs who use the public money to benefit themselves or their families. He said the right thing, but in a wrongly rough manner. In Japan you need to be polite, formally polite.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Kan will refuse to leave until he passes a law to profit himself and his Softbank owners. That is all he cares about he could care less that the government has quit running. He will keep stalling and making BS cabinet appointments like Matsumoto to extend his reign any way he can by calling it change. He even hinted to Koumeitou and Jimintou that he would quit if they signed the law.

If his Saisei Kanou Energy Sokushinhou law passes he and Softbank will make massive amounts of money off of everyone who pays for electricity. And he lives comfortably for the rest of his life.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Seiharinokaze: "The job of the second in command of the Buraku Liberation League is not something a whiny petulant child can manage."

If it's Matsumoto than clearly it is something a whiny petulant child can manage, because that's what he is.

" But getting things done and clearing debris away needs snappy negotiation with wreckers and others."

So he can't wait 90 seconds?

"Better listen to the whole of what he said during his meeting with the governor of Miyagi Pref."

So what did he say the rest of the meeting? More self-aggrandizing, talking about how he's from big-ol' Kyushu and can't relate to these northern folk, etc. The guy is an idiot, and an arrogant fool. But I'm still waiting for you to say whom you think is a better choice than Kan and what that person has suggested they will do better. My guess is you cannot answer -- you are like the Japanese politicians themselves; just criticize without any alternative options, while you claim Matsumoto is great because the Miyagi-ken people couldn't come up with anything.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

wow - the poor guy has a DISASTER on his hands and the putz Matsumoto wants him to drop everything and run down to tokyo........does not compute so glad it was on TV for everyone to see. will it make a difference??????

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Kan has received so many blows while in office, he makes the Monica Lewinsky scandle look like soft porn!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Kan accepted Matsumoto’s resignation and hopes to appoint a replacement as soon as possible

Tadaima Kan-gaichu...as usual. No wonder they call him Aki-Kan

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Yay! Your blood type and place of birth are not excuses for bad manners! I was seriously ticked watching him on the news this morning. Some commentators said he was wrong in his chastisement of the Miyagi governor, who is from a Self Defense Forces background, and doesn't need to be told what to do.

What a doof, good riddance.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

We can't forget that the southern people like Matsumoto have rough manners too. The northern japanese are usually more polite and kindly. But I still think he was right, just choose the wrong worlds.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

One thing! Japan's Goverment is a JOKE! wonder why nothing is getting done?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

“I felt that I was the person closest to the disaster victims,”

So, if that's how you felt, Matsumoto, what was with all the "I'm from Kyushu... I don't know anything about this area" crap, and the threat to withold aid to VICTIMS if a politician didn't treat you like a king?

This is beyond ludicrous.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I think the greatest part of all this is that he warned reporters not to report what he said, and not only did they do it, but posted VIDEO of it!! What a sucker. You don't do/say something and then when you realize you've messed up claim it's 'off the record' and threaten people in the media -- it's guaranteed to become even MORE fantastic.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Man, did power go to this guy's head! He acted like his was Emperor Palpatine's right hand man! He chews out the governor for being late, despite the fact the governor is presiding over a disaster area, the whole reason for this fool minister to be there. Then threated to cut aid. Then tell the reporters to keep mum. Another couple weeks on the job and this guy would have been walking around with armed samurai in tow ready to chop off the heads of any who looked at him funny.

To bad he resigned before Kan could fire him in a very public manner.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I was just coming round on Kan holding on for a few months before this, but this has to be the last straw in terms of showing up Kan's incompetence at picking people.

Kan shouldn't wait for the budget now. He should step down and end his train wreck of an administration and give the Dems time to recover with a new cabinet before they go into the next election.

Kan picked this guy as a stunt to justified his holding onto office. To say this appointment showed poor judgment has to be an understatement. Where did they find this guy!?


0 ( +1 / -1 )

9 days as a government minister - of a new ministry created for him to lead. This has to be some sort of new record, even by Japanese standards?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Now there's a new clown in town. I wonder how long he will last?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This imbecile's excuse for being coarse and unsophisticated as being because he hails from Kyushu may well be true - they are fairly "agricultural" folk around there to put it nicely - however it doesn't wash at all. I mean, who the hell did he think he was to address the Miyagi Governor that way?! If this piece of human refuse is the best "Reconstruction Minister" PM Kan could find, there needs to be a fresh election now. Let the electorate get rid of Kan who has no idea what he is doing, it is now very clear anyone could do a better job.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This guy has got to be a plant to make Kan look bad! I mean, I know he's a Japanese politician, but can anyone really be that block-headed to make those kind of comments while the cameras are rolling? I know there are lots of precedents that the kamikaze ethic is alive and well, but this has got to be staged. Hasn't it? It's true, as a lot of posters have said, that these kind of arrogant comments are normal among overpriveleged jerks of that generation. But he has got to be joking to suggest that it's just because he's blood type B, or from down south, or whatever. I mean, c'mon, even for Japan this is beyond weird! He must be some kind of LDP Trojan horse, airlifted in to sabotage Kan's last stand, surely??? I don't know who else he was meeting, but as far as I know Governor Murai seems to be one of the small band of head screwed on straight, practical, down to business kind of blokes. Couldn't Matsumoto pick a genuine p**k; after all, he's spoilt for choice. This has got to be a set-up, surely. Someone tell me please?!!!! As for it reflecting badly on Kan, well yes, it doesn't exactly do him any favours, but I think others have got it right when they say that the whole appointments thing is a stitch up, and he probably has about zero leeway as the rest of his party flip flops all around him. Even Edano's blowing hot and cold now - don't know from one day to the next if he's going to praise Caesar or bury him. What a !"#$% mess!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

LDP Trojan horse

LOL, You've got it right. Too many of TROJAN HORSES in Japan politics.

Unlike US, Japanese politicians have no ideology what they stand for.

Demand econmics or Supply economics?

Fiscally conservative or Fiscally liberal?

Socially conservative or Socially liberal.

I believe they have no clue!! .

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Unless you are a pathological sociopath, it is very hard for anyone to fake presenting themselves as someone who disrespects victims of a tragedy and is dishonoring the service and sacrifice of their leaders. Appropriate emotion is something that should be apparent at all points in an appointment like this. Most likely this was a man looking to get out of a job who was already BEYOND emotionally disconnected, and BEYOND condescending and something in him either psychologically snapped or events unraveled to the point of taking on a life of their own. I doubt we will ever know with any certainty. It doesn't seem to have damaged Kan to any great extent.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Classic Japan. Even in the midst of a crisis of epic proportions, and with virtually no visible signs of recovery at hand, this guy is more concerned with process -- "when a guest comes to visit, you should already be there to receive him" -- than results. This situation, time and time again, has pointed out for all to see the total lack of leadership/crisis management skills currently existing in Japan. Thye have no clue what to really do, so they fall back on platitudes.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Bushido strikes again! Self confidence is a good thing until you hit the wall. And, by the way, where is this book of rules that only Japanese seem to possess? If, indeed, a male is superior by virtue of his gender and longevity, then it would behoove him to also be charitable to those inferior to him, nes pa?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Here's the youtube link: http://youtu.be/kTGaFWYFxZM

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Kan is a lame duck, he can get nothing done. 3 out of 4 Japanese disapprove of him. I am pretty sure just rolling the dice you couldn't do any worse and might just do better. It is time for him to step down.

Every PM even before their kick at the can is a LAME DUCK, doesnt figure into anything, Kan stick around will ya, I am no fan you just look less worse than the babies screaming for yr blood now.............

And regarding putz matsumoto, dont let the door slam yr butt on the way out, what a pathetic excuse for a whatever the hell he was supposed to be doing, simpleton!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'm not sure if Matsumoto was disgusted with Kan or not happy with the Miyagi governor going too far with the idea of intensive fishery and selling piscary rights to big business without getting local fishermen's cooperatives' consensus. It was interesting to see him suddenly wearing dark glasses upon taking up the post and saying that he doesn't like the DPJ, LDP or Komeito. What kind of guy is he? And now, please don't bully again though from a bit different angle the new reconstruction minister who is a henchman of Ozawa.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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