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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.White House wanted USS McCain out of sight while Trump was at Yokosuka
By Lolita C Baldor WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Trump is a big baby. Can't get over the fact that a dead man is more respected. But wait, here come the Trumpers to defend Trump and call Mccain a loser or a Rino...
What an empty life Trump leads, devoid of anything worth living for.
Whoever in the white house gave the order needs to be fired tomorrow morning; and thrown out onto the street by the secret service with all the networks/cables covering it live.
And Trump's war against McCain's corpse continues...
The only thing worse than Trump's pettiness is his enablers. When is the GOP going to call "enough"?
I hold no brief for the fulsome worship of a McCain, but such pettiness is the measure of this pathetic moron. I hope to never see the day when a USS Donald J. "Bonespurs" Trump is launched. Nothing other than a big, fat, orange blimp would be worthy of a name that will live in infamy and ridicule as one of the most embarrassing jokes in the history of American presidents.
Petty and childish. Trump is jealous of a dead man.
Trump is very "Narcissistic", another proof!
It sounds like the White House made the request by email, but the Navy did not comply.
And quite rightly. What a petty request.
Chip Star
It's actually named after all three John S. McCains.
Trump probably didn't know about it, but given what we know about the White House and the sycophants he has surrounded himself, I have no doubt the story is true. Certainly, if I were the Wall Street Journal editor, I wouldn't publish such a story unless it had been verified by more than one source, and apparently it has.
The main issue is not whether or not tarps were used or not but whether any instructions to keep the USS John S McCain out of sight were issued.
Bugle Boy of Company B
Maybe they covered it up because Trump can’t read it? They didn’t want the president to feel bad.
When any of our grandchildren takes a good look at both folks..Trump and McCain, who do you think they will respect more?
Chip Star
If this is debunked, why is Fox "News" reporting that the acting Defsec is having it looked into? (Why are there so many acting officials this far into Donny's term?)
McCain...bona fide war hero.
Trump... writer of book that contained the word "war".
The current occupant of the White House is a very petty individual ... another reason he is not fit to be President of the United States of America (POTUS).
The President is fake, not the news,
It takes the worst kind of coward to fear seeing the name of someone who’s been dead for close to a year.
Donny is pitiful!!!!
Sarah is a fat, female Pinocchio without the nose, expecting her to give an honest answer is like expecting God to answer your prayers for the winning Lotto numbers.
The Donald is doing some good stuff with regards to China trade but to infer that Donny has more integrity than McCain is just crazy...and a little insulting to anyone with active neurons.
sorry, that should read "ghost" writer of book that contained the word "war".
Even if the request was made there's no way the US Navy would agree to this. It's akin to disrespecting and destroying the morale of the entire crew of that one ship in the fleet. It's like something that may happen in China or North Korea, but no way US commanders would ever agree to this.
Two days after President Donald Trump left, reverberations from his state visit to Japan are still felt. He must be a great President.
do you think hes a great POTUS? as he certainly want to keep the marines in Okinawa
I respect the man for his service to the country, always will, but as a politician, I do not and will always feel so.
It great that you respect the mans service, do you also respect servicemen taken as POWs? because Trump certainly doesn't respect MCains military sacrifice or his political careerr
Chip Star
And then, not three sentences later:
Ratings have zero to do with credibility.
Nope, he's a big baby. The biggest ever. A huge baby.
Chip Star: Nope, he's a big baby. The biggest ever. A huge baby.
Yes but, he's a very dangerous baby.
US deserves a true responsible statesman,
not huge liar baby (manipulated by a doubtful entourage)
Trump has no valor, no credentials, no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He should be embarrassed and ashamed of himself, his ego is petty and boundless. He's not suitable for any social or diplomatic engagements, and he has NOTHING honest or honorable to call his own. He has never worked an honest day in his empty pitiful misbegotten pathetic life and he has no true friends or admirers with any openness or maturity to speak of. He has no redeeming virtues or value whatsoever, none.
With the people wearing them...not just hats
The ship is not named after Senator John Mccain but his Grandfather who was a navy admiral.
Dan Anderson
Hervé L'Eisa
The issue is that Mr. Cheeto had REQUESTED the name be covered up. THAT is not "fake news" but fact as shown by his Twitter posting.
To rant like this, many months after Mr. McCain has been dead and buried shows nothing less than pre-adolescent temper tantrums and is not at all worthy to represent the people of the United States. In fact, for any of these taunts he has given to any of those of whom he disagrees is so blatantly immature shows that he needs to grow up far more than he has so far.
Wall Street Journal invokes the same:
Open Minded
If the request from the White House is confirmed. Is it acceptable?
This is quite a simple question.
Please no other answer than YES or NO.
Sounds like some Junior person got above his pay grade in assumptions. A person eager to please ?
That said, when will the original TV Series Dukes of Hazard Car be appearing upon the lawn of the White House ?
If they hadn't bothered Trump wouldn't have even noticed
The sailors on the US McCain were also not invited to the speech. What an unpatriotic loser! :(
Trump Says He Didn't Know About the Latest John McCain Snub — but Praises Whoever Did It
What a big unpatriotic loser!
if this true it woulda been cheaper to put a hood over Trump's head
If Bill Gates (a real thick skinned billionaire who would be a much better president since he is a better businessman than Trump) were president this would not have happened. Real billionaires have thick skins and it looks like Trump is not even one of these in his fakery like the hair that looks like a dead orange rodant.
Lucas Simms
On 31 May 2019, Rear Admiral Charles W. Brown, the US Navy chief of information provided a statement to some news outlets confirming that a request had been made to “minimize the visibility of USS John S. McCain,” but he did not provide details about exactly what the Navy was asked to do, or who made the request.
It would have been fun to see 100s of USS McCain navy hats standing in formation as Trump walked by.
CNN has already widely talked about this point:
Trump would deny, in the past, Trump has already said a lot
untruths about his opponents,
Mentioned in various amercians sources according to the credible Associated Press Agency:
*Not only one** *but :
Three U.S. officials confirmed to The Associated Press that the White House told the U.S. Navy to keep the warship named for McCain, with whom Trump long feuded, out of Trump's sight during the president's visit to a base outside of Tokyo Tuesday.
I'm aware that inconsistency is your bread and butter and that you pivot on your views from one thread to the next, but I think we would all appreciate consistency at least across two sentences.
LOL! Here is your confirmation right here!
What a loser!
No, they have everything to do with credibility, but if you don’t believe so, it’s ok.
thats fine because his ratings havent changed much since he was elected and more disapprove of Trump than approve
If this is true that certain Naval people did cover up John McCain's name on the ship... because that is not clear yet. But if it is true, and even if Trump didn't request it or know about it, he still has some blame. Why? Because he's the type of leader to blow his top and make life miserable for people if they screw up. So what do you do.... you do everything you can to keep him happy. That might include taking actions like covering up McCain's name. Because we all know he hated him.
If what you said is true, CNN and WSJ should have already removed the article,
the question of their credibility is important (is not the case if the current US President)
The draft dodger doesn't want any reminders of his cowardice.
It appears that a U.S. Indo-Pacific Command official wrote an email to Navy and Air Force officials about Trump's arrival in Japan. Democrats, and their pet media outlets, immediately jumped to the conclusion that Trump must be responsible. No actual proof of this is required, of course.
Dump is simply trying to enrich himself and family by scamming the uneducated. There is no just cause involved with his actions.
Hervé L'Eisa
Furthermore, the ship was named after the Admirals John S McCain, Sr & Jr, the grandfather and father of the late Sen John McCain who was added posthumously in 2018.
Chip Star
Shigoto: Agreed.
That's not a very open minded request.
As far as discussing Senator John McCain's record, and public service is concerned, McCain was a public figure, and as such, his record and his life, would/will continue be a topic of public conversation.
When I saw the headlines I already thought it's fake news but the haters camp will drag Trump through the mud regardless. It fits their narrative.
Dunno, the media also said, the President would be indicted, can’t trust them either.
No, they have everything to do with credibility, but if you don’t believe so, it’s ok.
Trump is an entrepreneur-turned conservative politician -- naturally, a Republican by party. The late Sen. McCain was the Republican Paty’s big shot, and so both men must share lots of thoughts in common.
But why were they at loggerheads over handling U.S. affairs? Why did Trump fire Secretaries of State and Defense Rex Tillerson and James Mattis? Weren't they engaged in a proxy war between the established U.S. military-industrial complex represented by McCain, Tillerson and Mattis on one hand and Trump, a lone wolf, on the other, who is challenging the Washington establishment,?
The ship was not named after the Senator.
So is there any reporting on who is responsible other than innuendo?
Hervé L'Eisa
"But a spokesperson for the U.S. Pacific Fleet told NBC News that the photo in the Wall Street Journal article was from Friday and the tarp was taken down on Saturday. The President visited the troops on Monday. The ship is currently under repair after crashing into a merchant ship in 2017, killing 10 sailors."
NBC news
Asked but didn’t ask. Did but didn’t do. Couldn’t see but was visible. Nonsense article.
I think it is.
This story has already been debunked as fake news. Google for updated and corrected news of this event. A total fake news story.
Their ratings tell a very different story.
Trump denied to reporters on Thursday morning that he was behind the request to obscure the ship.
"I would never do a thing like that," he said. "Now, someone did it, because they thought I didn't like him. OK? And, they were well meaning, I will say."
He added: "They thought they were doing me a favor because they know I'm not a fan of John McCain."
There goes the "Trump is a big baby" argument.
Two days after President Donald Trump left, reverberations from his state visit to Japan are still felt. He must be a great President.
Sounds like more fake news to me - the story will be proven false but the ill-will towards Trump will remain. "A U.S. Indo-Pacific Command official" doesn't sound like a White House employee to me. This official may have ordered it hidden. Maybe not. But there is no evidence even presented that says the White House ordered this - except of course the headline.
Are people really so easy to manipulate?
They respect McCain? Some people will respect McCain, I personally don’t, I think everyone has the right to their opinion and it should never be silenced. I respect the man for his service to the country, always will, but as a politician, I do not and will always feel so. Now, for the people that don’t like the President, they also have the right to express that view, but I think we all should be respected in our views or at least allowed to express them, I won’t pretend that McCain served the GOP well, I would have felt more comfortable if he would have sided or became a Democrat because so many of his leanings fell into that camp which had nothing to do with conservatism. As far as hiding the vessel. I wouldn’t have done it, the President just has to deal with it, not a big thing.
Hervé L'Eisa
No, it's purely FALSE.
Hervé L'Eisa
This has already been proven to be false.
What a bunch of BS. Surprisingly disappointing from the WSJ.