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© KYODOSenior lawmaker to quit Diet post over hostess bar visit during state of emergency
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So no legal action for misuse of public funds? Oh wait.. they bowed and said sorry. Now they can be forgiven.
Rotten to the core.
Aly Rustom
Oh so he also misappropriated and lied about funds. Why isn't he in Jail??? Oh yeah, he's not a FOREIGN CEO of a car company! Got it!
EVEN IF they were restaurant trips, WHY are we paying for these PUNKS' dinners?! They make more than enough to pay for themselves! They draw a crazy salary for DOING NOTHING but sleeping in the diet, AND on top of that they want the hard working people to PAY for their restaurant dinners??
The 95° bow. Worth its weight in caviar.
The Prime Minister Suga went to a steak restaurant with 8 people.
Shouldn't Suga quit? What makes this different from the Suga dinner party?
Beto Ramirez
Empty apology. Epic fail in how this was handled
Just regrettable
That’s what you are
And so that bow just solves everything. I don't think so. Goodbye. More accountability is needed here and elsewhere in politics and Japan Inc.
Do the hustle
Is he bowing his head in shame or preparing to get a kick in the butt on his way out the door?
That says it all.
Toyama is from Komeito, AKA the "The Clean Government Party," :) as Marcelito points out above. His gang has quite an interesting history.ōmeitō_(1962–1998)
Unfortunately, for every sukebe oyaji who bows out, there are another 30 waiting in the wings to replace him. Each as do-less as the rest.
Yup as reported on the news a couple of nights ago!
Note to the "writer" here, He aint quitting the Diet, just his ministerial post, huge difference!
Such vile men, they actually have to pay for female company. And they get Saleries from tax payers, something is wrong. Nobody wants to spend time with them voluntarily but the represent the population? I don't get it.
Only one?????
I hope the drinks, eye candy and the (probable) groping was worth it. What am I writing? That could never be worth it. Another one bites the dust so only a few dozen more oyaji (need) to go now.
Zero accountability.
'Oh, I'm sorry I got caught. Oh well. I'll just let myself out. Where do I collect my voluntary retirement funds?'
Unlike the Komeito guy above, the other two LDP lawmakers are leaving the party, but not the Diet.
Nikai suffers a series of dining & wining fiasco involving his group members (including himself). He remains intact, only receiving designation letters from the two.
Ironic, since we, the taxpayers, were the ones who footed the bill.
Using public money to fund nightlife escapades -I will remember this the next time there is a tax hike!
Not enough.
@ timeon ha ha ha, good jokes, here no religion at all
Good riddance, scumbag...
Did anyone catch that title, 'vice education minister'? Is that what he's in charge of? Educating us about vice? Must be an interesting job.
Peter Neil
This thread is useless without pictures of the hostesses involved. They must really be something...
A mere drop in the ocean compared to the massive amounts of kickbacks/funds skimmed off the top when buying weapons from the US.
David Shawn Kanda
Does he think bowing as low as he can go will attain him the forgiveness obviously he DOESN'T deserve in the first place. Hazukashii!
Lazarus Knows
Not good enough. They should not be able to remain as lawmakers. If that were also taken away, then that might be a good start. But here's one thing that might help them realize that -- the utter embarrassment. Any and every time some city official on the street or from the government walks around with a sign asking you and others to go home, you can read a litany of examples of the government NOT doing that and finish with, "So, why should I? especially when they are not punished for it."
What can Suga do, for example, when he asks people to stay home and someone jokes, "Except for steak dinners with friends, right, Suga?" He can only hang his head. The guy in this case wasn't sacked by Suga because he broke the rules, he was sacked because he gave another example where, again, Suga cannot live it down.
englisc aspyrgend
Immediate resignation of their seats and a by-election, prosecution for corruption and misuse of public funds and repay the amount plus interest out of their own pocket (and any other little jollies over the years). Of course this is never going to happen.
Bob Fosse
Who’d’ve thunk it!?
I’m shook to the very core.
That, and also the hypocrisy. The politicians should themselves follow the rules they impose on us hoi polloi.
How about all SENIORS retire?
It is not good enough that the members step down from responsibilities Since the party president can't control his members then how does he expect to be able to control the virus he needs to step down.
Quit from the public eyes into closed-room-warm-embrace of amakudari
Uncle Benny
Like PRINCE sang :
Head. Til you're burning up.
Head. Til you get enough.
Head. Til your love is red.
Head. Love you til you're dead.
I guess there are all married men ? Their wife have receive support to seek divorce and push charges for surprise rape and endangering the children studies ?
It is essential to understand that a contract of intent is pass between couple. This contrat expect fidelity. And in a world of silent communication, a lot pass thru unconscious. This is where we discover spouse suffer the same psychological damage than rape victim with violence even when they don't know the truth about adultery (psyche imbalance, tiredness, psy deny, low resilience to stress, recuring nightmares, low immune system....). With a mother in this state and a liar for father (the unconscious always know the truth), the children flunk their studies and dads payed the schools to hide the bottom rock level of the children (only the male in general) that is linked with family trouble. Must i talk about the drug dealer from those club always seeking the children of those male, because there are good buyers thanks to their lack of knowledge of their parent let them in ?
This is not just visiting hostess here. This is a life of lies and payment to the right people to hide those lies. And adultery is tomorrow (and now in many countries) seen as a surprise rape unless there is a deal for an open couple (which is always worse for the children than a divorce because the unconscious will block the understanding and those unconscious ties blocked the high IQ expression). Many fathers guilty their children for their small failures, when in the end, they are the result of their own adultery and unlawful flows.
I can't understand Bouddhiste temple - expert in the mind unknown - continue to endorse such politicians who are a plague for the city as much as for their family.
Joe Blow
He's checking the shine on his shoes.
Why is this even news? All he will do is what he already did (bow) and all will be forgotten. Next!
Hung Nguyen
To date, the image of Japanese politicians bowing low as way to apologise for their guilts is becoming a mix of cliché and humour. Probably, now is time to change ways to apology for those who are fully aware of their wrong doings and still commit them.
The fact that he went to a hostess club during the pandemic isn’t a big deal to me. The money these establishments pull in supports the economy and the employees need the work to survive. However the use of funds other than from his own salary to pay for his personal entertainment is obscene.
Sven Asai
Yes, of course an outcry... But in reality they are only envying and would also go there if they ever could afford the price for only 30 minutes and the cheapest bottle of brand champagne on the beverage menu. lol