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© Thomson Reuters 2023.Medvedev says Japan's 'militarization' complicates Asia-Pacific
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He should keep his mouth shut!
Just another one voting for genocides!
Cry me a river.
In fact, it's fortunate that Russia occupies the Northern Territories. Japan will never normalize ties with Russia until the situation is rectified.
"Now let's hear about our new strategic nuclear weapons system." he went on to say.
Says the nutjob who regularly threatens to nuke the rest of the world.
Haaa Nemui
What he means to say is Japan's 'militarization' complicates Russia's and China's plans for the Asia-Pacific.
Nowhere near as "regrettable" as Russia's 18 month long invasion of Ukraine.
Wick's pencil
Japan will never get them back as long as the country is occupied and controlled by the US. The know that the moment the islands are returned, they would immediately be turned into a military base.
Japan's militarization is a problem because it is "allied" with a superpower that has a habit of causing conflicts and wrecking countries.
Russia's Medvedev complaining of other's militarization is ludicrous and hypocritical; Russia complaining of militarization is the most double-standard thing I've heard in time... After their brutal and unjustified assault on Ukraine.
Was just about to post the same thing, but you beat me to it :)
Japan increasing its defense budget would never have happened had China not become so aggressive under Xi. In peace time, and with no threats on the horizon, countries generally lower* their defense budgets. However, with China conducting the biggest military build-up seen since World War II, and with clear, and growing, aggression against many neighboring countries (Japan, Taiwan, India, Philippines, Vietnam, etc.) the rest of the region is arming to guard against the China threat.
*other than the US, which wants to maintain its primacy... and I'm very glad it does, given China's aggression.
That is right,Mr.Medvedev. China has long been calling for alarm since 1980s. Japan has never learned from her fascist decades because after the fall of Imperial Japan, the nation has long been under US advocating for hawkish and unfriendly behaviours. Thee Chinese knew the Japanese and their country very well and we are preparing for conflicts. Welcome for joining our platoon, comrade!
The US forces are in Japan under an agreement with the elected leaders of Japan. If Japan chooses not to renew the agreement, the US troops will leave.
In contrast, the Russian invaders are in Ukraine for no reason other than Putin's imperial war of conquest. There is the difference between the countries.
Today is the V-E day , the official surrender and defeat over Imperial Japan. The Asian theatre of Second World war is as equal the importance as Europe that should not be ignored!
The Soviet Union fell in 1991. Your comment is about 30 years too late.
what a weird perspective...invade a neighboring country and say it is regretable that Japan is beefing up its defenses...
that's bizzare
"are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"...
Facts Please
Ironic given Russia’s recent incursion into Ukraine.
Don’t worry, Russia, the Japanese not only have direct access to most US technology, they fall under our nuclear umbrella.
None of that matters given you’re getting your rear-ends handed to you by a country with far less homegrown technology at the moment.
Russians are always good for a laugh, just like any other country that thinks it can tell America’s friends what to do. Don’t forget our capacity for violence; Japan did and look what happened.
Happy Day
Japan has to watch its own back. Times have changed.
Wrong. In the 1980s China was begging for and receiving from Japan economic help.
It is your China that has not learned anything from WWII as it is now the world's most militarily and economically powerful fascist dictatorship bent on territorial expansion.
Japan, along with the West are prepared to stop China's aggression.
Facts Please
in no way counters this
We do get to read a post from a non-pure Japanese person that uncritically and unabashedly defends their ancestral homeland, which is quite ironic because that poster will never be considered pure Japanese by their own people. Very funny.
Facts Please
Let’s all remember that Japan coughed up sovereignty to islands it is now whining that Russia owns. Even more comedy.
englisc aspyrgend
Amazing, he put the vodka bottle down long enough to articulate something. Usually it’s an inarticulate, drunken rant threatening nuclear annihilation. This was almost comprehensible if asinine propaganda.
As others have rightly said the only thing being complicated by Japan ensuring it can defend its self is China and russia’s plans of imperial domination and expansion.
As the Muscovite empire has taken all its professional defence forces from the east and lost them in Ukraine it’s only time before China desires to take back the territories it lost in the 19th century cutting off the troops on the temporarily occupied islands, Japan can then just walk in and take over.
I never realised Japan was in Europe! Well that makes it a lot easier to go on holiday there!
Meaning Russia's hands are full on the western front, and are not ready for new "complications" on the other side of the country? It's time to take advantage of Russia's anxiety to open negotiations for settling the dispute on the northern territories. Unfortunately, diplomatic skills and visions are missing in Japan.
Putin's midget martinet loves to play the Russian Goebbels. One day he'll regret his role as his master's barking dog when he's put down along with his master's inevitable demise.
Japan has been trying to reach an agreement with Russia for the past 75 years with no luck what so ever. Russia understands only one language, FORCE.
Keepyer Internetpoints
The islands north of Hokkaido have changed hands between the Russians and the Japanese several times. So who do they belong to?
Well, I would think that most people would apply the "owned them first" rule to this. So the answer would be clear in that case. The Ainu. They belong to the Ainu. But only the Ainu and the impartial are going to insist on that.
So going back, it was the Japanese who first STOLE the Ainu lands first, from Hokkaido all the way up to Sakhalin. Does being the first to steal something give sovereignty?? Or is it just the stealing that does that?
Well apparently the defacto rule seems to be that its the stealing that does it, what with all the changing of hands and recognition of it by treaty. So if we go by that rule Hokkaido is Japanese and everything north is now Russian. And that's it. Cased closed.
Now if we could just get everyone to agree and knock off the childish bickering....except we still have that rule of "steal it it's yours" still active. So the greedy will always be shuffling around with that in mind.
I don't know who has done more "provoking" in that area, the Russians, the Japanese, or the Americans. I don't know if Japan is militarizing there because of the Chinese, the North Koreans or the Russians. But I do know the Chinese militarized because of the Americans. And now Japan is reacting to the Chinese. And the Russians would be dim not to react to the Americans and the Japanese.
But the common thorn here is the Americans, meddling in every place there is to meddle. There is no greater threat to world peace than the Americans, who are heavily invested in war profiteering like nobody else.
Stephen Chin
Mind Your OWN Business Meddy!
OR Are You MAD?
You ARE?
Mind Your Own Business MADDY!!!
Sam Feng
On one hand, Japan should solely militarize for whatever they think China will do. And China if they do invade, and likely Japan will help Taiwan, and US... On the other, we have idiots who forgot the Nanking Massacre (but two wrongs doesn't make a right), Japan's more nationalistic and argument to be a "victim", so thereby they'll fight their own brothers, and be more bloodlust in their fight against "China", "Communism", "democracy". Humanity has always fought wars on the basis of their ideological dogma. It is the irony that the past, individuals that had led the Axis did this too. Now, it's the US that is holding Japan hostage, and Japan respects might, (Stockholm syndrome).. not to say that Japan has benefited it's modernization due to the West and it's culture and languages from China, but let us say that right now, people are very idiotic. I'm not sorry for what I'm going to say, because people have been letting their anger out for these so called "free and loving" systems that really are the basis of our wars. I do also denounce China for its constant tugging, but again-might we remind ourselves of Hawaii's lost sovereignty, and it's current crisis. The West has no right to talk about Taiwan as if it's truly defending it, but of course- people need a Hollywood ish right and wrong side, so the leaders can easily manipulate them. As long as the majority are influenced under the ideologies, working under it's spell, there can be no hope for peace. Even that so called victory after war, for "democracy" and "liberalisation", it's country in rubbles, will be taken over by the Victor claiming to be right, US, or Taiwan... or if the whole of the Chinese population rises up and overthrows their own government and elect of their own with no external meddling, nothing at this stage can avert war. It will inevitably happen. And also, the people are at fault here for choosing sides. Not just the leaders solely.
Much less regrettable than Russia's hostile invasion of Ukraine. Who is Russia to talk?
Haaa Nemui
Based on very recent history, including the increased military presence of Russia north of Hokkaido, we can say the only reason Russia hasn’t used the northern islands to invade Japan already is the fact the Americans are in Japan. Now is not the time for Japan to let its guard down.
Also, if they really want Americans to leave Japan, they should be happy Japan is increasing its spending because one purpose of it is to reduce reliance on the U.S.
Russia is still bitter Imperial Japan beat them, and even to this day still trying to claim American victory over Imperial Japan as their own.
What a bunch of sore losers, common behavior among thugs.
Haaa Nemui
Oh... yeah... that explains why Russia is complaining to Japan and not the US
Keepyer Internetpoints
And also, the people are at fault here for choosing sides. Not just the leaders solely.
This is so important. People look at the elites and think they are patriots who care about the people when the reality is they are like ranchers who view us as livestock. And I can't blame them. The common people get milked, have their offspring shipped off to wars, get over-taxed, and over-policed, have the rights to their own bodies taken by the government (can't do harmless drugs, can't off yourself, can't rent your own body), yet, the politicos throw some empty patriotic or pro-worker words in the trough, and they eat it up. But just like a rancher, they would pat us on the head and cut our throats for a steak.
Its THEM. It always has been. Us common people hating eachother is just completely stupid. Its like ducks hating sheep. Its the elites causing all the trouble. And people act like they get regular calls from these people asking what should be done about this or that. They DON'T CARE what we want. They DON'T CARE about our well being. They want money, power and games for both. We should refuse to be pawns in their stupid, deadly games.
The Kurils have been in Russian hands for over 80 years. That's not going to change but for violence or cash. It won't be worth it for us common people. But for the greedy its a business opportunity...our blood for more soil. More soil for more business opportunity.
I opt out. The super rich and their servants can fight and die in their own wars for luxury. THEY are the enemy of us all.
Has anyone not a far-right extremist ever said this?
(Not in my experience, but maybe someone has an example?)
The west has a much, much stronger military than China's, and China's economy is beginning to collapse.
But keep saying the above quote if it helps you sleep better at night.
Keepyer Internetpoints
This is pure nonsense. The harsh truth is that the Soviets lost literally 50 times more people to beat the Nazis than America lost the entire war. Plus, America lost soldiers only. The Soviets lost soldiers, wives, teenagers, little children, babies....
If anything its the Americans acting like they did everything on their own. The Russians that survived were far more relieved than pretty much anyone else that the war finally ended, cause they thought they were going to have to continue indefinitely with Japan....and loads more die. The end of the war means a LOT to them still. For Americans its like a cool movie they saw at this point.
But I will also add, that as America flattened city after Japanese city with firebombs and then nukes, Japan endured mass murder after mass murder without surrender. But the Soviet entry into the war is what really scared Hirohito. At that point, he knew his neck was in a Soviet noose and his boy bits hooked to electrodes. That is why he surrended to America. And surrendering to America is how he managed to die of old age rather than torture and execution.
I am no fan of Soviet/Russian government and military policy and brutality, but geez, can't we give them their due sometimes?
Washington's $850 billion annual defense budget says 'hi'.
Although China suffered more than any other Asian country from Japanese imperialism, China magnanimously declined war reparations. Japan, recognizing this kind gesture and feeling some guilt, did extend grants, low-interest loans and technical exchange programs. The ensuing surging economic growth in China benefitted not only Japan but all of East Asia.
Medvedev is nothing more than a lapdog, a Putin toady. Why anyone would listen to what this weak mouthpiece has to "say" is beyond me.
In other words, Japan's increasing desire to protect itself does not fit in with the desires of the dictatorships to expand their borders militarily.
The 23 million people on Taiwan will be made slaves if the CCP has its way. No amount of bringing up 19th century imperialism, of which China has plenty, will change that.
China won't be unifying with anything except at gunpoint. The number of people on Taiwan that consider themselves just Chinese is in the low single digits and 2/3 want nothing to do with China.
After undergoing multiple Vietnams in Ukraine, you think Russia will just sign up for a Taiwan adventure? Russia may be a dog of China, but I suspect China will find that dog isn't too obedient.
On the contrary, Taiwan is independent now and it will take a major naval war to take that independence away. China may find that cost is too high to bear if they are smart.
No country is "done" while it has significant IMF and NATO backing and a hatred of Russia. Also Russia is retreating in the south as all are acknowledging.
Then there will never be a peace treaty. Simple as.
Because they are owed all of the four islands of the Northern Territories.
Just more of that unbiased peacemongering, huh? You can't even identify the perpetrator correctly. Here is a guide for you: Ukraine won't be a postage stamp when Russia can't even take a single major city.
What kurils would those be? Hokkaido?
Nope. The instrument of surrender was signed on a US battleship and the US dictated the resulting occupation 100%.
The Soviets needed US boats to do their stealing. Really a bit player.
Since no figure out of China can be trusted, it could already be larger than the US.
Says the person who authorized their own "militarization" back in the 2010's on the Kuril Islands with airstrips long enough to support fighters and bombers, long range supersonic anti-ship missiles (SS-N-26 Strobile), a permanent squadron of mobile missile surface to air launchers (S-300V4's), and several multi-floored barracks large enough for housing a battalion of soliders (approximately 500 - 700).
There are less than 6 million Russians scattered all over the Far East vs. 125 million highly disciplined and organized Japanese people living only a couple of hours away. If Japan becomes serious about war, Russia has no chance because Japan has the mass and logistics advantage and modern war is all about logistics.
Also, did not the Chinese foreign minister try to recruit Japan into a race war because the west can't tell Asians apart? If I were Medvedev, I would be more worried about a China-Japan axis forming.
Also I should say that Russian can not afford or handle a 2-front war.
I've been saying from the start that now would be a good time for Japan to take back the Kurils. What's Russia going to do, invade? We've seen that they're not very good at that... how many hours into their 72 hour war are we again?
love it!
A nauseating alcoholic managed to put a few words together.
Japan has a war-renouncing pacifist constitution and so if the Japanese government had been true to the constitution, Dmitry Medvedev‘s comment would be completely off the mark.
However, outside forces have made Japan break away from the idealism struck home in the constitution. The U.S. has always wanted Japan to fight an international war along with it or else it's wanted to sell offensive weapons with a lucrative profit albeit fully aware of the constitution. On the part of Japan, merely letting U.S. troops present on Japanese soil will violate the constitution for the Japan-stationed U.S. forces have attack capability and fight a war by a proxy for Japan.
The conservative, warmongering camp welcomes this state of affairs and even want to revise the constitution so that it can fight a war just like "an ordinary nation". .
Threats by China, North Korea and Russia are a boon to these people. Medvedev should realize that Russia, China and North Korea are partly responsible for the revival of Japan's militarism.
It’s more
than regrettable, its
financially draining due to taxes shooting up
out of control in Japan
I've been saying from the start that now would be a good time for Japan to take back the Kurils. What's Russia going to do, invade? We've seen that they're not very good at that... how many hours into their 72hour war are we again?
Strangerland what is a matter with you? To much sun?
Such an undertaking would have catastrophic repercussions for the entire region.
It is the reaction from both the Governments of China/US that is decisive
Seriously, you don’t think either will simply turn a blind eye? Do you?
Look the Defence Technical Information Centre has just published an unclassified report.
China Military Power: Modernizing a Force to Fight and Win
The gravity of such an action, could invite the Government of China to invade Taiwan
Facts Please
StrangerlandToday 04:47 am JST
Russian would not need to invade because it owns and controls the Kurils.
If the Japanese invaded the Kurils, which they disclaimed sovereignty over in 1952, the would quickly learn why it was Russian (Soviet at the time so nobody’s feelings get hurt) soldiers in Berlin first.
There is a huge difference between Russia invading another country and it defending itself. If Japanese want to become canon fodder for the Russians, they should definitely listen to your advice.
Of course, you may be doing what the vast majority of people do when they think Japan can counter too many other countries militarily and be assuming in the light of the US military.
I’m very curious to read your reply. My apologies if my reply comes across as impolite in any way.
xin xin
Complications, of course, for the ganster trio -- Russia, China and NK.
Coulda been
Medvedev (aka "puppet") on day leave from the lunatic asylum again?
Under the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Japan renounced all rights, title, and claims to parts of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands that it had acquired under the Treaty of Portsmouth.
However, the Four Northern Islands are not included in the Kuril Islands. Furthermore, the Soviet Union has not signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty and cannot claim rights under the treaty.
Did you know that the latest treaty is in effect? you do not know? Is that so? It's a shame.
In the first place, I can't believe that there are people who just swallow Chinese and Russian crap.
Russia has never beaten Japan. Last time, with the help of Britain, the Baltic Fleet was wiped out.
This time we have American cooperation, but what do you think will happen?
Can Russia, which has trouble even defeating Ukraine, defeat Japan?
It's the best joke of the year.
I recall @Desert Tortoise describing how Japan has very little ability to conduct amphibious landings. They just don't have the equipment and training at the moment.
And since Russia should complete it's 3-day Special Military Failure any day now they may not have the chance.
@ClippetyClop I think that would be a historical buyback or take back. Russia took that land when Japan was at war with the USA knowing Japan couldn’t defend it.
I recall @Desert Tortoise describing how Japan has very little ability to conduct amphibious landings. They just don't have the equipment and training at the moment.
And since Russia should complete it's 3-day Special Military Failure any day now they may not have the chance.
Japan isn't going to be taking back those islands by force or by any other means any time soon, if ever, and I think we all know it.
They won't even be considering it given the seismic repercussions.
Let's leave stealing land to the Soviet and Chinese leaders, it's what they were born to do.
Yeah, I don't actually see it happening. But if there was ever a time for Japan to take them back while Russia is distracted by losing a war, this is it.
@ Keepyer Internetpoints
So going back, it was the Japanese who first STOLE the Ainu lands first, from Hokkaido all the way up to Sakhalin. Does being the first to steal something give sovereignty?? Or is it just the stealing that does that?
The Ainu people have inherited Jomon blood and have been considered an indigenous people, but it can be said that the majority of Japanese people living on the Japanese mainland are also a mixed race of Jomon and Yayoi people, and share the same roots.
In addition to the Ainu, there were various other indigenous peoples in Okinawa, Izumo, Kyushu, and Tohoku, but the main group was the Jomon people.
Unlike the United States, which killed Native Americans and took their land, I believe that Japan is nothing more than a unified Jomon nation.
Would it be expressed as subjugating the same people?
In Japan, the Jomon people should have lived separately in each region, but why are only Okinawa and the Ainu special?
I think it's just being used to criticize Japan politically.
At some point those dumb Russians will realize that the real threat to their future isn't Ukraine, or Europe, or NATO, or America, but China.
China would love to get it's hands back on Outer Manchuria, which the Russians stole from Qing China in 1860. It gives them access to the Sea of Japan and makes it impossible for America to cut China off via the Strait of Malacca.
Its very water rich, which China's north isn't, and would end Russia's Pacific influence. They wouldn't care about Taiwan if they got it.
Those useless Soviets don't realize that they may be trading their entire far east for a few miles of endless European trench warfare.
The Soviet Union refused to sign the Treaty of San Francisco, rendering anything said there (which did not renounce the four islands) quite irrelevant to the dispute with Russia.
And Russia is quite capable of retreating before a superior foe, as they did in 1917 and 1918.
Given the very small numbers of Ainu, I suspect the US wasn't the only one killing native populations.
Taiwan...while I often agree with you...I don't agree that 23e6 people will become slaves if the ccp invades...they will become freedom fighters who can move easily around main-land china...speak the language...look similar...will be well financed and dedicated...massive US intelligence support...they'll make European underground units fighting the nazis look like boy-scouts...
ccp...invade at your own can't kill democracy unless you kill the democratic may people would you jave to eliminate to take out the ccp?...
surprised Putin is on this side of the grass
That's not correct. The Native American population declined mostly from extermination. Whereas the Ainu population has declined mostly through assimilation.
DT's info is outdated. Since 2018the USMC has been working with the JGSDF to build up capability.
"The Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade (水陸機動団, Suirikukidōdan) is a marine unit of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) responsible for conducting amphibious operations."
Japan's "militarization" complicates the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, the deputy chair of the Russian Security Council and former President Dmitry Medvedev said on Sunday..........................................And your thug army does not??? This man is a complete dipstik, and to think he is high up in the Russian hierarchy would be be a joke......but he's a serious threat.
Why would they get their "due" for anything for something they didn't participate in unless they are 90+ years old now? Oh, and it was US aid that kept them alive and boats that allowed them to steal Japanese islands.
Facts Please
Wikipedia is the source of champions.