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© 2013 AFPRussia, Japan begins talks on territorial dispute
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Japan sure does have a lot of territorial disputes with many different nations, wonder why that is.
Really? Japan has 5 disputes. South Korea has 5. And China has 14. So many...
At least In the case of the Northern Territories, both parties (Japan and Russia) recognize the existence of the problem and working to find a solution compared to Senkaku Islands (China) and Takeshima (South Korea).
I can imagine how these talks will go down. It'll be like those seagulls in Finding Nemo. "It's mine!" ..............
OssanAmerica, My comment was highlighting what seems to be the main focus of this website, to point out the multiple territorial disputes that japan has with its neighbors. I honestly dont care what any of these countries argue about as it doesnt concern me as an American I just wish that other more interesting news would be focused on. I know that you as a Japanese national care about this but it does get old after a while seeing a headline about terriority A being encroached upon by country B.
I can understand how Americans don't like to hear about how Territory A (Iraq) has been encroached upon by Country B (America).
If you don't like reading about these incidents, then you'd be better off not reading Japanese news. The fact of the matter is that there was a lot of land grab by the various countries in the region over the past 100 years, and they are still a sticking point, that is important to the stability and peace (or lack of) in this region in the coming years. This news isn't going to go away soon.
Ahhh, good luck with that..
Jonathan Harston
Habomai and Shikotan make no "sense" as part of the Kurils, they are a natural extension of the Nemuro penisula and have no "natural" connection to the Kuril chain. They are also the smallest islands, and don't protect a cross-Kuril transit route. Transit across the Kurils would be through the wide channel between Iturup and Urup. A sensible compromise would be to return Habonmai and Shikotan to Japan and then discuss what to do with Itarup and Kunishir later (see
Mitch Cohen
Many of these are not active disputes.
Are you counting the claim to the Korean peninsula between SK and NK as a dispute? Really?
Or Tsushima Island, a Japanese island with a direct ferry service from Busan, which is a major holiday destination for Koreans? Not really a dispute in my view, when Koreans are happy to pay for a Japanese visa to visit the island, although this requirement was waived to entice more tourists.
SK have one active dispute. Japan has three. Don't know about China, as I hardly care.
tokyo_eiyuuAug. 20, 2013 - 09:12AM JST
Too bad. JT is doing a very good job to keep up with current issues. JT is providing inside stories in details, while others cannot, for these topics; the Senkakus, and the Northern Island Territorial disputes. This is a very important geopolitical issue for both US and Japan.
You have an ongoing territorial dispute with China. Ever hear of the Socotra rock?
It must be great living in such a blissful fog! I'm also Anerican and am most certainly concerned about China's expantionism portraited through it's territorial disputes with almost every nearby country!
The results can be predict. They will surely disappoint Japanese. Especially now, Japan is working on the tips of the tongue of the world people because of the atitude WW2.
If Japan needs energy, perhaps a renewed claim to Karafuto would be in order. Karafuto has much more in the way of energy reserves than the Kunashiri, Etorofu, Shikotan and Habomai islands. Why did Japan ever give up its claim to the Karafuto area (aka southern half of Sakhalin island), an area it won fair and square in 1905?
China please take note. This is how it is done, talking...not bullying. Try to learn from this. You will be happier.
Thanks for deciding what I am. As an American national these issues do concern me. The United States (as well as UK and European Parliament) consider the southern Kuriles to be Japanese territory under administration (ie; occupation) by Russia. Go look at any US world map. In the case of Takeshima the Van Fleet Report clearly indicates that it is Japanese, and when South Korea unilaterally claimed it and occupied it after drawing the Syngman Rhee Line, it was the United States that urged Japan to immediately file a claim. As for the Senkakus, surely I don't have to explain that it is part of the prefecture that houses the biggest U.S. military presence in Eat Asia and serves as a hub and gateway to US operations in the region. Furthermore, the US has stated to China that an attempt to take the Senkakus by force will invoke article 5 of the US-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty. So if you think that these disputesdo not concern the United States, you are incorrect. Although you may well be correct that they don;t concern you in which case your original comment was pointless in addition to being utterly erroneous.
The USA would like stand for Japan on the disputes with China only because China does not act as stough as Russia.
Actually, the USA will help no body in action as per the TPP negotiations. Because if someone even wont make concession in TPP, how could he would like fight for Japan with China? huh ! Give me the reason why would he ?
If that talks can be succeed for both of Japan and Russia, then it could be deterrent on pressure of China toward Japan. Russia is going to be first country which might be able to face to unresolved territorial dispute.
The US-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty has been in effect since 1954, actually signed in 1951. Chinese maps from the 1950s/60s show the Senkakus as Japanese. The US would not "like to stand" with Japan on dispute with China, it already did well before China decided to try to steal territory,
TPP is irrelevant to the argument you are attempting to make.
Putin does not intend to ruin any chances with Japan and is wary of Asia because of the rapidly changing balance of power there, because of the growth of China. Putin knows that Russia is likely to have to work hard to maintain a balance in this part of the world. It is therefore difficult to understand why Medvedev went to Kunashir. The situation has not improved since his previous visit couple years ago, so Medvedev can make similar statements on the results of his visit. Instead of indicating the region’s importance, his second visit merely highlights how little has been done there in the last two years. Russian-Japanese relations are heavily dependent on Kurile Island dispute. But if compromise is possible, the political situation in Russia and in the Pacific region, connects on changes in China. The balance of forces and influence in Russian-Chinese relations is not in Russia’s favor. If current trends persist, in a less than a decade, the Russia’s foreign policy, will have to take much more account of China’s opinion. In other words, Russia’s ability to make decisions which China could interpret as infringing on its interests will be limited. And China is unlikely to be pleased with a Russian-Japanese compromise on the territorial issue, which would create a precedent and also having cordial relations between two major regional powers.
Why are you even on this site then? Shouldn't you be reading something more America-centric then, like the Smalltown Daily?
Only a map can't explain that China had once bielive that those islets are Japan's. Because I have checked the map, it is inside the border of China but used a Japanese name--Senkakus.
Can this prove that China had onece think these islets are Japanese?
This only prove that after being invaded by Japan, China is so weak that he even had no ability to measure or loacate his torritories.
Did China ever officially said these islets are not belong to them?
actually my question is do you really believe the USA will fight for Japan for this? even in a great confliction. I mean Japan you are probably gambling.
For a nation he once drop two A-bomb in Japan, and the nation he once bought the big recession in Japan in 1990s, can you believe this nation will fight for you?
And actually, USA had failed in confront with China in Korea war and Vietnam. This is the truth.
The American believe that people that can't be defeated are friends. what do you think about this?
US didn't fail in Korean War. I ensured the safety of South Korea which (eventually) became a democracy and major economic power. Truman knew that would be better than dropping nuclear bombs on China. On the other hand, China ensured the perpetuation of the dictatorship in North Korea. Now North Korea is a failed state. All it can do is threaten nuclear war; and China continues to let it do so.
I am not sure if you are saying China is Vietnam's ally; if so you are wrong.
Jay Wilson
Putin intends to string Japan along for as long as he can while he gets as much from Tokyo as he can, then he'll just say "We're keeping all the islands" and Japan will get nothing
I think your post is totally OFF-TOPIC.