Japan Today

'We don't give a damn about the feelings of Japanese concerning the so-called Northern Territories:' Medvedev

By Andrew Osborn

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Wouldn't expect anything civilized from fascist Russia and their yappy little mouthpiece Medvedev. The Japanese peoples image of fascist Russia is one of contempt. Nothing but a land-grabbing regime that murders innocent people.

44 ( +71 / -27 )

Tokyo really needs to learn to accept the outcome of the Second World War and the consequences of the Axis alliance they joined. They need to sit down and come to grips with that and realize they aren't coming back.

As soon as they do that, a peace treaty can be signed.

In the meantime, Moscow would be wise to fortify them with missiles like Tokyo is doing on some islands near Okinawa.

-45 ( +27 / -72 )

Hold a vote and let the locals decide which country they want to be citizens of. Of course neither the Russian nor Japanese governments will agree to that

-6 ( +14 / -20 )

You believe anything this wayne kerr says? Totally deranged, like most of the Russian high command.

24 ( +38 / -14 )

"Why does nobody like us?" - also Russia

33 ( +47 / -14 )

Well that's clear. We don't give a damn about Russia pretending to be a civilized country, either.

30 ( +44 / -14 )


Nothing but a land-grabbing regime that murders innocent people.

If Japan didn't surrender on August 15th, 1945, then the present day Russia-Japan border would be somewhere around Fukushima, not Hokkaido.

-21 ( +25 / -46 )

JJEToday  06:52 am JST

Tokyo really needs to learn to accept the outcome of the Second World War and the consequences of the Axis alliance they joined. They need to sit down and come to grips with that and realize they aren't coming back.

As soon as they do that, a peace treaty can be signed.

Only the Russian believes in taking land for peace. It's unfortunate Germany let them do this once. Never again.

In the meantime, Moscow would be wise to fortify them with missiles like Tokyo is doing on some islands near Okinawa.

Okinawa is very far from Russia.

4 ( +21 / -17 )

Well, Japan just needs to get over it, those islands are gone and they’ll never get them back.

-22 ( +17 / -39 )

That certainly puts the matter to rest. Japan has decide to take the territories by force. That means changing their constitution. If they don’t and keep on pressing along diplomatic lines they are just butting their heads against a wall.

-14 ( +7 / -21 )

Shocking how many people sympathize with the Axis alliance. But not surprising considering the shape of certain governments which those same people support.

-23 ( +7 / -30 )

My what a crazy Ivan hissy fit, toys scattered in rage, a prefect example off preteen intermittent explosive disorder, common in Russian minsters of state. provoked by vodka fuelled drunken stupors.

Night in the cells, then the learned Judge can pass sentence.

Alcoholic fuelled delinquency. probably involuntarily urinated himself how embarrassing.

-2 ( +12 / -14 )

I see mini-me’s mini-me got his talking points.

Guess they won’t be needing any Japanese funding to rebuild their creaking economy when they get the boot from Ukraine.

9 ( +21 / -12 )

This is the consequences of Japan obeying the geopolitical whims of the US..

At least Japan could have recovered half of the islands if it had negotiated with Russia, but the stupidity of following the US took away its chance of recovering anything..

Being an enemy of the U.S. is bad but being its ally is stupid deadly..

-19 ( +15 / -34 )

Well that's clear. We don't give a damn about Russia pretending to be a civilized country, either.

Careful people, "TaiwanisChina" is throwing a tantrum.. LOL!!..



-15 ( +15 / -30 )

"And those samurai who feel especially sad can end their life in a traditional Japanese way, by committing seppuku(Japanese ritualistic suicide by disembowelment). If they dare, of course."

Quite a ridiculous and audacious thing to say.

廃刀令 was enacted in spring 1876.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

We don't give a damn about the feelings of Japanese

The above yet another example why "compassionate" has never been used to describe Russia.

Those mentioning Japan having long ago been been a member of the fascist axis, are ignoring that Russia is now a fascist nation, building its own fascist axis along with China, North Korea, Iran and who knows which other authoritarian countries. Stop fascism!

4 ( +16 / -12 )

“If Japan didn't surrender on August 15th, 1945, then the present day Russia-Japan border would be somewhere around Fukushima”

A complete total nonsense. At the end of WW2, the Soviet Union had no resources or military capabilities to invade the Northern Territories. The invasion was conducted under full US naval support. They trained a total of 12000 Soviet sailors at a base in Alaska before the invasion. Look up “Project Hula.”

6 ( +18 / -12 )

Honesty Siberian style.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

[ "We don't give a damn about the 'feelings of the Japanese' concerning the so-called 'Northern Territories.' These are not disputed territories but Russia," said Medvedev. "And those samurai who feel especially sad can end their life in a traditional Japanese way, by committing seppuku (Japanese ritualistic suicide by disembowelment). If they dare, of course." ]

Lmao, what a clown.

11 ( +18 / -7 )

Well, we always knew that the Russians were dishonest and deceitful when it came to the northern islands.

Now it’s confirmed.

2 ( +19 / -17 )

I mean, I doubt he cares about the feelings of Russians either, so somewhat expected.

19 ( +21 / -2 )


When placing comments like this, it would be more useful to support your claim. Now you are just putting comments which has no value nor content. There is a history behind all of this.

And as usually with Russia this is not the first time they claim those islands. Russia just need some attention and then will be quiet again for awhile till next time.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Easy fix, go kick the Russians out by force.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Hold a vote and let the locals decide which country they want to be citizens of.

Not a bad idea at all.

-2 ( +11 / -13 )

This is the "multipolar world" diplomacy. Let's go back to ignoring this guy now.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Mr Medvedev is just preaching to his brainwashed choir … period!

1 ( +11 / -10 )

Shows what a waste of time it was Abe using all of the time, money and effort trying to get the territories back by kissing Putin's behind.

-3 ( +13 / -16 )

Another day of superb international diplomacy...

20 ( +21 / -1 )

Diplomats on both sides once spoke of the possibility of reviving a Soviet-era draft agreement that envisaged returning two of the four islands to Japan as part of a peace deal.

Because Japan pulled out and said all of nothing and got nothing. I'm all for Japan getting the islands but they should have take this deal and then worked on getting the other two later.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Well, Japan just needs to get over it, those islands are gone and they’ll never get them back.

That is the reality.

Japan was actually offered two of the islands back if it renounced its claim to two if the islands. It declined, so lost the lot. The islands are now inhabited by Russians so they never get them back.

-1 ( +16 / -17 )

China and Japan claiming Islands in the South China Sea - Not South Japan Sea.

And now Russian and Japan claiming islands the sea north of Japan.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Good point, gogogo, diplomacy is often best delivered in small steps, which would have been something Japan could have achieved and been proud of.

It's possible that even the island's inhabitants would have settled for 2 Russian owned and 2 Japanese owned.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Russians frequently mistake uncultured buffoonery for strength.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

Russians frequently mistake uncultured buffoonery for strength

It is a bit cringeworthy.

They remind me of the types wearing vests in the pub in Winter after going to the gym.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

A little man, with a big mouth, that no one listens to...

10 ( +16 / -6 )

It would be interesting if Japan ceded the islands to Russia. Signed a peace treaty and then tried to broker a peace deal between the US and Russia. Would give them a sense of power again. Protects Taiwan indefinitely and takes a lot of power away from China

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Russia controls the islands. What is Japan going to do about it?!

Issue a strong protest??

Good luck with that, Japan!

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

My advice to Japan would be to just play the waiting game. No need to even mention the issue. Just let the current iteration of the Russian Empire experience their next periodic revolution and shrinking of territory. Better to get the islands back that way.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

It may be difficult to see it in the day to day, but the Russian Empire is a shrinking one. Don’t believe me, look at maps of Russia from 150 years ago. There is no reason to believe based on the last couple centuries that this trend will reverse, not with Russia’s demographics.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

The Kuril islands are unquestionably Russian territory, get over it Japan. Russia can arm them to the hilt, just like the RS of the USA have done in Okinawa and the rest of Japan.

-8 ( +10 / -18 )

Shout out to the article for getting the photo right. That park described there specifically commemorates the campaigns to liberate Sakhalin and the Kuril islands during the Second World War. That photo is at the main altar with three bronze statues representing a sailor and marine and a soldier between an eternal flame. Behind that is a wall with names of all the victims. An adjoining area, Alley of Heroes, has busts of decorated servicemen and a statue of Marshall Vasilesky, commander of the legendary Manchurian Campaign and the Far East, which inflicted the biggest single defeat on the IJA and broke the might of Imperial Japan for good. Tanks and field pieces on static display. (46.960766, 142.756666)

Interestingly Medvedev is not wearing the black and orange Saint George Ribbon, but the red, yellow and white ribbon based on "For the Victory over Japan" medal specifically relevant there.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

And what prevented Kishida from continuing Mr. ABE’s line of conducting a diplomatic dialogue that was initiated by the two countries. Why was it necessary to spoil the fragile diplomatic contact on this issue and introduce sanctions, impose restrictions on diplomats and much more. who told them to do this? If only they had adopted a neutral position towards Russia, there would not have been such a diplomatic vacuum. If you have brains, then you need to use them. History cannot be returned back; that’s why diplomacy was invented.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

No, that's completely incorrect. The Northern territories have to be given back unconditionally. Then, with peace treaty or not, the real dispute is about the other Kuril Islands up to Kamchatka and the Southern part of Kurafuto / Sakhalin as a package. That combined area is still under dispute, formally. And they know it exactly very well too, because even the official school atlases used in the Eastern block behind the former Iron curtain under Soviet Union ruling showed exactly what I have just described.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Northern Territories/Kuril islands dispute between Russia and Japan


The BBC provides a clear independent unfettered account of this dispute.


Russia is a dictatorship, its government is a sham, it people still brutally repressed if any notion of opposition to totalitarianism autocracy despotism is proposed instigated.

Without trust, any agreement, peace deal is not worth the paper it is printed on.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

TaiwanIsNotChinaToday  07:11 am JST

Well that's clear. We don't give a damn about Russia pretending to be a civilized country, either.

Well, we talked and everyone expressed who and what they think about each other. So why have this debate here? Bareel said that Russia must be defeated on the battlefield. We packed our bags and went ahead.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

KantoQuestToday  08:07 am JST

Easy fix, go kick the Russians out by force.

This is perhaps the most adequate comment. Come visit, we are waiting for everyone to talk

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Wow, these are some HARCH words from Mr.  Medvedev, I hope he takes them back soon.

Or he will start to give a Damn when the war in Ukraine is over and NATO edges closer to Moscow

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Well, nobody can accuse him of sending mixed messages.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Japan gave up any claim to these islands when it signed up to be a US vassal state. The final nail was supporting the NATO proxy war against Russia. The Japanese government knew this would end even the tiny microscopic chance they had of gaining control of any of the islands but had to follow their master.

-19 ( +4 / -23 )

We are going to bury the Russian Federation just as we buried the USSR.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

finally richToday  09:50 am JST

Communist corrupts the soul, truly a disgrace to the White race.

We are going to deal with the racists too.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Mr K - Japan made the right choice in ostracizing Russia. We don’t want what you guys are selling.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Medvedev proving once again he is Putin's tiny rooster crowing with nothing but faux bluster and bombast, that everyone just laughs at...

Putin's Ukraine war has accelerated the break-up of Russia, which afterward the far-western sections will want and need Japan's investment and aide...

Just bide your time Japan, you'll recover the islands sooner or later...

11 ( +16 / -5 )

I read Medvedev's vkontakte post. That's right, that's exactly what he wrote. But in his words, I did not see hatred for the Japanese people, especially since the words "feelings of the Japanese people" are in quotation marks, that is, apparently, a quote from Kishida's words. He sounds desperate about Japan's slavish following of America's orders. The same America that dropped atomic bombs on Japanese cities. And the carpet bombing of Tokyo? Maybe Russia did it? And now, decades later, America has become Japan's friend? Sometimes in a shop or on a Tokyo street, seeing how kind the Japanese are to me, I come to a devastating conclusion: they are sure that I am an American! To such an extent, the Americans have penetrated the essence of the Japanese. So, don't be offended, everything is going right. Russians don't forget anything. And they will never give up these islands. Russia is not an enemy, America is not a friend. But you've made your choice.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

Kuku - friends and enemies change over time. You know this. The past is over, only the future remains.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

And the RF doesn’t have a great future in its current form.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

It’s not hard to find Russians in Tokyo.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

friends and enemies change over time.

It's called democracy.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

 truly a disgrace to the White race

The what?

Just imagine if Russia and high IQ China weren't communists

Erm, the USSR is finished. Russia is now a thugocracy.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

It's called democracy.

What, are people and nations supposed to be mortal enemies for all time? No, responsible people and nations do what they can to rebuild trust and relationships. Something you guys are not that great at. You are not trusted.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

And the RF doesn’t have a great future in its current form.

Russia is eternal. Or as Putin said: what for such a world is if there is no Russia in it. Draw your own conclusions. Although, you don't know how to make conclusions. Rub it to your nose, as Russians say

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

Kuku - that is what every empire thinks. Yours is not special or unique.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Full text as follows from D.Medvedev:

Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida has once again spoken in favour of a peace treaty with Russia. Surely, on condition of discussing the Kurils and maintaining the sanctions.

Well, nobody’s against the peace treaty on the understanding that:

The “territorial question” is closed once and for all in accordance with the Constitution of Russia.

The Kuril Islands will actively develop, and at the same time their strategic role will grow, including the deployment of new weapons there.

We don’t give a damn about the “feelings of the Japanese” concerning the so-called “Northern territories”. These are not “disputed territories” but Russia. And those of the samurai who feel especially sad can end their life in a traditional Japanese way, by committing seppuku. If they dare, of course. Surely, it feels a lot better French-kissing Americans, having totally forgotten Hiroshima and Nagasaki…
-11 ( +4 / -15 )

Just because the RF is broken up doesn’t mean that anything personally will happen to you, you will probably be better off, but probably best to remain outside Russia for a few years just in case.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Points about Medvedev's post:

1) the concept of discussing the Kuril's is off the table for good - and the idea of discussing it in tandem with sanctions is laughable.

2) from RF's point of view they are strategic.

3) the "feelings of the Japanese" is a mocking quote from Kishida.

4) in essence the samurai ethos is gone, replaced by a controversial relationship with Washington.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

I might add that between the lines Medvedev is issuing a warning on any military action (i.e. hot-headed Tokyo politicians who get delusions of "retaking" those islands). Japan would get nuked again and coming from him he is not bluffing.

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Kuku - I didn’t say the RF has broken up (though the Russian Empire and the USSR were much bigger than the RF), I said they will break up.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

You guys are overdue for a revolution. That’s what happens when you run your country poorly.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

JJE - why would Russia need nukes against Japan? I know why :)

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Tokyo seems to have misunderstood the meaning of 'unconditional surrender'.

-14 ( +5 / -19 )

Japan should procure an ancient map showing those territories are actually owned by China.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Best to just ignore these drunken losers.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

These are the results/consequences, once you have made your choices/decisions in todays geopolitical situation. You can't have it both ways.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

"We don't give a damn about the 'feelings of the Japanese' concerning the so-called 'Northern Territories.' These are not disputed territories but Russia," said Medvedev. "And those samurai who feel especially sad can end their life in a traditional Japanese way, by committing seppuku (Japanese ritualistic suicide by disembowelment). If they dare, of course."

Ouch! That hurts on several levels, most of all that the Japanese can do ZERO about it. Also must hurt knowing they were offered two back but due to nationalistic sentiment said it must be all, and now is none.

Come on, seriously... what's Japan going to do about it besides complain? Stop the gas projects they've BEGGED Russia not to stop? Businesses which are STILL doing business in Russia going to stop?

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

That aside, who is we? and how exactly will " we" bury Russia ? Now, that's what I'd be interested to know.

Same folks as last time, plus the former Warsaw Pact members. Hopefully with as little blood shed as possible.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

that's some real diplomacy acumen there. he'll pay for it.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Ramsey's Kitchen - The Russians will do it to themselves as they always do. Authoritarian systems of government simply can't compete with democracies with their checks and balances on power.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Wouldn't expect anything civilized from fascist Russia and their yappy little mouthpiece Medvedev. The Japanese peoples image of fascist Russia is one of contempt. Nothing but a land-grabbing regime that murders innocent people.

This post is the perfect illustration of how bad the education system is today. People just believe and say nonsense because of their poor education. Do you even know the meaning of the word fascist? Or I guess by labeling ideological opponents as fascist, regardless of their actual values or actions, irrational people like you are able to frame their own vision of the world and claim the moral high ground, right?

And US is not stranger in mustering «innocent people» if you want to go that route.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

Russia is angry that Japan is providing funds to the Ukraine and taking in refugees. But Russia can't really doing anything about it. Maybe cyberwarfare. But this is their response.

15 ( +17 / -2 )

'We don't give a damn about the feelings of Japanese concerning the so-called Northern Territories:'

Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in the Nippon Kaigi head office when that news was announced.

I bet Takaichi is seething.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Japan has periodically expressed unease about Russia beefing up its military infrastructure on the disputed island chain.

Nothing is disputed.

Russia has total control over the island chain.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Recently the Russian politicians seem to be driven by sheer stupidity, fear and greed. The arrogance of the so called leader of Russia has defamed the Russia of Tolstoy, Pasternak and other heroes of that country. We demand withdrawal of the disrespectful idiotic utterance.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Japan has allied itself with the wrong side and it is soon to find out its error of judgement.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

Japan has allied itself with the wrong side and it is soon to find out its error of judgement.

No, Japan chose wisely. They chose the side that gave them back their territory after the war, unlike Russia that continues to withhold what they stole.

Why would Japan chose to side with criminal Russia, who dont sign or recognize the peace treaty signed with the allies after Japans surrender?

The US and other allies, if they were like Russia, would have ethnically cleansed the territory they occupied and annexed it into the US, UK and Australia, making Japan a much smaller nation. Because the west turns enemies into allies, helps them rebuild and gave their territory back to Japanese control.

Russia just admitted they dont give a damn about Japanese feelings, so why should Japan care about what Russia wants or says? Russia has no respect for anyone, never have.

Russia must hate that they are so heavily controlled by China now, and have to crawl to NK and Iran to keep their invasion going. Which leads to another topic. Russia is using imported weapons to strike in Ukraine so that should remove all restraints on Ukraine using all its imported weapons to strike inside Russia. Write a piece on that little gem JT!

Russia sure knows how to "not make friends", right when it needs as many as it can get. A smart Russia might consider returning the islands for Japan to drop all sanctions and stop support for Ukraine. But you cant accuse Russia of being smart, or they wouldn't have gone into Ukraine at all.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

EastmanToday 01:16 pm JST

You: stop your russophobia,normalize ties than you may think to return to talk about Kurils.

Also You: Kurils are part of RF.

Any wonder nobody trusts Russia further than they can throw them?

11 ( +13 / -2 )

daito_hakToday 12:58 pm JST

Wouldn't expect anything civilized from fascist Russia and their yappy little mouthpiece Medvedev. The Japanese peoples image of fascist Russia is one of contempt. Nothing but a land-grabbing regime that murders innocent people.

This post is the perfect illustration of how bad the education system is today. People just believe and say nonsense because of their poor education. Do you even know the meaning of the word fascist? Or I guess by labeling ideological opponents as fascist, regardless of their actual values or actions, irrational people like you are able to frame their own vision of the world and claim the moral high ground, right?

Ultranationalism? Check

Militarism? Check

Dictatorship? Check

War of Agression? Double Check

And US is not stranger in mustering «innocent people» if you want to go that route.

But not in stealing land, at least of late.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

JJEToday 10:59 am JST

Tokyo seems to have misunderstood the meaning of 'unconditional surrender'.

Moscow seems to have forgotten the words "unequal treaty", because it needs one imposed on it about now.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The problem with the puppet Medvedev is that he thinks he is actually important.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

The Russian illegal invasion of Ukraine has taken a huge economic toll on its people/nation.

The so called 10 day special operation has thrown the nation into the very earthly definition of "*Dante's journey through Hell*"

Putin's Russia is a global pariah state, a deranged insane leader condemning the country into international isolation, sanctions, disgrace/distrust/disgust.

So why would any Japanese government for even the most fleeting moment take Putin and his band of cronies at face value.

Japan its resources, its technology, investment could transform the Northern Territories into a modern oasis of reflecting the true nature of its indigenous culture.

Deputy head of Russia's Security Council Dmitry Medvedev angry rude condescension is proof enough of all the opportunities missed.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Japan knew that they would not get them back it signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty.

"Articles 2 and 25 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty (1951)

(c) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Kurile Islands, and to that portion of Sakhalin and the islands adjacent to it over which Japan acquired sovereignty as a consequence of the Treaty of Portsmouth of September 5, 1905."

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Hello Kitty 321Today 05:41 pm JST

Japan knew that they would not get them back it signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty.

"Articles 2 and 25 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty (1951)

(c) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Kurile Islands, and to that portion of Sakhalin and the islands adjacent to it over which Japan acquired sovereignty as a consequence of the Treaty of Portsmouth of September 5, 1905."

It was understood with the signing of that treaty that the Kurils did not include the Norther Territories. The USSR petulantly walked out for that reason, so the treaty has no bearing with Russia.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Kuril Islands means Kuril Islands. Overwhelming consensus is the Kuril Islands means them all. The "Northern Territories" is a Tokyo-construct based on a false geographical premise. Any geographer can see it is one island chain extending south from Kamchatka.

On top of that they fought on against the USSR after the official surrender. That there is a complete forfeiture from the allies of the Nazis, which is yet another reason.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Yes. At last they are letting all the people see what they are. They dont care. Not only about Japanese public opinion, but also killing Ukrainian people, children, raping women, stealing, lying, distorting the truth. They never care.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Medvedev was mocking Kishida who often invokes "feelings of the Japanese", which is yet another imaginary Tokyo construct of the ruling class, used to invoke sympathy for Japan on the world stage - and some indication that that same ruling class see themselves as something special. It has nothing to do, of course, with actual public opinion in Japan, which the ruling class crudely ignore.

Russian public opinion is completely not in favor for surrendering sovereign Russian territory. Even the lauded "opposition leaders" to Putin in the western media hold this position. Because it is the feelings of the Russian people.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

so gentlemen, let's summarize what we should do with this issue while politicians cannot solve anything )))

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

WWIII not worth it for some lousy islands or lousy dirt in former Ukraine. It's time to move forward, let the past go!

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

People don't realize IMF pegs Russian GPD at $35.3K for 2022. Russia's not a poor country, though they'll never get ranked in Western Media, Clearly, world's #3 economy with virtually zero sovereign debt.

BRICS booming with entire global south eager to join, especially Muslim based countries, so it's in this context with de-dollarization happening daily, Medvedev states his honest feelings about Japan and the West.

Russia's laughing at collapsing debt riddled G-7 with its corrupt special interest controlled failing democracies destroying itself from within, Medvedev's clearly right sadly.

Medvedev always asks, who's going to buy Uncle Sam's crazy new debt issuance, nobody in BRICS buying even $1!

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

in former Ukraine

Is there such a thing? So you admit it DID belong to Ukraine in the first place and you just snatched it away? despicable.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Former Ukraine was former USSR, so Medvedev's idea likely same regarding these Kuril Islands. Medvedev views Ukraine not as country but rather satellite of US elites and their long-held wet dream to make Russian their next BIG satellite.

Again, he's laughing BOJ money printer Japan based economy, so he's not worried. As Japan's got far bigger problems than few far away islands in Medvedev's view.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Quite interesting…the complainers from the right wing in Japan may be happy for their subordinates to commit seppuku but would never do it themselves as wouldn’t have the shoguns and lords of old!

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Dictators have never cared about the right of self-determination of peoples, neither foreign nor their own. They only recognize rights as long as it benefits them.

Law, ethics and morality are meaningless to them; only power and violence count.

They see themselves as "...the Great", but they are just disgusting criminals, mass murderers.

Japan has wisdom, centuries of experience, strength and strong alliances and will act thoughtfully.

The barking of lap dogs is meaningless.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I think Medvedev's mindset is consistent with history...

"To the victor goes the spoils", surely, he believes if Japan had won WWII, much of the Far East would now be Japanese territory, and he's almost certainly right.

For all those that think war's ethical, better think again.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Medvedev, a deeply unpleasant nasty piece of work, one of many of Putins toxic poodles.

What a disgusting depressing country Russia has become, time for another Revolution.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

One of Medvedev's warnings to Japan is this...

Do not believe US elites, when they promise quid pro quo, US NATO Ukraine Proxy War Support for Nothern Territories. NEVER Happen = Getting Played for Suckers!

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

What a disgusting depressing country Russia has become, time for another Revolution.

How do explain the Russian leadership's popularity at home and abroad. Medvedev and Putin are at least 4x more popular with their citizens than Kishida San now. Medvedev's people do want him giving islands away.

Putin's BRICS ROCK STAR, Most of World Eager to Join. They are standing up to US NATO war machine, taking the world multi polar, giving Global South OPTIONS.

Where are all these NEW Glorious Democracies?! It's all heading towards collapse, as the political and financial corruption gone over the top and the dam's breaking.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

HopeSpringsEternalToday 08:12 pm JST

Former Ukraine was former USSR

Hell, yeah! Let's dig into some real historu together, my friend! :D

First disclaimer and a question to you - what was before USSR? :D

Have you heard about Kyiv Rus which existed and flourished even before ethnic russians as they are were roaming as barbarians the desert of what was current russian federation? ;D

4 ( +5 / -1 )

That's a lot of history indeed. But honestly Medvedev views Ukraine as part of Russia as do most Russians. Just like these Kuril Islands. But you're right, times change, and things happen as the world turns.

Real point Mr. Medvedev likes to ask rhetorically, "where have all the great wise western diplomats gone?"

Makes no sense making mountains out of molehills, these islands or Ukraine are not worth global escalation, that causes inflation, terrorism, death and destruction, economic damage, chaos, destroys quality of life etc.

Medvedev misses people likes Henry Kissinger, who LONG warned of GRAVE dangers, as have MANY others, of NATO's desire to march eastward.

Medvedev and Russia want prosperous healthy Ukraine that's NEUTRAL, friendly with Russia and West. NOT Satellite of Western Elites targeting Russia as their next prey.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

But honestly Medvedev views Ukraine as part of Russia as do most Russians. Just like these Kuril Islands.

That's a dangerous tendency. Soon, they'll see the whole world as their place to claim.

Medvedev and Russia want prosperous healthy Ukraine that's NEUTRAL, friendly with Russia and West

That's not for him to decide.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

If Japan were 'hard-headed" and illogical it would try to use force to retake these islands.

Essentially, what Ukraine's doing by insisting it want to join a military alliance targeting Russia.

Medvedev's view bad decisions by others that threaten our existence ONLY result in tragic failed outcomes.

Imagine Japan had a leader intent to retake these islands, we'd all suffer gravely and for what? That's the position Ukraine's in today, hardly optimal, rather Idiotic.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Kyiv Rus was Russian. Look at a map.

Always Russia over there. Only a certain type burns books to change history and foment division where none exists.

Same with the "northern territories" - artificial construct and a figment of someone's wild imagination.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

> JJEToday 09:34 pm JST

Kyiv Rus was Russian. Look at a map.

No, you interpret it wrong, according to the map a good piece of russia should belong to Ukraine :D

Kyiv Rus was located in Kyiv and thats what it is.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Russia (the Soviet Union) was smart enough to get betrayed and invaded by the Nazis and then forced to come over from the dark side. Japan stayed on the dark side until the bitter end. They treated China and Korea horribly, without thought of the consequences of their actions. I have always despised Russia but Japan was on the losing side and just they way they handle the comfort women issue is the same way Russia is handling this issue. You can't have it your way always.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

JJEJan. 31 05:59 pm JST

Kuril Islands means Kuril Islands. Overwhelming consensus is the Kuril Islands means them all. The "Northern Territories" is a Tokyo-construct based on a false geographical premise. Any geographer can see it is one island chain extending south from Kamchatka.

That's great and all, but Russia is still not a party to the treaty.

On top of that they fought on against the USSR after the official surrender. That there is a complete forfeiture from the allies of the Nazis, which is yet another reason.

What does that even mean? Just because the USSR got to violate Germany in ways it should have not have, does not mean it gets to do that to everybody.

Kyiv Rus was Russian. Look at a map.

Always Russia over there. Only a certain type burns books to change history and foment division where none exists.

That's great and all but has no bearing on the three separate treaties guaranteeing Ukraine's 1991 borders.

Same with the "northern territories" - artificial construct and a figment of someone's wild imagination.

History is clear they were never Russian. What is it you like to call applying a principle in one case and ignoring it in others?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

HopeSpringsEternalJan. 31 07:09 pm JST

WWIII not worth it for some lousy islands or lousy dirt in former Ukraine. It's time to move forward, let the past go!

Your country needs to hand over some land to its enemies. For world peace and all.

BRICS booming with entire global south eager to join, especially Muslim based countries, so it's in this context with de-dollarization happening daily, Medvedev states his honest feelings about Japan and the West.

Dollar strong. Unemployment low. Stock market up.

As Japan's got far bigger problems than few far away islands in Medvedev's view.

If they are so far away from Moscow, Moscow should give up those ill gotten gains.

I think Medvedev's mindset is consistent with history...

Russian history, yes. That is why I call it a Horde State.

"To the victor goes the spoils", surely, he believes if Japan had won WWII, much of the Far East would now be Japanese territory, and he's almost certainly right.

For all those that think war's ethical, better think again.

And what do we call this?


Do not believe US elites, when they promise quid pro quo, US NATO Ukraine Proxy War Support for Nothern Territories. NEVER Happen = Getting Played for Suckers!

Still Putin's War

Where are all these NEW Glorious Democracies?! It's all heading towards collapse, as the political and financial corruption gone over the top and the dam's breaking.


That's a lot of history indeed. But honestly Medvedev views Ukraine as part of Russia as do most Russians. Just like these Kuril Islands. But you're right, times change, and things happen as the world turns.

People can believe in evil things, which is why Japan must keep reminding of past injustice at a minimum.

Real point Mr. Medvedev likes to ask rhetorically, "where have all the great wise western diplomats gone?"

As opposed to Russians just receiving their talking points from the Kremlin?

Makes no sense making mountains out of molehills, these islands or Ukraine are not worth global escalation, that causes inflation, terrorism, death and destruction, economic damage, chaos, destroys quality of life etc.

Then Russia can back down for the good of everybody.

Medvedev misses people likes Henry Kissinger, who LONG warned of GRAVE dangers, as have MANY others, of NATO's desire to march eastward.

Of course he would like war criminals. China also probably dictates Russia celebrate Kissinger.

Medvedev and Russia want prosperous healthy Ukraine that's NEUTRAL, friendly with Russia and West. NOT Satellite of Western Elites targeting Russia as their next prey.

Yes, we can summarize that as a Ukraine that has been puppetized by Moscow.

If Japan were 'hard-headed" and illogical it would try to use force to retake these islands.

Essentially, what Ukraine's doing by insisting it want to join a military alliance targeting Russia.

No, joining a defensive alliance is joining a defensive alliance.

Medvedev's view bad decisions by others that threaten our existence ONLY result in tragic failed outcomes.

The only bad decision of Fuhrer Putin's decision to cut Russia off from the West and make it a Chinese colony.

Imagine Japan had a leader intent to retake these islands, we'd all suffer gravely and for what? That's the position Ukraine's in today, hardly optimal, rather Idiotic.

Imagine Russia had a leader that gave zero respect to international law and telling the truth. That's the world we are living in.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

This article squarely relates to territories seized during the Second World War - and almost no other countries support Tokyo's claim, in the world and especially in Asia.

Shocking certain quarters view Nazi Germany and their Axis allies as having been "violated" with loss of territory.

By the way... the Yalta Agreement gave the Kuril Islands to Russia, as well as setting up the Manchurian Offensive which paved the way for final victory over Imperial Japan. It sensibly paired back the lands of all the Axis nations in general.

Not just an ability to accept the outcome of WWII but a real sympathy with the Axis.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

JJEToday 03:13 am JST

This article squarely relates to territories seized during the Second World War - and almost no other countries support Tokyo's claim, in the world and especially in Asia.

Europe, the US, and even Iran do not recognize Russia's bogus claim.


Shocking certain quarters view Nazi Germany and their Axis allies as having been "violated" with loss of territory.

Even criminals can have their rights violated. Only the Russian believes stealing territory is justified under any circumstances.

By the way... the Yalta Agreement gave the Kuril Islands to Russia, as well as setting up the Manchurian Offensive which paved the way for final victory over Imperial Japan. It sensibly paired back the lands of all the Axis nations in general.

Oh boy. An agreement to which Germany and Japan were not a part. Sounds like victor's justice to me.

Not just an ability to accept the outcome of WWII but a real sympathy with the Axis.

Well we can see now that aiding Russia in WW2 was a mistake.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

These islands were taken off Japan as part of the demilitarization process.

From a historical perspective, many people may not realize the Kuril Islands played an important role in the war planning of Imperial Japan. On 26 November 1941, the Japanese Imperial Navy led 24 vessels with the six aircraft carriers from Kasatka Bay, Iterup Island, towards Pearl Harbor, Hawaii to trigger the Pearl Harbor Attack on 7 December of that year.

Not many people realize the nefarious nature of the area and are led to believe it was used as some peaceful place for the "feelings of the Japanese".

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Europe has only changed their tune recently - and with regards to Iran, I think you'll find a few cash payments from Tokyo greased the wheels there and I'd be surprised if Tehran holds that position in the current climate.

(And Europe and the US are not "most of the world"). Not one country in Asia.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Germany lost territory to Russia, Poland, France, Austria and Czech at the end of WWII.

Japan lost territory to many countries - USA, Russia, China, Korea.

None of the Axis partners were "violated" in any way, shape or form with regards to territorial losses.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Well we can see now that aiding Russia in WW2 was a mistake.

I assume you are referring to Lend-Lease largely because the US/UK didn't open up a European front till summer 44. The overall benefit of Lend-Lease, while not unwelcome, is a matter of conjecture.

What isn't conjecture though is at any one time the USSR was facing around 80% of the entire German military strength - something like 180+ division on the Eastern Front on average. By contrast the US/UK/Canada got bogged down by something like 10 understrength divisions in the west.

Manchurian Operation was the biggest single defeat of Imperial Japan because the US requested some help as they were bogged down and having real trouble taking tiny islands. Yalta required the USSR to attack in the East by a certain date - which it did.

Important to note if the USSR was knocked out of the war it would have been disastrous for the western allies, who would not be able to win and probably even lose.

So, the real question is who helped who.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

JJEToday 04:07 am JST

These islands were taken off Japan as part of the demilitarization process.

Well Russia needs some lands removed from it as part of a demilitarization process.

From a historical perspective, many people may not realize the Kuril Islands played an important role in the war planning of Imperial Japan. On 26 November 1941, the Japanese Imperial Navy led 24 vessels with the six aircraft carriers from Kasatka Bay, Iterup Island, towards Pearl Harbor, Hawaii to trigger the Pearl Harbor Attack on 7 December of that year.

Not many people realize the nefarious nature of the area and are led to believe it was used as some peaceful place for the "feelings of the Japanese".

Of relevance to nothing.

Europe has only changed their tune recently - and with regards to Iran, I think you'll find a few cash payments from Tokyo greased the wheels there and I'd be surprised if Tehran holds that position in the current climate.

Well Europe changed their tune in 2005 then. My guess is that is more of your disinformation. And if you really want to have terrorist solidarity with Iran, seems to you need to work on it.

(And Europe and the US are not "most of the world"). Not one country in Asia.

Japan obviously doesn't. SK doesn't recognize Russia's position. And even China is wishy washy. As usual Russia ain't go no friends.

Germany lost territory to Russia, Poland, France, Austria and Czech at the end of WWII.

Territory taken by war in the case of France and Czechia. The moving of Poland was Russia's misdeed.

Japan lost territory to many countries - USA, Russia, China, Korea.

Again, only territory taken by war by Japan. In the US case, only the tiniest of islands by unanimous UN mandate (and Japan's agreement).

None of the Axis partners were "violated" in any way, shape or form with regards to territorial losses.

Germany and Japan were absolutely violated by Russia. Russia needs to learn that "land for peace" is the ideology of the Mongol raider.

Well we can see now that aiding Russia in WW2 was a mistake.

I assume you are referring to Lend-Lease largely because the US/UK didn't open up a European front till summer 44. The overall benefit of Lend-Lease, while not unwelcome, is a matter of conjecture.

Not according to Stalin and Kruschev:


Russians today are so full of themselves due to the inherited glory of their ancestors of which they had no actual part.

What isn't conjecture though is at any one time the USSR was facing around 80% of the entire German military strength - something like 180+ division on the Eastern Front on average. By contrast the US/UK/Canada got bogged down by something like 10 understrength divisions in the west.

Good for the USSR. It is a pity the USSR wasn't weakened further to rid Eastern Europe of their cancer.

Manchurian Operation was the biggest single defeat of Imperial Japan because the US requested some help as they were bogged down and having real trouble taking tiny islands. Yalta required the USSR to attack in the East by a certain date - which it did.

With the help of the US interdiction of supplies, the British in Burma, and the ROC all taking forces away.

Important to note if the USSR was knocked out of the war it would have been disastrous for the western allies, who would not be able to win and probably even lose.

We don't know that, but you are implying the USSR would have lost without the US effectively and I agree.

So, the real question is who helped who.

What's clear is that Russia learned too much from who they were fighting about how to run a fascist war of aggression.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The Allies in general didn't require Japan's agreement to pair back territories as a penalty for siding for the Axis - happened to all three of the major Axis powers - they should accept it like the Germans and Italians. Not one country in Asia (where the so-called dispute actually is) supports Japan's claim.

How did the US annex Japanese islands with UN mandate when the UN didn't exist yet? Sure, Tokyo would "agree" postwar - like they had a choice under occupation and down the barrel of a gun.

I said the Allies would have probably lost WWII if the USSR got knocked out of the war earlier.

Anyway, history is history. Tokyo is a lapdog of the USA, lacks overall sovereignty, has displayed rudeness to Moscow and will not get the islands back EVER which were legitimately seized during WWII.

Moscow holds the same position on those islands as Tokyo holds on the Senkaku Islands - there is no dispute because the matter is settled. They should stop shouting into the wind and wasting air.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

The UN recognizes Russian sovereignty over the islands.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

The UK is strangely silent on the Kuril Islands. That is obviously because of the Falklands. So, the EU has yet another double standard.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

What else would one expect from an alcoholic.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

We don't give a damn if you die of Cirrhosis of the Liver either!!! So there!!!

3 ( +4 / -1 )


.....Moscow and will not get the islands back EVER which were legitimately seized during WWII.

Incorrect. The Russians occupy illegally occupy them in violation of the The Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact which was signed in Moscow on April 13, 1941.

The San Francisco Peace Treaty signed between the Allies and Japan in 1951, does not recognize the Soviet Union's sovereignty over them.

Here is a starting point for your research:


You should also be aware the The Soviet Union signed multiple "friendship" pacts with Nazi Germany that enabled The Holocaust:

One example is the The Nazi-Soviet Pact signed in August 1939. It paved the way for Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to invade and occupy Poland that September. The pact was an agreement permitting them to carve up spheres of influence in eastern Europe, while pledging not to attack each other for 10 years. Less than two years later, however, Hitler launched an invasion of the Soviet Union.

Later the Soviets took a page from Hitler's playbook and broke violated their treaty with Japan to illegally seize the islands we are discussing.


4 ( +5 / -1 )

World needs to be less emotional and nostalgic about the past and more focused on present day reality, cost/benefit, risk and practical valuable solutions.

Includes all HOT Spots & tension, including these islands.

As great wealth being created today does not depend upon geography or control of land, look at tiny Singapore!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )


The UN recognizes Russian sovereignty over the islands.

incorrect. The UN does not recognise Russia's claims.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Medvedev's right of course, if these islands taken from the evil axis in WWII, or more plainly speaking "to the victor goes the spoils", we're returned to Japan, they just soon be militarized by their US masters.

Entire world considers US and US led NATO war mongers after all. That's why decoupling and multi-polar/BRICS speeding ahead. US like Japan is swimming in debt, +3 Trillion in new issuance just since Aug 2023!

Primary reasons everyone's dumping Treasuries, rushing to join partnership non-domestic interference model called BRICS. Especially Global South!

-5 ( +2 / -7 )


Also must hurt knowing they were offered two back but due to nationalistic sentiment said it must be all, and now is none.

Why would it "hurt" considering the two islands offered by your hero Putin (Shikotan and the Habomais) only account for about 6% of the disputed area?

4 ( +5 / -1 )


The UK is strangely silent on the Kuril Islands. That is obviously because of the Falklands. So, the EU has yet another double standard.

Laughably false.

On July 7, 2005, the European Parliament issued an official statement recommending the return of the territories to Japan.

Here is a starting point for your research:


4 ( +5 / -1 )

Keep in mind, Medvedev and others across BRICS and Global South, could care less about views of western controlled and biased global institutions regarding these islands or other matters.

BRICS and global south rapidly joining will form their new global institutions. De-dollarization, NOBODY in BRICS will buy US Treasuries anymore, not even 1$!

-5 ( +2 / -7 )


......others across BRICS and Global South, could care less.......regarding these islands or other matters.

Sorry dude, but your claim is laughably wrong. During a March 20-21 2023 meeting in Moscow, Xi Jinping made the effort to directly inform a cowering Putin that China "does not take either side" regarding the territorial dispute.

Clearly, China wears the pants in BRICS!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The UK comments and pokes its nose into everyone's business - how odd that they are silent on this issue especially as it pertains to Russia, about which they never miss an opportunity to spread falsehoods. And we know why - Falklands.

The European parliament needed to start closer to home and ask one of their former member states to return disputed islands first - and as such, it's just hypocritical. Plus, it is not an international body, none of the relevant parties are members of it and is not even in Asia.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Stop dividing the long-divided “property” here. I’ll go and have a look and fly to the Kuril Islands. It’s beautiful there and I can go fishing. Come and visit whoever wants to. Who doesn't want to stay at home?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


The UK comments and pokes its nose into everyone's business - how odd that they are silent on this issue especially as it pertains to Russia

Nice deflection and whataboutism. The fact remains that Russia illegally occupies the islands in violation of the The Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact which was signed in Moscow on April 13, 1941.

Here is a starting point for your research:


You should also be aware the The Soviet Union signed multiple "friendship" pacts with Nazi Germany that enabled The Holocaust:

One example is the The Nazi-Soviet Pact signed in August 1939. It paved the way for Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to invade and occupy Poland that September. The pact was an agreement permitting them to carve up spheres of influence in eastern Europe, while pledging not to attack each other for 10 years. Less than two years later, however, Hitler launched an invasion of the Soviet Union.

Later the Soviets took a page from Hitler's playbook and violated their treaty with Japan to illegally seize the islands we are discussing.


4 ( +5 / -1 )

The Soviet-Japan was voided by not renewing it within the written terms of the agreement, which was within a one-year timeframe before it would have automatically been renewed. This happened in April 1945 and Tokyo was informed beforehand.

The pact was denounced in accordance with the agreement and has no bearing on the Kuril Islands whatsoever.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

While Putin is in charge, no hope, it will be a total waste of time trying to talk to him or his comrades. The fact is that Japan depends on Russian supplies of oil, coal, minerals, and Russia is a buyer of used cars, machinery, Japanese goods. The World War was a very bad event that resulted in big losses of human lives and territories.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


The Soviet-Japan was voided by not renewing it within the written terms of the agreement, which was within a one-year timeframe before it would have automatically been renewed. This happened in April 1945......

The pact was denounced in accordance with the agreement and has no bearing on the Kuril Islands whatsoever.


The pact was not denounced in accordance with the agreement:

The text of the treaty had stated that the pact remained "valid for five years" (i.e., until April 13, 1946). When Japanese Ambassador Naotake Sato pressed him, Molotov assured him that the treaty would remain in force until April 1946. The treaty also stated, "In case neither of the Contracting Parties denounces the Pact one year before the expiration of the term, it will be considered automatically prolonged for the next five years" (April 13, 1946 - April 13, 1951). The denunciation came on April 5, 1945, which under those terms meant that the treaty would not renew on April 13, 1946.

Here is a starting point for your research:


You should also be aware the The Soviet Union signed multiple "friendship" pacts with Nazi Germany that enabled The Holocaust:

One example is the The Nazi-Soviet Pact signed in August 1939. It paved the way for Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to invade and occupy Poland that September. The pact was an agreement permitting them to carve up spheres of influence in eastern Europe, while pledging not to attack each other for 10 years. Less than two years later, however, Hitler launched an invasion of the Soviet Union.

Later the Soviets took a page from Hitler's playbook and broke violated their treaty with Japan to illegally seize the islands we are discussing.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

One reason Medvedev's so popular, no citizen questions his loyalty to Russia. Medvedev is not controlled by greedy corrupt unelected special interests that plague democracies everywhere. Medvedev's True Fiduciary.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Incorrect. Contemporary Tokyo often intentionally confuses and conflates the advance verbal informing of the Japanese ambassador in Moscow (by FM Molotov himself) about the imminent intention to not renew it and Mr Sato communicating that back to Tokyo, with the official date of the denunciation, which followed over a week later.

Telling someone you are going to do something doesn't always make it official until they officially do it. They were, in effect and in fact, given advance notice of intent before the official act, which was in accordance with the agreement.

Quite a frivolous argument really. They were lucky to get advance notice at all quite frankly.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


One reason Medvedev's so popular, no citizen questions his loyalty to Russia. Medvedev is not controlled by greedy corrupt unelected special interests that plague democracies

LMAO! Obviously you know nothing about Russian people. He is despised for this corruption and greed:

In March 2017, Navalny the Russian based Anti-Corruption Foundation published an in-depth investigation of properties and residences used by Medvedev and his family. A film titled He Is Not Dimon To You shows how Medvedev allegedly owns and controls large areas of land, villas, palaces, yachts, expensive apartments, wineries and estates through complicated ownership structures involving shell companies and foundations.Their total value is estimated at around US$1.2 billion. The report states that the original source of wealth is gifts by Russian oligarchs and loans from state owned banks. He Is Not Dimon To You was released together with the report. A month after release, the video had more than 24 million views.  These revelations have resulted in large protests throughout Russia. Russian authorities responded by arresting protesters in unauthorised protests—hundreds were arrested. An April 2017 Levada poll found that 45% of surveyed Russians supported the resignation of Medvedev.

1 ( +4 / -3 )


Telling someone you are going to do something doesn't always make it official until they officially do it. They were, in effect and in fact, given advance notice of intent before the official act, which was in accordance with the agreement.

Incorrect. The pact was not denounced in accordance with the agreement. Obviously you a have neither read nor understood the agreement:

The text of the treaty had stated that the pact remained "valid for five years" (i.e., until April 13, 1946). When Japanese Ambassador Naotake Sato pressed him, Molotov assured him that the treaty would remain in force until April 1946. The treaty also stated, "In case neither of the Contracting Parties denounces the Pact one year before the expiration of the term, it will be considered automatically prolonged for the next five years" (April 13, 1946 - April 13, 1951). The denunciation came on April 5, 1945, which under those terms meant that the treaty would not renew on April 13, 1946.

Quite a frivolous argument really. 

LOL! Hitler probably used the same laughable excuse to violate his agreements and launch an invasion of the Soviet Union.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Hard to find one scholar outside of the JFM that has an issue with it.

Article three says:

In case neither of the Contracting Parties denounces the Pact one year before the expiration of the term, it will be considered automatically prolonged for the next five years.

Which means Moscow had to denounce/annul it before April 13th, which happened. It means they have to give at least one-year advance notice to the other side.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )


In case neither of the Contracting Parties denounces the Pact one year before the expiration of the term, it will be considered automatically prolonged for the next five years.

> Which means Moscow had to denounce/annul it before April 13th, which happened. It means they have to give at least one-year advance notice to the other side.

LMAO! The "one year advance notice" you claim relates to renewal not early termination. Obviously, you a have not understood the agreement:

The text of the treaty had stated that the pact remained "valid for five years" (**i.e., until April 13, 1946). When Japanese Ambassador Naotake Sato pressed him, Molotov assured him that the treaty would remain in force until April 1946. The treaty also stated, "In case neither of the Contracting Parties denounces the Pact one year before the expiration of the term, it will be considered automatically prolonged for the next five years" (April 13, 1946 - April 13, 1951). The denunciation came on April 5, 1945, which under those terms meant that the treaty would not renew on April 13, 1946.**

Case closed!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Article two: Should one of the Contracting Parties become the object of hostilities on the part of one or several third powers, the other Contracting Party will observe neutrality throughout the duration of the conflict.

Japan violated the pact by allowing German ships - particularly auxiliary raiders - to port and resupply in Japan and other Japanese controlled ports. U-boats too.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

asdfgtrToday  10:12 am JST


......others across BRICS and Global South, could care less.......regarding these islands or other matters.

Sorry dude, but your claim is laughably wrong. During a March 20-21 2023 meeting in Moscow, Xi Jinping made the effort to directly inform a cowering Putin that China "does not take either side" regarding the territorial dispute.

Nobody doubts China wants its cake and to eat it too! Why take positions if you can remain strategically ambivalent? Whether islands or Ukraine 10yr Civil War?

China's actions speak loudly, massive support for Russia and vice--versa. It's win:win non-domestic interference partnership that's expanding with BRICS format. Not a question of pants, but rather shared interests.

Naturally, BRICS = MULTI Polar & $De-dollarization, giving Global South Much Needed OPTIONALITY

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

asdfgtrToday  12:12 pm JST


One reason Medvedev's so popular, no citizen questions his loyalty to Russia. Medvedev is not controlled by greedy corrupt unelected special interests that plague democracies

LMAO! Obviously you know nothing about Russian people. He is despised for this corruption and greed:

You're confused again, not referring to nice cars and fancy houses. It's about SELLING out via Policy Corruption, pursing policies in Best Interests of Special Interests/Elites and NOT the Public/Citizenry/Country.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )


Japan violated the pact by allowing German ships - particularly auxiliary raiders - to port and resupply in Japan and other Japanese controlled ports. U-boats too.

Incorrect as the Soviets had claimed pact neutrality for years while allowing British and American ships - including auxiliary raiders - to port and resupply in Russian and other Russian controlled ports. Submarines too.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


So you admit that no one supports Russia's claims to the islands. We're making progress!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

asdfgtrToday  12:12 pm JST


One reason Medvedev's so popular, no citizen questions his loyalty to Russia. Medvedev is not controlled by greedy corrupt unelected special interests that plague democracies

LMAO! Obviously you know nothing about Russian people. He is despised for this corruption and greed:

That's rich, Putin and his cronies like Medvedev at +80% approval no matter who polls, and they're DESPISED?!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

asdfgtrToday  12:12 pm JST


One reason Medvedev's so popular, no citizen questions his loyalty to Russia. Medvedev is not controlled by greedy corrupt unelected special interests that plague democracies

LMAO! Obviously you know nothing about Russian people. He is despised for this corruption and greed:

That's rich, Putin and his cronies like Medvedev at +80% approval no matter who polls, and they're DESPISED?!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


not referring to nice cars and fancy houses. It's about SELLING out via Policy Corruption, pursing policies in Best Interests of Special Interests/Elites and NOT the Public/Citizenry/Country.

So you're blind to Medvedev's greed, graft and corruption. Got it!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Japan was in flagrant violation of the neutrality pact by actively assisting the German navy and war effort:



And much more, including trade of arms, raw and strategic materials.

Soviet Denunciation of the Pact with Japan, actual text:

Germany has attacked the USSR, and Japan, ally of Germany, is aiding the latter in its war against the USSR.

Japan totally ignores the fact it was in violation of the treaty!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

The USA and UK did not attack Japan. Vice versa. Germany, Japan's ally, did.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

... attack the USSR.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


Japan was in flagrant violation of the neutrality pact by actively assisting the German navy and war effort:

Laughably weak argument as the Soviets had claimed pact neutrality for years prior to repudiation while allowing British and American ships - including auxiliary raiders - to port and resupply in Russian and other Russian controlled ports. Submarines too.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


That's rich, Putin and his cronies like Medvedev at +80% approval...

And you seriously believe this. Human gullibility knows no bounds!

Medvedev allegedly owns and controls large areas of land, villas, palaces, yachts, expensive apartments, wineries and estates through complicated ownership structures involving shell companies and foundations. Their total value is estimated at around US$1.2 billion. The original source of wealth is gifts by Russian oligarchs and loans from state owned banks. These revelations have resulted in large protests throughout Russia. Russian authorities responded by arresting protesters in unauthorised protests—hundreds were arrested. An April 2017 Levada poll found that 45% of surveyed Russians supported the resignation of Medvedev.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Not at all weak. If it was the USA/UK attacking Japan, yes, but that is obviously not the case.

Flagrant violation of Article 2 right there, effective December 7/8th 1941.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


The USA .... did not attack Japan.

Laughable. Did you miss WWII history class? The two countries were at war. The USA attacked Japan multiple times throughout WWII.

Here is a starting point for your research:


4 ( +4 / -0 )


Flagrant violation of Article 2 right there, effective December 7/8th 1941.

Wrong again. America was not a party to the pact.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

From 22 June 1941, per Article 2, Japan was required to cease helping Germany's war effort against the USSR.

It didn't. Flagrant violation.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


From 22 June 1941, per Article 2, Japan was required to cease helping Germany's war effort against the USSR.

It didn't. Flagrant violation.

In turn, Russia would have been required to cease helping America's war effort against Japan. It didn't. Violation claim nullified.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I wonder how Japan will react to this? Send the JMSDF?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Oh, in turn... I see. So, you acknowledge that Japan was the first to violate the pact by breaking Article 2 first.

I don't see the word or sentence that mentions "nullified" or anything of that meaning anywhere in the text.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Where exactly does it say Party A may break the pact, but if party B breaks the pact it is "nullified"?

And it's a fair argument to make that the USSR was attacked, whereas Japan did the attacking, when it came to third parties.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


Oh, in turn... I see. So, you acknowledge that Japan was the first to violate the pact by breaking Article 2 first.

No. Russia was clearly the first to flagrantly violate the pact.

Try again.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


I don't see the word or sentence that mentions "nullified" or anything of that meaning anywhere in the text.

Exactly! The Soviets failed to nullify the pact and were in flagrant violation of its terms.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

How was the USSR first to break the pact when Japan violated Article 2 by assisting Germany's war effort from 22/6/41, making it the first flagrant violation?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

One could say the exact same thing about Japan failing to nullify the pact.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Essentially you are asserting Japan can violate the pact first with no consequences.

That is not how things work. Must be searching for the mysterious nullification clause.

I'll help: it's called the denunciation of the pact.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


Japan violated Article 2 by assisting Germany's war effort from 22/6/41, making it the first flagrant violation

Incorrect. The facts remain that the first flagrant violation was by the Soviet Union. (which no longer exists BTW)

Here is a starting point for your research:


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Let Japan THROW BACK the DAMN to Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )


By declaring war and invading, Russia flagrantly violated the pact first

Essentially you are asserting Japan can violate the pact first

Incorrect. I suggest you learn about the international law of armed conflict and neutrality:

Warships of the belligerent parties may be admitted into a neutral port for repair (but not to restore their battle worthiness), to revictual to peacetime standards or to refuel to the extent necessary to enable them to reach the nearest home port. Their stay must not exceed twenty-four hours except in case of damage or stress of weather. A maximum of three vessels of one belligerent are allowed in port at any one time. If two belligerents have vessels in the same port they must depart at different times, i.e. 24 hours apart.

Here is a starting point for your research:


3 ( +4 / -1 )

Well, the Japanese navy base in Penang was restoring battle worthiness - torpedoes, naval mines, providing intelligence to German combatants, extensive repairs and refitting basically so they could extend offensive patrols (not back to their home port, as obviously anyone can understand German combat vessels in the Asia theatre required Japanese support). They also had a trade in raw and other strategic materials that aided the German war effort, which also included them helping the Germans disguise blockade runners/auxiliary cruisers as third-party nations. And I know for a fact many German vessels required battle damage repairs that well exceeded 24 hours. German combatant ships also came to Japanese home ports, but that is irrelevant.

I posted links previously, read it. Theirs was no innocent "neutral" behaviour.

You can read up on Axis - specifically German - naval activity that was assisted by Japan, specifically between June and December 1941, to a capacity far exceeding that definition of neutrality, and thus a flagrant violation of the pact - and FIRST.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

So, you've made it abundantly clear they were in flagrant violation first. They also hosted German cargo ships used to resupply German naval assets at sea - also and sent out their own ships for this purpose too.

Complete violation of Neutrality of the Law of Armed Conflict.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


So, you've made it abundantly clear the Soviets were in flagrant violation first.

(By highlighting the Soviet Union's direct attack on Japan.)

Additionally, you have provided no sources for your claims to first flagrant violation of Neutrality of the Law of Armed Conflict. (Other than stating allegations that you "I know for a fact".)

In fact:

The first U-Boats didn't operate in the Indian Ocean until late 1942. By that time Russia was already assisting America and Britain in its war effort in flagrant violation of the pact.


Thank you for demonstrating the Russia illegally occupies the islands in flagrant violation of international law.

And thank you to your colleague "HopeSpringsEternal" for helping to spotlight Medvedev's greed, corruption and graft.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Axis - specifically German - naval activity that was assisted by Japan, specifically between June and December 1941, to a capacity far exceeding that definition of neutrality, and thus a flagrant violation of the pact - and FIRST.

Laughably wrong.

On the eve of the attack upon Pearl Harbor, which was to launch Germany and Italy as well as Japan into war against the United States and its allies, little effective effort had been directed toward planning for naval or military collaboration among the Axis partners. 

Here is a starting point for your research:


4 ( +4 / -0 )

asdfgtrToday  01:52 pm JST


not referring to nice cars and fancy houses. It's about SELLING out via Policy Corruption, pursing policies in Best Interests of Special Interests/Elites and NOT the Public/Citizenry/Country.

So you're blind to Medvedev's greed, graft and corruption. Got it!

ANY leading politicians ANYWHERE that are not well dressed, housed and comfortable. That's not greed, graft and corruption. That's normal and expected.

Point remains, Medvedev's not selling out to any special interests and elites in any manner damaging Russian people or Russia. He's true fiduciary. Hard to find leading Western politicians who can say the same.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Wasting time re-litigating history, to victor goes spoils. Only reason islands an issue, western elite agenda to drum support for their failing Ukraine proxy war that seeks to turn Russia into their next satellite like Ukraine.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


ANY leading politicians ANYWHERE that are not well dressed, housed and comfortable. That's not greed, graft and corruption. That's normal and expected.

> Medvedev's not selling out to any special interests and elites in any manner damaging Russian people or Russia. 

The level of delusion and cognitive dissonance is so great I almost feel sorry for you:

Medvedev allegedly owns and controls large areas of land, villas, palaces, yachts, expensive apartments, wineries and estates through complicated ownership structures involving shell companies and foundations. Their total value is estimated at around US$1.2 billion. The original source of wealth is gifts by Russian oligarchs and loans from state owned banks. These revelations have resulted in large protests throughout Russia. Russian authorities responded by arresting protesters in unauthorised protests—hundreds were arrested. An April 2017 Levada poll found that 45% of surveyed Russians supported the resignation of Medvedev.


to victor goes spoils.

I believe Hitler used the same justification to hold on to land the Nazis invaded. Perhaps some in Russia still remember..........

5 ( +5 / -0 )

For those who believes in approval ratings, Putin and Medvedev have likely HIGHEST Ratings Globally NOW! People of Russia have long trusted two for good reason.

Wish we had more such proven leadership in the West, serious fiduciaries, rather than scumbag sell-outs!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Germany had auxiliary cruisers operating with the Japanese in 1941.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Japan was not a victim in the WWII.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

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