Japan Today

S Korean paper says A-bombs on Japan were 'divine punishment'

By Shingo Ito

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As inconsiderate as the article was keep in mind that this was the personal view of one writer. The Korean newspaper has already indicated that the views expressed are not the views of the newspaper.

10 ( +27 / -17 )

Like the saying goes; Opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has one! And the writer of this "opinion" is a big butthole at that!

2 ( +16 / -14 )

Maybe the article writer's stupidity was a divine punishment too.

11 ( +23 / -12 )

What the writer seems to be forgetting is that many Koreans lost their lives in the bombing as well.

5 ( +15 / -10 )

Any protests that South Korea have in the future are now invalid.

-14 ( +14 / -28 )

KariHaruka "Any protests that South Korea have in the future are now invalid."

Wow, that's a stretch. You've just applied one persons views to the entire country.

11 ( +21 / -10 )

Now would be the time for adult behavior by members of both administrations to distance themselves from the commentary of their "less-intelligent" constituents. Unfortunately, I see little likelyhood that such maturity will manifest itself.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

So, in other words, South Korea just called USA, the GOD!

17 ( +28 / -11 )

Ohhhhhhhh boy. Here we go.

The Korean newspaper has already indicated that the views expressed are not the views of the newspaper.

Still printed it though, knowing fully what the consequences would be, didnt they?

13 ( +23 / -10 )

That's okay because I remember when Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga called Toru Hashimoto's remarks about the sex slaves as 'dishonorable' too, so I guess... Wait a minute. He didn't, did he?

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Won't be the last time that man's misdeeds was laid at the divine's feet.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Sure, it's the view of one person. But it's a view that must go through an editorial process where it was deemed acceptable for publication and then is presented to a considerable audience, being one of the 'big three' newspapers there.

To me it's in the same league as Hashimoto's opinions.

10 ( +19 / -9 )

Yes, Yoshihide Suga declined to comment on Hashimoto's comments, and he's an elected official. But Suga finds the time to chime in on one obscure editors offensive remarks about the bombings and calls it "unforgivable".

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

And hundreds of South Koreans living in Osaka Kobe area has already denounced the article and were so ashamed of the said article.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

While the Axis Powers committed many horrible war crimes, it's not like the Allies were angels. The main problem was European imperialism in the first place (USA are "Europe" as well, real americans are the native people, stermined by Europeans). Japanese copied European imperialism, after they were brutally forced to open their country by USA. I don't know how many people the British Empire killed around the world. Anyway, Asian prefer to adore "white people" and hate each other rather than to try to move on and to build a future together.

10 ( +17 / -7 )

Tamarama - To me it's in the same league as Hashimoto's opinions.

On one hand you have a Japanese leader and elected official, no less than the mayor of Japans second biggest city. On the other side you have an obscure, no name writer who penned an op-ed piece. Yeah...it's the same....oh boy. (facepalm).

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Some people consider the bombing of these cities.. a war crime.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

stermined* by Europeans


1 ( +3 / -2 )

Are you kidding me... I'm SO SORRY... I would like to apologize on behalf of other Koreans..

3 ( +8 / -5 )

“We strongly protested to the staff of South Korea’s Joongang Ilbo daily,” the top government spokesman said. “Our country is the only atom-bombed nation. We will never forgive such remarks.”

Regardless of what you think of the Korean Article, REPEAT, Korean NEWSPAPER Article (Not Government Newspaper, Privately Owned and Operated Newspaper) Why would you respond to it publicly...?

No Western, nor European Country would even acknowledge it existed...

So, now you've actually given this story credence, and it will even get more attention...

Don't you guys have bigger things to worry about, than to respond to a newspaper article, In Another country, In Another Language..?

Just get back to common-sense, you would be much better served by using your head first, and NOT your mouth.. (That's You Japan)

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Many Korean people still continue to carry bitterness of the treatment when they were colonized by Empire of Japan. Koreans were forced to learn Japanese, pray to Shinto Gods, etc. The same is true in Taiwan. However, the Japanese were perceived far more negatively in Korea than in Taiwan, in part because the Japanese were extremely brutal in their repression of the Korean people. Same is true with China and many other South East-Asian nations. At the same time, Japan continue to look at themselves as victims.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

Why is this pap even a headline? Is such sensational headline grabbing (over an individual opinion) designed to spur jingoism over an event more than half a century old?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I'm sure Westboro blames the gays for the deaths in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They've already blamed them for the killing in London. Yep, everyone has their own opinion.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The Korean newspaper has already indicated that the views expressed are not the views of the newspaper.

What? An editorial is usually the direct voice of the newspaper.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Many Korean people still continue to carry bitterness of the treatment when they were colonized by Empire of Japan. Koreans were forced to learn Japanese, pray to Shinto Gods, etc. The same is true in Taiwan. However, the Japanese were perceived far more negatively in Korea than in Taiwan, in part because the Japanese were extremely brutal in their repression of the Korean people.

Enough manhwa for today. Sources for such a statments!

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Alex80 - An editorial is usually the direct voice of the newspaper.

"direct voice"? No it isn't otherwise they would not be putting out that disclaimer.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Oh, and don't forget that those two comfort women who thought that they're able to show evidences of forced 'labour' in Japanese brothels declined the offer today. Probably because Hashimoto was right with his remarks...

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

“The cries (of the unit’s victims) reached heaven and the bombs were dropped on Tokyo and the atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” it said.

More like they reached Washington DC, which is a heck of a lot closer to "hell" than heaven.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Shankun May. 24, 2013 - 08:12AM JST Enough manhwa for today. Sources for such a statments!

Other countries know how to behave. If Japan goverment mixes natural disaster with politics, you cannot blame other nations of abandoning any memorial in Japan. It really is in Japan's best interest from a security and economic standpoint to do whatever needs to be done to repair its relationship with South Korea. After South Korea donated over $50 million dollars to the tsunami disaster, Japan sent three Japanese lawmakers in the summer of 2011, Shindo, Inada and Sato, all from Japan’s LDP, of their plan to travel close to Dokdo islands claimed by South Korea and Japan. The trio then made a confrontation with a big scene, being arrogant, and refused for hours to board a return flight home. They shoud've been arrested and put in Korean jail for a while. The Japanese influence in the Pacific is gradually fading away anyway, so South Korea does not put significant importance in improving relations with Japan. Japan cannot change so leave them alone.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Regardless of what you think of the Korean Article, REPEAT, Korean NEWSPAPER Article (Not Government Newspaper, Privately Owned and Operated Newspaper) Why would you respond to it publicly...?

Well, Korean government's reaction to "Hetalia" (a parodistic historical manga, born like web comic, written by a young boy) was also more excessive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo_btds9-kM And believe me, "Hetalia" isn't some weird revisionist crap. It's very popular and well accepted also in USA and Europe.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

It doesn't seem that mean-spirited. It basically says if you decide to inflict misery on a large number of people, then you can expect retaliation beyond your wildest imagination.

It's not racist or a hate message, and it also points to Germany. Has the German government filed an protest too?

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

"direct voice"? No it isn't otherwise they would not be putting out that disclaimer.

You don't know what an editorial is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editorial Apparently maybe also the Korean newspaper doesn't know it sarcasm

0 ( +4 / -4 )

“God often borrows the hand of a human to punish the evil deeds of men,”

Is this even worth writing an article about?

To me someone writing an article mentioning a god is no different than Harry Potter or Twilight. It belongs in the fiction section.

Religion, gods and the belief in unquestionable powers and people do nothing to bring us together, they foster the kind of pack mentality that brings us war and destruction.

Despite the news almost always concentrating on negative stories, we are lucky to be alive in this time. Most of us able to read this live in places where we are experiencing the longest healthiest, free-est, safest lives of anyone before us.

This has not come from not from more religiosity, or unquestionable leaders but the value of freedom, substantive truth and advances in science.

Get on board the reality train, its a nice place to be.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

The Japanese influence in the Pacific is gradually fading away anyway, so South Korea does not put significant importance in improving relations with Japan. Japan cannot change so leave them alone.

Oh, I forgot: Koreans forgot to claim Ryukyu as the people there are descendant from the hantou, right?

Other countries know how to behave. If Japan goverment mixes natural disaster with politics, you cannot blame other nations of abandoning any memorial in Japan.

lol, from the country where the donations from one disrict of Seoul went to support Korean right to Takeshima. And around 50M dollars? 2,5 times more were rised for Haiti even though not many Koreans know where it is :)

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Wow, what a chop. Maybe it's time to fess up, since the Germans did a long time ago but you haven't. Then people would get off your case.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

What about the Japanese paper editorial calling for ending of diplomatic relations with S.Korea and China? I'm sorry, but it takes two to tango.

<http://tohkaishimpo.com/scripts/column.cgi >

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

Well...saw this one coming, can't have a moron In one country spouting off crap about slavery without some kind of mirrored distasteful comments coming a equally challenged individual from another country retaliating

8 ( +10 / -2 )

It's the Devine right to criticise but that doesn't make it so.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

“God often borrows the hand of a human to punish the evil deeds of men,”

I'm not religious exactly because of people with these kind of views.

1 ( +7 / -7 )

An editorial is usually the direct voice of the newspaper.

There are editorials from the paper, usually unsigned, and guest editorials (op-ed), always signed. This was an op-ed piece.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Guys, historical revisionism is a problem that exists basically in every country. I know that only some textbooks in Japan are revisionist, and they are a minority. Japan apologized many times, sadly there are many right wing politicians who often say absurdity. But this doesn't happen only in Japan, like some people seem to believe. Recently Silvio Berlusconi said "Mussolini had done some good things, his mistake was the adoption of the racial laws". Of course, many people were very offended by his comment, but others defended him, because revisionist people are everywhere. In Europe there are sadly many right wing parties, very racist. Look at the current government in Hungary: only try to read something about this matter, and you could be shocked. There will always be some revisionist and nationalist politicians who will say some horrible things, deal with it, and every nation writes its textbooks manipulating the facts a bit, you can't deny it.

My point is that Japan isn't an isolated case. Come on. Also, USA prefer LDP in power in Japan, rather than DP, because they don't want that Japan gets closer to China, like Hatoyama wanted to do. One of the reasons why Hatoyama's government failed was the failure of the "Futenma case", but now, with the LDP in power, USA are showing a more accomodating attiitude towards this matter. Try to guess why...

2 ( +4 / -2 )

...And Ishihara of all people criticized this comment (seriously).

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It's the Japanese PM and his government officials saying those often offensive remarks and push revisionist history saying stuff like Japan never invaded anybody. I know of no major country that have leaders like that.

-11 ( +6 / -17 )

There are editorials from the paper, usually unsigned, and guest editorials (op-ed), always signed. This was an op-ed piece.

Yeah, it's true, and I didn't know if this was signed or not. Anyway an editorial is always an important piece of the paper, and there's not any paper in the world that would publish an article whose content is deeply contrary to its tendency, let's be honest.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Japan on Thursday accused a South Korean newspaper of “dishonorable” behavior for publishing an editorial

this doesn't make any sense. why does the japanese government accuse the korean newspaper for publishing an editorial? it is a sacred duty for a newspaper to publish an editorial even if its content is controversial. if the japanese government is not happy with the editorial, then the complaint should be directed to the author but not the newspaper.

it is absolutely essential for humanity that a free press is allowed to publish even a controversial editorial. the santuary of a free press should never be attacked but be protected. it absolutely doesn't make any sense for the japanese government to attack the korean newspaper. absolutely ridiculous.

i don't know... a lot of things don't make sense in japan...

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

All of this back and forth about WWII is getting depressing.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

push revisionist history saying stuff like Japan never invaded anybody.

There's revisionism, but when someone said Japan never invaded anybody?

I know of no major country that have leaders like that.

Because you are interested mainly in Japanese politics, since it's related to your country's history, in a bad way. But the world is more various than you think.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Alex80 - "there's not any paper in the world that would publish an article whose content is deeply contrary to its tendency, let's be honest"

Newspapers and TV stations frequently do, which is why they put out disclaimers whenever they do publish/broadcast things that are deeply contrary...yes...let's be honest.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

'Divine Punishment'. This idiotic, childish mindset belongs with the 'your mum is so fat....' class of response.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

@pk: oh, yeah, the disclaimers...are you seriously so naive? You can find that kind of disclaimers also in the ChinaDaily, you know.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This bickering has got to stop China, South Korea, North Korea and Japan have got to grow up and start acting like countries with responsible leaders and newspapers should not print such rubbish!

10 ( +11 / -1 )

One should look at who started this in the first place, " Japan " In the items that are released by their leaders and claims on other countries islands it attacked in first place in " WW2 " a lot of people died on both sides and was meant to end the war at the same time to stop all wars for ever . But people forget the war was long time ago but as long as People in Governments bring up past miss deeds and denials bad things happened this war will really not be over till the time has come to accept the past and move on. Please do not censer this as it is important and factual.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Aex80 - " oh, yeah, the disclaimers...are you seriously so naive? You can find that kind of disclaimers also in the ChinaDaily, you know"

Major TV stations and publications in the US always use disclaimers yet you decided to use the ChinaDaily...look who's being naïve.

Nevertheless the Korean paper did put a disclaimer out there.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

@Skeeter27: this bickering is very useful to keep a strong presence of USA in the Asia-Pacific region, so it won't stop.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I think it is time to discontinue the diatribe... WW2 is over, the Korean War is over plus many more wars are over.. It is time to remove money and religion from Human hands and minds so no one will have anything to fight about.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

If Japanese newspapers can print editorials calling for diplomatic cutoff of South Korea, and printing false stories that Korea will financially collapse in July of this year "after the $3 billion currency swap between Korea and Japan is ended", which resulted in thousands of replies from hopeful Japanese net users thinking and wishing that it really will happen.... I mean.. come on.... I don't see what the big deal is here, when the Japanese press hasn't been entirely innocent (to the say the least) here.

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

Major TV stations and publications in the US always use disclaimers yet you decided to use the ChinaDaily...look who's being naïve.

You didn't get my sarcasm. I used the ChinaDaily like example exactly to support my point: disclaimers mean nothing, basically. And yeah, also Western newspapers won't publish something that is really contrary to their tendency, West isn't free like you believe.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Japan should admit their brutality and bad human behaviour towards koreans and chinese during WWII. Apologise is the words that they need to hear. Their ancestors bad behaviours can't be beared by their decendents. not fair!

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

how such childish people end up in positions of authority/ influence is mind- boggling. Humanity is failing...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

What about the Japanese paper editorial calling for ending of diplomatic relations with S.Korea and China? I'm sorry, but it takes two to tango. http://tohkaishimpo.com/scripts/column.cgi

Is this some sort of joke? First, the editorial (I'm assuming you mean the 5/19 one) doesn't call for the ending of diplomatic relations - only that the author doesn't worry about relations breaking down because Sakoku was historically not a bad time for Japan.

Second, are you seriously trying to compare a column appearing in a tiny regional newspaper with a circulation of 17,500 to one of the world's largest newspapers with a circulation of 2 million?

1 ( +7 / -6 )

@karjai: nationalism in Japan is useful for US presence in Asia. This is one of the reasons why Hatoyama - who wanted an “East Asian community” - and in general, DP, failed.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Japan should admit their brutality and bad human behaviour towards koreans and chinese during WWII. Apologise is the words that they need to hear. Their ancestors bad behaviours can't be beared by their decendents. not fair!

Just how many times does Japan need to apologize? You know what it isnt the apology that people are looking for, it's their actions that make all previous apologies seem insincere that is the problem.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Weasel May. 24, 2013 - 10:25AM JST

Sheeze. Reads like someone who needs to try and troll a little harder.


you might not believe in a god but other humans do for some reason. it is not considered a good manners to ridicule one's religious belief like that.

it is actually the japanese government that is acting irrationally here. the japanese government is attacking a korean newspaper when it should be making complaints against the author of the editorial. the japanese government must respect free press in korea.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

People, If you have Japanese friends, I advise you never make fun of them about the Emperor, Atomic Bombs, or Tsunami 3.11. Those are the 3-big-Taboo to Japanese. They would definitely hate you from the bottom of their heart.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Well, Korean government's reaction to "Hetalia"

Oh, here we go with that, "Well he did it too, so we're war criminals..." Response...

What grade is this mentality...? I think most American's / Westerner's / Europeans stop this kind of thinking around the 8th Grade...

I don't what it is about Japan in particular... The Spirit of "Ganko" "頑固" LOL... If you walk down the street far enough, eventually (not long...) You will come face-to-face with a Japanese person going the opposite direction (Always Male between ages of 20 and 80 yrs of age) and they will stop directly in front of you, and will NOT budge an inch until you physically alter your walking course and go around them... and if you stop, and do not move, it would be like watching 2 turtles, head to head, not moving, waiting for the other to cede ground... Welcome to Japan... Welcome to the Spirit of "Ganko..." LOL....

Only in Japan... LOL...

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

it's their actions that make all previous apologies seem insincere that is the problem.

Again, Japan can't decide to be a true ally of China, when it is still basically "occuped" by USA. So, Hatoyama failed. Nationalist propaganda, typical of LDP, is officially blamed by USA, but actually well accepted, because it's a good way to keep Japan far from China. China+Japan = USA nightmare. Maybe, in future, USA could prefer an alliance with China, taking advantage of Japanese nationalism. We'll see what Uncle Sam will do.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Japan is not accusing Korean Govt. Poor USA, now N., Korea has legitimate excuse to give God's Punishment tp S. Korea and USA. China? After Abe's aide talked with Kim, Kim's aide is in China. China must be soft to N, Korea now and know Japan is not N, Korea's enemy, They might want to get Japanese technological help to develop more powerful missile to give S. Korea God's Punishment, Japan is not going to object. USA? It will be too busy to protect California than worrying S. Korea. USA owes to China too much. Let us watch what is reaction of USA. Maybe USA will think it is time to get out from S. Korea?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

@Skeeter27: this bickering is very useful to keep a strong presence of USA in the Asia-Pacific region, so it won't stop.

First of all, leave the U.S. out of YOUR problems... You guys need to start taking some personal responsibility for your OWN actions, and stop blaming ALL YOUR Problems on America...

If you want to say something to America, Say "Thank You!" and leave it at that...

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

whatever happened to journalistic integrity? it seems media will publish anything to get shock value.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

@China4Sailor: Your sentence "Regardless of what you think of the Korean Article, REPEAT, Korean NEWSPAPER Article (Not Government Newspaper, Privately Owned and Operated Newspaper) Why would you respond to it publicly...?", implied it's something so absurd that "only in Japan", like you like to say. I'm simply bothered by double standard, sorry.

What grade is this mentality...? I think most American's / Westerner's / Europeans stop this kind of thinking around the 8th Grade...

I'm European, not Japanese. Anyway, what is this sentence implying? Do you think Western people are more civil and mature than Asians? Are you Chinese? Westerns exploited your country horribly, and you think we are so "great"? Please...

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The bombings on the two cities were a violation of law of war and should have been condemned as war crimes. Koreans often confuse logics with emotions. They can't see the bombings were a presage of the division of their country. They might also consider the fact that the horrible state of the nuked two cities helped prevent the reuse of A-bombs on the peninsula in the Korean War.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

I swear sometimes this forum reads like the national inquirer.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

First of all, leave the U.S. out of YOUR problems...

I'm not Japanese. Anyway, the U.S. want to be inside these problems, or they would leave the Asia-Pacific region.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

People, If you have Japanese friends, I advise you never make fun of them about the Emperor, Atomic Bombs, or Tsunami 3.11. Those are the 3-big-Taboo to Japanese. They would definitely hate you from the bottom of their heart.

Only if you have right-wing or netouyo friends.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Don't overgeneralize, these are the opinions of the editors at Janggook Ilbo...not all Koreans.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Chin4Sailor: Don't forget USA bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, When talks are related to Atomic bombing, no one can leave USA alone, Maybe you did not know but it seems that everybody here knows USA dropped bomb. Also, you did not know USA earns more than $2 billion a year to let its troops stay in Japan. US bases were constructed by Japanese money, Why Japan and people have to thank USA? Thank to some USA soldiers for raping children and girls in Okinawa?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The bombings on the two cities were a violation of law of war and should have been condemned as war crimes.

As horrible were the bombings were, the bombings were a last resort, otherwise more Japanese who were forced to fight the allies with bamboo sticks would have been brutally killed. The situation in Okinawa was so bad that Truman was forced to drop the two a-bombs as a last resort in order to convince the Japan to surrender.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Also, you did not know USA earns more than $2 billion a year to let its troops stay in Japan.

No it doesnt earn 2 billion a year.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yubaru-san. That was last year's money US Dpt. of Defence received.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Thomas Anderson May. 24, 2013 - 11:11AM JST

Japanese who were forced to fight the allies with bamboo sticks

absolutely irrational japanese government!

the tragedy at hiroshima/nagaswki could have been avoided only if the japanese government acted rationally. it is also very difficult to understand why the japanese people didn't stop their irrational government before things got out of control.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

no one deserves to be bombed, plain and simple, and it isn't funny to joke about the worst attack in human history, an attack which mostly killed innocents (women and children). Korea and China are such crybabies when it comes to WWII and the preceding era, they seriously need to fast forward their clocks to 2013, my god there will soon hardly be anyone that was alive during that long ago era...

0 ( +6 / -6 )

What is this, an Asian stupidity contest?

After Hashimoto does his best to make Japanese politicians look bad, here come comes the Jogan Ilbo and tries to make Korea look even worse.

What morons!

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Japanese government currently pay approximately 600,000, 000, 000 yen (= US$5,000,000,000 (1US$ = 120 yen ) )annually to the US military stationed in Japan including approximately 240,000, 000, 000 yen in each year(= US$2,000,000,000 (1US$ = 120 yen ) ) - for the budget for heating and electricity expenses and housing expenses which is called "Omoiyari yosan" in Japanese (it means budget allocation for sympathy).................... Check Pentagon.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

This topic all started because of a childish guy named Hashimoto, Mayor of Osaka in Japan.

We should wait then rebound from China and US. Later on, nobody around Japan would depend them from the attacks of North Korea.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Oh, the God-mongers have infested the once militant atheist nation. A Divine punishment? The author of the editorial probably believes that any and all traffic accidents are divine justice done unto the sinners.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Look's like the editorial writer is trying to challenge Hashimoto for the Foot-in-Mouth of the Year Award.

Responding to maliciousness with maliciousness just escalates the situation.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

My computation is Earnings = income. Income - expenses = savings.

There is a difference between money earned and money saved. The Japanese taxpayers, including me, pay for the defense facilities that the US Military uses in Japan.

The money is earned here, and stays here, it does not change hands into the US Military's pocket. Therefore it is not "income" for the Dept of Defense.

The money that Japan pays for the facilities means that the US Department of Defense does NOT have to fund the money to support said bases, but that does not mean the US is "earning" any money from Japan.

Think of it this way, if you had no job, and went to your city office here to get health insurance, the government of Japan would supply you with the health insurance free of charge. Then you went to the hospital and received treatment, again if you had no money, the hospital technically would treat you for free.

You haven't "earned" anything, but you "saved" the cost of treatment thanks to the taxpayers who support the system. It is the same thing in a manner of speaking.

Japanese defense budget spending, and the omoiyari yosan, are paid by the Japanese taxpayers to support and maintain the US bases here in Japan. The money does not go to the Department of Defense.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Steven: which one we will give the award? I will give Korean writer. He gets more backers in his country,

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Oh yeah, this was a good idea...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Pretty stupid timing. This idiot writer could have kept Hashimoto's feet to the flame if he'd just been able to control himself. Now Hashimoto is off the hook and will no doubt feel a renewed sense of empowerment.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

It's the Japanese PM and his government officials saying those often offensive remarks and push revisionist history saying stuff like Japan never invaded anybody.

You might want to streigthen up your facts by reading more on this matter. Starting with the official page of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs may be helpful for you. The Japanese government has officially recognized that Imperial Japan invaded other Asian countries and apologized for the suffering the invaisons caused to millions of people in those countries at that time. The recognition and apologies have been available for everybody who is willing to look them up and read them.

The offensive remarks are spouted off by local polititians who are desperate to get in the limelight before elections. Fortunately, such nuts are well disliked by the majority of the Japanese public.

It may also help to note that the revisionist history is not supported by mainstream politicians in Japan. If it had been supported, they would have changed the information and revised or withdrawn alltogether the apologies from the governmental web sites.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

The Koreans are just jealous over Japan being a better country with a lot more culture and history than theirs so they are trying to smear Japan wherever they can. How does the saying go: the one great thing about Koreans is their inferiority complex!

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

@CGBSpender Japan has 'a lot more culture and history than Korea'? I'd be very interested to read your history textbooks. Can you recommend any? I seem to have been misinformed.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

So let me get this straight, ONE guy writes this and all hell breaks loose. Ishihara can say pretty much the same thing with regards to Fukushima and no one bats an eye?? I see an issue with that - does anyone else?

And yes, if Hashi had kept his mouth shut, I doubt this would have been written. As for the newspaper and how they shouldn't have published it knowing it would cause issue, um, Islamic cartoons anyone? We're just as bad.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

JaneM May. 24, 2013 - 12:44PM JST

This is the problem. No matter how much Japan apologizes, its unforgiving neighbours will always be there to say that there is something else which is not up to their standards.


you can't blame them. the japanese government does not have any credibility becuase of their irrational actions/remarks. just consider how the japanese government handle an editorial published in a newspaper as you see right now.

by attacking free press in korea, the leaders of the japanese government show how disrespectful and insincere about free press in korea which is the cornerstone of korean society! they have treated free press in korea like nothing. with that kind of attitude toward free press in korea, they expect korean people to believe that they respect them? no way!

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Saying the A-bombs were 'divine punishment' is the same as saying the USA is divine ,,, They should really rephrase that.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Japanese leaders and their media can say anything offensive about Koreans with impunity in Japan, but a little editorial in a local newspaper in Korea turns Japan upside down with anger. Japan is demanding an apology from Korea for not stopping an editorial. Can we say double standard?

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Thomas AndersonMAY. 24, 2013 - 11:11AM JST The bombings on the two cities were a violation of law of war and should have been condemned as war crimes.

As horrible were the bombings were, the bombings were a last resort, otherwise more Japanese who were forced to fight the allies with bamboo sticks would have been brutally killed. The situation in Okinawa was so bad that Truman was forced to drop the two a-bombs as a last resort in order to convince the Japan to surrender.

That's only half the part of the bill! Another big reason for them dropping the bombs was the new found excitement about atomic bomb research going on at that time and the supporters being keen on 'testing' their new weapons somewhere.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

CGBSpender, Korea jealous of Japan? lol... no...

Is this some sort of joke? First, the editorial (I'm assuming you mean the 5/19 one) doesn't call for the ending >of diplomatic relations - only that the author doesn't worry about relations breaking down because Sakoku >was historically not a bad time for Japan.

Upgrayedd, why don't you be intellectual honest and translate the whole thing here for the rest of the people who can't read Japanese? The editor is essentially hinting that he's all for ending diplomatic ties because Korea has been evil to Japan. This editor complains that Korea is lying about history when it refuses to recognize Japan's colonial rule of Korea where Japan supposedly did nothing but good deeds for Korea. It says Korea and China can end diplomatic ties with Japan, Japan won't care because Japan has been peaceful throughout history, there won't be any problems for Japan. It says if Korea and China want to live peacefully with Japan, then they should stop criticizing and backstabbing Japan.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

That is such an ignorant statement. A lot of Koreans died in that Atomic Blast who was living in Hiroshima. If they would take the time to actually visit Hiroshima, they will discover a Korean memorial is there as well.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Vernie Jefferies, yes tens of thousands of Korean laborers died in the blasts. But most Koreans look at it differently, despite the heavy Korean casualties. It is because of those two blasts, which ended the Japanese rule in Korea. It resulted in freedom from bondage.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

plus, Koreans also slander Japan...but that dont change a thing does it?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Tokiyo, why don't Japan just end diplomatic relations? I would support Japan's move.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

And hundreds of South Koreans living in Osaka Kobe area has already denounced the article and were so ashamed of the said article.

But two Japanese were killed by SK living in Osaka two days ago. The criminal has said that he wanted to kill since Japanese people were hateful.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

You are a piece of work you know. I am sure you would like that wouldn't you? But that is not the solution. Both sides are equally guilty of letting loudmouths from either sides get on their nerves.

If they are truly confident about rising out of Japan's shadow, no need to continuously drive this point into the ground. Let the actions speak for themselves.

The victim card is overplayed by all sides.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

And this is called journalism? What a disgrace to the profession.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

The Korean editorial citing "divinity" reminded me of Al queda #2's comments that Hurricane Sandy was God's punishment for being an infidel. Shortly thereafter a huge earthquake hit Pakistan, a Muslim nation. It was a stupid statement then, and this is a stupid statement. Both statements were designed to be consumed by the lowest common denominator in society.

The bombing of Japan was just Japan's "bad" luck to be on the receiving end of a new devastating technology.

Bad luck or confluence of events, Yes.

Divinity? No.

The U.S. had the best scientists (including those from Germany and other European countries that were rejected by the Nazis), resources, willpower, and desire to end the war to make the A bomb happen.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

In the recent South Korean news, they determined that what Vietnamese claiming so called Lai Dai Han during Vietnamese war is totally a lie and nothing was happened. Is the article true and Lai Dai Han is a made up story?

South Korean govmnt and South Korean Consul-General in Japan also denid Lai Dai Han. SK claimed Vietnamese are totally liars and massacre never happened. I'm waiting for SK to admit the massacre and apologies Vietnamese gang raped victims. BTW, Abe and Hashimoto have never denied comfort women and the war. SK media make the information mistaken intentionally to make into Japan a bad fellow.

There's a Japanese proverb "A wise person hears and judges both side". Please, please be wise.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I think the article says more about the screwed-up religious beliefs of the person who wrote it than anything else. Another delusional fruit-bat of a fundamentalist Christian; just ignore it and it will go away.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The spectre of WW2, and that of religion, has hovered over everyone for too long a time. We need to move on.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

it is also very difficult to understand why the japanese people didn't stop their irrational government before things got out of control.

Because the Japanese army had reported every day that the Imperial Headquarters were successive victories. Also people punished if rebellious to the government.

Could American people say "stop the war" during WW2?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Could American people say "stop the war" during WW2?

Sure they could have, and folks would have been rightfully mad. In Japan the same thing would have meant death in one way or another.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

KariHaruka "Any protests that South Korea have in the future are now invalid."

Wow, that's a stretch. You've just applied one persons views to the entire country.

PK - that's what the S Koreans do when Hashimoto spouts his rhetoric, they apply one person's views to the entire country.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Harry S Truman was God? Not according to Bess.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Thunderbird2 - "that's what the S Koreans do when Hashimoto spouts his rhetoric, they apply one person's views to the entire country."

And it would be wrong in that instance as well right? Because when people use the "they do it too" argument it makes them look pretty immature right?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

That's lovely for the many Korean victims of the bombing. I hope their relatives will get the guy at the door and explain him life the next time he puts a foot in the street.

why don't Japan just end diplomatic relations?

Japan has never had diplomatic relations with the authors of that. Just like Korea has no diplomatic relations with the Hashimoto, Ishihara, and such.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

that was very very bad. ah well. not the first sign of insensitivity between cultures.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Come on, everyone knows that this is how most South Koreans feel. If their North Korean brothers invade you know that they will drop a few on Seoul, then let's see who they go runnig to.

-1 ( +2 / -2 )

S Korean paper says A-bombs on Japan were 'divine punishment'

That's as absurd as saying the Korean War was divine punishment or a divine power keeps the two Koreas divided. But then again some people will believe anything. Just look at the North Koreans and what they believe in.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

House Atreides: "That's as absurd as saying the Korean War was divine punishment or a divine power keeps the two Koreas divided."

You're right in that both are absurd, but it's not really a valid comparison. It would be more valid to blame the US and Russian than South and North Korea, which were formed after WWII as a result of the former nations.

"But then again some people will believe anything. Just look at the North Koreans and what they believe in."

True that. But then, I think this whole thing is just a childish response to how Japan is dealing with 'history'. One day I truly pray SK (or both SK and NK), China, and Japan will meet with joint historians and ACTUALLY try to put to paper what happened instead of sitting at a bargaining table and talking about what they won't accept as versions of what they never experienced.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If that is how the world works, what was forced prostitution a divine punishment for?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Perhaps it was just a horrible & more efficient way to end the war than an actual invasion. If you look at what was planned, based on the way the Pacific War was fought, Japan would have been destroyed as a nation, possibly even as a people. Operation Olympic planners considered the use of chemical and biological weapons, and as they learned about the weapon, even some tactical use of nukes. The Japanese were ready to turn their whole nation into a kamikaze force, making their country one big open grave. The history of that war, and pretty much any war, is the balance of horrible choices in order to get the job done. Morality really doesn't enter into it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Just ignore this petty bickering between South Korea and Japan (and China). It's a waste of time. It will never stop and it goes nowhere.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The comment is very wrong. I dont have to explain why cause everybody knows why. But some people here in Japantoday are too biased towards their nationality and find excuses to the comments. This gets me to believe that everybody always comment to their interests.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

I hope that someday Koreans and Chinese get along with us, but if you all dont get along, better get lost.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

kiyoshiMukai complains everybody's biased, but then his second comment about Koreans and Chinese, isn't? How about Japanese leaders stop being so rude, that would also help wouldn't it?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

There is no point in front paging this article. It's an editorial from one journalist at a single newspaper with far right views. Splashing this over the news will only play up a South Korean-Japan divide that really does not make any sense to have due to all the commonalities the two countries share. The editors in Japan should show more responsibility as they are not writing an editorial however they are still editorializing by what they choose to put in front of its readership.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

LOL. This Korean newspaper managed to pi$$ off the most left minded Korean sympathizing cities and organization. (Nagasaki and Hiroshima). Now even the Korean residents in Osaka are calling the mentality of Koreans as "uncivilized" to "inferior complex."


0 ( +4 / -4 )


You quoted sankei news. Your argument is invalid. Don't you have better things to do than post irrelevant news? Like post on 2ch?

Anyway, there is no such thing as korea sympathizing japanese cities and vice versa. Any sympathizers are little groups of people that happen to be out of the general public opinion. Even my wife backs me on this and she lived in Tokyo for most of her life.

Inferiority complex is the correct term. I beg to differ. Go on youtube and it's pretty obvious. Every time I watch asian videos. There are always japanese uyoku just defiling the comments. Same goes for the Chinese. You barely see koreans commenting on japanese videos. Keep in mind, these are non political videos. Just random videos.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

EastAsiaForeignerMAY. 24, 2013 - 10:19PM JST The Phillipines has recently started voicing their discontent. Expect this to increase as Phillipines joins first world living conditions as time passes by.

Funniest comment so far. I lived in the Philippines(In the province of Batangas) for more than 5 years and not a single filipino whom I met has shown any belligerent protest neither have held grudge against Japan. In fact most of them enjoy Japanese pop culture like anime and manga. Please don't compare the friendly, humble, and peace loving Filipinos with the Koreans and Chinese.

House AtreidesMAY. 24, 2013 - 06:01PM JST That's as absurd as saying the Korean War was divine punishment or a divine power keeps the two Koreas divided. But then again some people will believe anything. Just look at the North Koreans and what they believe in.

Right on!

This is nothing new! South Koreans are well known for their awkward public statements and protests(more examples at the links below). Japan should just ignore them.



-2 ( +2 / -4 )

@chucky3176May. 24, 2013 - 01:47PM JST

Tokiyo, why don't Japan just end diplomatic relations? I would support Japan's move.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This is an article by one newspaper. It is not Korean Govt's official paper. Thus, Japan has no reason to cut diplomatic relation. However, US medias might get interested in this comment because USA dropped A-bombs. They usually are not interested in reporting Asian news because too many daily problems in USA. Right now, Tornado stories all day long. Not even N, Korea's 6 missile talks.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

With Hashimoto's recent remarks, China's Okinawa comments, and this...I am convinced "stupid" is the word to use when describing some of those in power. The wise saying persisits. The old make war, the young suffer for it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is crazy. One writer from one newspaper from South Korea writes an article about what he thinks about WWII and the entire nation of Japan responds?! Does anyone else find this a bit silly? Does the Japanese government have a staff of analysts scouring Korean newspapers looking for the slightest criticisms again Japan?

The writer expressed an opinion. The writer is not representing the entire newspaper nor the S. Korean government? Why does Japan care what one individual's opinion is about WWII? This is a clear case of hyper-sensitivity and overreaction. Perhaps the problem is not the article, but Japan's insecurity about its past.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Kamikaze means "divine wind," The term used to describe the storms that miraculously appeared and prevented the Mongolians from invading Japan centuries ago. To Japan, these powerful storms were divine punishment from the gods against invaders. Japan believed (and still does) that gods watch over their islands.

Now - consider the S. Korea writer. He apparently shares a "religious" interpretation of historical events -- no different than Japanese. This writer believes, as do many in the West, that Japan and Germany were among the axis of evil. And that the US (and Allied Forces) were among the divine bringing evil to justice. This writer's interpretation is in fact so popular, that many in the world believe Hitler was the anti-Christ, that Japan, Germany and Italy represented Satan, and that the Allied Forces represented God.

If Japan has issue with this writer, I suggest Japan have a long chat with the Vatican and other religious orders, and in fact have a long chat with many nations about their interpretation of WWII.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I don't care who they are, no country deserves to have a bomb like that dropped on them, look at the suffering it has caused, the illness and devastation - look how little children suffered. Man's inhumanity to man has no ending, and it is about time we learned to live with one another, who suffers but children in most cass.

1 ( +2 / -2 )

This is crazy. One writer from one newspaper from South Korea writes an article about what he thinks about WWII and the entire nation of Japan responds?!

"The Entire nation" of Japan responds?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

a befitting divine punishment would have been two dozen "Little Boy" operations.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

summernight May. 24, 2013 - 03:08PM JST

Because the Japanese army had reported every day that the Imperial Headquarters were successive victories. Also people punished if rebellious to the government.


so the japanese government lied.

the japanese government ruled the japanese people with lies and oppression.

the leaders of the japanese government lied then.

and they are lying now.

their lies ultimately resulted in the terrible nuclear disaster at hiroshima/nagasaki.

can't you see why you need free press here? free press is the cornerstone of a civilized society.

but the japanese government has no regard for free press!

it is absolutely absurd for the japanese government to attack free press in korea!

it is a pure madness for the leaders of the japanese government to attack free press in korea

when they should have made complaints about the author of the editorial and its content.

absolutely absurd!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

calr751 May. 25, 2013 - 06:10AM JSTthe japanese government ruled the japanese people with lies and oppression. the leaders of the japanese government lied then. and they are lying now.

If you have any experience in life, the reality is that every goverment in this planet lies. This is not exclusive to Japan. Maybe you should move to North Korea since they will tell you the truth. What else is new.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

pkMay. 24, 2013 - 06:57AM JST

As inconsiderate as the article was keep in mind that this was the personal view of one writer. The Korean newspaper has already indicated that the views expressed are not the views of the newspaper.

The newspaper is still being circulated in Korean language. They are responsible as well. If you give a permission to a 6 year old kid to drive your car that caused serious accident, you are guilty as well.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

No, it wasn't a "divine punishment" as the editorial says, but the result of hatred toward Japan for what it did during the war: Nanjing Massacre, Bataan Death March, inhumane treatment of POWs, 731 Unit, comfort women, and above all Japan's expansionism and sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. In other words, it was, together with B-29's carpet bombings of all major cities in Japan, part of retaliation against Japan's militarism. There was nothing left in Japan at the end of the war. Japan was avenged and punished to the nail.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Addenda: Okinawa, as a part of Japan, takes all the brunt of that retaliation even today, 68 years after the hostilities ended.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

globalwatcher - "The newspaper is still being circulated in Korean language. They are responsible as well. If you give a permission to a 6 year old kid to drive your car that caused serious accident, you are guilty as well."

Oh, no!!! "The newspaper is still being circulated..." quick hide your children!!!

So please clarify what is the paper "guilty" of?

0 ( +1 / -1 )


This is crazy. One writer from one newspaper from South Korea writes an article about what he thinks about WWII and the entire nation of Japan responds?! Does anyone else find this a bit silly? Does the Japanese government have a staff of analysts scouring Korean newspapers looking for the slightest criticisms again Japan? The writer expressed an opinion. The writer is not representing the entire newspaper nor the S. Korean government? Why does Japan care what one individual's opinion is about WWII? This is a clear case of hyper-sensitivity and overreaction. Perhaps the problem is not the article, but Japan's insecurity about its past.

Join the club... I couldn't agree more... One would think, Japan, "supposedly," a first rate Industrialized and Intelligent Nation, would have much better things to spend their time on, than responding to every single news article, Op-Ed Opinion, or speech by some no-name somebody... But Obviously they don't, so you really have to question, just who is running Japan...

I mean, you could Bank on North Korea or possibly the Republic of the Congo (No Offense Congo) to respond to something like this... But Japan..? All bets are off... LOL...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Addenda: Okinawa, as a part of Japan, takes all the brunt of that retaliation even today, 68 years after the hostilities ended.

You are NOT a Victim... Your Country, Your War Machine Caused Unimaginable Devastation, Destruction and Atrocities on an Unparalleled Scale throughout Asia... You are Lucky Japan got off the hook so easily... Enjoy that Free Speech, Democracy, Prosperity, Women's Rights, Ect, Ect, Ect...

Now you should be concentrating on Bettering Yourself, not crying over spilled milk. Please Pass it on... Ignorance isn't an option...

You're Welcome!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

sfjp330 May. 25, 2013 - 06:24AM JST

the reality is that every goverment in this planet lies. This is not exclusive to Japan What else is new.


you got this all wrong. you say every government lies. so are you implying it is not a big deal that the japanese government lied then and the japanese government lies now?

the cost of the lies made by the japanese government was the terrible nuclear disaster at hiroshima/nagasaki. are the japanese people willing to pay for the same cost like that once again?

the point here is the absolute necessity of free press. the japanese government should not attack free press in korea! the japanese government is attacking free press in korea not the editorial. absolute madness.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Does the Korean churches or monastaries has preaching that 'Divine punishment of atomic attacks Japan'? Does the Korean pastors or religious leaders advocating that theory at religious assembly? I hope not but that remarks might further influenced Korean people thinking and mentality when their approach at Japan!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The top government spokesman said. “Our country is the only atom-bombed nation. We will never forgive such remarks.”

What if the South Koreans heard of the unforgiven' remarks when they were unforgiving Japan's honouring the war criminals and neglecting the facts of comfort women issue? It wasnt China and the south Korean unforgiven Japan, the fact is the approach of Japan's always bringing up that phrase (Unforgiven) was the cause of escalation of tensions! The hatred shall never gone if Japan step out her first step of recociliation! But i doubt Japan under Abe's nationalistic tone will do that!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

As an American who regrets the use of the A-bombs in WWII but stands by the necessity of their use at the time, I am appalled by the low moral level of these comments and the willingness of a SKorean paper to publish it. No the A-bombs weren't "divine retribution" they were human. In all wars there are civilian casualties especially in WWII when wide level of bombing of cities both in Japan and Germany caused a civilian casualty rate tat today would be unheard of it. To call the deaths of innocent civilians, women and children "divine retribution" displays that absurdity of the thought process in that country. And why is South Korea concerned about Unit 731 where the victims were 70% Chinese and 30% Russian,and Koreans were in Imperial Japanese Army as perpetrators? The anti-Japan sentiment in South Korea has reached a level of national psychosis with their whitewashing and denial of their real role in WWII, Frankly, I think Japan should did through their wartime records and publish names and details of each and every one of the 240,000 Koreans that served, the vast number willingly, in the Imperial Japanese military. South Korea and China whine perpetually about "Japanese Nationaism" while ignoring the reality that it is their own near out-of-control Nationalism that is fueling it,

2 ( +6 / -4 )

The bombings were for checking the Soviets and letting Japan surrender quickly perhaps before the Soviets entered the war. But Japan didn't surrender until after the Soviets began invasion. And the Soviets began invading after Japan was a-bombed in Hiroshima and got more weakened. The bombing portend the beginning of the Cold War. The divine punishment was not necessarily a grace for Koreans.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

OssanAmerica - "To call the deaths of innocent civilians, women and children "divine retribution" displays that absurdity of the thought process in that country"

Nice of you to apply one persons comments to the entire country.

OssanAmerica - "And why is South Korea concerned about Unit 731"

The question is why are you so concerned? Is this somehow a forbidden subject for Koreans? Imperial Japan committed atrocities that the world should know and never forget. Should it matter who is writing about it?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Anti-Japan obsession in South Korea is rampant, from school level right up to leaders and politicians. It is hardly "one person's" views. It is also hypocritical for South Korea to criticize Japan for Unit 731 when Koreans were serving in the imperial Japanese military and bringing suffering on to other Asian nations.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

...this comes from a bunch of Moonies, who are virtually colonized by Christian missionaries and are a weird bunch...most importantly, the Choco Pies they make for their own countrymen are worse than divine punishment. And that home button they're forced to press on Samsung devices--that's a broken limb or two. Koreans will eat their words when they get their own tsunami/earthquake combo, albeit at a cheaper, lower-cost and quality of course compared to Japan's. And uh, Gangnam Style's not going to galvanize rebuilding efforts...

-2 ( +1 / -2 )

The A-Bombs were a tragic way to end Japan's attempt at imperialism. Of course they were a godsend for Koreans, Chinese living in Manchuria, Southeast island nations, etc.. It saved them from living as slaves, second class Japanese citizens and having their ethnic, national identities destroyed. That's a surprise to anyone? The Allies and the Russians were also a godsend to the Jews during WWII. You don't see Germany up in arms over such sentiments.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

@OssanAmerica - "Anti-Japan obsession in South Korea is rampant"

An anti-Korean and an apologist talking about anti-Japan obsession...rich.

"It is also hypocritical for South Korea to criticize Japan for Unit 731 when Koreans were serving in the imperial Japanese military and bringing suffering on to other Asian nations"

Why are you pinning what some Koreans may or may not have done in WW2 on current generation of Koreans? You've failed to explain why Koreans can't talk about it.

Isn't it hard trying to keep spinning and spinning apologist rationale?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

ALL sides now seem fed up and want an end. I agree with Toshiko- withdraw all US troops and military support from Japan and move to SK where they are wanted. Announce an end to any defense of Japan from China and a zero tolerance on nukes in Japan. Quarantine on all products to/from Japan including arms and munitions. Voila! no more problem. Have fun insulting China then,,,,,and SK and The USA. And good luck!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

pkMay. 27, 2013 - 05:04AM JST @OssanAmerica - "Anti-Japan obsession in South Korea is rampant" An anti-Korean and an apologist talking about anti-Japan obsession...rich.

As rich as comments from a Japan-bashing Korean like you,

"It is also hypocritical for South Korea to criticize Japan for Unit 731 when Koreans were serving in the imperial Japanese military and bringing suffering on to other Asian nations"

Why are you pinning what some Koreans may or may not have done in WW2 on current generation of Koreans? You've failed >to explain why Koreans can't talk about it.

That's a very good question. Why does China ad South Korea pin what Japanese may or may not have done in WWII on current generation of Japanese? I have explained the hypocrisy of Koreans harping on Unit 731 when Koreas were part of the Japanese military and the victims were Chinese and Russians.

Isn't it hard trying to keep spinning and spinning apologist rationale?

0 ( +3 / -3 )


If you don't have an answer on why YOU ARE pinning what Koreans may or may not have done in WW2 then just say so and admit it. You wouldn't be the first apologist to be wrong. Using the "they do it too" excuse only makes people who use it sound immature.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Oh really, what a… piffle. No better word.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Meh. Perhaps war is devine punishment on all us foolish humans for behaving so poorly? I thought the atomic bombs were a way to frighten Japan into surrendering and saving a lot of people from the carnage of an invasion of the main islands. After all, the Tokyo firebombings killed more people. That just wasn't unique, apparently.

Of course the Japanese could get over the atomic bomb the same way the Koreans should get over Japanese colonialism. Move into this century but remember the lessons of the past. Way too many governments in SE Asia seem to be forgetting the lessons learned.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This is how stupid that korean editor is .God often borrows the hand of a human to punish the evil deeds of men,” said the editorial, which recalled the activity of Unit 731—a covert Japanese biological and chemical research facility that carried out lethal human experiments during the war. Unit 731 was given amesty for their research data on the experiments they conducted by the U.S. postulated that one reason the scientists were not tried was that the information and experience gained in the studies of the biological warfare was of a great value for the United States biological weapons development program. On 6 May 1947, Douglas MacArthur, as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, wrote to Washington that "additional data, possibly some statements from Ishii probably can be obtained by informing Japanese involved that information will be retained in intelligence channels and will not be employed as 'War Crimes' evidence"The deal was concluded in 1948. So the same people who released the A bomb let unit 731 go for their information. Bottom line Korea's hate is fueled by its right wing that will never move on even though now together they can achieve soo much.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

pkMay. 28, 2013 - 11:17AM JST @OssanAmerica f you don't have an answer on why YOU ARE pinning what Koreans may or may not have done in WW2 then just say so and >admit it. You wouldn't be the first apologist to be wrong. Using the "they do it too" excuse only makes people who use it >sound immature.

I have given an answer 4 times now. It is hypocritical for Koreans to criticize Japan for Unit 731 when they were the perpetrators wit the Japanese, not one of the victims like the Chinese and Russians. Is this too hard to understand? And a J-bashing troll such as yourself can stop with the "apologist" name calling.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I have given an answer 4 times now. It is hypocritical for Koreans to criticize Japan for Unit 731 when they were the perpetrators wit the Japanese, not one of the victims like the Chinese and Russians. Is this too hard to understand? And a J-bashing troll such as yourself can stop with the "apologist" name calling.

Jesus H Christ that has got to be one of the worst apologist comments I've ever heard. "It is hypocritical for Koreans to criticize Japan for Unit 731 when they were the perpetrators wit the Japanese" Shaking my head...

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

OssanAmerica - "It is hypocritical for Koreans to criticize Japan for Unit 731 when they were the perpetrators wit the Japanese"

I'm with Thomas Anderson on this one. So outrageous I don't believe I even need to say another word.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Between this editor and Hashimoto, it's like a comedy of errors!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

chucky3176MAY. 24, 2013 - 01:43PM JST - Vernie Jefferies, yes tens of thousands of Korean laborers died in the blasts. But most Koreans look at it differently, despite the heavy Korean casualties. It is because of those two blasts, which ended the Japanese rule in Korea. It resulted in freedom from bondage.

Yes like all your North Korean brothers are free from "bondage". Your North Korean government is responsible for far more Korean deaths than Japan will ever be.

Hang on, the persecution, detention, murder, starvation, forced labour of Koreans by Koreans is still going on in 2013. But don't worry or complain about that, just keep going on again and again about what Japan did 100 years ago.


-2 ( +3 / -4 )

JanesBlonde - "don't worry or complain about that, just keep going on again and again about what Japan"

Who's not worrying or complaining? Koreans? You're kidding right?

And what does one have to do with the other? Are Koreans somehow not allowed to complain about Japan?

"Unbelievable" indeed.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Thomas AndersonMay. 29, 2013 - 08:04AM JST I have given an answer 4 times now. It is hypocritical for Koreans to criticize Japan for Unit 731 when they were the >perpetrators wit the Japanese, not one of the victims like the Chinese and Russians. Is this too hard to understand? >And a J-bashing troll such as yourself can stop with the "apologist" name calling. Jesus H Christ that has got to be one of the worst apologist comments I've ever heard. "It is hypocritical for Koreans to >criticize Japan for Unit 731 when they were the perpetrators wit the Japanese" Shaking my head...

Shake your head all you want but a little reading shows that 240,000 Koreans were serving in the Imperial Japanese armed services. That some were tried as Class B War Criminals for brutality towards allied POWs is a fact. That you are unable to accept this reality truly shows the extent to which your very presence on this forum is as a Japan-Basher. It would NOT be hypocritical for Chinese or Russians to criticize Japan for Unit 731 since, unlike Koreans, they were actually victims. Stating easily verifiable facts is not being an "apologist".

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I agree with the writers that think that the dropping of a-bombs was a complicated decision for the US. Another aspect is that the US and Allies faced a horrific scenario with an invasion of the mainland. Yes uncountable numbers of innocent civilians would have died but also an enormous amount of allied soldiers (read US) would have perished, making it impossible to stage a post war occupation. The US was already stretched to the limit in Okinawa. Invading the mainland would have been a too big cost in terms of economy, political mandate and human lives. If it makes any sense to compare suffering between nations, dont forget that the firebombings of about 80 cities in Japan killed many many more Japanese civilians than the nukes.

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It was not divine punishment, since the bomb punished innocent women and children in Hiroshima, not war criminals and folk from unit 731. America gave unit 731 folk a free pass, in return for research results, so it seems God changed his mind? There have been rumors that individuals from Unit 731 and their weapons have been used by the U.S. in Korea and Vietnam.

What was God thinking?

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Thomas AndersonMay. 30, 2013 - 10:54PM JST OssanAmerica "That you are unable to accept this reality truly shows the extent to which your very presence on this forum is as a Japan-Basher."

If you were really an American, then you would know that pretty much every Americans would have the same >response as I do. But for some reason, whenever Japan gets criticized, you take it personally...

That's totally incorrect, something you wouldn't know since you aren't one. Criticism of Japan is used by folks such as yourself to advance an anti-US policy. Only a handful of US politicians buying KA votes even pretend to buy the Korean Anti-J nonsense. The value of SK strategically is the only reason we put up with it. Sorry if the truth hurts, SK's anti-J policy is working against US strategic policy in east Asia,. Perhaps South Koreans would be happier to be defended by the Chinese PLA rather than the United States?

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I don't understand the harping on Unit 731 and the like. They did horrible things but nothing compared to JIA. I also can't see the 2 bombs as divine punishment since they only killed less than 200K when JIA killed 10 million. But the US gave Japan a pass by accepting the surrender and ignore a added clause since it they took the face value of the Japan reply, the war would have continued and most likely 9 A-bombs would have been dropped on Kyushu. Drop may not be the right word since there was a plan to use them as tactical weapons to neutralize the increasing division returning to Japan from China and Korea. Related to North Korea, the Koreans can blame Japan for that too. Japan believe in Russia and thought that the Russians would barter a deal for them. Then invaded Japanese territory to the current DMZ. That is also one reason for Japan's surrender since the JIA were afraid of the Soviet Army and Japan didn't want to Soviets on the homeland. There was also a possibility at the time that the Japanese people would revolt again the government.

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Japanese feels the limits that we deal with Korean.

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