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© 2015 AFPS Korea's Park urges public to support WWII sex slave deal
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Seal the deal. Critics in both countries will eventually fade away in future years.
President Park’s statement warned that if “critics can’t accept the agreement and try to take the issue back to the beginning…there is little we can do further to help the survivors while they are alive”. Sometimes the hardest part of healing the wounds of the past is moving forward. NO deal is 100% perfect. I doubt Japan will hold back the funds because of a statue, and I think President Park is making it very clear to the South Korean people that the international community is about to move on to next cause.
sink in the past is not a healthy sign
I wonder what Japan's poll would look like. Probably 85% opposed to the non-legal apology because they believe the comfort women were prostitutes, and it insults Japan's dignity.
Deal is a very wrong word is used here. Apology or any remorse should or must expressed without a condition. At the same time, since an apology is not a charm therefore, apology has to be mutually discussed with all parties and has to be consent based.
They have spent so much energy grinding Japan about this issue for so many decades, it is going to be diffiult to change minds. Also, Park has to go up against powerful "Patriotic Associations" of various sorts, who will have no readon for being if Japan and S Korea become friends. And that means people (men) who are rich because of these groups (they take in tons of money) will lose their income. They will fight hard. Good luck!
Well, what I learned from looking at this yesterday is that Japan is not necessarily taking responsibility for the sex slave system in it's apology, that it's apologizing for the pain sex slaves went through but not for creating the system or forcing women into it. The whole things is strange and unclear to me. What is it Japan is apologizing for exactly and doesn't that have something to do with whether people on either side accept it?
Political suicide. Damn woman, at least don't "urge" people especially at this very emotional moment. You're sounding like a Japanese politician.
Not exactly. About half support her initiative according to the polls. Plus next year is her last year in the office, she's almost lame duck. Plus despite what all the raving Japanese nationalists claim, quite a number of Koreans are also sick of this and want this to be over finally, even if it means accepting phoney fake apologies to make Japan look better to the world than it really is.
I think we have to apologize to Korea sincerely but when we see what the world was at that time, to judge the past with today's standard is somewhat in vain. Japan colonized Korea but we did not kill them while they were killed mostly in Korean War at 5.32 million (north and south).
A Realist
If Japan was smart they would sever diplomatic relations , close their embassy and ignore South Korea until Koreans realize that WWII was over 70 years ago and the present generations of Japanese had nothing to do with it. They also have to grow up and realize that history cannot be changed . Living in the past and playing the eternal victim will never get them anywhere.
"...we did not kill them..." I doubt you killed anybody. But you do have a right to know how the pseudo-fascists betrayed previous generations. Why not? Your thinking is to name bad things other people did because it makes you feel better. But it's childish. Why should you feel bad anyway? You didn't make the policies. If you believe Japanese governments forced women to become sex slaves in the past then what's the harm is saying it? Obfuscating just keeps it going more. On the other hand, if you think Japan did nothing wrong, or didn't make women into sex slaves, then you shouldn't support apologies. Should Americans say there were worse things than being a slave in the 19th or 18th century? Maybe cannibalism?
For Park now entering her final year of office, this non apology just makes things worse before it gets better. In her haste a bad deal was accepted and any goal of moving on will be very difficult or not occur. It could have worked though, had Japan accepted the statue as also theirs to honour. But with Japan not understanding what an apology is, and their demands to remove a statue that SK has no right to remove anyway, it was a good overall effort but shows instead just how deep the rot goes. Japan is simply not worthy or capable of transformative change. That the US wants these two to get along is not going to happen any time soon. It takes two to tango
Maybe the focus just shouldn't be on governments. I just doubt wether this can or should be resolved as a political decision. I could be wrong. Maybe a political agreement is what they need. They are looking to make a "clean break" by negotiating politically and bureaucratically. I certainly wouldn't want to leave matters of history, forgiveness, love and reconciliation to this bunch. I would say other aspects of the societies need empowered. But I'm not from Asia and haven't studied Asia, so I don't know what's going on or possible in all the nuances.
Er... do that for your own peril. South Korea is Japan's one of the most profitable countries in terms of trade even more than China (Japan has a huge deficit with China), and more South Koreans visit/spend money in Japan, than the other way around. It will hurt Japan far more. More importantly, it will make Japan look like a dork of a country to the world's eyes for severing diplomatic relations over the very fact that Japan can't admit their WWII history is fake.
Agreed. It's unable/unwilling to transform. Koreans will have to accept that it will never change. No matter. Japan's a country that is rapidly sinking in its importance to the world, no longer there's a need to dwell on them for so long. Koreans should just be the better man, think of it as having being unlucky to have met a horrible drunk, and just move on. However, I do feel so sorry for the remaining 46 sex slaves who fought so hard to keep this history alive when Japan has done so much to smother that part of history. In the end, Japan lost out and were brought down to their knees by these old tiny women in their 80's and 90's.
The japanese are acting shady by refusing this. Asking the statue to be removed is shady too. The statue stands as a reminder to all, how the victims suffered.
The biggest slap in the face (regarding this issue) was when Osaka Governor Hashimoto stated that the comfort women were, "Necessary" and needed at that time. The japanese are really dogging the Koreans. Its not right.
Video letter from one of the women, why she thinks this wasn't right and why they can't accept this dirty deal.
English subtitle provided
You are absolutely right. However, this issue was tearing apart the relations between the two nations. It was necessary to save what was left of the relations. That was the view of the K-government, pressed by the US behind the scenes. It's just unfortunate that the comfort women were sacrificed for the good of the entire nation.
Some background from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs......Japan -Republic of Korea Relations, timelines summits etc up until 28th December......
Certainly breaking the current 'deadlock' and securing meaningful long term understandings of poisonous historic issues, suspicions and distrust both Governments harbor will improve the bilateral trade relationship. However Renewed concerns over territorial disputes in Western Pacific as China pushes out sea borders could also be driving current political events.
The People of Japan value there pacifist constitution, the demonstrations this summer 2015 brought young and old out together on the streets in peaceful protest and will shape 2016 House of Councillors. The people of Japan are a peace loving, 80% plus born after WW2, have no reason to feel guilty or require of their government to issue apologies.....
Beijing lays claim to South Korean waters....
Sooner or later, the Japanese are going to have to face the fact that no amount of money is going to help them escape their war record. But if they do it, then everyone has to do it. You see the .01% influence in many things but fail to recognize it
Papi, You can't provide any evidence so you guys keep providing lying testimonies created recently. If you are so confident why don't you go to international court instead of keep harassing Japan and end up hurting your economy?
How does a both nations move on, by demanding Prime Minister Shinzo Abe kneel in front of this statue in a act of submissive self flagulatory humiliation? That is not Justice that is retribution, a punishment fueled by hatred and vengeance. A pound of flesh no more no less.
I witnessed the Chinese propaganda back in 91 when they toured our university peddling their books. I bought the "rape of Nanking" and was appalled. Now I look back and see that it was just a Hitleresque campaign.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
oh my gosh!!! the new year just begun and SK is still think about 1930s... such a stupid country.
Christopher Glen
The statue should stay where it is though
Gerald F. Shields Jr.
Compromise is often a dirty word, but in truth, that word make sense given that no one will be satisfied with the deal.
Education is the way forward, what has been learnt etc...
A Realist
sf2kJan. 01, 2016 - 09:56AM JST
For Park now entering her final year of office, this non apology just makes things worse before it gets better. In her haste a bad deal was accepted and any goal of moving on will be very difficult or not occur. It could have worked though, had Japan accepted the statue as also theirs to honour. But with Japan not understanding what an apology is, and their demands to remove a statue that SK has no right to remove anyway, it was a good overall effort but shows instead just how deep the rot goes. Japan is simply not worthy or capable of transformative change. That the US wants these two to get along is not going to happen any time soon. It takes two to tango."
What a ridiculous comment- "Japan does not know what an apology is." Obviously you hate Japan, so be it. But Japan has apologized many times, some of those apologies were accepted by the Korean government of the day, then the next government comes along as says those apologies "were not good enough" or "not sincere enough." If the Korean government really cares about "comfort women" then how come they never mention the "comfort stations" the government of the day set up for American troops during the Korean War? It is all politics and hypocrisy, and having Japan for an enemy and a whipping boy no doubt appeals to Korean nationalists and wins lots of votes.
Do you understand what a Peace Treaty is? Do you know that South Korea and Japan signed a treaty in 1965 that was supposed to compensate all the alleged victims and the S. Korean government instead used the money to build its steel industry. Are you aware that WWII has been over for 70 years and the present generations of Japanese had exactly nothing to do with it? Personally I cannot understand why anyone should have to offer endless apologies for something they had no part of, but I suppose that is the Korean mindset. I can tell you right now though, Japan could apologize a million times in a million different ways and none of them would be "good enough" or "sincere enough" for some people, because their hatred runs too deep.
Korean is a very strange country anyway and Koreans are a very odd, emotional people, to my way of thinking. What can one make of a country that has been in a state of civil war for 65 years?
Hideo Watanabe
No, not for this deal. It is Mr. Abe that under very strong pressure from Pentagon led by hawkish Mr. Carter who wants the epoch making three way military drill between the US, Korea and Japan as soon as possible. If the US forces through the drill, growing protest among Koreans to the deal might turn to the criticism and protest against the US leadership. It should be Japan that will have to concede in every aspect of the deal to make it happen smoothly.
Isn’t it the first time for Mr. Abe to face truly forceful attitude of the US over three years of his tenure? My sympathy goes to Mr. Abe because a 61 years old man of prejudice suddenly had to make heartfelt apology even just in words.
Let’s wait and see what will happen.
a realist - bravo. such an enjoyment to read your comment
tina W
For once you are right there WERE Japanese Sex Slaves!!!
I doubt they were a majority certainly outside Japan however...........
Now think about that & those that are still alive, can you IMAGINE the pain they have had to endure in SILENCE,.............THEIR OWN country make them lie down to be raped by their OWN soldiers
That's some pretty sick stuff, and of course they get no sincere apology either, dwell on that for a while!
This is American mentality, who always demand Japan concede and let pass SK who is ignoring the peace treaty in 1965 and milions of apologies. But you should know Japanese patient has limit and may come back to you USA.
. . . . but, , , but, it was their sense of "duty" to their empire. Its what the "Emperor", too, would have wanted for those women. And they just shut-up and accept it. Its the Japanese "way."
. . . . Yeah Tina, dwell on that too.
She used the word victims, and that is wrong as it has never been proven.
Kenjooi Shopenhauer= To judge the past with today's standards is in vain. Since you declare to judge the past with today's standards is in vain, I wonder where you will get the notion of progress in historical science. To pass value judgement on what Japan did to Korea from 1905 -1945 in terms of whether it was good or evil, since you rule out going with today's standards, I would have no other choice but to conclude you would locate yourself in the heydays of colonial imperialism as a clue to go with in understanding the past. Which would mean one thing and one thing only, that Japan did something good as well. What it is all about would boil down to historical rivisionism. Passing judgement on th past, I must say the perspective we have to go with is, to borrow your words, today's standards. Given that the past is something negative we have to get over, we would have to call the past into question from today's perspective.
Bob Sneider
You're absolutely right. Koreans only need to wait a bit longer, until Japan collapses on its own under the weight of international pressure. I'm glad this issue was further put in international light through Japan's dirty attempts to pay their way out of accepting responsibility for their sins.
A Realist: "If Japan was smart they would sever diplomatic relations , close their embassy and ignore South Korea until Koreans realize that WWII was over 70 years ago and the present generations of Japanese had nothing to do with it."
You say this with Park trying to get Koreans to support her deal. You would say this if she were against a deal. Ergo, you would say it regardless, which only points out that YOU are in the wrong here, not South Korea. And severing ties would be suicide for Japan -- a nation far from self-dependence, which needs to join in military drills with the US and be present at talks with other nations that involve NK, and otherwise. Not to mention South Korea leads in the technology market with Samsung way ahead of Panasonic.
Mitsuo Matsuyama: "oh my gosh!!! the new year just begun and SK is still think about 1930s... such a stupid country."
Glad to see you've started off the new year on a positive not, Mitsuyo, and not just with the usual right-wing hate and drivel. Oops! Park is trying to get the nation to agree so that they CAN move on -- it's you calling them 'stupid' and hoping things stay in the present (which means Japanese right-wingers insisting nothing happened in the past and the issue not being forgotten). Don't spit on your neighbours, as your ancestors did, and then say it's their fault they don't like being spit on and spit on them again.
I disagree with the last three posts after mine above.
The SDF will not fight to protect South Korea as it is against the Constitution. Let the South Koreans smother themselves in their hatred. Giving it some more thought Japan should forgive and then ignore them. The comfort women will never see an agreement in their lifetimes. I do think Japanese should boycott all things Korean. Lets provide Japanese with jobs!
This is good leadership by Park - she needs to lead the people and influence their sentiment. To resolve this dispute takes brave leadership and I applaud her for doing so.
I get the impression with Korea that the hatred and dislike of Japan is so deeply ingrained it is almost a way of life. I travelled through South Korea before I lived here, and one of the most immediately apparent aspects of the Koreans I noticed was that they were constantly articulating their differences to the Japanese, they were constantly referencing Japan. I found this odd at the time until I leant more. People who live in SK will know more about that, but it's a mountain that will move slowly me thinks, so the leaders need to light the way.
Good on her.
@a realist
sorry but attacking me when all I wish for is for Japan and Korea to recognize each other in peace and make way for a positive future together is baffling. You know nothing about me.
Pfff.. SK was a dictatorship until the other day. What right does it have to keep blaming Japan when SK elites themselves were the major cause of people's troubles for so many years? And what's this story that war compensation did not include compensation for the forced prostitution? Since when that's an extra issue? How about the compensation for the trees cut or the stolen food etc.? Does every single war abuse require a special compensation whit its own label? Ridiculous. As for China, the only reason why this issue is still alive is the fact that SK governments kept adding fuel to the fire with stupid propaganda. Of all the wars of all times, of all the apologies and peace treaties and compensations in the history of man kind, this is the only case when, thanks to mass media, a government can continue asking money and apologies from another government for something that happened 70 year ago. It's like comedy science fiction. And all the people posting on this forum saying Japan is the bad guy should look more closely at SK and China governments and what they do instead. Some Japanese politicians and their wives do stupid things? Yes. But the point is that the whole story is stupid to begin with. Plus lets talk about what SK and China own to Japan in terms of the economic development accomplished in the last 40 years? Who did they borrow the developmental state model from? Instead of asking for money and apologies they should be thankful and apologies for being so stubborn.
YuriOtani: " Let the South Koreans smother themselves in their hatred."
I think you're doing a pretty good job of smothering yourself in hate all by your lonesome, Yuri. I mean, that's what you are doing -- you live in the US and constantly berate it and its people, hate SK for things Japan did, hate China for things Japan does, hate the US forces for protecting your nation and specifically Okinawa despite your people inviting a war and their own losses.
"The comfort women will never see an agreement in their lifetimes."
Only a bitter, jaded person would gloat about this kind of thing.
" I do think Japanese should boycott all things Korean."
Hahaha... good luck! Japan is not self-sustaining, and depend mostly on export, which would destroy Japan if it became a tit-for-tat thing just because wingers like yourself want to lash out out of spite. What's more, with cheaper electronics -- and Samsung is beating Panasonic, Yuri, and all other Japanese companies -- and the quality already caught up to Japanese products, you're just saying you want to pay more for the same, or worse, quality. Meanwhile given that K-pop and Korean movies and Dramas are still just as if not more popular here than their Japanese counter-parts, you'd again be forced to settle for less. And all because you're mad about the current politicians having to admit that your ancestors kidnapped and raped a whole lot of people.
Thank you for your post. I think the real reason South Korea is so stubborn with comfort women issue is the fact that USA backed and emboldened SK.
USA's interference and siding with South Korea ignoring all the evidence Japan and US have is the reason this issue is prolonged so long.
The reason it's gone on for so long is in fact Japan's refusal to face up to what it did. Hopefully that is about to change
A Realist
"smithinjapanJan. 01, 2016 - 10:35PM JST
YuriOtani: " Let the South Koreans smother themselves in their hatred."
I think you're doing a pretty good job of smothering yourself in hate all by your lonesome..."
Reading some of your comments in the past, I think you are the one smothered in hatred just as many Koreans are. You constantly berate and denigrate Japan and anything and everything it does and do nothing but find fault. Even though I gather you actually live in Japan and take advantage of what it has to offer.
You also make statements that are totally untrue. Sure, Korea makes "cheaper electronics" - why not, Korean wages are a lot lower than Japanese, but the quality is nowhere near as good, neither is the quality of Korean cars and other things. Also 50% of South Korea's economy is dependent on exports, while only 20% of Japan's economy depends on exports. And South Korea's exports have fallen for the last 12 months in a row, mainly due to increased completion in the electronics and smartphone and shipbuilding sectors from China, which has even cheaper labor.
Exports to Japan and tourism from Japan have fallen dramatically in the last few years in South Korea and it needs Japan more than Japan need South Korea and the S. Korean government knows it has to do something to mend relations, so it is trying, in its own clumsy way, to do that while trying to placate its more fervent nationalists. Not easy, for example when they constantly vent hatred towards Japan they can hardly expect Japanese to like them. S. Korea is in a rather difficult position in its relations with Japan, the USA and China, trying to be everything to everybody; walking a tightrope, as they say.
In spite of your own hatred and prejudice, you seem like a reasonably intelligent person. In my dealings with Koreans I have found them to be a strange and very emotional people. What do you make of Korea, which has been in a state of war for 65 years and counting? I think there is too much hate in Korea.
If this is a true story there is no reason for Japan to refuse to face up. It is false charge that's the only reason Japan is refusing.
"About half support her ( Park's ) initiative according to the polls. Plus next year is her last year in the office, she's almost lame duck."
If only Kim Jong-Un was a lame duck...
It is a true story and there is no good reason to refuse. The only reason that Japan's right wing does refuse is their nationalist sentiments, which are not a good reason for doing anything at all.
A Realist and Smith it is sad but it is not Japan preventing a solution but South Korea. I say give them all they want and it will never be enough. If the agreement would have included the other things like "official" something else would be found. I do not hate the South Koreans but am annoyed by them. They, after all, got their freedom from America and Japan but still are victims. As for Americans, I like most Americans but do not like bases. They are not the same Smith. The Americans in American know nothing of what is happening in Asia and do not care about it.
As for Korean products they are junk, am on my third Samsung S6, tried it on "faith" and the things just break wind. I prefer the National brand in Japan as do most Japanese. Korean goods are known of as cheap and shoddy. Do not try and convince me otherwise.
After my husband's medical treatment is stabilized, we will be headed back towards Okinawa. He was hurt in America's endless wars and is considered "waste product" by the government he served.
If president Pak really want support just let Professor Park Yu-ha's book “Comfort Women of the Empire" be published and actually investigate the nursing homes runned by Chong Dae Hyup who is manipulating the former comfort women to make statements of their biddings.
Basically the ones who are bashing Japan becomes completely mute when compelled to make any argument against Professor Park Yu-ha's book and after listening to the testimonies taken by her from one of the Comfort woman who is held kept captive by Chong Dae Hyup.
Kenjiooi Jan,2. 2016. 2:00P.M. JST Despite Mr.Abe's refusal to accept the legal responsibility for rounding up comfort women and running comfort stations, despite his refusal to clarify for what purpose he has pledged to donate 1 billion yen, despite the lack of commitment to pass down the knowledge of what Japan did to Korea to the future generations through education, I do hope he lives up to the pledge and keep Japan's end of the bargain, with or without the removal of the statue of a girl symbolizing comfort women, as he puts optimistic faith in the effort the Korean side is going to make for the purpose. The last thing I want is that the Japanese government leaves every aspect of implementing the agreement up to the Korean side, taking the "piper calls the tune" attitude, thus reinforcing the impression that Japan is buying surviving comfort women's silence for 1 billion yen. I would like remind Mr. Abe that he is under the legal and moral obligation to live up to the sincere apologt and heartfelt remorse.
Not to mention money. A whooooole lotta money.
In fact Japan has been pouring developmental aid into China for years - whom then loan it back to them and charge interest to boot!!! Not sure about SK as well, but assuming there was plenty given over time.
Peter Payne
Will this President Park take the money intended for the victims and use it to build roads, too, like her father did?
As long as you are ignoring the peace treaty, you are not considered law abiding person. You just keep making new excuses (instead of going to international court) to grab another money on the same issue because it worked before. You'll keep doing the same thing with additional exaggeration in the future as you succeeded this time.
President Park must overcome the decades of anti-Japan brainwashing that has gone on in South Korea for decades. You can see the results of it on this forum as well. No easy task but hope she has the will and fortitude that her Father had to do the right thing for South Korea.
Good lord, you seem to be under the impression that I am the nation state of Korea, which is most bizarre. I didn't succeed in anything at all with regards to international relations between Japan and Korea... what on earth are you talking about?!
Japan has history educations about the atomic bombs; At the same time, education in Japan is making efforts that children have a sense of to American people. In other words, one's best efforts to not create hatred.
It is important to understand most of current Japanese are nothing to do with war and WWII .
Korea's education is Anti-Japan Education. This is HATE education. Everyone must understand that Education of HATE and Anger is criminal.
In fact, there were Japanese comfort women more than Korean comfort women.
The 1965 accord stipulates that the The public education of Korea ignores the good will of Japan.of damage claims for individual South Koreans was "resolved completely and finally." The money was used by Korean government for other reasons that became the foundation of today's Korea as known as Miracle on the Han River.
We have made effort to atonement at 1990 era on the basis of Asia women’s fund, However, the Government of the Republic of Korea rejected the atonement of Asia women’s fund by the circumstances of their domestic policy situations.
The public education of Korea ignores the good will of Japan. "Appeal to Pity" has become the business for Korea.