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© KYODOS Korea wants 'rising sun flag of hatred' banned at Olympics
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Ignore it!
Samit Basu
Of course the Rising Sun flag must be banned and criminalized, just like the Nazi Swastika flag.
Such blood drenched symbol of evil and destruction has no place in the Olympics.
Chip Star
The rising sun flag was ruined by imperial Japan’s rape of Asia, much like the swastika was ruined by Nazi Germany’s rape of Europe. The difference between the two countries approach to their past brutalizations is a contrast as stark as day and night. Germany owned up to and continues to own up to its war-time misdeeds whilst Japan continues to attempt to sweep its actions under the rug and whine about being the victim.
There is no more pleasure to make neighbours happy.
Chip Star
Too bad every government didn’t feel this way. It’s clear the Chinese government doesn’t feel this way. It’s clear the Japanese government doesn’t feel this way. It’s clear that the South Korean government doesn’t feel this way.
Another day, another whine fest by the South Koreans.
Grow up!
Alfie Noakes
Merkel was at Auschwitz recently. Abe and his Nippon Kaigi backers continue to lie about the past, 75 years after it happened.
I wonder how many years have to pass before comments like this will no longer be seen in these articles? It's been almost 75 years since the end of the war, yet these comments make it seem like yesterday, with their frequency. This, in my opinion, is one of the MAJOR reasons why things can't get normalized, as the constant reminders from the media, never let's it becomes what it should, HISTORY!
Hell I am half surprised that when the articles about Trump and England are posted here there is no comment about how the British Army burned down the White House in the war of 1812!
Chip Star
Night and day.
Hashtag #getoveritalready.
Or just don't come to the Olympics.
Where's the hatred towards the one country that's got nukes pointed at them? Where's the hatred towards starving their "fellow" Koreans and imprisoning them for life for simply listening to Girls Generation or watching an episode of Sky High? I thought people in Japan were baby crying adults coz many think that Japan was just a victim of USA (like I actually heard people saying "but Japan did nothing wrong"). But man! Little I knew how much more of a baby crying nation S. Korea is.
Jeff Ko
I wonder what kind of history Japanese are taught in K-12 school. Naturally every nation glorifies its triumphs and put its wrongdoings and humiliation in lesser light but there exists a consensus on which some events are judged not based on one's petty politics nor pride but a morality which represents "what we learned as a humanity". There are exceptions, however. North Korea, for example, wildly diverges from this consensus but they represent a fringe of humanity so no one cares. Japan, on the other hand, is a major nation that carries weight, yet it too seems to have diverged wildly from the mainstream consensus when it comes to certain historical issues, mainly the issues at the turn of the 20th century leading up to the end of WWII. No one's blaming Japanese for the past sins but the mindset of present Japanese seems to be not too different from that of Japan 100 years ago. That's deeply worrisome...
Samit Basu
@Jeff Ko
The history lesson covering 1933 to 1945 is brief, and abstract, and focuses on Japanese sufferings.
In other word, Abe's history education policy is that of controlled amnesia.
Many Japanese youth don't even know Japan and the US went to war and are shocked to find out when watching movies like Midway.
Has anyone ever noticed that the countries that copy Japan's technology, fashion and styling have no problems stealing anything and everything 'Japanese' everyday to this day but keep on bashing Japan for what it did over 74 years ago? I would say that Korea has a massive inferiority complex and 'galaxy sized' chip on its shoulder but this is just the shiny object needed to distract the Korean masses from their own internal problems. Korea will never grow up until it stops living in the past, they just keep copying Japan all the while hating on them and feeling sorry for themselves and that it just plain sad.
Chip Star
Spot on.
Guess you weren't around when "Letter's from Iwo Jima" was popular here!
I guaruntee you that the Japanese who live in Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and Okinawa know!
Dude. Stop. You try way too hard to make Japan look like a bunch of bumbling fools and end up doing it to yourself.
Chip Star
This is not accurate. Most Japanese youth know the US and Japan went to war; it was a seminal point in their history. What they learn about their country’s actions is a different story.
"The South Korean government, in a tweet last week, called Japan's "rising sun" flag a "flag of hatred," continuing a campaign to get the flag banned from being unfurled at game venues during next year's Tokyo Olympics."
Yet the South Koreans would say nothing of the Chinese Communist and North Korean flags, as if they weren't completely murderous regimes, not to mention the latter had put the totality of Korean-perceived colonial past to shame. But sure, let the double standards persist.
"Has anyone ever noticed that the countries that copy Japan's technology, fashion and styling have no problems stealing anything and everything 'Japanese' everyday to this day but keep on bashing Japan for what it did over 74 years ago?"
Most Japanese restaurants in the United States are operated by Korean immigrants. Samsung and Hyundai were named such because they wanted to cash in on popular Japanese brands at the time, that being Sony and Honda. Seems the S. Koreans can't make up their mind between love or hate.
It is not how the Japanese feel.
It is about the feelings of Koreans which will have to compete under a flag which became a symbol of oppression...
Alfie Noakes
I seem to remember reading a survey of japanese high school or junior high school kids about the war years where a sizable number believed Japan fought with the US against Russia and China. It was a few years ago now and I don't recall the exact details but that was the gist of it.
"controlled amnesia" is a really good expression to describe Japan's ruling elite's attitude to its past.
Chip Star
Alfie: Would live to read that survey.
Chip Star
The funny thing is that Japanese public will never wave the rising sun flag at their own emperor!
In fact, it seems certain that the Japanese are not allowed to wave the rising sun flag at their emperor.
We get some Japanese posters here saying "nobody can tell us what flag to wave"... they seem to have no idea that they are prohibited from waving the rising sun flag at the emperor.
One more time: The swastika was not "ruined" by Nazi Germany. It was created specifically for Nazis, and nothing else. There was never any history of a non-Nazi swastika in Germany - unless you also want to ban its use in Asian religions, as many ignorant people have suggested. The two are not comparable.
And of course, the usual crowd continues to make inaccurate and false statements about what Japanese did/didn't do, in order to suit their own agendas. Yet, for the past several years on this forum, these same people have refused to provide any links or proof that supports their lies about Japan.
Less than 1% of Japanese schools use the controversial history textbooks that omit/distort Japan's history and role prior to and during World War 2. The majority of Japanese schools in fact use history textbooks that most assuredly mention some of the nasty things Imperial Japan did during WW2.
And once again, below are just a few of the official statements of apologies given by Japanese government officials in regards to its past actions. While it is true several Japanese officials have made insensitive remarks in regards to the past, this does not negate the over three dozen apologies made by the government of Japan in regards to its past, going on over three decades. A few insensitive remarks in no way shape or form represents the official position of Japan in regards to its war past, and to state that Abe and his cronies continue to deny the past is an absolute lie.
And down voting this post is not a proper response to rebut any of the above.
May 25, 1990: Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu, in a meeting with President Roh Tae Woo, said: "I would like to take the opportunity here to humbly reflect upon how the people of the Korean Peninsula went through unbearable pain and sorrow as a result of our country's actions during a certain period in the past and to express that we are sorry"
January 16, 1992: Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, in a speech at dinner with President Roh Tae Woo, said: "We the Japanese people, first and foremost, have to bear in our mind the fact that your people experienced unbearable suffering and sorrow during a certain period in the past because of our nation's act, and never forget the feeling of remorse. I, as a prime minister, would like to once again express a heartfelt remorse and apology to the people of your nation"
July 1995: Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama said in a statement: "The problem of the so-called wartime comfort women is one such scar, which, with the involvement of the Japanese military forces of the time, seriously stained the honor and dignity of many women. This is entirely inexcusable. I offer my profound apology to all those who, as wartime comfort women, suffered emotional and physical wounds that can never be closed"
2001: Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi (Also signed by all the prime ministers since 1995, including Ryutaro Hashimoto, Keizō Obuchi, Yoshirō Mori) said in a letter: "As Prime Minister of Japan, I thus extend anew my most sincere apologies and remorse to all the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women. We must not evade the weight of the past, nor should we evade our responsibilities for the future. I believe that our country, painfully aware of its moral responsibilities, with feelings of apology and remorse, should face up squarely to its past history and accurately convey it to future generations"
December 7, 2010: Prime Minister Naoto Kan apologized for Korea's suffering under colonization as part of a statement marking the 100th anniversary of the annexation in 1910. "I express a renewed feeling of deep remorse and state my heartfelt apology for the tremendous damage and suffering caused by colonial rule," Kan said. Kan said Japan colonized Korea "against the will of the Korean people" who suffered great damage to their national pride and loss of culture and sovereignty as a result and added that he wants to take an honest look at his country's past with the courage and humility to address its history.
December 28, 2015: Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se made an announcement at a joint press conference, which consisted of their respective statements on behalf of Japan and South Korea. Kishida stated, "The issue of comfort women, with an involvement of the Japanese military authorities at that time, was a grave affront to the honor and dignity of large numbers of women, and the Government of Japan is painfully aware of responsibilities from this perspective. As Prime Minister of Japan, Prime Minister Abe expresses anew his most sincere apologies and remorse to all the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women."
Concerned Citizen
Life is so much more fun when we forgive and forget.
Yes, what the Japanese did 70 years ago was terrible, but that has no bearing on this generation. Let the past stay in the past and get on with the present and future.
An interesting quote. Interesting that the objection to Japan's flag is so recent, and so long after the events of the last century:
South Korea did not object to Japan's adoption of the Rising Sun Flag for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force in 1952, nor to the entry into South Korean ports Japanese warships flying the flag on a warship at the 1998 and 2008 navy fleet review held in South Korea.[29] Negative South Korean campaigning against the Rising Sun Flag began in 2011 when a South Korean footballer Ki Sung-yueng was accused of making a racist gesture, which he defended claiming he was annoyed at having seen a Rising Sun Flag in the stadium.[30] In 2012, South Koreans who disapproved of the flag began to refer to it as a "war crime flag".
It's a little late now, isn't it? However, you don't have to come if you don't want to. That would be the best form of protest. Of course you want to come so you will anyway and eventually throw this issue in the back seat.
Alfie Noakes
I just had a quick look but can't find anything. Maybe 10 or 15 years ago, something like that.
When Japan modernized in the 1800s, they chose to follow Britain's capitalist imperialist economy, so of course they invaded and took over Asia (taking much of it from Britain). Japan should apologize for imperialism in the same manner that Britain has apologized.
Hilarious seeing all these guys here who probably dont know speak, read or write Japanese talk what the population knows or is educated on based on their personal upbringing...well done, you are really hitting the nail on the head here.
You really think that most people here think they fought with the allies and that Japan didn’t colonize Asia?
Wallace Fred
There are a myriad of korean related articles on this rug one would assume it's Korea today!! It's a very morbid obsession that I can't quite put my finger on. Anything on the sakura/shreddergate corruption? Nah. Just keep piping on about korea. Ignore the blatant corruption in the ldp. For clearly, if ignored, something can't exist. Right?
Samit Basu
@Concerned Citizen
That's not how historical forgiveness works.
Look at Germany. Germany's neighbors have forgiven Germany, but only because
1) Germany remembers Nazi atrocities and educates its youngs about it.
2) Germany's neighbors also remember Nazi atrocities.
3) The only thing that's managed is the intense bitter feelings.
Just because Germany's neighbors have forgiven Germany doesn't mean Germany's Nazi atrocities are forgotten; forgetting is NOT a part of historical reconciliation process.
After all, history must be remembered so that they may never be repeated again.
NCIS Reruns
By protesting proactively to something that has't happened yet, the South Koreans are effectively encouraging certain Japanese to wave the flag, just for the sheer satisfaction of thumbing their noses at South Korea.
Are there any national flags that are not stained by blood? Take, for instance, the Stars and Stripes. It’s ruined by the rape and annihilation of native Americans, slave trade, genocide at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the list goes on and on.
They brainwashed themselves. All they need to do is simply to deprogram their brains.
Bruce Wayne
The opposite is true.
I see nothing but hatred and jealousy from the Koreans while Japan has been going out of its way for DECADES paying compensations, giving them favorite treatments assistance apologies.
And the more kindness Japan shows the worse the Korean side responds. Enough is enough!
ROK please stay home if you don't like the olympic host country!
I just hope non-Korean folks here are smart enough not to be fooled by SK’s anti-Japan propaganda by now.
You can actually verify yourself with Google Trend. If not, can someone please provide the source to illustrate SK’s resentment toward so-called “war criminal flag” before the racist performance by some SK soccer player in 2011?
Ganbare Japan!
Japans country, Japans Olympics, Japans right to wave ANY official flag they choose.
I can guarantee this: with all this anti-Japan hatred from SK, tens of millions of rising sun flags will be waved proudly as those golds pour in next summer.
Sad to say, but this is absolute proof that SK under the Moon administration has no intent or desire to restore relations with Japan. Only to make it worse. This is not some random J-hating SK individual, it's the SK govt saying this. Japan should tell them to take a hike and don't participate in the 2020 Olympics if they don't want to. No one is going to miss them and the only victims will be the SK athletes who dedicated the last 4 years of their lives training for it.
The National flag of Japan is the Hinomaru and that is what Japan has always and will use to represent the country at any Olympics. So that's as far as the IOC has over any flag issue.
So SK is complaining about the 16 rayed Kyokujitsuki, the Japanese Naval Ensign, being waved by individuals in the audience. SK has no more jurisdiction over what individuals in Japan may wave than Japan would have in banning anti-Japan demonstrations in South Korea. So SK is attempting to convince the IOC , and the world, that the Kyokujitsuki is a "flag of hatred" comparable to the Nazi swastika.
This is a South Korean view that is not shared with the rest of the world. It follows SK's tendency to force it's own self-centered view onto the rest of the word, such as renaming the "Sea of Japan" to "East Sea". The expected global response has been "East of what, FFS?".
Similarly, the nations who fought Imperial Japan in WWII, US, UK, Australia, Canada, etc as well the Asian nations which Japan invaded all have no problems with this flag. In fact the former enemies train together alongside with Japan as they fly this very same flag. The SK effort to turn this flag into the equivalent of the Nazi flag fails on historical facts, as the Nazi flag was a political flag that existed only during the period the Nazi's were in power. In Germany the Iron Cross has been the military insignia which was in use before, during and after WWII, and is in use today. This is the equivalent of the 16 rayed Japanese Naval Ensign.
South Korea continues to make a fool of itself on the global stage due it's inability to get over the anti-Japan "psychosis" it has ingrained into itself, and consequently continuously making the wrong statements and judgments. And it's attempt politicize anything and everything, including the Olympics is nothing but disgraceful.
The US view:
Japan is indeed a sovereign nation that is free to set laws and regulations it chooses. Generally Japan is good about this. However having the Olympics is a privilege, not a right.
Japan is hosting an event on the world stage and has to take into account that non-Japanese with non-Japanese customs, cultures, creeds and ideologies will be present.
That said, there needs to be a point that South Korea and China get over what has happened over 75 years ago. Those responsible for the war are long gone no?
At the same time, Japanese politicians backpedaling the apologies made is a bad image, that and demanding that other free and sovereign nations take down monuments to remember the war crimes and events is not okay either. Things like that only stoke the flames and outrage further.
So surprise! The issue is more complicated than we thought. Both sides have every right to be frustrated to some extent or another. The best we can do is continue and open dialogue with one another.
Japanese people are funny.
They think they have "rights" about what flag they can wave.
In fact, they are not allowed to wave the rising sun flag at their own emperor!!
Did you see the recent parade with the imperial couple? Not a single rising sun flag.
I just wonder why the Japanese public are not permitted to wave the rising sun flag at the emperor.
I'd love to hear some possible reasons.
Also, if they don't wave the rising flag at their own emperor, why do they think it is OK to wave it at foreign sports teams?
South Korea = whiners, always crying about something. Get over it!
And yet it is Germany not Japan that has thousands of Nazis marching in Chemnitz, killing politicians and voting for the right-wing AFD political party. Many Jews and Turks in Germany are now saying that it is dangerous for them to live there.
Ganbare Japan!
It is perfectly legal and OK to wave the Official Japanese Naval Ensign - so-called "Rising Sun flag" - at the Olympics. If the crooked IOC think they can stop it, just try and take those flags out of the hands of millions of Japanese, and see what happens to them.
Nippori Nick
You post this similar comment on a continuous basis in this forum, that it is Japan's country and hence Japan's right to any kind of behaviour regardless of how it looks on the world stage.
All kinds of countries do all kinds of things within their own borders that do not meet the standards of fair and enlightened societies. So I guess that's all ok with you? Slavery in some countries, complete suppression of woman's rights, forced indoctrination camps? Because after all, it is their "right"?
PS-10s of millions rising sun flags? Hmm.
Please answer my question.
Why aren't the Japanese public allowed to wave the rising sun flag at their own emperor?
Peter Neil
The current "Rising Sun Flag" is the naval ensign of the Japanese Naval Self Defense Force. The "ensign" is the flag flown by naval ships. It is flown on the stern in port and midship as a "Steaming Ensign" while under way.
Ensigns are supposed to represent the character of a country. Japan is the land of the rising sun.
The current ensign was established in 1954 and is not the same flag as the wartime ensign and flag of the Empire of Japan. That ensign and flag was discontinued in 1945.
The current Rising Sun Flag used at sporting events and other ceremonies is not the same flag.
Ignorance is a terrible thing and emotions are being whipped up over a different flag. In this day and age, anyone can research and learn these things at the tough of button. Modern high-tech tools can't overcome the ignorance of humans.
Japan does not anyway use the Kyokujitsu-ki in any official capacity. What the gripe here is of spectators waving the flag in support of Japanese competitors. I guess banning its use is doable (remember that they enforced a ban on non-sponsor drinks and similar at previous Olympics), but frankly seems a little OTT. Equating this flag (which was a national flag way before Japan's expansion and misconduct in Asia) to the Swastika (which was specifically designed by the Nazis to replace the German national flag), is a bit of a stretch.
Bit like the Vietnamese objecting to the Stars and Stripes or many ex British Empire countries objecting to the Union Jack.....
Is your question even valid or sensible. or worth answering? Firstly, who said that “the people are not allowed to wave that flag at the emperor”? You said that!
So find the invented answer to your own invented question.
Samit Basu
@Ganbare Japan!
Setting aside the fact that the Rising Sun flag is associated with war crimes and crimes against humanity, why wave a naval military flag at the Olympics?
Peter Neil
@Samit: it is not the same flag. Please read the comments above.
Another day of never ending childish whining from SK!
Korea was occupied by the Japanese when the War Flag was the national Flag. The Same flag which was flown proudly next the own flags of England , America, France and Germany the Day Japan defeated the Russian army in the Sino/Russain war of the late 1890,s. After the Japanese unconditional surrender in 1945 the War flag has not flown in Public display since.
Huh? Here all along I thought Korea competed under it's own flag?
@thepersoniamnow (maybe you are also ganbareJapan)
It's funny.
You think you can wave the rising sun flag at the emperor?
I'd like to see you try.
In fact, why don't you try it?
You could attend the 新年一般参賀... it's coming soon.
Just show up with a rising sun flag and try waving it.
Go for it!
I'd like to see what happens.
You see, the simple fact is, the Japanese public are not allowed to wave the rising sun flag at their own emperor.
They have no complaints about that.
But they are demanding the "right" to wave it at foreign sports teams.
How strange.
Millions? Have you ever even been to this country?
The usual anti-Korean posters and the South Koreans mentioned here are the ones getting wound up about it.
yawn, just fly the flag but don't change the Constitution.
You couldn't have say it better,if such "logic" would be applied every country can do literally anything they want,even human crimes or slavery because it's their country and their rules.
Maybe I am also gambare Japan? What on earth is that suppossed to mean lol? Dude I am a Japanese citizen and I am not at all concerned with which flag you think I should wave at an emperor, and I certainly won’t be taking your suggestions.
The Japanese are demanding the right to wave it at oppposing sports teams? No, the Koreans are protesting this flag because of its place in history. Personally, I’m cool with that. I don’t want others to be upset and I’m good with the red dot on white, but since ur soooo up in arms about it, why don’t you google it (and find nothing)?
Wrong on 2 counts. The Kyokujitsuki is not a "war flag". And it has never been Japan's national flag.
I don't advise you to do so but if you cannot believe, all you have to do is to call and ask if it is OK to bring in Rising Sun Flag. They probably would say, " You cannot bring in any flags including an ordinary Hinomaru flag of your own nor even flagpoles. It’s all for security reasons. So how come they are all waiving only ordinary national flags(Hinomaru) in TV or Photos? Those Hinomaru are all made with paper and paper pole handed to you on the three major bridges into palace by some unknown groups when you walk by.
Yeah really. Even more disgusting than Just copy. They attach Japanese names and disguised as Japanese Massage Parlors for exporting their present CW still to wherever they immigrate into
So much for victims of poverty
Don't you understand?
You can't bring your own flag...
You can only fly the flags we hand out...
All those flags are hinomaru...
There will be no rising sun flags...I mean, maybe interpreting information is not your strong point but please think about it.
Jim Harper
There is no question that outside Japan the Rising Sun flag is strongly associated with the horrors of Japan's imperial days. I instantly make the connection every time I see it, even though I know that not everyone waving it is trying to express support for Japan's unpleasant past in any way shape or form. But it still has those associations in many eyes. The fact that it was used for centuries before the Meiji Restoration is neither here nor there. The war years completely over shadow the prior centuries of peace (mostly). So I can completely understand why some people, especially in Asia, would object to it.
However, starting to object to it nearly 70 years after the war seems somewhat quixotic. It smacks of China's 1972 declaration that all matters of reparation and apology between China and Japan were completely settled, only to announce in 1989 that Japan had yet to apologize and properly compensate the people of China. In other words, it rather looks like a political stunt.
How about japan just ban South Korea from the olympics? Russia already wont be at the Olympics. Any athletes that come cannot use the south korean flag just like the russian athletes cant use the russian flag. Wanna make it 2 for 2?
Jim Harper
Thats a very good point and one that I think we need to remember here in Japan.
This generation and its parents don’t rarely think about the war at all.
But although the rising sun flag has its own history, I think WWII really tainted it. All through my childhood were those B/W movies with that flag and if a former occupied nation takes offense to it, may as well just use the official one.
That being said, I don’t think that’ll solve anything and they’ll still hate.
You think the reason that the ONLY flags allowed at events with the imperial family are hinomaru flags is... security.
It's cute that you believe that.
Whatever, the result is the same...
You Japanese citizens are not allowed to wave the rising sun flag at your own emperor.
But you want the "right" to wave it at foreign sports teams...
Every time South Korea and its ppl express their anti-Japan emotion, they're shown as if a pampered kid is whining. Thier illogicality as well as ignorance on history are getting to be known worldwide litte by little. First thing that Seoul has to do is to revamp their history textbooks which are full of fantasies. Without doing that, the rest of the world will continue igoring them.
Martin Jackson
The war ended 75 years ago, people need to move on to heal divisions, hardly anyone alive today took part in it and those that orchestrated it have long past on. Could it be that the people alive today in both countries don't feel the same? Now I could understand more about the request if this flag was made specfically for the war, like the Nazi party flag was made for the Nazi party which is why it isn't flown anymore but the rising sun flag has been in use in Japan for over 400 years as a national and lucky symbol and has been used at sporting events for such purposes... it seems more of a reminder that Japan was in the war? Pretty much every country has had war and bloodshed at some point during the past, are we supposed to change all the flags that were used by those countries before they went to war becuase the flag might remind some people that people were killed?
If the crooked IOC think they can stop it, just try and take those flags out of the hands of millions of Japanese, and see what happens to them.
@Gambare. I would agree that the IOC is crooked to some degree. I did not Tokyo was the best choice of venue when it was announced. ,
As for flags, at the Olympic games, people customarily display their national flags, rather than a countries Naval Ensign.
As host country, Japan's honour is to welcome the worlds peoples, and not to upset people. It's called common sense.
I wonder how Japan's Admiral of the Fleet feels about all the publicity the MSDF will get?
So to begin with, was Japan actually planning to use that flag? I haven't heard anything about that.
*Japans country, Japans Olympics, Japans right to wave ANY official flag they choose.*
It is not Japans Olympics. Japanbis host. The Olympics are under IOC jurisdiction, and this done through the raising of the Olympic flag at the opening ceremony.
Peter Neil
Better yet, ban all flags and all symbols of any and all countries. Take it back to amateurs who compete for themselves with no flags or uniforms at all.
Colored cloth does not make the athlete. It just brew ethnocentrism.
Waaaah South Korea tries so hard to find another reason to get mad with Japan. Nothing new. Yes, the flag was used during horrible times in human history, but it also represents other things to other people and nations. The irony of showing so much grudge towards a country that they are heavily influenced by culturally. Grow up South, you're not the North.
OssanAmerica, No your incorrect mate about not being The War Flag. And All Armys go to war under the nation Flag. They attack under the ensign of the force ( Navy Army Airforce ). Big difference.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Rising Sun Flag (旭日旗 Kyokujitsu-ki) was originally used by feudal warlords in Japan during the Edo period(1603–1868 CE).[1] On May 15, 1870, as a policy of the Meiji government, it was adopted as the war flag of the Imperial Japanese Army, and on October 7, 1889,
Chip Star
The irony is that the swastika is more European in origin than most people realise. Archaeological finds have long demonstrated that the swastika is a very old symbol, but ancient examples are by no means limited to India. It was used by the Ancient Greeks, Celts, and Anglo-Saxons and some of the oldest examples have been found in Eastern Europe, from the Baltic to the Balkans .
Chip Star
Dosan constantly trots that excuse our while conveniently forgetting that any flag flown by any military is inherently political.
Chip Star
Everybody in this issue is very childish.
Sorry Mate, but (1) the Kyokujitsuki is the Naval Ensign of the JMSDF. And (2) Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Japanese constitution prohibits war, therefore it is not a War Flag.
And you are dead wrong about it ever being Japan's "National Flag".