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S Korea to demand removal of Japanese sites from World Heritage list
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Sorry, Korea. The UNESCO organization is democratic and unbiased, unlike you, and made the decision to add these World Heritage Sites for Japan, due to historical significance to the world. Sounds like sour grapes that Japan is constantly being awarded prized World Heritage sites, unlike Korea.
Vince Black
Japan needs to learn that just because they pay off UNESCO to get these listings it doesn’t mean the rest of the world knows the atrocities behind them.
Sheer arrogance on Japan's part to apply for WHS status for these places
I personally don't think the World Heritage listing necessary. Nagasaki including Hashima "battleship island" is already a very popular tourist site regardless of UNESCO approval.
South Korea always tries to weaponize or nitpick history issues.
It's a shame to even discuss as it is the ordinary people who lose overall for the selfish acts of a few.
Japan pays UNESCO off to get world heritage status for these sites - its diminished severely what was once a nice idea.
Bjorn Tomention
South Korea continuously whines on and on with its never ending droning moaning about everything to do with Japan doesnt it.
South Korea should get over itself, it seems to hate on Japan so much but it always has tried very hard to be the the mirror of Japan since the end of the war.
If you have ever been to South Korea you will understand it appears to be and feels very much like Japans little cousin but just cannot seem to achieve the recognition or success that Japan has enjoyed.
Typical childish South Korean politicians, time to grow up and move on.
Do the hustle
Yep, well, the Battleship Island in the photo was populated by enslaved Korean workers. Perhaps they do have a point, but their delivery sucks.
The Avenger
Why? Removing them from the list doesn't change history.... I just don't understand what Korea is trying to prove?
@Vince Black Spot on Vince!
I don't know if it should be removed if it has historical significance. If Japan makes it clear about the tragic history of the place then I think that is okay.
Oh, and don't tell a nation to "get over it" when their culture and land was destroyed and their people murdered and raped. Do you think the Jewish people would "get over it" if Germany never acknowledged what happened in their concentration and labour camp?
Korea definitely needs to be more mature about their approach but they have a good reason to remind Japan of its history.
Diplomacy is not, and never will be boiled down to making a set of demands. I would have thought the Government of South Korea would have realised that fact sooner rather than later.
It doesn't work that way. Everybody pays, but the decision to inscribe a site is made by a group of experts. World Heritage is not that hard to get, though. Heritage people naturally want to preserve as much as possible. As far as I know, a site has never been delisted because a third party demanded it.
In any case, this is what Korea is worried about, when their kin to the north are aiming nukes at them?
That's their point; Korea is claiming that Japan is rewriting history (or at least ignoring it) by not providing honest information on the Koreans who were forced to work there.
I don't know much about the history of this place, but I'd say these questions are key;
Were Korean people forced to work there against their will?
If so, is their story honestly told at the said sites?
Did Japan agree to a 'commitment to demonstrate that there was "a large number of Koreans and others who were brought against their will and forced to work under harsh conditions."'?
Korea may have a point.
That's a pretty sneaky move by the Japanese.
Korea needs to move on! Get over this issue! Japan has apologised many times and paid money for it's incorrect wartime actions. Yes this is the same as the "comfort women" issue.
You will never heal as a nation if you keep scratching the wound. I think most young Korean people don't care about this. It is the OLD THINKERS and POLITICIANS that keep pushing this misguided agenda.
Korea's aged population as well as Japan's aged population will all be dead soon enough. Time for a new way of thinking- oh wait. Japan doesn't teach about it's wartime bad behaviour in schools... Well that's a topic for another day.
englisc aspyrgend
Do not know whether they were forced or not, I was’t there an so far have seen no unbiased report. British people were conscripted in to the mines at the end of the war instead of the forces ( Bevan boys) was that forced labour?
The problem is that both countries seem incapable of dealing with their history in a rational, factual and unemotional way so that they can move on in to the 21st century. And in both country’s petty politicians stir up the bottom slime of distorted historical resentment for their ow benefit instead of working to assuage the one festering wounds. This benefits neither country and demeans them in the eyes of the world as well as undermining their security.
And they in turn were the grandchildren of the Japanese nobility who ruled Japan in the Edo era.
Is their seriously the suggestion a nation constitutionally devoted to peaceful coexistence should continually have to throw an entire country/people in remorseful regret, for a period in time they could not be held accountable is frankly bonkers.
However these are the times.
A slew of downvotes for literally posting the facts. And I know more about the process than anyone in this thread, unless somebody else has worked closely with them. Wasting my time on this crowd.
You'll probably get a few more for moaning about it. One from me anyway.
Christopher Glen
If indeed Japan hasn’t kept their side of the bargain, the UNESCO heritage listing should be removed for these sites.
What is being peddled here is political agenda.
I have little time for the hard boiled right wing knuckleheads.
Wheeled out by a media devoted to a liberal form of interventionist policies.
Come on, at least give a token nod.
Yes probably no
Korea better watch out!
Years of playing the victim, not accepting apologises, and refusing to forgive are quite bad for your population.
We are all victims of something or another. Half this, half that. The colour of our skin defines our value, order in society.
Instead of acquired skills.
This from today's Korea Herald: "The {South Korean] Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on Sunday denied reports that it had planned to officially ask UNESCO to delist Japan’s historical industrial sites, including Hashima Island. In 2015, Japan had promised the center would include information on the Koreans who were forced to work at the site during that country’s 1910-45 colonial rule over Korea."
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Koreans playing as victim again.
Korea is not yet committed, but definitely threatening to do this. It's sad that they feel they have to revert to threats.
By the same token it is sad if Japan has not kept the spirit of their promise, and if the display does not reflect the reality of life underground. Sure the Japanese workers lived in chicken coops on Hashima Island, but the Korean workers were kept on an even darker and narrower level, those who died being carted out and incinerated on an island nearby. Many tried to escape, but that place was like Alcatraz.
Would it not be better to work first with the authorities in Japan and come up with appropriate wording that would satisfy both sides?
The Japanese side better rebuttal, engage in open discussions. They should avoid negotiations behind the door as the South Korean officials have breached agreements.
Many of anti-Japanese campaign activists turn out to be corrupt, taking advantage of wartime issues solely for own profits. They now come under severe criticism in South Korea. Japan shouldn't get involved, must keep "social distances" from those dubious groups.
Hervé L'Eisa
PC run amok. History is history and should not be erased. That's what Taliban, Nazis, and other extremists do.
The Governments of Japan and South Korea could work together if only they could look forward.
Both have more in common than they realise.
Dong Yu
It is not Koreans as a whole whining but but a few non productive politicians including Moon.
These self denying politicians are enjoying to scratch their own wounds destructively in stead of healing constructively.
It's understandable. Japan broke their promise of not showing the compounds brutality on Korean forced labourers which was included in a separate part of a deal with South Korea. This was in order to gain their support for the listing.
Now, South Korea is protesting the listing because Japan have refused to share Battleship Islands history regarding Korean forced labourers to incoming tourists. Don't blame them, they just want to ensure that Japan's brutal reign of their country won't be forgotten, despite internal moves from Japan to do so (LDP/Nippon Kaigi).
Alexandre T. Ishii
World Heritage? I really don't care UNESCO policy no merit.
Japan must have apologized over 500 times and Paid lots of $$ since I first heard about these tragic events. and yet China and S. Korea are still pushing the issue, may be it's time for Japan to just Ignore the issue.
Dear S. Korea. Most anti-Japan country in the world? Fact
Should we make a list of the problems you have with Japan?
Lets add UNESCO to the list.
Takeshima Island taken illegally from Japan
Trying to change the name of Japan Sea
Comfort women statues around the world
1965 aggrement as Final
2015 comfort woman deal as Final
1993 deal paid by Japanese citizens.
Dont like Japan's Flag
Dont like Japan's government
Dont like our Prime Minister
Dont like the Emperor
50 apologies by dozens of Japanese Prime Ministers and the Korean says it never happened.
Compesation paid multiple times and they move the line every few years.... It doesn't cover this crime, let me think... doesn't cover this either. Korean decides what compesation covers or don't cover even after they signed the papers as Final.
Germany apologized and moved on, why is Japan still being Harassed?
I think that's the point Korea is trying to make, but I'm not sure if you meant it.
We have a winner! I was wondering when someone would succumb to the urge.
I see the +9/-9 guys have been hard at work here again.
korea is complaining that its people were treated badly by Japanese employers . possibly true. however many foreign workers have been treated and continue to be treated badly.
Korea always has to cry victim at every chance they get. They are afraid the world would one day lose pity for them. Is basically a way to gain attention and try to suppress Japan at every turn. Is works for the politicians to gain more public support in a time where the public is very dissatisfied with the government.
Ken Wyatt
Typical. SK obviously doesn't have domestic issues to deal with do they?
No retribution, no apologies. Just reconciliation.
It is a difficult concept?
But necessary.
Are we prepared for a future world where the mechanism of the merciless Government of China rains supreme
Shouldnt Korea be contesting the accuracy of the historical information presented at the site and not the fact it is listed as UNESCO? And shouldn't UNESCO field such request fairly, as it serves as a third party with some leverage over what is presented.
South Korea does not have to play victim. Koreans were victims of Japan.
The following is from The Korean Herald, June 21, 2020. Enjoy:
Yuji Hosaka, a political science professor at Sejong University, speaks Friday during an interview with The Korea Herald. (Ko Jun-tae/The Korea Herald)
Another diplomatic spat broke out between South Korea and Japan this month after the public opening of the Industrial Heritage Information Center in Tokyo.
Contrary to what Japan said it would do, the center mostly focused on highlighting achievements of Japan’s industrial revolution while giving hardly any retribution to the sufferings of Koreans during the time period as forced wartime laborers.
The Korean Herald in online and worth a reading. Not that South Korea is not obsessed with Japan. It has enough problems with the pandemic and North Korea.
Samit Basu
It blocks Japan's pathetic attempt at a misrepresentation of history.
Japan agreed to present history as is, including its ugly side.
Since Japan didn't keep its end of bargain, the hell island Hashima must be removed from world heritage site.
Samit Basu
Because Japan never did, unlike Germany.
Germany moved on from 2 World Wars and the attempt to exterminate all Jewish people on Earth. Fact
If Israel was right next to Germany the Jews would never let it go, never forgive Germany.
The difference is Israel is a thousand miles away from Germany. Israel is surrounded by Arab countries who attacked them, want the land back, consider Israel the enemy. That's why they moved on from Germany, too far away to matter.
South Korea is right next to Japan, they have political, military reasons to Never Forgive Japan. They have gained so much from playing this card. Apologies and compensation multiple times. Full support from Tokyo no matter how they treat Japan.
Samit Basu
Germany was able to move on only because it teaches its children the horrors of Nazi crimes against humanity, holocaust, as well as criminalize Nazi worship in any form.
In the meanwhile, Abe administration is busy whitewashing Japan's wartime crimes history as exemplified by the Hashima Hell Island and couldn't wait to go to Yasukuni and bow his head down before the nameplate of Tojo Hideki. Hence Japan's neighbors can never forgive Japan.
Lynn Nicole Gatien
You do know that UNESCO is the one that suggests what should be listed as heritage sites to preserve & maintain cultural gems, right? Not the other way around! This isn't a lobbyist matter.
Skin Color or nationality more is true to an extent, but so are acquired skills with the intelligence to make it work for you also as crucial in my opinion.
Those who are loudest to accuse Japan of whitewashing history, are the ones doing the exact same things against Japan. No matter how many times you post the official record of numerous apologies and compensation Japan has offered to South Korea, something that is easily found online, people will still state outright lies that Japan has 'never' apologized to South Korea. This is the tactic the anti-Japan crowd continually engages in, and when their lies are pointed out, they then fall on the "it's not enough" argument ("Japanese official didn't offer an apology on bend knee and with tears in eyes, so the apology was not sincere"). All of this is designed to perpetuate a cult of victimhood in South Korea.
July 1995: Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama said in a statement: "The problem of the so-called wartime comfort women is one such scar, which, with the involvement of the Japanese military forces of the time, seriously stained the honor and dignity of many women. This is entirely inexcusable. I offer my profound apology to all those who, as wartime comfort women, suffered emotional and physical wounds that can never be closed" (Statement by Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama on the occasion of the establishment of the "Asian Women's Fund").
June 23, 1996: Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto said in a press conference: "Hashimoto mentioned the aspects of Japan's colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula such as the forced Japanization of Korean people's name and commented "It is beyond imagination how this injured the hearts of Korean people". Hashimoto also touched on the issue of Korean comfort women and said "Nothing injured the honor and dignity of women more than this and I would like to extend words of deep remorse and the heartfelt apology" (Joint press conference at summit meeting with President Kim Young Sam in South Korea).
October 15, 2001: Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said: "During the talks, President Kim highly appreciated the words of the Prime Minister Koizumi at Sodaemun Independence Park, in which he expressed remorse and apology for Japan's colonial domination" (Japanese prime minister visits South Korea).
September 17, 2002: Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said: "The Japanese side regards, in a spirit of humility, the facts of history that Japan caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of Korea through its colonial rule in the past, and expressed deep remorse and heartfelt apology" (Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration).
December 7, 2010: Prime Minister Naoto Kan apologized for Korea's suffering under colonization as part of a statement marking the 100th anniversary of the annexation in 1910. "I express a renewed feeling of deep remorse and state my heartfelt apology for the tremendous damage and suffering caused by colonial rule," Kan said. Kan said Japan colonized Korea "against the will of the Korean people" who suffered great damage to their national pride and loss of culture and sovereignty as a result and added that he wants to take an honest look at his country's past with the courage and humility to address its history.
December 28, 2015: Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se made an announcement at a joint press conference, which consisted of their respective statements on behalf of Japan and South Korea. Kishida stated, "The issue of comfort women, with an involvement of the Japanese military authorities at that time, was a grave affront to the honor and dignity of large numbers of women, and the Government of Japan is painfully aware of responsibilities from this perspective. As Prime Minister of Japan, Prime Minister Abe expresses anew his most sincere apologies and remorse to all the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women."
Richard Burgan
Does South Korea actually have any friend countries left in the world? They seem to do everything they can to alienate everyone.
Correct if I am wrong, this island is an empty shell?
Yes, no?
It is ridiculous waste of energy and time arguing over.
Yet here we are. Huffing and puffing.
I hope you also know that the LDP went absolutely BONKERS when Murayama san ACTUALLY apologized!! They were FURIOUS!!
Also I note for every fake apology listed you forgot the subsequent series of OPEN denials by LDP etc.
Murayama san is the closest thing to something sincere with respect to 1930-1945 period, Japan still as busy as ever with the whitewashing sadly, but hey they sure "love" the anniversaries for Hiroshima & Nagasaki!
Christopher Glen
As usual, when anything South Korea us discussed, out come the netizens
Japan has apologized multiple times. And they even came to a final and irreversible agreement with Korea - which Korea ripped, deciding it was in fact reversible, and not final. Then Korea didn't put up any replacement offer, and just whined that Japan hasn't done anything.
I used to side with Korea until that point. Now it's just whining for the sake of whining - Korea clearly has zero interest in finding a solution, as that would not allow them to claim 'poor Korea with the evil Japanese' anymore, and they'd actually have to deal as adults with Japan. They have shown they'd rather be able to whine ad infinitum.
anti-Korean posters angered at S.Korea what a shock. But unless Japan can point to heritage that doesn't involve subjugation it's nothing worthy of UNESCO. The UN bribes must be extensive and make a mockery of the title
At least the Internet information about the island isn't paid for by Japan so by highlighting it Japan only shows people its manipulation
UNESCO is a scam. These sham organizations exist only to collect funds so they can perpetuate and pay themselves. Oh, and also collect bribes for their influence. Having the completely arbitrary UNESCO designation means more tourism dollars -- influence peddling plain and simple.
Bob Kunihiro
There goes Korea again and again....always whining and complaining. Frickin babies. You need to grow up and get over it. At this rate, you'll always be a second rate country.
Japan was told it MUST talk about forced Korean labor on this and other sites to get heritage status and they promised they would. Once they got the status, they reneged. Same with a lot of the historical background of the persecution of Christians in Nagasaki, all taken down and replaced with basically praise for the Christians, etc., in the same way we see the government taking credit for Chiune Sugihara's rescue of some 6000 Jews when in actually the government demanded Sugihara do no such thing for fear of angering the Germans, and they punished him for it later. They should definitely lose the status for not living up to their end of the bargain, if they continue not to.
Really? Are you sure about that... it sounds questionable.
I'm not sure I'd even heard of a 'UN World Heritage Site' until I went to Japan, where they seem to believe that every time they get a new landmark listed the entire world pauses and looks to Japan in awe.
What's next, an old capped-off landfill outside Yokohama? A hydroelectric dam up in the mountains somewhere? The Hello Kitty museum?
I realize that Korea is trying to jump on the 'woke' bandwagon and knock down a few monuments, but some of the sites listed are just silly.
Groan, here we go again. Doesn't SK have enough problems with NK? Or is shared irrational hatred of Japan the only common ground these two can find? This is so ridiculous.
That said, I find the ever-growing UN heritage site list ridiculous too. Why don´t they just skip all this and declare the entire planet a heritage site.
Yooki Imada
"That is rich considering NKorea would NOT exist were it NOT for Japan's invasion of Korea in the first place!!!"
The North has been belligerent towards the South even before pre-Joseon era..... and that divide has existed and recorded in history ... even personified in many Kdramas South Koreans dearly loved..... which makes Japan's invasion irrelevant.
Shin Ra
I guess with their North Korea policy ending in disaster, time to distract by going back to the tried and true method of bashing Japan...wondering how long before Moon joins his predecessors in prison?
Remember, South Korea even posted an advertisement in New York Times and Times Square where they presented a picture of a Japanese worker and claimed he was a forced Korean laborer. That's the accuracy of the history they have.
@Samit Basu: What you talking about?
Pretty sure I could talk about Korea and 2015 agreements but I wont.
Danny Nguyen
Very good question. Not only Moon tried to get cozy with North Korea, but he is also kowtowing to China's Belt Road Initiative because he and his base despise Japan beyond any rational limit. He's either totally blind or he's doing it on purpose to destroy the future of democracy in a still-young democratic republic that is South Korea.
For comparison's sake, Britain/England has been responsible for 700 years of devastating colonial rule over Ireland, which is far longer than Japan's colonial rule. But would Ireland have gained anything by acting towards Britain like South Korea does towards Japan? No. Why? Because building and protecting the future of the Republic should be the most important thing instead of dwelling in the past. It is also a reason why Ireland did not join Germany during WW2 despite the historical antagonism with Britain as siding with one side could have brought retribution and destruction upon the then-young Republic of Ireland. Moon and his "base" better learn that part of history.
Pretty sure I could talk about Korea and 2015 agreements but I wont.
Can you point out which of these ""apologies"" were official by the govt of the time
I will give you a hint......NONE!! And for very good reason for the those in denial of J-History!
@GW: Again, what are you talking about? Several of those "apologies" were by current severing PM's at the time.
It's always the same... the apology is from the wrong person, this person didn't say that... we need an apology from a different person. Just move on please, there are no winners in war, Japan is sorry and has said it multiple times by multiple people. You don't hear Germany saying sorry every 12 months or France protesting to Germany that they have not apologized correctly.
Please point out one if any are OFFICIAL.....none are, vague words were spouted by INDIVIDUALS, none of these were made official by govts of the day, NONE!
Again the LDP etc have reasons for that! Hint again, so they can then simply carry on with denials & whitewashing after these supposed apologies.....
Hell when abe was ""apologizing"" in US congress in 2015 his wife made a bee line for yasukuni at the same time!! Talk about sincerity...….NOT!!
@GW: What is an "official" apology? Does the PM need to say "this is official" ? Do they need to tweet it? Using your example, Abe as the "official" PM of Japan in 2015 made an apology... Unless he stated "this is my own opinion" before the apology (he didn't) as the Prime Minister of Japan that is an official government statement.
Now you mention the apology was not sincere, seriously? Please move on.
Yeah a HUGE seriously, Japan & its govt to this day still continue to deny history & worship their war criminals year in year out, there is NO sincerity in any of the vaguely worded un-official ""apologies"" simple as that
The LDP & their ilk still feel Japan did no wrong in 1930-1945, the only thing they did wrong was lose WWII!! Which was the BEST thing for Japan in actual fact
Hiro S Nobumasa
The UNESCO is Seouls version of Trump's WHO.
It's like the fabled false narrative that killing thousands of innocent women and children and the elderly civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was good for humanity.
Or the 20-30million killed in SE Asia......
Seems like some people in this comment section knows a lot more about what happened there than the people who were actually there
read this, Murayama san's 50th anniversary statement was a PERSONAL not OFFICIAL statement, THIS is the loophole LDP has been using for decades:
Also the biggest reason Murayama san was PM was BECAUSE 1995 was the 50th anniversary & no one from the LDP wanted to the speech, big surprise there eh, NOT
And read this if you want to learn how much opposition there was to Murayama san's speech, hint there was a LOT!
@GW: I think Abe and the LDP are idiots just as much as you... don't get me started on Aso... but Japan and the rest of the world has moved on. Stop playing the victim, you can pick apart the list of apologies forever to continue to think you are the victim and an apology was not "correct" or "sincere" but you just make yourself look foolish. No one will forget, just move on please.
Here is my virtual hug and pat on the back, "we wont ever forget, please be at peace and lets all move forward".
How can Japan move forward if it has NOT learned from its past......simply & sadly it cant!
I for one would LOVE to see a Japan that can PROUDLY say something like :
Yes we did these things in the past, we admit it, we are no longer that country, we have learned & are better off now because we have done so!
Sadly Japan cannot say the above, sure SKorea whines a lot & can be cringeworthy but Japan still lies about its past & that is why this crap drags on now, soon to hear Japans 75 anniversary speech of in sincerity come this Aug 15th....
I wish this were otherwise but Japan chooses its path not I.
@GW: It wont matter what Japan says, even if they said that word for word people will still find some reason to say it wasn't something... and didn't mean anything.... something was missing.... loop and repeat. Enough already.
Korea needs to move on and stick to their own "official" signed agreements (2015 cough).
Funny. Japan's neighbors (& victims during the WWII) that would include Taiwan & a few other countries in East & Southeast Asia have pretty much moved on.
Even China doesn't dwell much or raise unnecessary complain to Japan regarding this for the past few years.
Because why? Because Japan did apologized continuously for the past half century thru its many statesman.
That'll leaves only......the sulking & ungrateful Koreans?
"That is rich considering NKorea would NOT exist were it NOT for Japan's invasion of Korea in the first place!!!"
If one believes this fallacious argument, then one would also have to recognize that simultaneously, South Korea would not exist without the Japanese annexation of 1910 either. And Japan hasn't "invaded" Korea since the 1500s. The annexation took place because there were Koreans both for and against becoming part of the militarily and economically mst powerful empire in Asia at that time.
It is very simple. This happens and happens again, mainly because of the discrepancy between Japan and other countries. Japan thinks that they were the victims of the WWII, but others think they were aggressors.
Time to RIP DOWN some Monuments is it ?
That won't go over so well in Japan.
Not gonna happen. UNESCO World Heritage sites include many places that were central to 19th century slave trade, for example. None have been delisted. UNESCO works with locals to recognize the history of the sites, warts and all. More than likely, Korea is unhappy with the wording or wants more politically charged wording. The people at UNESCO aren't going to be played that way.
" A chip on one's shoulder "
Whether it is right or wrong, we can’t change the course of history or try to erase it. If we smart enough we should be looking at the histories what has been done wrongly or horribly and we can all learn from it and moving forward to build a better world rather than keep dragging the horrible pasts into the future.
Well duh obviously!!
Japan thinks that they were the victims of the WWII, but others KNOW they were aggressors.
SJ slight tweak to fix the above for you, Japan was aggressor all the way till Aug 1945