Japan Today

S Korea, U.S. launch 8 missiles in response to N Korean salvo


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Nice, wish I was there to see that.

Must have been deafening.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Wonder where money come from every time? lots of money are gone now while so many people are suffering from coronavirus.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

Nice to see South Korea lead by someone who is not an NK appeaser.

3 ( +16 / -13 )

The militaries of South Korea and the United States fired eight surface-to-surface missiles

More than 10% of USAmericans live below the poverty line, many lacking access to basic health care, yet the country persists in spending trillions on its militaries, and displaying their missles and otherweapons. I have no idea what the poverty rate might be in North Korea/Bukhan, the Hermit Kingdom's remains under the control of the dynastic regime that was put in place long ago by Russia/USSR and China, and like Russia and China today the North Korean regime controls and censors media and information, so who knows how much actual poverty there is there, and how many people have been affected by Covid, or any other illness, disease for that matter. North Korea, like most other authoritarian regimes is not willing to tell the truth about it problems, he rulers do not want their myths busted, same with most other nations, but especially true in states led by despots. At least in most democracies their citizens can eventually find true information and question their respective nation's interpretations of history.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Over the years DPRK has fired so many missiles into the poor long-suffering sea.

“Some kind of message?” is the question people ask. Smoke signals? No-one actually knows.

If it is some kind of message, then I guess they might read something in these latest missile firings in the south.(?)

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Now let's see what trump's love letter pen pal rocket man does.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Too bad Trump is not around anymore to bow to Kim, shake hands, praise his general and call him "a great leader" too. Trump fans and Kim Jong Un must be getting teary eyed...

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

@Ptownsend is S.Korea a western nation?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

It smells smoke. North Korea test-firing a salvo of 8 missiles, and South Korea and the U.S. are counterattacking in kind.

Will this eye-for-an-eye and tooth-for-a-tooth confrontation solve any problem at all?

Maybe, this confrontation will keep going on forever until one side succumbs and collapses by self-destruction.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The article conveniently doesn't say where the missiles landed.

The most important part !

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

7 Korean missiles and 1 US missile.

USFK doesn't have the firepower of the ROK Army, so...

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

It’s all about chest bumping, North Korea has only so many missiles, to antagonise them to launch more into the sea is well frankly funny. They are aggressive anyway might as well bait them. The more they fire the less they have to use should things go South.

‘it’s not like they are economically booming, next year they are going to introduce a tape worm bomb, absolutely devastating over a 20year period.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

For North Korea, these launches serve several purposes.

Disposing of old inventory, maintaining legitimacy, psychological effect, crew training opportunity, demonstration of capabilities to missile buyers such as Yemen, Iran etc.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

This is a short range missile firing at take off. The others were MLRS rockets. No where to compare with North Korea's Scuds!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It's like watching small, not very bright children in the sandbox mimic each other and throw sand at each other ...and then the ENDLESS whining from the richer, more spoiled kids who can't get their own way... and who looks the greater fools here? Hint: NOT Bukhan... but certainly telling of the mentalities running the 'Western' dominated side, reacting like Pavlovian dogs...

3 ( +8 / -5 )

S Korea, US launch 8 missiles in response to N Korean salvo:

Nations ought to eschew from such counter-moves purposely to demonstrate their military prowess.

Chances are if any unfortunate skirmish occurs, a conflict would ensue immediately.

Has the world not seen enough of obnoxious wars..?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

South Korea and US? Ohh.. well that's ok then right?

Hypocrite much?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

@Ptownsend is S.Korea a western nation?

Google, Baidu, and Yandex are your friends. But I say no, still I wonder why someone would ask that question ,based on my above comment.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

PTownsendToday  01:46 pm JST

@Ptownsend is S.Korea a western nation?

Google, Baidu, and Yandex are your friends. But I say no, still I wonder why someone would ask that question ,based on my above comment.

It seems that you need more a notion of the definition of the “western world” and “western countries”

Culturally and historically the western world refers to all the country that came from Europe.

The actual notion of the western world is North America/Europe/Australia/New Zealand.

Which doesn’t mean a free nation or democracy.

Japan like South Korea are free and democratic nations but not western nations.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


-3 ( +2 / -5 )

They should have launched them into the demilitarized zone.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It's amazing how many people seem to think that this tit-for-tat form of politics with North Korea, China, and Russia will somehow yield a positive outcome. We're already in major global recession that will only get worse, thanks to the West's sanctions against Russia. China's already on edge with the US presence in the region and the former Australian government's taunting and overall stupidy. Do we really want to keep poking at nuclear North Korea with their Napoleon-complex leader? Not saying what Russia, China, and North Korea have been doing are correct, but let's face it, the West hasn't exactly behaving any better.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Over the years DPRK has fired so many missiles into the poor long-suffering sea.

I wonder what they would do if the "sea" started firing back?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It's amazing how many people seem to think that this tit-for-tat form of politics with North Korea, China, and Russia will somehow yield a positive outcome.

I greatly doubt anyone expects a positive outcome with North Korea no matter what is done. They have tried just about everything else, this cant make matters any worse.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

EastmanToday 11:13 am JST

how much of money were burned again for nothing?what is sense of this?

No comments on North Korean waste of money, or the senseless nature of their launches, but when South Korea and America launch a few missiles its all condemnation against them. Easy to spot hypocrisy in some posters. Condemn both sides or neither side.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Now now what have US N sk done Lil Fatty Kim is crying in the corner now saying papa putin n mama xi they have bigger n more advanced toys than mine

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@alan. Agree. Don’t practice invasions of sovereign nations, right outside their border and use very threatening language and sanctions.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@PTownsend Not all governments tell the truth!! There is real information that comes out and then you find disinformation to water the real truths down. Simply put the governments don't tell the people what they want to hear or what they want to know. They only tell you what to do and keep you guessing!! Been there do that!!

The militaries of South Korea and the United States fired eight surface-to-surface missiles

More than 10% of USAmericans live below the poverty line, many lacking access to basic health care, yet the country persists in spending trillions on its militaries, and displaying their missles and otherweapons. I have no idea what the poverty rate might be in North Korea/Bukhan, the Hermit Kingdom's remains under the control of the dynastic regime that was put in place long ago by Russia/USSR and China, and like Russia and China today the North Korean regime controls and censors media and information, so who knows how much actual poverty there is there, and how many people have been affected by Covid, or any other illness, disease for that matter. North Korea, like most other authoritarian regimes is not willing to tell the truth about it problems, he rulers do not want their myths busted, same with most other nations, but especially true in states led by despots. At least in most democracies their citizens can eventually find true information and question their respective nation's interpretations of history.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

They can use gps Artillery Shell,they hard to stop,they hard to stop

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Taking out the NK leadership ,will just end NK reign of terror,since they do not have the ability to think on their own ,US is the only country can do it with Stealth bombers,they would not know what hit them,I not saying launching a preemptive strike against Kim,but this could be an option

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

They can use gps Artillery Shell,they hard to stop,they hard to stop

Sigh. In a no kidding shooting war GPS will jammed. Nobody counts on GPS availability any more in a peer or near peer conflict. There are just too many ways to jam or spoof GPS.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Taking out the NK leadership ,will just end NK reign of terror,since they do not have the ability to think on their own 

If the US did that China would immediately enter the war if for no other reason than to prevent the collapse of DPRK.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I'm surprised and embarrassed the US did this. It is an awful lot like two boys pulling open their pants to compare the length of their little brothers. The best policy is to not react to DPRK provocation. Sufficient force to deter aggression and patience are what matter.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Desert Tortoise

I'm surprised and embarrassed the US did this.

If all eight missiles were Korean missiles, then it would send a bad message to North Korea that the US would sit out like it's doing in Ukraine.

So the US had to join in and launch single missile in a symbolic gesture.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@Desert Tortoise

If the US did that China would immediately enter the war if for no other reason than to prevent the collapse of DPRK.

There are only a specific list of conditions where China agreed to stay out during the ROK invasion of North Korea in the secret Korea-China non-intervention agreement, namely

1) North Korea is in a civil war following the sudden demise of the supreme leader.

2) North Korea attacked the US or ROK first with nukes, intercepted or not.

Interestingly, Japan isn't covered in this secret agreement.

China also warned North Korea they would stay out of US invasion if North Korean ICBMs landed on US territorial water during its threat of test launching ICBMs around international waters of Guam back in 2017.

Contrary to popular belief, China isn't eager to be dragged into Korean War 2; China lost 500K troops during the Korean War 1, and stands to lose 1 million troops during Korean War 2 due to the massive power build up of ROK military. So while China hopes that North Korea lasts as long as possible, it won't intervene if that day arrives. China has too much to lose this time around.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

DT,these 155 mm shells are jam proof,they cost 122 thousands a piece,can be my are more accurate using Japan using Japan augmentation GPS system Google Japanese GPS Beacon

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

If that’s the new global communication, then good night. I think, a very cheap phone call or a diplomatic letter would be sufficient when dealing with them. No need to blow millions of dollars into the sea for nothing.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Desert TortoiseToday  05:54 am JST

I'm surprised and embarrassed the US did this. It is an awful lot like two boys pulling open their pants to compare the length of their little brothers. The best policy is to not react to DPRK provocation. Sufficient force to deter aggression and patience are what matter.

It was ROK backing up the new Yoon administration's policy towards DPRK. US simply went along.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If all eight missiles were Korean missiles, then it would send a bad message to North Korea that the US would sit out like it's doing in Ukraine.

You missed my point entirely. Regardless of who shot what, the US and South Korea looked more foolish than menacing. It was more like "nya-nya, my dooflickis is longer than yours".

Btw, the US has a formal defense treaty with South Korea and a UN resolution calling for South Korea's defense. The US and NATO had no formal defense relationship with Ukraine and no signed commitment to aid them in the event of a war. Likewise there was no UN resolution authorizing international intervention as there was in the Korean War and later in the Balkans. Do you understand the difference and why that difference matters?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

DT,these 155 mm shells are jam proof.

No, not true. There is no such thing as jam proof GPS. There are units out there that can create a false GPS signal to seduce GPS guided munitions, aircraft, ships, anything that relies on GPS, off target. There are multiple ways to jam a GPS signal. The satellites themselves can be affected by ground based directed energy weapons (the Soviets had such weapons back in the 1980s and partially disabled a Space Shuttle during a mission once, made the astronauts sick too) or by weapons already in orbit today. I am telling you as someone with hands on in the military, nobody plans to have working GPS in a major war. It won't be there.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It was ROK backing up the new Yoon administration's policy towards DPRK. US simply went along.

Instead of going along the US should have counseled patience and to keep their gunpowder dry. Shooting all that stuff was an intel bonanza for China and North Korea.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

 the secret Korea-China non-intervention agreement, namely

And you expect us to believe you just happen to know the contents of a "secret" agreement? Lol. You post some funny stuff here.

Nobody outside of Beijing really knows what China would do if DPRK got itself into a war or the DPRK government collapsed. I would be more inclined to believe the CCP doesn't really know. They would be caught as flat footed as they were when Covid-19 was first detected (so much for lessons learned from SARS) and like the earliest days of the Covid-19 pandemic there would be a week or two of indecision before the CCP acted.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Kim can take on those missiles single-handedly.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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