Japan Today

School operator head testifies in Diet he got Y1 mil donation from Akie Abe

By Kiyoshi Takenaka and Elaine Lies

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Ockham's Razor---the hypothesis that requires the fewest assumptions is most likely true--is beneficial here. To believe Abe, you have to believe that Abe's wife is such a ditz that she doesn't remember whether or not she gave a school that named her honorary principal a million yen. I could go on but you get the picture. Abe lied. Flush him and Imada and the rest of the LDP down the toilet.

23 ( +28 / -5 )

What's a million yen here or there? I usually forget what happens when I give away millions of yen too.....

14 ( +17 / -3 )

haha.. I wonder what is happening behind the scenes there... seems nippon kaigi wants abe out?

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Even Trump could lie his way out of this one ..... fingers crossed this is the final straw for Abe and his gang.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Over the last week i've seen a lot on J TV about how Mrs Abe is an independent woman and even a bit off a loose. Now this, just goes to show how well the damage control and "brought" time given/allowed by the controlled media allows the spin machine to kick-in in full effect. Not only a Japanese thing at all but scarily impressive to see. Edward Bernays would be proud.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

So is this the beginning of Abe's impeachment?

Hopefully Japanese people have watched and learned what their neighbor have went through.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

“Abe’s wife apparently says she doesn’t remember this at all, but since this was a matter of honor to us, I remember it quite vividly.”

What the heck does this mean? She doesn't remember, but she does? Everything is very fishy about this whole deal. If Akie gave him a paper bag of money under the table, there will be no record of it. Furthermore, he probably used it to wine and dine himself at girly bars anyway. He is setting himself up for a contempt of court charge, for sure!

This whole scenario reminds me of a bar I used to manage in Shinjuku. "Turn the lights on and watch the roaches scatter!"

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

some heads are gonna roll! this guy is a rat, and you all know the phrase: if you play with rats, your gonna get poisoned by rat germs

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

a big part of me wants to believe kagoike, but i think he's just lashing out at the LDP and abe for letting him take all the blame for the land scandal. they threw him under the bus when the truth was emerging about the land deal. all the rats abandoned ship, leaving him exposed for what he really is, a nationalistic pig.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Abe’s wife apparently says she doesn’t remember

Defense Minister Tomomi Inada.... said her memory was faulty.

Lots of people losing memory quickly!

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Lots of people losing memory quickly!

tell tale sign of more to come to help them remember

4 ( +5 / -1 )

look this guy was promised by some high up they had his back, then the ---t hits the fan and the politicians ran leaving him high and dry. He has nothing to lose now, look for lots of parliament memory loss.....

9 ( +10 / -1 )

The time Abe filing his resignation is getting closer.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

a big part of me wants to believe kagoike, but i think he's just lashing out at the LDP and abe for letting him take all the blame for the land scandal. they threw him under the bus when the truth was emerging about the land deal. all the rats abandoned ship, leaving him exposed for what he really is, a nationalistic pig.

No need for belief or disbelief. Just follow the money.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Seems to me that memory loss is an infectious disease....damn learn something everyday!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

It's ridiculous that we're having this conversation! Why is Abe still Prime Minister?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

donate or not donate, thats not the issue. The issue is how did the 700 Million worth of property became 100 Million. Oh well, worked with South Korea, undermining its govt and now Japan. I can see a pattern. Who is benefitting on this? China? North Korea?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Oh wow, good news but I dont really trust that Kagoike guy, but if its really true, impeach Abe and perhaps we can reverse everything he did in the last 4 years? reverse laws, get money back from abroad? wishful thinking I know.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Why is Abe still Prime Minister?

Who do you think would replace him? Aso again? Abe's cabinet is worse than he is. Clean up things and get the crusty old farts working for the people and let Koike lead the country!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

It appears that the school operator has an axe to grind after his organization was publicly exposed as being corrupted. His latest claim about receiving money from the Abe couple is somewhat convient and full of revenge in my opinion. He loves the attention. Any normal person under investigation would avoid speaking to media but Mr. Kagoike seems to enjoy and embrace the attention. I believe he will say anything to extend his presence in front of the cameras and microphones.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Dango bongMAR. 23, 2017 - 02:51PM JST

Why is Abe still Prime Minister?

Who do you think would replace him? Aso again? Abe's cabinet is worse than he is. Clean up things and get the crusty old farts working for the people and let Koike lead the country!

Not sure about that, Koike is right in there with the Nippon Kaigi crowd as well, and she's well up for historical textbook revision and Yasukuni Shrine visits.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Wow! The plot thickens.. I think we're witnessing a major falling out inside Nippon Kaigi and I suspect many people are surprised Kagoike is going off-script

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Most of if not all involved are over 70 wearing napies do you seriously expect a clear memory let alone vibrant cutting edge leadership. "Can't remember" is the catch phrase of Japan these days and as the leadership population decline continue expect to hear it more.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

DisillusionedMAR. 23, 2017 - 02:08PM JST

If Akie gave him a paper bag of money under the table, there will be no record of it. Furthermore, he probably used it to wine and dine himself at girly bars anyway.

You do not follow Japanese news, do you? Kagoike has presented the press the deposit account receipt of 1,000,000 yen, dated September 7, 2015 which is the following Monday of September 5 when the donation was supposed to be given. The new is all over Japan.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Clean up things and get the crusty old farts working for the people and let Koike lead the country!

That's the most sensible comment so far!

@CH3CHO - Kagoike has presented the press the deposit account receipt of 1,000,000 yen, dated September 7, 2015 which is the following Monday of September 5 when the donation was supposed to be given.

Yeah, so what! That proves nothing! The cash could have come from anywhere! Did it have Akie Abe's name on it? If not, it is just a circumstantial coincidence!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Kagoike and his wife are vile bigots, racists, liars, child abusers and fraudsters. They deserve everything they are going to get. The wife was arrested and fined ¥300,000 few years ago for slapping a ten year old child who didn't return her greeting:


Hopefully this will bring down the whole filthy, corrupt edifice. What a shame Shinzo was able to run off to Italy for his photo-ops and avoid the pantomime. It would have been sweet to see him face his accuser....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Wow, Abe needs to get out, there is no place in Japan to teach this crap. Get rid of Abe and the school.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Disillusioned - no the receipt didn't have Akie Abe's name on it.

But it did have Shinzo Abe's name on it. - which has been whited over, but clearly readable. The official Post Office (I think) hanko is over the white-out, which means the name wasn't covered over after the event in 2015.

Apparently Kagoike was "chuffed" at the time about the donation and made no effort to hide who the donor was at that time. It fits in with his character and the whole Abe connection.

Abe - when stating recently that he'd resign if he was connected to the case, was not counting on 2 unknown happenings.

1) The existence of a receipt

2) His Nippon-Kaigi blood-buddy (whom he says he barely knows, if at all lol) spilling the beans.

So it's squirm time, lie time and squirm some more time.


4 ( +5 / -1 )

DisillusionedMAR. 23, 2017 - 04:09PM JST

@CH3CHO - Kagoike has presented the press the deposit account receipt of 1,000,000 yen, dated September 7, 2015 which is the following Monday of September 5 when the donation was supposed to be given.

Yeah, so what! That proves nothing!

Remember what you have said.

DisillusionedMAR. 23, 2017 - 02:08PM JST

Furthermore, he probably used it to wine and dine himself at girly bars anyway.

If he received the 1,000,000 yen from Akie, it was in the deposit account. He could not have "wined and dined himself" with the money.

If he did not receive the 1,000,000 yen from Akie, he could not "wine and dine himself" with non-existent money.

Kagoike cannot "wine and dine" with the money and save it, too. To answer your question, what it proves is that your reasoning is clearly wrong.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Abe didn’t personally write his name on that cash receipt. It was somebody working for Kagoike, an assistant if you will. If it had been Abe himself, he would have to come true to his word and resign, although I understand that donating 1 million yen is not a crime in itself. Maybe they can trace who sent the 1 million yen in the first place and take it from there.

Funny to see that lawyerlike fellow questioning Kagoike in the beginning, pointing out to Kagoike that lying under oath would have severe consequences. Since Abe is lying through his teeth, Kagoike should have replied with “tell that to Abe”. Abe’s wife and Inada were moved to tears by this “school”, Konoike said it was the best thing he’d ever seen and now all of a sudden they have dropped this Kagoike fellow like a brick. They are all lying scum.

Anyway, 1 million yen, who gives a hoot, people should be up in arms that there are folks here who want to put their children in such a dumb school and that members of the LDP have supported this school.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Abe's only option is to throw his wife under the bus and ask her to take full responsibility for what happened, say Shinzo wasn't aware, she acted alone etc. Most of us wouldn't believe her but this could, perhaps, be enough to save his own skin, for now.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yasunori Kagoike, is a contemptible, dishonorable liar. Yasunori Kagoike has no scruples, not a shred of human decency, a proven fact burying toxic waste under Kindergarten play ground.

As for Abe san LDP Government, at a time when Japan needs strong leadership, the electorate have been presented a master class in deception, deliberate evasion, fraudulent land deals. Tomomi Inada Minster of Defence appears incapable of telling the truth.

If Abe san is to stand down who will replace him? Taro Aso, Japan deputy Prime Minster/Finance Minister? In April Japan will be up against an American team of negotiators, carnivorous financial hyenas, to forge out a bilateral trade deal. The is not a time for music chairs, Abe san friendship with golf buddy President Trump might come in handy.

Abe san could have just stood by his political principles and taken the flak. Honesty is the best policy always, Akie Abe, either made this donation or not. It is no revelation that Both Akie and Abe san hold nationalist right wing views that some would find frankly abhorrent, and the connection to the loathsome Yasunori Kagoike, and his detestable school is undeniable. Simply because Akie Abe choice to attend an assembly, and didn't object to a honorary role of vice principal. Why didn't both and Inada just admit it. Instead of fainting a collective bouts of amnesia?

Whether Yasunori Kagoike is pinocchio's great uncle, or Bill Liar's older brother, makes little difference now. Yasunori Kagoike has testified in the Diet he received a Y1 mil donation from Akie Abe on behalf of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, after both categorically denied the incident ever took place. It all feels like there is more revelations yet to come

I don;t believe Yasunori Kagoike has even answered direct questions about the actual land deal yet?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Only about $10,000. Many people here trust Kagoike. LDP is still in majority and I don't think anyone begins suggesting to impeach PM for his wife's action or rumors.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Wat do youwantthemoneyfor?

Going to moon?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Interesting seeing the lay judges' guilty rulings of the Abes. In the real world so far I haven't seen Akie testify, nor any evidence of what this untrustworthy devious Kagoike scoundrel is claiming.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Good assessment @ Toshiko as much as many liberal gaijin would like to see his impeachment it's not going to happen. Sorry to let most of you down ( not really)

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

presto345MAR. 23, 2017 - 07:33PM JST

Interesting seeing the lay judges' guilty rulings of the Abes. In the real world so far I haven't seen Akie testify, nor any evidence of what this untrustworthy devious Kagoike scoundrel is claiming.

No one has produced any conclusive evidence to prove that Kagoike is lying about the donation either. On the other hand, Akie Abe visited the school three times, said how wonderful she and her husband thought it was, and was set to be the honorary vice principal - of course they're now making out as if she had no choice, but I think that's a load of nonsense. Furthermore it's a pretty dangerous thing for Kagoike to lie about unless he really doesn't care about ending up in prison for a bit. So all in all I find the circumstantial evidence quite compelling.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Guys, Abe's not going to resign, even IF solid evidence of what Kagoike is saying comes to light. In fact, I'm sure he's just going to demand the issue be forgotten and pray NK fires more missiles so he can try and deflect from the issue. I have zero doubt Abe and wife are in neck deep with donations and scheming, but he'll never live up to his promise to resign. Not until the Constitution has been revised. It was an Abe promise, after all.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@SimonFoston. Well explained. I don't like Kagoike anymore than most other people on this board but he doesn't have any reason to lie. The Abe's, on the other hand, have to explain how a piece of government land valued at 800 million yen was sold for about 1/8 of that price, how Akie was named honorary principal and yet can't seem to remember if she did or did not give a million yen to the school in the name of her husband. "I can't remember" is the default answer of a liar.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The PM's salvation is just around the corner - that good ol' virtuous cycle of Abenomics! Once that starts up, then all will be forgiven and forgotten. OK, virtuous cycle...where are you? Um, virtuous cyle? Hello? Where is that virtuous cycle, anyway?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Once a "crook" always a "crook"!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Kagoike stands for many things which are wrong in society, none the least his extreme ring wing politics, but so far he hasn't been caught in any lies has he? (correct me if I'm wrong). Without proof to the opposite, it makes infinitely more sense that making Akie honorary principal was because of a donation or support of some other kind (read: cheap land deal). Given the latter, it would behoove the Abes to admit to the former but too late now.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

smithinjapanMAR. 23, 2017 - 09:04PM JST

Guys, Abe's not going to resign, even IF solid evidence of what Kagoike is saying comes to light.

Probably not over all this exactly, although I can see his support ratings continuing to drop, potential LDP rivals taking this as a sign to do something before it starts to hurt them too, and Abe finally quitting on the pretext that it's for the sake of party unity or something vague and face-saving like that. He'll have to be badly damaged by this, though.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Abe being damaged by this? I doubt. even the DPJ and oposition have conceded that there is no point of pressing the matter because they can not tie it up to Abe so they will simply bleed the issue for the coming election in 2 months time.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

No one has produced any conclusive evidence to prove that Kagoike is lying about the donation either. On the other hand, Akie Abe visited the school three times, said how wonderful she and her husband thought it was, and was set to be the honorary vice principal - of course they're now making out as if she had no choice, but I think that's a load of nonsense. Furthermore it's a pretty dangerous thing for Kagoike to lie about unless he really doesn't care about ending up in prison for a bit. So all in all I find the circumstantial evidence quite compelling.

I'm not sure why you have so much faith in Kagoike. If you think Abe is bad, this guy is a lunatic. Who knows what he will do or say. And can they actually send him to prison if they don't have evidence either way (which they would have had by now if it existed)? If not, what is the point of all this?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I bet they all get away with it, but I'm enjoying them squirm and implicate each other all the same.

Osaka wouldn't have been my first choice of a place to build a kindergarden where you get the kids to say "Abe PM, Banzai!" or try to make the Emperor divine again, too many tricky parents, but there you go.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

She thought this kindergarten is excellent, just like the parents who enrolled their children.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Oh no. If you're going for the "I don't remember" reasoning, then may I suggest add the "because I was drunk" line to it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The Rat ought to just take a drop dead pill-

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

All she has been dooming is barking at reporters. She is just a civilian.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

They can't both be telling the truth.

They can be both telling lies. And they certainly do. Mrs Abe was part of the stinky project, her name was not used by accident, and that's what counts. How much help she provided is one of the details that investigation will check. The scandal is the Prime Minister of Japan supports cultish weirdos. You imagine what we'd hear if Mr Angela Merkel was caught visiting a Hitlerian youth kindergarten ?

Abe has denied he or Akie intervened in the land deal, or helped the school get accredited. He has said he would resign if evidence to the contrary were found.

He should already be gone.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Let's not become like South Korea and over react over insignificant issues such as this One! His wife made a mistake, but he has been a good president overall. Before Abe, presidents came and went just as fast as a tampons need to be replaced. He has tried to improve relations with every single country from the US to EU, Russia, China, Korea, Israel, Saudi Arabia, India etc. The longer he can stay in power the better Japan will be at home and abroad!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Subjects? That is funny.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Lost in the story

The group currently runs a kindergarten with a similar curriculum.

As long as it's private it would seem there are no laws to stop them from restarting Imperialist Japan again.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Let's not become like South Korea and over react over insignificant issues such as this One!

I see, so mind numbing corruption is golden in your book. Nice!

His wife made a mistake

Accidentally calling your partner by your exs name is a mistake. This by all accounts if proven to be true, is a wolf in sheep's clothing masquerading as a fighter for truth and liberty all the while concealing her ties to the racist nippon kaigi. Next few days should be titillating. Still waiting for NK to do its thing so dear leader can project his muscle.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I have zero doubt Abe and wife are in neck deep with donations and scheming

Zero doubt? So you were in the room when this occurred then? You must be so important.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Educator60MAR. 24, 2017 - 12:00AM JST

Akie Abe made a statement on her Facebook tonight, again denying the allegations Kagoike made today in his testimony before the Diet regarding a donation. They can't both be telling the truth. I've been thinking for days that she should be called to testify under the same conditions as Kagoike. Some people are saying Kagoike probably wouldn't kid under oath because it's too risky if he's got nothing to lose but some people are compulsive liars, some are delusional, and some want to be a martyr. If Kagoike is lying it wouldn't be the first time someone has committed perjury. It also wouldn't be the first time Kagoike's been caught bending the truth.

That looks like a slightly one-sided analysis: plenty about Kagoike, all of it damning, very little about Akie Abe.

Still not convinced one way or the other.

Would you, by any chance, be slightly more inclined to believe Mr and Mrs Abe?

therougouMAR. 24, 2017 - 12:17AM JST

"No one has produced any conclusive evidence to prove that Kagoike is lying about the donation either.

I'm not sure why you have so much faith in Kagoike. If you think Abe is bad, this guy is a lunatic.

Shinzo Abe appears to have had plenty of faith in Kagoike, at least until this scandal broke and it all became a bit embarrassing to have anything to do with him.

AlexBecMAR. 24, 2017 - 06:29AM JST

Let's not become like South Korea and over react over insignificant issues such as this One!

Insignificant? Abe himself said it was potentially a resigning issue.

His wife made a mistake, but he has been a good president overall.

Don't see a whole lot of evidence of that.

He has tried to improve relations with every single country from the US to EU, Russia, China, Korea, Israel, Saudi Arabia, India etc.

So what? I thought all Prime Ministers tried to do that. Good Prime Ministers succeed.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

His popularity is still 56%

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

toshikoMAR. 24, 2017 - 09:25AM JST

His popularity is still 56%

That's a drop of 10% in really quite a short time. Let's see what happens to it as this story plays out.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I think Abe will overcome this problem and will concentrate on amending constitution to put down N Korea. He will not be bothered by his personal problems.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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