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Senior defense official fired for Okinawa 'rape' slur


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There you have it! It's what I've been saying from the get go. It's not about money, politics, protection etc., that the majority of the Okinawans want MCAS out of the prefecture. It's that they are tired of being puppets for both Govt's, tired of being treated like outcasts, and have everything forced down thier throats.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

what's the big deal?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

I am completely confused. I can see how this would anger the government, but not the people of Okinawa.

But then, maybe I am guessing the context of the his question correctly (Is anybody?)

And this was a drinking session?? Its bad enough people can't deal with frank commentary, but if you cannot compensate for knowing someone has been drinking, you must live life on head of a pin!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

what's the big deal?

It's very obvious you don't live in Okinawa. When will people learn that drinking and your brain don't work well together 99% of the time.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

So this guy gets fired for it but guys who actually DO rape get away with it? Japan needs to really get a clue. What the guy said was out of line (who goes on casual drinking parties with reporters?!) but fired? Silly.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Another great example of a complete idiot making it to a high level position in the Japanese government! You have to be an utter moron to go out and get drunk with a bunch of reporters and expect them to keep your slobbering drunk vowel movements "off the record". This fool deserves to be kicked into the unemployment line!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Usually an apology and a few deep bows would be enough to get these guys off the hook. Sometimes what you say is worse than what you do in this country.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I think what Ichikawa communicated is the GoJ’s true attitude toward Okinawa. On the other hand, the Okinawa politicians have not done the people of Okinawa any favors by walking around with a big chip on their shoulders. The Okinawa people need to take a hard look at the politicians they are electing to represent them and decide whether the politicians are representing Okinawa or the radical factions on the mainland who use Okinawa to get their agenda media time and headlines.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

A poor choice of words but hardly a cause for resignation. Tmarie has it right: a fulsome public apology with an acknowledgement that rape is a massively under-reported and under-prosecuted crime in Japan should suffice.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Seems to me that getting drunk and saying what you want is no longer an accepted norm. Dude is an idiot for saying what probably everyone in Tokyo has to be thinking right now. He just let the cat out of the bag too early that's all.

Okinawa has been getting raped both figuratively and literally for over 60 years now.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The US and Japan ought start all of this over from the beginning. First, all US forces leave Japan or set a date certain for leaving. Then let the Japanese people decide if they really want the US to help them with their national defense (ie. deter China). Since the US would be leaving, the reality of their defense needs would be apparent to all. If they decide they want America's support the two sides can then get together and decide what US forces are required to accomplish this task. At this point, the US waits for however many years or decades it takes for the Japanese to decide where these forces can reside in Japan. In the meantime, if the Chinese get aggressive enough towards Japan it might be relatively easy to get the US military into the appropriate facilities.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

is especially sensitive to such a comment after the rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan girl by three U.S. servicemen in 1995.

Let's not forget the rapes performed by Japanese military forces on Okinawans prior to US occupation. Yeah, they are a little sensitive. Can you blame them?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

From what I have read most people that rape do not announce it. Only bank robbers announce their intent, or else they would not get any money.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

saw the news on nhk this morning. seems he can't get out of this one!

and +1 for Okinawamike

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

LifeisPain: "I can see how this would anger the government, but not the people of Okinawa."

So the fact that it was inappropriate should matter based on location?

I'm sorry for those who feel this guy shouldn't have been sacked, but it was well deserved. As a government official you just don't use this kind of language and/or metaphor.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

I think Mr Tanaka was just bringing up the situation 'straight forward'! By the way...who is the 'rapist ' he means?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I wonder who is going to benefit from this?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Soo.. basically this happened?: Reporter: "why don't you say when you're going to give the environment report?" Tanaka: "Is the criminal going to announce that he's going to screw you?"

Despite what words with multiple meaning were used, the bottom line is that the government IS going to screw Okinawans knowingly. He was fired for letting that out, not becauses of some verbal gaffe, wasn't he?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

He was backgrounding journos off the record and he basically said something aloing the lines of "we're going to screw Okinawa on the bases issue." Careless wording, perhaps, but arguably the journos should not have attributed an off the record briefing. His comments tend to indicate that he knows only too well that Okinawa is going to get a rough deal.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

He should have known that there is no such thing as "off the record" for a bunch of journalists with an agenda.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Let's not forget the rapes performed by Japanese military forces on Okinawans prior to US occupation. Yeah, they are a little sensitive. Can you blame them?

You do realize that you are asking people to continually drag up relatively ancient history. Consider this, "prior" to US occupation was roughly about 1945. A different era, along with a different government and people as well.

Do you blame your ancestors for your problems of today? Or do you seek solutions to create a better tomorrow? Living in the past, at least THAT far back does NO ONE any good.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I never understand why Japanese politicians get fired or resign over matters that are trivial compared to what happens overseas.

When politicians overseas commit crimes in office and then carry on their merry way, the precious little Japanese politicians lose their jobs for an off the cuff remark, installing a water filter in their office with approval or questioning senior officials accounting anomalies. The politics in this nation is a joke.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It was a stupid comment. If he did not already learn that such a comment in inappropriate for a person in that position he never would have.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sounds to me like he's talking about the rape of Okinawa, but with the vagueness of this article it is hard to decipher what the big deal is! Just silliness and the language police jump all over you for your words taken out of context. This is the sickening part of the media and over -sensitive cry babies.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

You gonna get FIRED!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why this rankles so much is that Okinawa was and is being raped - by the U.S.A. and by Honshu.

I cannot understand why the Government of Japan can't do its job and represent its people.


They don't want them relocated.

They don't want them reduced.

They just don't want them.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Consider this, "prior" to US occupation was roughly about 1945. A different era, along with a different government and people as well.

And you would think that people could learn from the past. However, with the different era, different gov't and different people, the Okinawans still get treated as outcasts...the other people...."the , it's not our problem, let them deal with it" people.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


They don't want them relocated.

They don't want them reduced.

They just don't want them.

All depends where you live on the island. An overwhelming silent majority are apathetic about the bases because they have no affect or influence on their lives.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Very true Yubaru. It depends on the area of Okinawa. It is not fair to make a general statement such as "Okinawans don't want bases". It's just not true. The majority of those who do not want bases are civil service workers. They have no need for bases nor the English language. Others do and want them. It's pot luck. The bases are here to stay at least for the foreseeable future.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The quality of japanese politicians in DPJ were relatively very low!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Generally speaking, comments made while drinking, and when the speaker is more than slightly drunk, anything said is "forgotten" and not mentioned the following day. As an example, drinking at a NiJiKai (party after the party), where people tend to look the other way. But, here today, we are not talking about days of old, before WWII and 1945 - we are talking about a Japanese Government Official, holding an important post in the Japanese Governement (Tanaka San is not a Politician - but a career governement employee) who is just DUMB enough to make a statement in such a way that it is an INSULT to Okinawa (and that includes every person who lives here). As my mother told me, after smacking me across the face with the back of her hand, "It is not what you say, but the way you say it" that gets you in trouble.

And, boy, does he have a hangover. Actually, he has three of them, the newspapers, his boss, and worst of all HIS WIFE (can you imagine - he comes home and gets no O'KarriNasai - O'Tsukare Sama - Just "How can you be so BAKA to open your big mouth and say stupid things like that" How can I go shopping tomorrow - where all the neighbors know I am married to an AxxHxxE,

Just a thought from my side,

OkiTaroSan....... Naha, Okinawa

1 ( +1 / -0 )

First, lets frame up the meeting. This was an "off the record" drinking bout. Oh so Japanese, what happens at nomi kai stays at nomi ka. It is a simple tennant of Japanese business life. In the political world though it is how they "leak" ideas or concepts. While it is off the record there is a purpose for it.

The Ryukyu Shimpo reporter violated a simple tenant adn in doing so has now been banned from BoeSho press functions, justifiabley so.

Now the reality. The Shimpo is so damned bent on promoting the kawaiso "position" of Okinawa that they just HAD to print this. Let it be said that WHAT was said was not a direct statemetn or inuendo relating to or about rape. This has been spun and manipulated to make it new worthy.

Tanaka was, lets say, a bit stupid to let his guard down. Not his first post or spin on the roller coaster. But to sack him for, at most, an unpopular comment.... really!

And to hear Chiji saying... "I am at a loss for words". COME ON! They are milking this for miles (YEN)!!!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

He's being fired for frankly admitting the government's opinion of the situation.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

For Okimike67........I do agree with your comments. Having said that I still think Tanaka got sacked for letting his guard down, especially so new to his post, and making a stupid comment thinking he could get away with it. All in all, I think the original plan of moving Futenma had a reasonable chance of becoming reality - that is, until Ogawa, Hatoyama, and others in the DPJ made promises to the people of Okinawa they could not keep, and either knew it, or were to stupid to think they could get away with it.......and in the end it is coming back to bite the DPJ, and the Japan government, in the butt.....

I doubt very seriously we will see it come to reality - an if it does - it will not be without a fight.

OkiTaroSan Naha, Okinawa

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"burderned with a heavy U.S. military presence"

That's not a burden, that's security. And a great deal of help in emergencies like in the days and weeks following the March 11 disaster.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Japan has "USED" Okinawa ever since the annexation back in 1879 and Hiro hito made a deal with McArthur that put occupational troops on Okinawa rather then on the four main islands of Japan.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

i don't think it was right for him to be fired. I do think its corny how they mention Negitive things. while theres many Japanese men who haved raped. the US Military has Helped in so many ways including the 3/11 Disaster. i think there should be less stationed in okinawa because one main threat is from North Korea. they should just simply vote on it & if most of the people want them out then they should leave. the US should always protect & Help Japan from any agressive countries.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Raymasaki, 311 was mainland Japan. Operation Tomodachi did nothing for Okinawa. Anywho they could of come in from Guam or another of the islands near it. While it is true they sometimes help, however the bases themselves block the routes of emergency vehicles. Try driving from the Okinawa City Chu area (gate 2) to Kadena circle (gate 4). Note you can not drive through the base. Then record how long it would take you. Drive back through the base and recored the time. How long did it take you? Get the picture?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

YuriOtani: "Operation Tomodachi did nothing for Okinawa"

Yuri, it was called 'operation tomodachi'.... that kind of name ensures nothing could be accomplished, period. Next it will be Operation Kitty-chan.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

If the government of Japan wanted to do something "useful", it would build a restricted access road right across Kadena. While the American operation was nice, they put themselves first by not going near the Fukushima disaster area. They are people too! How many people died because of this action? Am positive the Government of Japan was extra slow as usual. Not to blame the Marines since they would of gone in anyhow but it was their government. Americans for the most part overflow with compassion. Still the Minister pays lip service to the people of Okinawa by firing this person. His replacement will just get less drunk at the next party. It will change nothing as always.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Is there an ignore function on this board so one can block seeing idiotic and stupid posts that clutter up a thread?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yuri pray tell what in the heck does your post have to do with what the article here? You obviously have no love lost for the US Military in Okinawa but your comments just sound ignorant and childish at best.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yubaru, very typical response from an American service person stationed in Okinawa. So the American in Okinawa would come after me? Guests of the Tokyo government upset with a lowly Uchinanchu who does not know her place. Well get over it! It is a privilege the American troops can be stationed in Okinawa and not a right. I would like to see the wrongs of the SOFA before the base agreement is done. I see nothing changing for the next 5 years or so. MCAS Futenma will remain open, the new airfield will not get built. The blather from Tokyo and Washington will increase. There is one thing Uchinanchu and our friends the Americans SOFA and non-SOFA need to get along. We can disagree with the politics and still be friends. Anyhow it does not matter what either of us thinks, so I hold out my hand tomodashi Yabaru.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

This gaffe incident betrays the fact that Tanaka, who carries the brunt of executing the government plan of relocting Futenma to Henoko, thinks at heart that it is a criminal act to do so.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yuri, bad form to assume anything I am not US Military and I do know what I am talking about.

If you would tone down the rhetoric it might be easier to accept what you have to say. Otherwise it just comes across as another anti-military anti-US diatribe.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I guess it depends where you live on island.

Yubaru, I don't think it depends so much on where.

I know people all over the island who would be happy to see the bases go. In Naha, Yomitan, Kadena, Nago, Itoman, Kin, Motobu, Okinawa city, etc. But how many people do I know? Counting friends, people I work with and the "aka cho-chins" that I drop in on, a few hundred, maybe?

The consensus amongst those is against the US military presence here. But this is not accurate, it's true. I'd really like to see an independent survey done to find what Okinawans really feel about this.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Politicians have to watch what they say 24/7. 'Diplomacy' at all times. Stamina, hide your own thoughts and feelings in order to follow the big agenda. Not blab out any old statement drinking with press! Cracks me up. 'Well,' countered a mate,' He was off duty. Out having a relaxing drink!' He's a politician, he's on duty, smile on face, warm handshake 23/7.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Yabaru, pardon me but you sound like one at times. Think things would be different if the people of Okinawa had input to where the bases on Okinawa were located. Having things rammed down your throat causes problems. Remember being anti new airfield is not anti American but pro coral reef. Anyone like my ideal of a much smaller Futenma? Just big enough for the small runway, hangers, fuel tanks, etc. No barracks or recreation since they can be billeted on nearby Foster.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Just move them the hell off the Island... the US is stalling this thing and are as much if not more to blame than the GOJ. The GOJ would be jumping for joy if the US would stop strong arming them to keep the "sympathy budget" intact and to keep pushing the Okinawans to accept keeping the base on Island. It's not as much Okinawans being puppets, it's the GOJ and sht goes downhill to the Okinawans.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Realdoll - you said it!

It's not the people of Okinawa it's the government of Japan.

They know what would happen if a US base the size of Kadena or Futenma were built on Honshu.

There would be riots!

If another country attacked Japan, it would obviously attack Okinawa first - to knock out the bases.

Without the bases, there would be nothing to attack.

The presence of US bases creates a threat to public safety, and that's the main reason the GOJ wants the bases way, way, off in the distance. It considers Okinawa to be disposable.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Having things rammed down your throat causes problems

Yuri the bases were there before you were born, so dont go and say they were rammed down your throat. 2ndly many have been returned and more land and bases are scheduled for return as well. Camp Kinser ring a bell?

What the guy said was only published because a local newspaper guy just wanted to continue with the diatribe against the bases, but they are just as unwilling to publish the facts about what good they do as well.

You are blinded as you only see and hear what the local press wants you to know and that is less than half a story.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yuri the bases were there before you were born, so dont go and say they were rammed down your throat.

They are rammed down our throats every single day. Until the people get a direct vote on the issue, it is rammed down their throats. Your support for the situation does not make it any less rammed down throats.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Which would you rather have? War or peace?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yubaru - good point.

War or peace?

We could work toward peace by pouring the coals on peaceful activities or we can punish all aggression.

We've given this way a good chance, I think, and, honestly, it hasn't worked.

It's like the old saying, "Fighting for peace, is like ***ing for virginity."

Think about it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yubaru, my family told be about how the Japanese treated us prior to the Steel Typhoon. It was very poor and they killed us often for our inability to speak Japanese. I was born well before reversion and can attest to the poor treatment the Americans inflicted upon us. Grew up a second class person in my own country and the Americans to this day think they are punishing the war mongers. So this Japanese government official spouted some biased nonsense. Alcohol had him speaking the truth, he and the others need to attend "sensitivity" training. That beats the guy being fired from one government job only to be given another. I am wise to the Japanese government and their lies.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Bad English, alcohol had him speaking his true feelings.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Which would you rather have? War or peace?

Who is the Military protecting for this peace? Okinawa? or Japan?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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