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© 2013 AFPJapan warns of unpredictable events over China's new air zone
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Japan warns of unpredictable events over China's new air zone.
What else is news, if it have to happen it will happen.
Take it easy, please. The much hyped war ,by the zesty nationalists, between Japan and China is not going to occur soon and, the world is not going to end just because of this small winkle.
Vice Present Biden from the US will visit China and Japan in December, by then, all of parties in this hoopla may already calm down enough to discuss the mechanism to avoid the potential dangers in the air.
Wulfe N. Straat
"He made it clear that the United States, which stations more than 70,000 troops in Japan and South Korea, would not respect China’s declaration of control over the zone."
China has backed itself into a corner. How stupid. When the Japanese and the Americans continue as they have ever before, without identifying themselves to the PLA, the idiots have no choice but to back down and show what cowards they are...or else shoot us down, in which case we will have been sufficiently provoked to retaliate with force.
If that means war, the Chinese brought it on.
You brave enough to said in China, by your nick you are dutch which are really coward.
China hides behind the word "international compliance" by taking shameful unilateral action, mentioning bilateral intent, thus avoiding multilateral or regional effort of mutual understanding. The bully culture of taking and obsessing with money making as means of own security will be rejected by world community. Not just Japan, the whole region and U.S. will not recognize this worthless unilateral bully tactic. China continues this path of self destruction, for justice and human rights are mightier than money and unlimited supply of labor force. Japan must be strong against this bully.
Jonathan Prin
Poor strategic move from China...put two countries , Korea and Japan, at same time against you.
A disappointingly weak response from South Korea, which by its wording seems to have meekly complied with China's unilateral re-drawing of borders and won't ask for it to be changed.
They'll never get that back but I suppose they're hoping that China will always and forever be on friendly terms with them. However, when one day the north and south reunites China will be less friendly to a growing nation on their doorstep, complete with democracy and freedom of speech and threatening their economy with cheap manufacturting in the north.
This is really shortsighted of South Korea and its leader Park.
People may be quick to say China is inflaming tensions, but these were created by Clinton's call for America's Pacific Century and the military shift this implies and the Japanese government's official territorial claims over the small islands. It doesn't mean Beijing and Seoul aren't complicit in provoking nationalist fever. In fact, all of these governments would rather have their public place their anger on the foreign other rather than their own country's power elite, who are actively engaged in class warfare. Military companies also encourage nationalist rhetoric as a means of receiving lucrative weapons procurement contracts.
Some in China wants war. These same people have all their sons, wives, mistresses and wealth hiding in the US. If they want war so much, bring their sons home and put them on the front lines.
I think China is going to realize quite soon, if they have not already, that they have overstepped common sense. They have succeeded in angering not only Japan but also the US and South Korea. China is going to have to figure out some way of backing down and that will not be easy.
They would be right, too. This is all China's doing. They decided to make this move. Now they are going to have to justify backing down at some point to their own people.
China is wrong in this case, plain and simple.
China must have forgotten how easily Japan invaded and occupied part of their country in WWII. Yes, Japan doesn't have much of a military or militaristic culture anymore, but they would be fighting a defensive war with the USA on their side.
It seems that China wants as large air space (territory) of East China Sea as it can whatever as well as whole South China Sea. It might say someday the Earth should belong to China.
Jonathan PrinNov. 25, 2013 - 08:00AM JST
. slumdogNov. 25, 2013 - 08:26AM JST
Some of you ought to do a bit more reading before you opine. A little bit of reading on your part of Korean newspapers, yes they too publish in English, would help you to understand that as far as South Korea is concerned Abe's Japan is the devil in the room.
South Korea is getting on fine with China, thank you, China is South Korea's second trading partner and the Presidents have very cordial relations. The only reason that South Korea enters a room with Japanese diplomats is because of South Korea's alliance with the US. The US state department is getting rather tired with Japan because her own close relationship with Japan is alienating prospective allies in north east Asia, thus Obama's unwillingness to meet more often with Abe.
If there is one country responsible for alienating her neighbours it's a Japan where figures such as Abe, Ishihara and Hashimoto are elected by the populace. If Japan had left the Senkaku question alone, as Deng said 30 years ago, ;wiser generations than ours will resolve this problem; then Japan wouldn't be in this mess.
Would love to see The US fly some fighters into this so called china no fly zone and lets see what china decides to do about that?
Lock onto US fighters and see how that goes for ya China.
So it is ok for Japan and US to have Air Zone, and no no for others. "Washington's criticism of China is groundless because the United States itself initiated such zones around the world, according to its domestic laws," Xing Hongbo, a military and legal expert, said on Sunday.
The aircraft identification rules for the zone, which China issued, are also based on similar US regulations, he added.
The US formally defined such a zone in the Code of Federal Regulations, which says, "No person may operate an aircraft into, within, or from a departure point within an ADIZ, unless the person files, activates, and closes a flight plan with the appropriate aeronautical facility, or is otherwise authorized by air traffic control."
"On the issue of setting up such zones, the US is exercising double standards. There is no reason for Washington to blame another country for doing the same as it has done," said Fu Xiaodong, another military and legal expert.
It is in line with international practices to set up such zones according to respective domestic laws, he added.
Since 1950, more than 20 countries, including the US, Canada, Australia and Japan, have set up air defense identification zones. Such zones extend beyond a nation's sovereign airspace.
either china is crazy smart or crazy stupid for doing this. are they hoping japan will negotiate, so they will be able to expand their air zone a little. Or are they hoping to draw japan, and as a result the US, into an arms race? only time will tell.
China is a bloody dictatorship and should be dealt with accordingly. There can be no negotiation with or appeasement of such a regime. I hope that the people of China will rise up and overthrow these monsters before it is too late.
One of my favorite old adages is that "the best revenge is living well". If cooler heads prevail and the Japanese continue selling Nissans, Toyotas etc to China, along with their thousands of other products, they'll be so wealthy soon, that the ownership of these islets will be small potatoes. *
J basher a no fly zone is fine if the area over which you have the no fly zone is yours, but if its some one else's then its a no go.
Lets make a no fly zone over Russia and see what happens with that.
J.Basher - the controversy obviously arises from the fact that China, unlike the countries you mention, chose to establish its air zone directly over territory administered by another country and comes in the context of China aggressively trying to expand its control of the seas with implied military threats against virtually all of its neigbhors.
China can have all the air zones it wants over Chinese territory, but when it starts asserting them over the territory of its neighbors it is nothing more than a blatant provocation with absolutely no basis in international law.
Wait and see. I`m sure China would get a little help from Russia and a few others if all hell broke loose.
If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile!
You haven't even answer why US can have and not other before pulling in
StormRNov. 25, 2013 - 09:49AM JST
And America has never done that?
Me thinks otherwise
Anti China will say black is white and white is black, as expected nothing much to debate , been reading and having fun here, you guys sure make my day with all the silly accusations. have a great 1.
Doubt that very much. Russia also has a Pacific Fleet and being on reasonably good terms with Japan they don't have a problem getting out into the Pacific. While Russia may not be happy with he US being the strategic dominant naval power in the Pacific, it's the devil they know as opposed to China. Should China ever accomplish taking full control of the South and East China Seas, how far behind are the Russian Fareast territories? Russia will always do what's bet for itself only.
Unpredictable here is better than predictable, so the stupid right wing can try to think of consequences; or maybe they are to0 stupid to think, then unpredictable is the same as predictable.
Sending few drones over East China sea and ignoring Chinese ID requests is the best way to try how serious is Chinese army in enforcing newly set up zone.
Pretending this is all China's fault (when it is in fact Japan's -- ie. thanks Ishihara!) is the only sure-fire way to make things escalate, and this response is a case in point.
Jean ValJean
J.basher, your comment, " So it is ok for Japan and US to have Air Zone, and no no for others." overlooks the fact that the territory is and has been under Japan's administration.
Let's say you have some property in a town and you decide to build a fence. You can't build that fence with sections on your pre-existing neighbor's property. If you extend your fence around your neighbor's apple tree, that doesn't make it yours. It just makes you a cad.
Japan's air defense zone claims.
Japan is trying ot make itself look like a victim, but they had their dirty fingers in the pot too. The hyper nationalist Japanese media which is fanning the conflict, conveniently forget that Japan also have their own air defense zone, including the one over Takeshima - an island that they don't even occupy. Yet there is no war between Japan and Korea. It's the same thing with China and Japan, both sides can claim all they want, nobody's going to lift a finger to cause a shooting war. But it sure looks like Japan is just itching to fight China with all the hostile war talks. If Japan is so upset about China, why doesn't Japan put on an economic sanctions on China? Oh yes, they have to make money.
Yes, the South Korean government sounds absolutely thrilled with this development:
Nothing to pretent about. This particular escalation is all China's fault.
That's exactly what Japan did with Takeshima, an island that Koreans call Dokto, administered and occupied by Korea, yet Japan claims as air defense area. Japan's air defense zone is just as large as China's claims, if not larger. It's tit for tat ludicrous acts on paper. Japan did it in 2006, then the final straw came when they nationalized the Senkaku, now it's China's turn.
China is a bloody dictatorship and should be dealt with accordingly. There can be no negotiation with or appeasement of such a regime. I hope that the people of China will rise up and overthrow these monsters before it is too late.
And what is American? American has been a wolf in sheeps clothing for decades... Atleast China is not bombing countries left right and centre, using drones, meddling in other countries politics...
Good point, as it happen the islands is in dispute,so i won't said that dispute islands belong to Japan right out, That is the sticking point between Japan and China, if both country politicians are mature enough they should just co-operated win win for everyone involve and not all this silly posturing.
Politicians are dirty all over doesn't matter where they came from, just like diapers need to be change on a regularly basis.
China is bigger than it used to be, and that is rather why China should behave itself. When China invaded Vietnam in 1979 or India in 1962, the world did not pay much attention to the war because China was weak. If China does the same today, the world must think if it can live with China unrestricted. If it thinks China does not respect international laws, there will be the Second Cold War between China and rest of the world.
If China loses, it will lose Tibet, Uyghur, Inner Mongolia, and North Korea, as well as forever lose the dream of putting Taiwan under its control.
chuckers, get your facts straight. Japan does not, in fact, claim Takeshima as part of their air defense area.
The Chronic
Well..we going to find out soon enough who has the bigger pair of balls, Team China or Team USA/Japan. And the Russians won't do sh*t cause they have no defense pact with the Chinese at all. In fact the Russians would love to see the Chinese get hit hard. The Russians know that sooner or later they or someone else will need to put China in it's place and stop their rapid militarization.
Militarily...if war happens, China will be get pulverized. They may be big, but not nearly big enough to match USA firepower and military tech in a full out war. In 20 years, maybe, way.
China's problem is that their state funded party politicians can't control their state funded military. Pretty soon the "people's party" is going to have to accept they are lackeys of the military and dependent on them. As their demographic time bomb kicks in and their economy stumbles and heads into decline the military will begin to apply this belligerence to protect their slice of the pie, and party members' heads will start to roll.
15 years and China will be a basket case.
Takeshima is inside the Korean air defense zone and Japan would never raise the stakes by overlapping its own zones onto another country.
Russia will sit on the sidelines in this issue, waiting to see what benefits them.
South Korea has had to deal with the real NK threat for decades, so don't expect them to be overly concerned. They had a ship sunk and an island shelled not long ago, which puts this into perspective.
There are four players in this game:
China accelerating the risk game around it's borders.
Japan's territory is directly threatened.
The US 'Asia Pivot' policy will be tested.
And if this unilateral territorial move is successful, Taiwan will be isolated.
chucky3176Nov. 25, 2013 - 10:35AM JST
Japan does not include the air above Takeshima in its ADIZ.
chucky3176, admit your comment was wrong.
Elbuda Mexicano
The only victim here is CHINA! Ask Beijing, they are always the victim, even now those in Tibet, Urumqi etc..are not victims but only Beijing is a victim, so now Japan, South Korea are bad, right Beijing?? The Philippines, Vietnam etc..are also so bad, the whole world is bad except poor, poor Beijing?? GIVE ME A BREAK!! When will the stupid idiot fools in the communist party of China ever learn?? Maybe they are just trying to distract the hungry masses of Chinese who already hate their own government?? What easier way than to start small problems with small countries like South Korea and Japan?? Oldest trick in the book!!
China has been invaded so many times by hostile foriegn forces that I don't think it suprising that itd what to protect itself from such threats in the future. But China really needs to catch up with the US and Japan's military might, maybe first be building a few more carriers and deploy with deployment capacity around the world. This will be a balancing force for the American hostilities.
China screwed up big time with this latest move.
Case in point, the US government is now using the word "Senkaku Islands" in official statements when it previously avoided using the Japanese or Chinese names of the islands to stay as neutral as possible.
Looks like the US is now openly standing behind Japan.
Yep completely agree, they are sure way behind in air and navy, ground boots is a different cake, in an all out war no one win, we all will be having nuclear winter does US want to go that way.
OK maybe I was wrong. But it's so generous of Japan to take big swaths of the Pacific, including claims right in front of Korea's Jeju island, and all the way up to Dokto. The funny thing is Japan claims it as their territory yet they don't occupy it nor dare to fly over the air. As far as I'm concerned, I still think China/Japan, same things.
I look at news on Washingtonpost, NY Times, NBC, ABC, etc. and none of them have it as a huge story, and they only report them as "Japan angered by China" story. The only one making a big deal about it is Japan. And I doubt China is making a big deal either.
Both Jeju and Takeshima were Japanese territory before Chosum kingdom was founded. It is true to Senkaku and Hainan island of China too. Hainan island is part of the Okinawa chain.
I do not understand all Korean TV dramas are promoting Jeju as holiday destination for their own. Actually Japan is the real owner.
According your post, Japan needs China more than other way around. However China needs Korea soap opera like drug addictis. My Chinese business partner cancelled our appointment for watching K drama. How stupid is he?
Look again perhaps, initial headlines were about Japan's response, but the U.S. joined in pretty quickly. I read Reuters and I saw a headline yesterday evening JST about the U.S. and Japan giving China a good slapdown for their war mongering. This was a top headline over the weekend. I see one Wall Street Journal has a story too: "U.S., Japan Rebuke China in Island Dispute"
I don't see how anyone can really side with China over these issues. I personally believe that China will kick off WWIII one day, but I hope I turn out to be sorely wrong rather than right.
Out of touch with reality much?
Michael Grant
"It accuses its neighbor of trying to change the status quo through intimidation." - That's pretty much been their modus operandi for decades.
The enemy of your enemy is your friend. These 'children' all need a good spanking and should learn to play together.
Whatever the Chinese say is not to be taken seriously, yet in protest I suggest UN sanctions be placed on China plus a consumer boycott on Chinese companies and products - I'm starting today.
The Chronic
J. Basher said: "Yep completely agree, they are sure way behind in air and navy, ground boots is a different cake, in an all out war no one win, we all will be having nuclear winter does US want to go that way."
What good is a huge army if you can't get them to where the fighting is? This will be an air and sea battle, definitely not ground. And the USA will easily control the Air and Oceans. Ground forces in this conflict will be useless unless after whipping China's ass in the air and sea, they then plan a land invasion of China which they definitely won't do.
If Nuke's are used China will be the first to use them cause they are getting their ass handed to them. And if they did ever do more China....
Don't think they are that foolish.
Hey Flyfalcon
"However China needs Korea soap opera like drug addictis. My Chinese business partner cancelled our appointment for watching K drama. How stupid is he?"
Your Chinese business partner is an idiot - get a proper partner.
OssanAmericaNov. 25, 2013 - 12:22PM JST
His reality is in Japan, what's yours?
Pretty tough to boycott Chinese goods when virtually everything is made there, but I share the sentiment. To me it seems like people in the west don't see the threat that China is posing. This is like a big, growing North Korea. With such great distance between the western markets and China, westerners probably (and understandably) have more interest in trying to boost trade, so it's really important for Japan to continue to highlight all the nonsense that is coming out of China to their allies around the world. If the world is on alert, then perhaps the Chinese leadership and military will pull their heads in.
In 1969 during the China-USSR boarder war, USSR would like to strike Beijing and other strategic targets in China.
Nixon called USSR and warned them that USA will massively retaliate to USSR if they use nuclear warheads to China, although China had already nuclear bombs at that time, but had no missiles or rockets to put it yet.
I hate Nixon for this.
There could have been no more ill-mannered human species on earth by this present contemporary time. What a wonderful world would it had been.
Yes US will control air and sea, all US need to do is go ahead and do it, China will be bad shape, but don't think US will come out looking great either, as for the nuke if air and sea is lost they have nothing to lose any more might as well MAD.
Do read this pretty interesting, what US and Japan are doing now has been plan way back, as for the author they are Americans.
How We Would Fight China
Print .
By Robert D. Kaplan* Atlantic Monthly June 2005, Volume 295, No. 5; 49-64
I understand that this is so the sides are bit shifted. But can anybody comment on what lead up to this, history of this status quo, etc? I had posted the same comment, but was removed today, so here; relate and reply to this. Researching is at your disposal.
1) Japan did not even have her own name for Diaoyu Islands before 1921, Japan had been following China to call the islands Diaoyu Islands for 800 years until 1921, 20+ years after defeating China, Japan decided to change the name to Senkaku Islands, named by the British.
2) Japan never dared claim Diaoyu Islands until they defeated China in 1895 and claimed the Diaoyu Islands in 1896. If Japan had not believed that Diaoyu Islands belonging to China, Japan did not need to claim the Diaoyu Islands only after defeating China.
3) Japan was granted the administrative right over Diaoyu Island, not an owner of Diaoyu Islands. Japan is the same as a property managing company which responsible to maintain the property in good order, such as collecting trash etc. Although, in reality, the USA did not and does not have any right to grant even the administrative right of Chinese territory to any countries without China's permission.
4) China can produce a lot of historical evidences to prove that Diaoyu Islands have been belonging to China since the 13th Century, but Japan could produce zero pre-1885 historical evidence to support her claim. If Diaoyu Islands did belong to Japan, why is Japan unable to produce pre-1885 evidence to support her claim ?
5) As for now, the USA is using her military superiority to force China to stop getting back the Diaoyu Islands. The act of the USA is against the truth and damaging her own integrity. Regardless, this situation will end very soon.
History is a wicked teacher and the PRC will find out how wicked it is if. The die is now cast, just a matter of time before their end.
They are as over confident as the Qing dynasty was about their mighty Beiyang Fleet and we all know what happened to that fleet.
The PRC will follow the Qing dynasty and fade from history, but the PRC won't last as long 65 years is a good round number.
JeanValJean: "Let's say you have some property in a town and you decide to build a fence."
Like Japan has with Dokdo? I think you should correct your post to say: "Let's sa you have some property in a town that may or may not be yours but you decide to build a fence and say it is yours". That would hold true for all the nations involved in this case, Japan not being an exception.
Why is Japan suggesting it will be stronger while proclaiming it is the victim and pointing out they are assisted by the US? All of this sandbox fighting is getting out of hand. ALL countries need to back down, and yes, Japan included.
I disagree. They would have everything to lose. Neither the US or Japan have any desire to invade or occupy China. In fact, it would be nearly impossible to do so, even if they wanted to. China is well aware of this. So, China would back down before destroying themselves. That is, if it were to come to that, which I sincerely doubt. So, I highly doubt MAD would ever come into play. Most people, especially those in power, enjoy living too much to risk their own lives, especially when such risks are completely unnecessary.
What do you mean Japan needs to calm down? The only thing Japan did was stamp a piece of paper and take ownership of the islands from a Japanese citizen.
China responded to this exchange of paper between Japanese people by torching billions of dollars worth of Japanese goods, invading the territory around the islands with its naval and air forced, and now extended it's air defense line straight into internationally recognized Japanese territory.
No sir, Japan does NOT need to calm down. Wake me up when they start doing 1/10th of the crap China does daily.
It has become popular to blame Ishihara for setting this off, but why did he want to buy them from the Japanese owner? For no reason? His actions were more a result than a cause.
If you will remember, it was a drunk Chinese fishing boat captain who repeatedly rammed a Japanese coast guard ship near the islands, returning to China a hero, that really was the last straw in a long line of incidents.
From the Asahi: "Japan’s relations with China worsened after a Chinese fishing trawler rammed two Japan Coast Guard ships near the Senkaku Islands in September 2010, leading to the arrest of the trawler captain.
Ishihara may have been a bit off-the-cuff, but no-one else at the time had the balls to stand up and do anything. It was as if everyone in the government was burying their heads in the sand.
I imagine J.basher in a dark cave thinking he is in a holly mission for the CCP...
I think you are confusing maritime EEZ based on UNCLOS versus ADIZ. While there are some inter-related parts, the general consesus among mature nations are that these lines are established so they don't overlap. And to an extent, those who establish ADIZ first gets the dibs over the subsequent ones, hence since KADIZ was established early by U.S., the subsequent JADIZ establishement in the 60's do not overlap KADIZ. For China, they got in the game, too late. The international committee is not asking that they can't draw one. They are saying that you should establish one which avoids overlapping.
But then again, China is China still. What's mine is mine. What's yours is mine mentality still holds.
Would you trust someone who invade and brutalize your country and has no remorse, with half bake apologize if you can even called it that.
There are lot of denials even after they say they have apologise from their politicians, just goggle it.
Even to this day, despite eyewitness testimony from journalists, and even Japanese soldiers confirming the atrocities, right wing political parties and Japanese nationalists still consider the “Rape of Nanking” as nothing more than an elaborate hoax
Rape of Nanking, Japan's Denial of The Rape of Nanking. ... Japanese Reasons for Denying the Atrocities at Nanking. Japan in the 1930’s was not an economically ... -
Mr. Hiroki then said the Japanese authorities “wanted our memorial removed,” Mr. Rotundo recalled.
The consul general also said the Japanese government was willing to plant cherry trees in the borough, donate books to the public library “and do some things to show that we’re united in this world and not divided,” Mr. Rotundo said. But the offer was contingent on the memorial’s removal. “I couldn’t believe my ears,” said Jason Kim, deputy mayor of Palisades Park and a Korean-American, who was at the meeting. “My blood shot up like crazy.”
Borough officials rejected the request, and the delegation left.
The second delegation arrived on May 6 and was led by four members of the Japanese Parliament. Their approach was less diplomatic, Mr. Rotundo said. The politicians, members of the opposition Liberal Democratic Party, tried, in asking that the monument be removed, to convince the Palisades Park authorities that comfort women had never been forcibly conscripted as sex slaves.
“They said the comfort women were a lie, that they were set up by an outside agency, that they were women who were paid to come and take care of the troops,” the mayor related. “I said, ‘We’re not going to take it down, but thanks for coming.’ ”
Flyfalcon: "I do not understand all Korean TV dramas are promoting Jeju as holiday destination for their own. Actually Japan is the real owner"
Simply amazing. You really cannot see the hypocrisy, can you? On a thread largely related to China redrawing maps suddenly Jeju belongs to Japan? It's really no wonder you guys seem to think war is a one-way street that can only be said, "shouganai, ne".
Of course, what's left out in this discussion is that the owner WANTED TO SELL before the lease expires so it was either going to be Tokyo or the Central Government.
Different discussion completely. This is about a dispute today. China is creating this escalation and it has nothing to do with WWII. I mean, China actually had the gall to make claims on Okinawa recently as well. This far and away oversteps the bounds of common sense. China is angering Japan, Korea and the US and it is not going to go their way.
CCP supporters make a lot of sense here... But why called them the Diaoyus when they are called the Senkakus ??!
No matter the Issue with Japan, right or wrong you defend them as if they are perfect in every case, everytime. So I can`t take you seriously.
Why do I feel tricked? This is just TPTB bullshit.
Why do I feel tricked? This is just TPTB in action.
Jean ValJean
" Like Japan has with Dokdo? I think you should correct your post to say: "Let's sa you have some property in a town that may or may not be yours but you decide to build a fence and say it is yours"."
Smith, I disagree. Dokdo-Takeshima has long been disputed. When the Korean fisherman first began to inhabit there in '65, Japan should have protested loudly, but after WWII were in no position to. It's not an apples-to- apples comparison.
Nato has certainly done that - In preparation for war.
This Chinese move is something substantial and dangerous, as opposed to the usual sulky toddler posturing that China, Japan and the Koreas normally engage in.
My apology, who started the whole ball rolling on the dispute island, surely not China, wasn't it some governor of Tokyo? Who said they will shoot down plane that fly into the dispute islands? and where was US did they even voice concern when the whole thing started.
The US was a party of the signing, so they are playing both China and Japan off each other, and the 2 fell for it, great job the US government did.
The Cairo Declaration was a statement of intention. The Allies, however, did not recognize that the Cairo Declaration itself affected any transfer of Taiwan's sovereignty to China.[2][3] However, by signing the Instrument of Surrender (2 Sep 1945), Japan specifically accepted the terms of the Potsdam declaration, which incorporated by reference the terms of the Cairo Declaration: "We, acting by command of and on behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, China, and Great Britain 26 July 1945 at Potsdam, and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers." [4] The Potsdam Declaration (26 Jul 1945) stipulated that: "(8) The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out AND Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine."[5]
A declassified CIA report written in March 1949 claimed that Taiwan was not part of the Republic of China, and therefore there had been no internationally recognized transfer of Taiwan's territorial sovereignty to China as a result of the Cairo Declaration or the Potsdam Declaration.[6]
If you want to be precise, the dispute started after the U.N. research body found that there might be underwater resources there. This is when in 1971, China made their FIRST claim.
At this time, the United States, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are complaining about China's unilateral ADIZ implementation. In this instance it is obvious that China is the cause.
I feel the same way about the the propaganda spit out from the various mouthpieces of the communist party. Really laughable stuff.
From Wikipedia's article "Air Defense Identification Zone (North America)"
"Japan has an ADIZ that overlaps most of its Exclusive Economic Zone. In May 2013, Japan extended its ADIZ westward, causing controversy with its neighbours. The new Japnese ADIZ was extended 22km west of the original half way line (123 Degree East) between Taiwan and Japan. [9] Also, the extended Japanese ADIZ is only 130km from the coast of mainland China at its closest point."
"China has established their own version of an ADIZ in 23rd, November 2013, in respond to a westward extension of Japan's ADIZ in May 2013 [11][12] [13] The Chinese ADIZ covers the disputed Diaoyou/Senkaku Island and is 130km from Japanese territory at its closest point.[14] American defense secretary Chuck Hagel called the Chinese move "a destabilizing attempt to alter the status quo in the region"."
it's very interesting that Japan made this first and people blame China is changing the status quo... ...
Hey Chucky, Takeshima/Dokdo is OFF TOPIC Why don't you tell us what South Korea is going to do about China overlapping South Korea's KADIZ, which is in the article.
Isn't this exactly what the current Japanese government want to see so that it can gain support to dump the pacifist constitution?
Even DPM Taro Aso said Japan should learn from the Nazis in revising its constitution. Now, it seems like Japan need not follow Hitler's way.
Imperial Japan took control of Daioyu Island from winning the "First Sino-Japan War" in 1895 and also winning the "Second Sino-Japan War" pretty much cemented there illegal colonization of the Chinese territory. The only right thing to do for Japan is to return the Island that was taken away from China through an invasive War instigated by the Imperial Govt.
No it was not included in the Treaty of Shimonoseki as neither party considered it as being Chinese.
Nope. Had nothing to do with "Second Sino-Japanese War" either. Chinese (PRC) maps from the 1950s and 60s show the islands to e Japanese. It's only after 1970s when they made a claim that China changed those maps.
Well since the islands were never taken in war, and China has no evidence that it was theirs anyway, the right ting to do would be for China to withdraw their ships and planes. China can file a claim at the ICJ like a civilized country.
I know you excel in self deceiving just like many other Japanese posters here. However, repeating a lie many times won't turn it into a fact.
The fact is those islands were annexed by the Japanese navy towards the end of the 1894-1895 Japanese invasion of China and Korea after Japan destroyed the entire Chinese navy and when it was on its way to invade Taiwan.
The routes of the Japanese invasion can be seen here:
Wulfe N. Straat
The US did not give in to Hitler whose Germany at the time was far more powerful in relation to American power than China is to the US at this time. China is behaving like Nazi Germany. Now is the time to SMACK down this powder puff. Japan doesn't even need America's help. China is a cowardly nation, always swaggering, always ready to break down and cry when it is rebuffed. Japan is strong. Japan is meant to democratize the Southeast Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, not allow it to fall to the Chinese GODZILLA!!! It is Japan that will be the benevolent overseer of an expanding prosperity sphere throughout Southeast Asia. America is with you. Do what you must. Ensure the future belongs to the ones who are true and just.
Which is exactly what you are doing.
No the facts are that the incorporation of the Senkakus were concluded in January of 1885 after several years of checking that nobody resided there or owned them in accordance with international protocol. Hence no one, including he Qing Dynasty made any noise about it. The Sino-Japanese War was terminated by the Treaty of Shimonoseki which was signed in April 1885 and while specific territories are listed as to be handed over to Japan, the Senkakus are not mentioned because nobody considered them Chinese to start with. Furthermore the Sino-Japanese War was not a Japanese invasion of Korea it's where the Chinese and Japanese fought many of the battles. The sudden claim by China that the Senkakus were taken in war was first introduced in 2012.
Got to love china using the "Groundless again".
The last 10 times they used "Groundless" it turned out to be true and not "GROUNDLESS"..
Building attack weapons "groundless with not proof". Building a aircraft Carrier "groundless with not proof". Using them in wars "groundless with not proof". Hacking to make tec weapons"groundless with not proof".
Funny how anyone could take or trust china's word, seen as time and time again there top leader have released statements that denied the allegations, but it turns out he / "china" was lying to the world media / world the hole time over and over.
Aircraft carrier report showed china's top leader media release saying groundless to getting 1, that they had already done the deal to buy it. Pura lie that was not groundless like building mass attack weapons and the rest.
I for 1 am sick of china's BS and lies. Its time to halt there growth and all invest in India to mop up the growth.