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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.In reversal, S Korea says it will keep Japan military intelligence pact
By KIM TONG-HYUNG SEOUL, South Korea©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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what? not surprised but IMO I strongly believe the Moon is more worried about himself and keeping his position. SK pulled a bluff, Japan didn't blink nor budge and well simply put got called. Using the US is wishy washy and has no bearings whatsoever.
This is where the squeeze came from. There's nothing the Japanese could say to convince them otherwise, aside from restoring them to the White List.
This is a very good move by SK. Bringing this into the dispute was a huge mistake as it dragged in the US. Now it is back to economic sanctions that Abe initiated and the US cares nothing about. SK is winning here hands down with the two thirds drop in tourists and similar drop in exports from Japan to SK. Expect major Japanese concessions.
No amount of face-saving remarks from South Korean officials can hide the fact that this last minute reversal is South Korea’s unconditional surrender to Japan and US. Now Moon’s days are numbered.
I really wanted see SK gone from GSOMIA but as expected SK backed down by US pressure. Such a coward as always.
Haaa Nemui
It's actually REALLY funny how anything SK does is seen as a very good move by SK supporters. SK is reversing it's decision on both the GSOMIA and the WTO action... not because of anything Japan has done. I agree it's a good move but it was absolutely foolish of them to go ahead with either of their plans anyway. Maybe they actually realized that.
Embarrassing! And a bit sad...Japan could finally be free by this annoying Country.
@happyhere: SK is winning? SK lost the face.
The average American citizen do not bow to Trump, why should a world leader do it, Trump know what bowing is like, when he now bow down to Pelosi
Not surprising. I bet that the threat of not renewing the GSOMIA was in the first place, just a bluff made in the hope of American interventions on the ROK side.
The mark of a matured person is to not make decisions when emotions are high. SK clearly is run by a bunch of babies.
Ganbare Japan!
Moon and South Korea are flip floppers, its ridiculous. Cant be trusted. PM Abe, as usual, showed resoluteness and absolute strength. He didnt blink over the issue, and Japan is definitely the winner. Trump trusts Japan, and not SK.
Just foolish and shameful making this much of fuss until the last minute and run away this quick
Yup a few more months would have SK economy Crumbling next would be begging money from Japan saying last time money wasn't given sincerely or politely or wasn't enough
I wonder those 51~52% who supported the termination of GSoMIA could forgive Moon now?
Yes, SK lost face but Japan is losing billions of yen in lost tourism and exports to SK with no end in sight. Guess which of these the real world cares about.
Samit Basu
Actually no, the biggest news is that Abe san has accepted 1:1:1 forced laborer damages settlement 6 hours before the deadline, and Moon delayed the termination to formalize the forced laborer compensation fund.
After all this absurd bluff. I can finally confirm that I will never have any respect for SK.
Samit Basu
Actually it was Abe san who caved in to the US pressure, and the fear of radar cutoff, when he accepted 1:1:1 formula as basis of forced labor damages settlement.
@Samit Basu: probably they got new money, sure. This makes SK also more pathetic. It's always about money. No dignity, no pride, nothing. Only money. A bit of money and the trust towards Japan has been restored! Disgusting.
Samit Basu
Abe san backed away from this "forced laborer problem was settled in 1965 treaty" rhetoric and will let Japanese company pay 33% of damages verdict.
Reported facts
1) Abe san accepts 1:1:1 formula as basis of the forced laborer damages settlement.
2) Korea in tern delays GSOMIA termination to buy time to negotiate the exact term of settlement.
3) When the settlement is formalized, Japan then lifts export control and restore things back to the way it was in July.
@Samit Basu: your source? Anyway if this is true SK is simply confirmed for a Country with no pride, no honor, no decency. It's always only about money. Can trust be bought by money?! To SK, yes!
The US has strongly pressured S Korea about the GSOMIA. It seems S Korea can't terminate it any more it as a result. Japan doesn't change anything about its export regulations.
Samit Basu
And Japan, apparently, enough for Japan to make to phone call and say "We want to discuss the 1:1:1 forced laborer settlement formula".
Korea can at will. There is no new deadline, it now ends when Moon says it ended.
So if Japan was insincere about the 1:1:1 settlement offer and intend to drag on the negotiation, it ends again.
Pleased with the result. The Moon adminstration had some sense knocked into them. Vankers are laughable.
@Happyhear: Japan didn't lose so much economically like you are implying, but money aside the impressive difference between SK hysteria and rethoric and Japanese diplomacy in this matter makes Japan the winner in any case. Japan could promote crazy boycotting of Korean goods and stuff but it didn't do it so. Japan doesn't trust Korea anymore, probably it was pressured by the Us into paying SK more. But SK is clearly all about ¥¥¥¥¥¥. History doesn't care. Trust can be restored thanks to ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥. If you don't understand how cheap SK looks at this point I don't know it.
Japan will not change anything about export regulations whatever. Security issue like GSOMIA is completely different from export management in the first place. So Japan did not promise anything about export. Talks just continues for each other. That is all.
This was the only chance for SK earning my respect. If the Country had abandoned GSOMIA, if it had showed SK leaders were really serious and motived by a consistent lack of trust towards Japan, I would have respected them. If they were ready for a historical change, regardless the consequences, despite US pressure, to free themselves from an alliance forced on them with a Country that they hate, I would respected them. But they were bought again by a bit of ¥¥¥¥. And they are ready to perpetuate their usual hypocritical circle - fueling anti-Japanese feelings, complaining (muuuuhhhhh WWII), making new deals that they erase later, asking for more money, fuel anti-Japanese feelings, complaining (muuuuhhhhh WWII), making new deals that they erase later, etc. Shameful.
Samit Basu
Samit Basu
Actually the credit goes to Japan, as Japan made the last minute phone call.
Without that phone call, the GSOMIA would have ended.
Good move by SK. After an extended period of messing around they seem to have come to their senses a bit.
We’ll see about the finality and irreversibility of this agreement over time, but for now pulling the plug on this petty behaviour was the right thing to do.
Samit Basu
Moon can end the GSOMIA at will if Japan's intention is to drag the negotiation on. No new deadline.
It's the delay of ending, not renewal.
Dear S. Korea
Having good relations with Japan is just as important as having good relations wtih USA, China, North Korea.
We are not a 3rd world country you can hover above with demands and backing out of aggrements you signed more than 80 years ago.
Good day Korea supporters isn't it. Good day ^^
@Samit Basu: Japan was always open to talk about trade issues, it's SK that had extended these issues to a security deal. But now we see it was just a bluff. And there aren't new deals for the trade issues yet, so stop acting like any SK request was accepted. But your attitude shows that you don't see my point. I am saying SK AGAIN confirms everything can be restored by money. So, all that PATHETIC anti-Japanese rethoric - we can't trust Japan because it can't face history, we won't lose to Japan anymore, boycott Japan, comfort women, etc - is EMBARRASSING. Trust can't be bought. If you don't understand this, I guess it's a cultural difference between me and you. Japan isn't asking for money to SK. Japan asked for stricter trade regulations on sensitive materials, since SK treats Japan like it was still Imperial Japan, AND to respect the earlier deals for a future oriented relationship.
Why doesn't Moon say it ends tonight? if he can do it at any time. It seems to me S Korea can't terminate it forever.
Samit Basu
Indeed, Japan agreed to consider "donating" money to the victims of forced laborers.
The breakthrough was changing the wording of 1:1:1 proposal from "payment" to "donation".
So Abe can claim "Japan didn't pay, Japan donates!" and Japanese contribution is indeed "voluntary".
However, Japanese defendant's assets are frozen upon final verdict and remains frozen unless Japanese companies pay up.
Hence Japanese companies are forced to "donate" and Abe san can take credit for reducing Japanese company's legal liability to 33% of judgement.
Pure comedy folks, who didn't see this coming.
South Korea be like, "okay we keeping this intel thing going, but we still mad at you Japan over the white list fiasco and don't you forget we can get out of this pact at any time."
Yeah, sure, Japan is quaking in their boots with fear.
Samit Basu
Because Japan said it was willing to negotiate.
@This is a very good move by SK. Bringing this into the dispute was a huge mistake as it dragged in the US. Now it is back to economic sanctions that Abe initiated and the US cares nothing about. SK is winning here hands down with the two thirds drop in tourists and similar drop in exports from Japan to SK. Expect major Japanese concessions"
Not sure what rock you have been under but obviously your not paying attention to economics in Japan very well or reading the media reports closely. FYI the World Rugby Cup just wrapped up, do you seriously think Japan was concerned with who came from SK? Please Japan had record numbers, that means lots and lots of YEN spent all around. The Women's Volleyball Japan tournament brought in more guests, the list goes on and please put some statistics to your claims so that we can review and validate your post. By the way in case you are not aware Japan is actually 2nd Economic power not 3rd as it is put, but not being picky, however I don't see SK in the top 10, perhaps because it is at number 12? So who is winning hands down? hmmm. I don't claim to be a world's great mathematician but 2 or 3 is much much nicer than well as unfortunate as it may be SK isn't in the top 10. Sorry I don't make the rules but thank you for your post.
@Samit: everything you are saying only confirms my point, that you don't see. To SK, trust can be bought by money! Worse, by DONATED money (if you are right) that shows like Japan didn't admit it was a "payment" for "forced labour". Basically, only an act of beneficence by Japan towards SK. This is also more pathetic, but you don't see it. ^^" This means the workers won't be recognized like forced workers exactly like the comfort women are not recognized like forced prostitutes. Are the victims okay with this? SK government again making deals regardless the victims feelings. History repeats itself.
Haaa Nemui
After hearing of South Korea’s plan to halt WTO action.
Plus, if the victims are okay with this, well also for them apparently it's only a matter of money.
Most surprising news to me tonight was that more than 50% of S Koreans are actually supporting Moon's decision to not abandon GSOMIA. I had an impression that majority of S Koreans didn't care for practical national security perspective but pursue dogmatic anti Japan sentiment and so they would slash Moon hard because of this decision. Even though it seems to be reported on the news in SK that this decision was based on Japan's set back from its position on white list issue which is false, somehow S Koreans are doing fairly good in trying to receive what's been happening. US did a good job babysitting SK at this time.
Tom Doley
It’s so hilarious how the Japanese people here comprehend this article so differently.
Even a non-Japanese FIVE YEAR OLD will tell you that South Korea decided to extend GSOMIA only because Abe caved in and agreed to settle their trade dispute. Also, Moon has the upper hand because he can cancel GSOMIA with no notice if Abe lies through his teeth again.
Pathetic attempt at covering up Japan’s incompetence.
princess row
Hats off to you for trying all your might to find ways for S Korea to be the winner in this situation. But the fact remains, which you refuse to acknowledge, decisions by the S Korean government are solely based and dictated by their hatred towards Japan. Their actions and decisions are not those done by a leader of a great nation, they're done by a malignant, immature leader who instead of protecting the real interest of the nation it leads, succumbed to the ugly emotion he carries. No matter what you say, SK lost and your president embarrassed its citizens big time. Integrity is everything, and SK as a nation, lost it.
I think everybody's a winner on this one. But above all, Japan is the strongest.
1). Japan wins because it doesn't have to pay South Korea. From the Japanese taxpayer's public money, from the collection of taxes. That is Abe's great victory. Not public money. And the responsibility does not fall on Japan as a country either. Because the issue of forced labour is exclusively a private problem. Between those affected and a private company. Where governments should not interfere.
2). South Korea wins. Because this agreement will enforce the sentence of the supreme court. But with the difference that the financial compensation to those affected will fall exclusively on private money. For example Mitsubishi. As it's a business matter. Countries will be excluded from the agreement. This has been Moon's defeat. He wanted to squeeze more money out of the Japanese government. Apart from demanding responsibility. And here it has clearly failed. The responsibility will only fall on business matters. Within the private sphere. And the 1965 treaty will be respected.
3). All these satisfying developments for both sides are thanks to the US. That has known how to press for both countries to be equally victorious. Both have had to give in on their pretensions in order to reach a consensual agreement. Both lose and win at the same time.
As for GSOMIA. It was just a ruse by Moon to force the United States to alienate itself in favor of South Korea over Japan. And it seems to have failed. And it may have long-term political and electoral consequences.
But the problem will remain. For Moon's animosity towards Japan is still present. And he's sure to find some excuse to muddy relations again.
At the moment he can only say that "to rectify is of the wise". And welcome that agreement.
You know what's truly hilarious? When someone quotes from an article to 'prove' their point, but then the quote itself actually contradicts that point.
Japan didn't cave into anything. For several years Japan had tried to deal with the export control violations on a professional level with South Korea, and the South Koreans ignored Japan. For over three years. This white list issue would never have happened if South Korea didn't act like a spoiled, entitled brat constantly antagonizong Japan.
And not long ago South Korea threatened to take this to the WTO. Japan was like, go right on ahead, because they did absolutely nothing wrong in removing SK from the white list, something ANY other country would have done.
South Korea tried to call Japan's bluff and it failed. They knew they had no case at the WTO, so they halted it. Only AFTER South Korean notified Japan of this, THEN Japan, like the mature and rational country it is shown itself to be here, resumed trade talks. If anything it was South Korea that caved.
Absolutely no shame from the usual crowd on here doing everything they can to make South Korea the 'right' one here and Japan the 'bad' one. Ludicrous as always.
Samit Basu
Korea never asked Japanese government to pay or issue some kind of apology on forced labor, the Japanese government wasn't the defendant in forced labor damages claim cases. Keirendan's official position is that they want to settle, because settlement is cheaper than legal cost of dragging the cases out for years and even decades. But Abe administration forbad Japanese companies from settling until now.
Some more update on the 1:1:1 proposal. Remaining comfort women fund will be shifted to this 1:1:1 fund.
When also China is a better neighbour for Japan than SK, despite history and current territorial disputes, you understand many things about SK...Of course, I don't even want to compare China sovereignty and dignity to a Country like SK.
I hope at least the Korean citizens will continue their hilarious and pathetic boycotting Japan thing, I mean, they cannot be satisfied with their government's decision, it's embarrassing for the Country, and if they stop, it means they followed it like sheeps driven only by blind hate towards Japan. At least show some coherence and that you boycotted because you used your own brain! Someone tell me the difference between NK and SK...they should reunion themselves already. Seriously. It's not right SK is considered "different" from the NK just because of some global chaebol.
Tom Doley
The quote is actually another standalone point. Duh.
Herein lies your convoluted logic. Export control is a trade issue. GSOMIA is a security issue. Abe and his sheep kept ranting on about how the two must be dealt separately. But now, Abe just agreed to talk about export controls on a security issue. Go figure!
Moon stuck to his words, Abe backtracked on his words. Further, if Abe is deemed to backtrack on this promise yet again, GSOMIA ends with immediate effect.
And I can guarantee you that all of this will be misreported in the Japanese media as we speak so that Abe saves his face and to placate his ring wing sheep.
In my native Swahili we have a saying: Debe tupu haliachi kuvuma -- translation; an empty container makes the loudest noise.
Korea, please learn to be calm and less reflexive - it makes one have the ability to think clearly and reflectively, okay. And, Kim withdrawing the case at the WTO - that you were bound to lose in the first place! Don't you have any well trained trade negotiators in the RoK?
Any sane, intelligent and rational person could have predicted this outcome today.
Korea capitulated! As usual!
No loud, wailing and gnashing of the teeth will change the facts!
Just go ahead n end it n see who suffers n everyone knows who is back tracking as no new monetary aid is coming from JAPAN Moon is using comfort women fund n saying 1:1:1 great strategy for lie
Interesting analysis that the ones like Samit Basu should read:
Even though in my opinion it's too easy to blame everything on NK. SK government and people are responsible for their choices and actions. It's their choice hating Japan and using it like tool for trying the reunification.
I follow a certain Twatter account so I'm playing 'devils advocate' here..and this is their words not mine...'In case anyone wonders why East Asian progressive governments seem so short-lived compared to their conservative governments, it's because in Washington, both Republicans and Democrats, their supposed "ally," repeatedly kick them down. Make no mistake: The degree of pressure that Washington put on Moon Jae-In will be dropped into the memory hole almost immediately. The Americans won't want to openly admit how badly they crushed the South Koreans, and the Moon government itself will hasten to save face'. And there you for me..I'm about to start a month of night shifts as a temp worker for The Royal Mail at £12.50ph.. so I'm orf for a few beers before that kicks in!
@London_Bhoy: but what you said is obvious. Hatoyama government docet. But S Koreans were never able to see the true reason why Japan can't be more apologetic about its war crimes. To them saying that Japan is evil is enough. They are blind. They deserve to feel the same pressure Japan felt for years.
Samit Basu
You got it backward, it was the immense US pressure on Abe that forced Abe to make that call.
Korean side says Japan doesn’t have much time left, as the internal deadline for the lifting of export control is March 2020, or Moon has no choice but to declare lifting of suspension and end the GSOMIA immediately, for Moon cannot go into general election in April with a widely unpopular GSOMIA still in place.
As an American, I love my Japanese friends, but I also love my Korean friends. Very different people and cultures, but both have fantastic futures, especially if they work together.
There's a bunch of history that is best left in the past, but never forgotten. Korea should leave history in the past and Japan shouldn't try to downplay it. We all make mistakes and the US makes more than most the last few years it seems.
Wishing my friends could get along.
You know nothing about the S. Korean president Moon. Moon is famous for his quiet diplomacy contrary to Trump and Abe.
@Samit Basu
Thanks for your info. Some Korean newspapers started to report on it:
Shin Ra
SK really overplayed their cards here. They thought they were in a position of power, but now, even Kim Jung Un doesn't want to have anything to do with them. SAD!
It seems to me Japan will not change anything about export control. It did not promise to change any last night. Regular negotiation just continues for each other. Japan would pay less attention to it. It seems to me Moon can't terminate the GSOMIA any more even if he wants to do it from now. He should have done it last night if he really wanted to do it.
Samit Basu
Well, it ends in one way or another; either Japan lifts the export control or Korea terminates the GSOMIA by March 2020, just before the Korean general election in April.
The GSOMIA is extremely unpopular in Korea, and Moon cannot risk going into election season with as universally unpopular subject as the GSOMIA.
Considering his incompetence, it would be a good thing if he got voted out.
Not to say that the people won't just get another incompetent into office.
Why not wait and see what is going to happen. It seems to me Moon can hardly terminate it now. GSOMIA is not ordinary business contract. It can't be cancelled easily. The US would kick Moon's axx if he did it.
The sad reality is that very little if any of the huge sums already paid ever went into the hands of the so-called 'comfort women' themselves or into the hands of the forced laborers.
What guarantee is there that this 1:1:1 bleeding will be any different?
Here is a huge quote patch from today's Korea Times:
Seoul will extend the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) on the condition that Japan withdraws its trade restrictions imposed in July on three key industrial materials crucial for Korean high-tech manufacturers and its removal of Korea from its "whitelist" of preferred trading partners in August. The presidential office announced the "conditional" suspension of the termination only six hours before the GSOMIA officially expired as of midnight Friday night, following a meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) presided by Moon at Cheong Wa Dae earlier Friday. Seoul will also temporarily withhold a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) against Japan.
"Our government has decided to suspend the GSOMIA termination, under the condition that we can pursue the termination at any future point. Tokyo has expressed its understanding toward this decision.
This is to say that South Korea is giving Abe, who created this mess, breathing time to clean up his act. Note that Abe has until March 2020 before South Korea will cut Japan from GSOMIA.
Moon has been generous in willing to negotiate. What a contrast to Abe, who has been rigid, insulting and off the point. Moon is a gentleman, Abe is not.
Moon has repeatedly shown his incompetence through letting the situation come to this point.
I don't agree with a lot of what Abe says or does. But I believe him to be competent.
Abe put economic sanctions on South Korea because he did not like a judicial ruling by the South Korea Supreme Court. He denied, several weeks after, that the sanctions had anything to do with the Supreme Court decision, but has since dropped this ruse. South Korea offered a joint effort between South Korea and Japan but Abe refused. He kept harping on the 1965, which a group of JAPANESE lawyers have argued has nothing to do with the Supreme Court decision.
Abe's sanctions were meant to damage South Korea's economy. That is a security issue.
I meant to write: "South Korea offered a joint effort between South Korea and Japan to compensate former Korean slave laborers but Abe refused.
Of course it was almost definitely tatemae (a front). Competent leaders don't state directly what they are doing, they take actions and let others figure out what that means.
Cutting off Korea was the only real move Japan could make that would serve their best interests. They're dealing with a country that after making a "final and irreversible" agreement - negotiated in good faith - decided to instead allow lawsuits against Japanese companies, and did nothing to simmer anti-Japanese hatred in the country, even going so far as to post anti-Japanese banners in a major city. What was Japan supposed to do in such a situation? Obviously working with the Koreans is meaningless, since no agreement they ever make again will have any weight as the Koreans may unilaterally decide to cancel it at their whim again.
The options were to pacify Korea, and set themselves up for the cycle to continue indefinitely, or to exit their relationship with Korea from a national standpoint, to protect themselves from Korean instability.
An incompetent leader would state out loud the above reasoning. A competent leader does not, as the door should always be left open for the other side to come through if/when they ever get their crap together.
So yeah, he put on a "ruse" as you so eloquently call it. And that ruse brought the situation back into negotiations. The question is whether Abe is stupid to even think that anything can be negotiated with a country that doesn't respect agreements, or whether moving forward in good faith should happen anyways because one should always hope for the best. Each person will have differing opinions on whether Japan should focus on optimism, or pragmatism.
The facts
SK’s condition for the suspension of termination of GSOMIA is nothing more than its new right to terminate it at any point in future rather than at annual expiry/renewal date. The condition is not Japan’s obligation to restore SK back to Group-A( White country status)in future. There’s no such agreement/promise made under the table. Since SK halted WTO process, both countries continue bilateral meeting which will be now upgraded to directors’ level… not for some negotiation but simply for the place to check and confirm mutually on-going export administration.
There’s no such agreement under the table like newly set deadline for Japan to restore SK back to group-A either.
There’s no such fact that Abe accepted 1+1+1 or 1+1+alpha. All that happened so far (according to some Korean media) is that Abe was not as negative as expected ( not positive nor negative) toward the idea presented by another Moon for creating fund with voluntary donation, simply because it is voluntary, NOT compulsory.
That’s all SK gained this time and anything else is just speculation of so-called Korean experts or of so-called unnamed government officials at Blue House.
And if another Moon's idea (= Fund with voluntary donation) is feasible in SK, which is so apart from what its top court ordered as the final verdict, one would naturally wonders
What has SK's excuse about separation of powers to be respected been for ?
How come did AWF for comfort women (50% donation of Japanese citizen and 50% operational cost endured by Japan government with apology letters from historical PMs of Japan) fail to solve the issue once and for allMkoreaMwafrika
@SJ -
You are right - to an extent, that I may not know everything about the deranged Korean president Moon Jae-in.
What I do know is that he is patently inept and grossly incompetent. Look, I visit Seoul, on business on average four to six times a year. Over the last three years I've been to S.Korea I talk to many young people - guys and gals - and many of them tell me they simply want to get the heck out of a country that offers them very prospects for their future aspirations. They want to immigrate or work in the US, Japan, Canada, Australia, Etc.
Moon Jae-in got clobberred in this instance. He knows it and so to do the other 50 million plus Hanguk.Moon got his derrière handed to him!
Korea is pretty much a borderline developing country, is too dependent on Japan for the real hi-tech cutting edge machines, products and materials. Period.
Until Korea gets to, say, thirty or forty percent of the level of Japanese scientific, research and technological prowess - they will continue being the poorer and lesser cousin!
Look as Moon and Korea continues to grovel for: Flourinated Polymide, Resist, and Hydrogen Flouride.
Samit Basu
Here is the actual condition of GSOMIA termination suspension, apparently until December 31st.
After that, Moon can terminate GSOMIA at will if he doesn't find Abe's solution satisfactory.
Except no other media both in Japan and in SK including YTN are referring to such dated condition so far.
This fnn prime news also released at 6:05 before any official press conference in both countries.
The Korea News today wrote that Japan has until March to get with it.
jeancolmarToday 04:59 pm JST
The Korea News today wrote that Japan has until March to get with it.
Which one? Care to provide a link?
Your long post just demonstrates that S. Korea is a democratic country where the government is ready to listen various thoughts and opinions of all kinds of people. S. Korea is not so much uniform and homogeneous in political views among people compared with Japan. S. Korea is an open society where political leaders are ready to listen their opponents, not curb them.
If you have time, you may compare political views of newspapers in Korea and Japan. I can say that most conservative Korean newspapers are more anti-Moon and pro-Abe than Sankei.
Nice Joke. How many Korean scholars denying Korean narratives have been socially crossed out
until a group of brave scholars finally published their work recently?
For those who like quoting unofficial remarks from unnamed Korean government officials, there are from Japanese officials too.
SK begged Japan by asking "let president Moon save his face" a proposal for compromise came up at Ministry of Foreign Affair at one time but Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry rejected it and held its firm stance, Abe "never give even an inch"
Moon never compliments himself as Trump and Abe do. For example:
@SJ -
I don't see how one can reasonably draw an inference between "my long post..." and the presence or abscence of democracy in South Korea.
As for the rest of what you wrote, of course, indeed you and your countrymen have a right to exercise your democratic rights. Having a free exchange of ideas, freedom of speech and assembly, without the fear of retribution from so-called authorities; those are hallmarks of what it means to be a democracy. Kudos to you and the broader RoK populace!
However, it's about time Koreans started working on the next phase of their collective national enlightenment by letting go of their irrational hatred and bitterness of Japan and the Japanese.
To partly paraphrase Bob Marley: [Koreans] Emancipate yourself from mental slavery....
South Koreans and their comically incompetent supporters are no where near the brightest bunch out of the third world countries, but this.. this is truly embarrassing for South Korea. I will never have anything but pure contempt for them going forward. They have proven themselves yet again as a coward nation. How utterly embarrassing
Something has spooked both Japan and SK. We may never know. But maintaining the alliance is good.