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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Seoul, Tokyo bickering days before 3-way summit with China
By FOSTER KLUG SEOUL, South Korea©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Abe shouldn't go, going to SK could be risky for his life. Use Skype instead.
Except for the past.
Move on. This would be the only realistic solution, letting interpretations of hystory to historians. But bickering is more convenient. There's not an unbiased hystory, this is the only true fact.
I believe this is really bad in a supposed "democracy", but we see more often articles about Japanese revisionism, like if it was a Japanese only problem. No, revisionism is in all the sides.
There's no way Korean hystory is more correct than Japanese hystory and vice versa. For this reason, the politicians should move on, while hystory should be a matter handled by historians from all the countries involved, which could work together. But silly nationalist bickering is more convenient for these leaders, as I already said. Pathetic.
Japan and Korea are not bickering. Korean president is. Her special personality does not change. She We have to wait the day she will go.
That seems to be a very illogical way to define the problem.
Suppose that years ago your grandfather broke into my grandparents' house, murdered my grandfather, raped my grandmother, and nicked all their kids' stuff. It's well documented by police throughout the area, but years and years later you say that it never happened. You find a victim who initially also claimed to have been raped by your grandfather, but it turns out to have been a lie so you announce to the world that because this one woman was a liar that that must mean your grandfather never raped anyone. Then you build a shrine where your grandfather is worshiped as a god and build a museum attached to the shrine which says my grandmother was a whore. You try to teach your children that I'm lying just to get money out of you, training them to reflexively discriminate against everyone in my family.
It's a pretty big stretch to say I'm "bickering" just because I want you to admit the truth.
From the earlier article that I linked:
As I always said, this Korean obsession over hystory is a tool used to manipulate people, distracting them from the current inner problems. Park is nationalist as much as Abe. Abe is a nationalistic leader whose only aim is to please the US, not his own people. He's using nationalism to hide his servilism towards America. China, like Korea, is using hystory about something happened 70 years ago as a political tool. It's a big mess. Nobody really cares about the victims of wars...indeed they speak about possible wars NOW for some stupid rocks. This is the value of human life for the world's governments.
In this article, The Associated Press uses the term "sex slave" five times, rather than "comfort women."
This is interesting, because journalists for the major Japanese English-language media sources are no longer allowed to use the term "sex slave" in referring to these women, and must instead refer to them as "comfort women" (with the possible exception of The Japan Times which also published a version of this article yesterday).
@Sensato: Do you seriously think the problem is only with the Japanese side? Also when this is what Park thinks?
Guys who speak like if Abe was the ONLY problem here are biased and wrong. Please, tell me how China and S.Korea are better than Japan with this kind of leaders? Just because they have been former colonies of Japan, this doesn't mean their current leaders are sincere, honest, perfect people who say only the truth.
I'm not sure what led you to that conclusion. Defensive much?
I find plenty of fault in leaders of all three countries. They all act like children.
I fault Abe for his historic revisionism, denialism and overall jingoism, and I fault the leaders of China and South Korea for fueling animosity toward Japan and using Abe's whitewashing of the past to boost their own popularity.
All three sides are obviously creating "us vs. them" sentiment as a means of distracting the public from their own incompetency and problems at home.
But you don't see Korean and Chinese revisionism, also when I linked at least two articles about S.Korea revisionism. Revisionism is a huge problem shared by all the three countries. I see I'm getting thumbs down also when I proved my opinion with some sources. I guess the truth hurts someone.
In the interest of everyone I hope that these meeting can be fruitful and that focus can be on future cooperation rather than the bitter past. Perhaps a vain hope but a hope nonetheless.
Anyway, I'm not denying the sex slaves problem, if this is what some people think. But if they got the real content of my posts and they still disagree, they are only biased and in denial. Sorry, also Korea and China history books have their good quantity of revisionism, no matter if you dislike this idea.
I'm sure our children's children's children will be reading the same headlines and stories.
Alex - Japan is not in revisionism. Comfort women problem started in 1991. SK is revisionist.
Stuart hayward
Alex80 Anyway, I'm not denying the sex slave problem, if this is what some people think?
I'm pretty sure nobody disagrees with you there (we all know Chinese children are being taught nothing of the atrocities under Mao, for instance), but the point is that their revisionism doesn't let Japan's education ministry off the hook for its own blatant revisionism and selective memory.
Still, as bad as Japan's history education is with respect to revisionism, using euphemisms and sweeping issues under the rug, I must say that I am even more shocked by the way WWII history is taught in South Korea and China as a means of bringing about national cohesion and anti-Japan sentiment.
For instance, I watched one documentary where elementary school kids in South Korea were told to draw pictures which would be put on display at a local train station. Some of the children drew pictures depicting Japan burning and other such hateful themes, and the teachers didn't even try to discourage the children from making those drawings. Reprehensible.
Yes, Tina, Japan is always right, eh? And there is a Chinese Tina and a Korean Tina with the same views about their own countries. This is exactly why they will continue to bicker. My family right or wrong is not the mature way to create harmonious relations. In fact, I can never see a time when these insecure and diplomatically immature countries become buddies and they will always blame the others for that outcome.
"Japan is a nation of 12-year-olds" - General MacArthur
Full quote ""Measured by the standards of modern civilization, Japan would be like a boy of twelve as compared with the Anglo-Saxon development of 45 years”
Stuart hayward
Im not sure why JT didn't post my responce to you but I'll try again. I agree with you that none of these three countries has higher ground when it comes to expressing the truth about their own history. Though I disagree that we should leave it up to historians to be the only ones to correct the problem of revision of history. All leaders of each country should be held accountable for what they say and promote as fact. None of them should get a free pass from the public or media, nor should they be able to use this as a tool to slow down, stop or deflect attention away from the many present issues.
Lastly, I was just a little confused by your coment of "Anyway, I'm not denying the sex slave problem, if this is what some people think." It sounds kind of contradictive unless you consider yourself to be "some people"?
@Moonraker"And there is a Chinese Tina and Korean Tina with the same views"
There aren't "Chinese Tina and Korean Tina" in this discussion. If you disagree with the viewpoint of Tina Watanabe, you should provide certain counter arguments. I think she is completely right. For years we can see examples of aggressive historical revisionism both from China and Republic of Korea. At the same time Japanese authorities act too shy, obeying strict orders of their Washington masters.
When it comes to historical revisionism, all 3 of these countries do it. But there's only one country here that invaded two of these countries, and committed rape, murder, and enslavement, while denying all of it altogether. Guess which countries this is.
Alex80: "There's no way Korean hystory is more correct than Japanese hystory and vice versa."
Absolutely wrong, at least on the issue of sexual slavery. Korean history is far more correct on this issue on history. Need proof? Okay, let's compare textbooks. Oh wait... Japanese texts don't even mention the issue at all! Oops!
"For this reason, the politicians should move on, while hystory should be a matter handled by historians from all the countries involved, which could work together."
Wrong again. You don't just "move on" because both nations revise their textbooks, Alex. And any time the nations' historians have come together to 'work on' history, it's ended with them not agreeing, plain and simple. Japan wants to sweep history under the rug when they committed atrocities, and remember themselves being the victim, that's all there is to it.
yamashi: "If you disagree with the viewpoint of Tina Watanabe, you should provide certain counter arguments."
Easy: "Alex - Japan is not in revisionism. Comfort women problem started in 1991. SK is revisionist."
If you cannot see the problems and absolute stupidity of this statement, which you probably just refuse to see, then you are blind. So, the 'comfort women problem started in 1991', did it, tina? yamashi? Quick question, and it's an easy one: when was the period leading up to and during WWII? because that's when it started. The '90s are just when Japan had some politicians, former IJA, and comfort women coming forward and apologizing (with the former two), and wanting it to be properly acknowledged (with the latter). This is only a problem for JAPAN, who denies the past, with people like tinawatanabe and many politicians, who also deny Nanjing, etc. And it was not long after that Abe himself, who is still proud of this I might add, pushed for the removal of all references to sex slaves in Japan's texts, and got it in the new century.
Ah, I see. Are you saying that, if not for US meddling, that Korea, Japan and China would get along fine with China and Korea accepting Japan's correct version of things?
@thepbot - good point. There's also one country which has been peaceful for 70 years and another country which is unilaterally trying to take over all oceans up to their neighbors lands and building islands in waters contested with them. Guess who each of these countries might be? And which is talking about something that happened 70 years ago to distract attention from its current aggressive stance?
Oh look...the 3 main players in Asia bickering...with each other....again.
How unusual.
The reason that Park has been reluctant to hold a summit meeting with Abe was because she herself had told the Korean people that a meeting with Abe would not happen unless the comfort women issue was resolved.
This may have had the effect of improving her popularity domestically, and she had always demanded this before any meeting with Abe would take place, while Abe always said that the door for talks was always open, but with the proviso that there would not be any preconditions.
What I find hard to undestand is why she made such a commitment, seeing that Abe was hardly likely to bend on the comfort women issue. Did she really believe having good relations with Japan was not important for Korea? Having made such a promise to her own people, she has put herself in an impossible situation.
And alas, Obama pushed for better Korean-Japanese relations which in this case has resulted her in caving in to her previous promise, and now will be meeting Abe who has not changed his stance on the comfort women issue at all.
Furthermore, Korea needs Japan more now as can be seen by Korea's wish to reinstate currency swap deals which they said was not needed back in February. Korea is not part of the TPP, but they now want to be included, which means that they need the cooperation of Japan.
I suppose it really is hard to be Korea right now. With economical giants China and Japan as their neighbour, the unsettled war situation with the North, trying hard to be the "balancer" for China and USA relations, etc, etc.
The spin doctors supporting Park must be having a real headache now. Well, in the end, the bat finally loses all its friends...
Christopher Glen
This statement is a clear example of the effects of revisionism in Japan. The comfort women problem started in the 1930s.
What kind of story this time?
@smithinjapan"If you cannot see the problems and absolute stupidity of this statement".
I see no problems or stupidity. Tina said that the so-called 'problems' began in 1991. Earlier South Korean politicians did not rise sharp questions concerning to 'sex slaves' or 'comfort women'.
Stuart hayward
So just because you didn't hear of Korean politicians making "sharp questions" about sex slaves before 1991, are you saying it never happened? Or that it some how changes the facts?
Gotta laugh at the irony on display here by many of the comments by Japanese perfectly demonstrating their bickering attitude towards Korea and China.
yamashi: "Tina said that the so-called 'problems' began in 1991."
Which doesn't change the fact that the problems, no 'so-called' except to a denier, began when the women were kidnapped and gang-raped by IJA troops in the 1930's and '40s. Or do you think it did not happen?
"I see no problems or stupidity."
Like I said, blind. You'll never see the truth, so stop suggesting you know it and asking people to prove otherwise when they already have but you refuse to acknowledge it. To say there was no problem before 1991 is pretty much the stupidest thing anyone could say, especially if asking for proof about Japan's wrongdoings and/or revisionist history.
yamashi: "Tina said that the so-called 'problems' began in 1991."
Which doesn't change the fact that the problems, no 'so-called' except to a denier, began when the women were kidnapped and gang-raped by IJA troops in the 1930's and '40s. Or do you think it did not happen?
"I see no problems or stupidity."
Which only proves my point that there is no point asking for proof when the proof is in the original question or comment, and when you won't recognize the truth anyway. To say there was no problem before 1991 is ridiculous, and proof of Japan's revisionism in itself.
igloobuyer: "Gotta laugh at the irony on display here by many of the comments by Japanese perfectly demonstrating their bickering attitude towards Korea and China."
Precisely. I mean, anyone saying, "Japan is not bickering. South Korea is" and doesn't recognize that THAT is bickering is... well... a perfect product of white-washing.
I don't know about these guys but I had a great 3-way with a Korean and Chinese
Whatever SK say is hitory and when Japan defend, it's denier?
What Koreans say is Japan forcefully kidnapped 200,000 Korean girls from their homes and nobody noticed even their parents that their daughters were missing and say nothing until Korean related man's article in 1991. And although it happed in Korea they have no evidence whatsoever except testimonies collected by SK AFTER 1991.
And what is the other "history" of 1930's?
No. This isn't only about SK. There were also victims from China, Taiwan, Australia, Holland, Indonesia; other than China those are not countries which could be described as anti-Japanese or which use the issue for political propaganda purposes.
Even if the number wasn't 200,000, you cannot with a straight face deny it happened. It also happened to Dutch and Australian victims, and I must say its strange how you never deny that happening. hmmmm...
Japan raping and pillaging much of East and South East Asia. Anymore questions, Ms. Watanabe?
But they were collected after 1991. SK provides nothing from before 1991. SK is erecting lots of comfort women statues in many places in several countries by lobbying the assembly members. It would be much easier for SK to gather testimonies in favor of SK propaganda.
It is not only comfort women issues that SK using to bash Japan for the two decades. They have too much inferiority complex. Japan is very tired and just wants to stay away from them. That's the reason that Japan's trade and tourists are decreasing.
What? You should try living in the real world - the real world where billions of dollars worth of trade happens with S. Korea. Or maybe you should at least try talking to some people who aren't right-wingers.
Delusional. Sadly, delusional. SK has not been erecting a lot of comfort women statues, Korean Americans have, and if they want to do so in their own community, then that's fine.
Inferiority complex? Laughable. South Koreas's economic situation has been improving. The average Korean is wealthier today than they were 25 years ago. Can we say the same thing about Japan?
Or alternatively, the Fascist politicians you love and admire are bleeding the middle class and they cannot afford to go overseas? Thought about that?
Stranger, I predicted about two years ago that Japan's trad/investment/tourists to SK would shrink and I was right. And I predict the trend WILL continue as long as Koreans continue Japan bashing using SK version of "history".
You keep saying about money, but the money is not most important thing. Nothing hurts more than false charge. If you hate Japan so much you should cut diplomatic relation.
"The problem this week, as is often the case in Northeast Asia, appears to be history"...
it is just one point in history which stuns everyone. two political hierarchies will meet with the rising giant, so lets hope this Kingston pundit will be proven wrong when stating "The meetings could be significant even if the three leaders only manage to build confidence and agree to more summits"
The yen drops in strength, and you predict that things would shrink. Wow, you're a genius Tina.
Seeing as there are no false charges, Japan should not be hurting.
The people are not the government. The governments hate each other. The people for the most part are ok with each other. The businesses are doing trade with each other. The governments of both countries would be stupid to overrule the will of the people by cutting diplomatic relations.
No; they were collected in the 30s and 40s, and sent to 'comfort stations' where they were raped. Their testimonies may have been collected much more recently, but that does not mean they are liars. Unfortunately, I personally know four women (as far as I'm aware - the true number is likely higher) who have been raped - and none of them informed the authorities. It is a very difficult thing for a rape victim to come forward. The lack of empathy from Japan's right wing for these women, for the sake of petty nationalism, is a very clear illustration of the problem and why it won't go away.
Then I suggest you stop falsely charging these rape victims of being liars. As if being forced into sexual servititude wasn't enough, they now suffer the indignity of being branded liars for it.
As we discussed on the other thread, Japan's overall tourist departures have been dropping consistently since Abenomincs began, not only to SK. You pointed out that numbers to some destinations have risen - and they are cheaper destinations in SE Asia. So the trend very much appears to be that Japanese are both travelling less and selecting cheaper destinations - exactly as one would expect when the yen has lost such a huge amount of value in those years.
I said the testimonies were collected after 1991. Koreans jump at every opportinity to bash Japan, and never stop until Japan becomes extremely tired and give in and accept the false charge.
Not really head of state, reading carefully, it mention the meeting will be attend by Park, Abe and Li and not Xi.
Yes so Aso not Abe should go.
But you haven't explained why this means it isn't true.
It is true that many Koreans do that. It is also true that many do not, and do in fact like Japan, so you're wrong to make such a sweeping generalisation. As for those in Korea who do engage in routine Japan-bashing, I disagree with them just as I disagree with Japanese who engage in routine Korea-bashing. I have many Korean friends; a number of them have told me they hate Japan; and every time that's happened, I've argued with them about it and have challenged them to challenge their own biases. They have usually conceeded that they are wrong to hate Japan entirely because of a few specific issues; a couple have even visited me in Japan and finally agreed that Japan was actually a pretty good place. Any chance that you might challenge your own bias against Korea? Because Japan and Korea have no better or more natural ally than each other, and I really hope to see them become the friends that they should be - not holding my breath though, because one thing that needs to happen first is that Japan's establishment needs to stop questioning the comfort women issue, man up, and make a full and final apology for it. Seeking an apology from Japan is not 'Japan-bashing', as you put it; Japan did do something terrible and hasn't yet adequately apologised for it. The ball is in Japan's court to do this, and then the two can bury the hatchet.
@Stuart hayward:
It's more probable that the historians can be a bit more objective about history rather than any political leader, who acts only for his personal interest. Independent historians from all the countries should work together, as I said. Everything that the politicians say about some facts happened 20,30,70 years ago is basically never "sincere" or trustworthy, but a bait to win some kind of approval or to divert people's attention from their own current bad government. So, you can't find "real history" in the words of the politicians.
My comments were getting some thumbs down when I was saying some facts supported by the sources that I had linked. So I couldn't understand the reason why they disliked my comments. I guessed some people thought that I was supporting Japanese revisionism someway, while I wasn't doing it, of course.
"At least" on the issue of sexual slavery, for sure. But history isn't only about this issue, I hope you can agree with me. For instance, Japanese colonialism in Korea contributed to modernize the Korean peninsula. This is a known fact that you can find in tons of Western books, but I see many Korean people who deny it. Admitting this fact doesn't mean to say Japan wasn't an aggressor like the Western colonial powers, it's only a fact that for the sake of the historical truth must be told. Also Noam Chomsky spoke about how, unlike the Western powers that mainly exploited their colonies, Japan had this different attitude, developing some of them. Of course, Japan was acting for the sake of its Empire, nobody is saying it was a benefactor, but also this is history, like recently the President of Taiwan admitted. Another example of Korean revisionism, is like Koreans tend to downplay the role of Korean pro-Japanese collaborationists. About China, in general Japan never denied completely that the Nanjing massacre happened. The main dispute is about the numbers of the victims. Also the Western historians disagree about the exact number, so in my opinion it doesn't make any sense to bicker over and over again about some numbers that nobody is able to confirm. But as I said, all this bickering in all the three countries has its political reasons, for instance it's a way for diverting people's attention from the incompetence of the government.
As a responsable member of the international community, yeah, you must move on when you are not able to find a common view about one problem. This doesn't mean the issue must be forgotten, but it's very stupid, childish and stubborn continuing FOR YEARS to fight over the same topics involving facts happened almost 100 years ago. A new war would be worthy to solve this kind of problems? Absolutely no, of course. Exactly because also the historians often disagree between them, we can say it's impossible to have only one version of history. So, which is the point of increasing nationalism and hate between people over something that will always have some different interpretations? Working for peace means also to say "okay, we disagree about this, and probably we'll always disagree, but for the sake of our people in THE PRESENT we have to move on". Do you agree with "The Correct Textbook of History" forced by Park over the Korean kids? I hope you don't. Only the name is scary, it sounds like something you would find in North Korea. Japan has its own version of history, we already know it. So, what? Move on. Let Korea teaching its "correct history" and the other countries do the same. It's pointless try to solve something that can't be solved. Kids all around the world must learn to read many different sources, and find their own "truth". Let's hope this truth will drive them toward pacifism, rather than toward hate and nationalism.
Yoshitsune - Believe me, as long as SK is saying Comfort women, there is no relation. But it is fine with Japan because too tired of Koreans.
Many things take place during a "war" that would not take place during peaceful period. This war happened over )0 years ago and I believe it is time to forget what took place and move on!
BTW, it's not true that Japan wants to be seen only like a victim. In general it admitted more times its role like colonial power. It also apologized. There are some controversial topics but to say that Japan affirms to have been only a victim is false. We can also see how Japan tends to apologize to the USA way more easily than toward China. The alliance Japan/USA is one of the reasons why LDP has always been so reticent to apologize to China, unlike DPJ.
Well first of all there clearly are relations, however strained, so that statement is false. But, again, this issue isn't only about Korea. Taiwan is about to open a museum about comfort women; do you think Japan should have no relations with Taiwan?
It sounds to me a lot like you're not even that bothered about the comfort women issue, but you just don't like Korean people. Do you even know any? Have you ever even been there?
Japan can you please just stop the back peddling and denying and admit what happened so the entire world can move on? It's 2015. Only insane fringe freaks deny war atrocities from 20th century except in Japan it's the ruling political party.
President Park should break off the meeting to show Abe that his view of history is distorted and unacceptable
@tinawatanabe"they have too much inferiority complex"
You hit the nail on the head. Their complaints about 'comfort women' are similar to complaints about silver medal of Kim Yuna on last Olympic Games.
What a ridiculous comment.
I quite understand what you mean. I think I commented the similar thing before, like "Korea will see why Japanese are called 'silent claimers' soon. Japanese people never go violent like Chinese do, but once determined, they would never come back." Now 70-80 percent Japanes say Japan does not need the connections with South Korea in their business.
The reason why PM Abe and his government are confident in dealing with this issue is that they know Japanese silent majority is backing the way they are doing now against Korea.
The majority of Japanese are now well aware that Korea is far from trustworthy, and there is not much truth in the testimonies of so-called Korean comfort women.
Tina, 'tired of' is a rather gentle wording. I'm really fed up with their lies. Three principles of No-Korea; Not teaching, not helping, and not being involved."
Still doesn't beat raping, murdering, and enslaving people, and then denying all of it, does it? And I ask, how can you explain Korea's constant "talking about something that happened 70 years ago"? They're not aggressive and therefore have no need to use that as a form of distraction now do they? You wanna know another country that talks about the past? Japan. Every time they visit places like the Yasukuni Shrine, or make new changes and edits to their history textbooks, or just even having politicians seemingly make random public statements about denying their atrocities to gather support from old right-wing voters, that's them talking about what happened 70 years ago too. And you wonder why China and Korea talks about it constantly?