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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.South Korea to remove Japan from preferred trade list
By KIM TONG-HYUNG SEOUL, South Korea©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Nope, it's South Korea that is absolutely ridiculous. It's been over a month and I still have not seen one valid reason from anyone here on what exactly the Japanese government did wrong. The South Korean government, by their own admission, said there were 156 cases of export violations of sensitive materials. South Korea was the only Asian country on the white list, and for that they thumbed their nose at Japan for over 15 years, continually demonizing Japan and reneging on past agreements, in addition to the export violations. The white list was a privilege not a right.
So again, someone please tell me what exactly Japan did wrong here in removing South Korea from the list? Any other country would have never tolerated such nonsense for so long as Japan did.
That Moon and his cronies refused to act like rational, mature leaders of a country, shows that the blame for this mess solely rests with South Korea. If Moon had sat down with Japanese officials and discussed how to stay on the list, this would never have happened. Instead Moon immediately goes to the media and whines about never losing to Japan again. Never admits any wrongdoing, and thinks he can get away with it all with the comfort women/colonial atrocities card. What a lunatic. That's not how you run a country people.
Maybe Moon will move SK much closer to NK. Should there be reunification I’m sure he can handle Kim Jong-un. Yep. Sure...
Since Moon administration came into power, it has been bad business getting worse for Japan. SK has no grounds to stand on other than starting and fanning the smoke while looking for a spark to turn into flames. Japan has compensated SK fully and then some. Trade is always a risky process but if the other side is not willing to play fair or shows interest why bother at all. Time will tell.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
I will ask again. Why do you guys think Japan is wrong after SK minister acknowledged 156 cases of illegal exports to NK?
Do the hustle
Japan is not noisy. There also has been no non-buying campaign against South Korea. Korea is only unilaterally calling out.
Weren't the South Koreans whining only last week that this kind of action went against WTO rules?
Let's see if Japanese people now come into the streets burning Korean flags etc. Or is it only immature people who do that?
Mitsuo Matsuyama
It depends on how you see this scenery. I would not use the word "stubborn" for Japan, but use the adjective "patient". For the rest of the word being removed from white-list country is not a big deal. If for instance Japan removes Argentina from his white-list country, do you really think Argentina government will make protest and burn Japanese flag? I doubt she would. Actually SK is acting this way because she knows it is the way to distract people from her domestic issues(eg: corruption, unemployment, etc...) and not because Abe is being unfair.
Most of Japanese people are enjoying their vacation right now while Korean people are protesting against Japanese and Japan. People who work with me have not even mention about it and they are living a normal life like anybody else.
You would be right to say that if Japan kept asking another country to apologize and compesate, but Japan does care about it.
princess row
If this isn't a retaliation, I dont know what it is. Totally SK's M.O. This should make every pro SK here extra proud. Never mind if this makes sense, as long as they hit back and dont lose (according to them).
But really, who's tired of this people?
Here we go, again and again and again.,..
Stopped downplaying? How? The government of Japan twice gave compensation to comfort women, including the landmark 2015 agreement between South Korea and Japan. This is in addition to numerous statements of apology by Japanese officials including prime ministers. A few bad Japanese apples saying bad things about comfort women is hardly represent of the Japanese government or people as a whole.
"This is war and we aren't going to lose to Japan again!"
"We're going to team up with North Korea to destroy Japan's economy!"
"We need to refrain from being emotional and remain calm."
Uh... Moon, you sound a little confused. Here, eat a Snickers.
Japan doesn't care. They've hardly utilized GSOMIA and anything they get from SK, they can easily get from the US. But keep beating that drum, since it's all you seem to have.
Ryotaku Suzuki
Almost meaningless move for no use.
The removal of South Korea from Japanese White list, nearly declares that Japan has a suspect on SK illegally exporting "something" to NK, or maybe also Iran.
The first thing SK should react is actually to clarify the fact and their position, not to mimicking the action.
In short, South Korea has admitted that there is nothing wrong with Japanese behavior.
This has become laughable.
Don't waste your breath. Even in this thread, the anti-Japan crowd continues to ignore this very simple question in order to suit their agendas. Continue to divert away with total non-issues. This is a classic case of how Moon and his government use Japan as an excuse to cover for their own inadequacies. The Japanese government, while rightfully removing South Korea from the white list, still had a hopeful tone in that they basically told the South Korean government, we can still sit down and work these issues out so that reinstatement on the white list is a possibility. Instead, Moon and his cronies went on full Japan attack moan, venting fury at Japan like a petulant child, whining about never losing to Japan again. And condoning anti-Japan protests.
Exactly. You called it, it's so obvious, and on this website, it's most definitely the second. Like the blind anti-Japan crowd, these people know they have no grounds whatsoever to rightfully support Japan, but instead of fully blaming Japan for every single thing to divert from the issue, they'll instead chastise both as a cop-out.
It's also interesting to see the increase in anti-Japan nationalists starting to visit this website, based on the high numbers of down votes on those rational and sensible individuals who call out the South Korean government for what they are.
South Korea detected weakness.
They seen you didn't add any new items to the WhiteList.
They see pressure being applied to Japan and are willing to escalate because they know Japan's government wont go beyond the steps taken already.
Weak response on the Japanese side will only emboldened Korea to act this way even more in the future. To always behave like this in situations dealing with Japan.
The ones here on JT are pretty well identified by now. But if you look at the comments section of any major western news site the VANKERS are out in full force trying to convince the world how "Japan started all this and is harming the global economy" with their usual revisionist nonsense.
While SK has been using the WWII issue as a poltical and diplomatic tool for a long time, I see SK court rulings against Japanese corporations as the first salvo in mixing trade and economics with politics. Something that Moon should have foreseen if they had not been so blinded by their prejudice and confidence that "Japan won't do anything again".
SK removing Japan from their whitelist is a useless tit-for-tat action since crying to everyone else has fallen flat on it's face. Useless since obviously Japan expected this when they removed SK from their own whitelist. As long as Moon is in office, and the SK people can not see how much damage his anti-Japan policy is doing to their country, this will continue.
Yes yes, we've all heard your stories about how the US will be running from the North Korean missiles falling on Japan while not allowed to say anything about them to Japan. It's all nonsense.
GSOMIA has been used something like a dozen times since it's inception. Japan will do just fine without it and South Korea knows it. They are desperately trying to find anything that shows Japan needs them more than they need Japan, but they fail at every turn.
Where is the pleading? I only see an agreement that the smart thing is to continue sharing intelligence. Well Duh. Of course it is. More intelligence is always better than less.
Moon's going to find this agreement changing soon too if he keeps playing games. Do you really think anyone is going to tell the US how they can use their own radars? Good luck with that.
Not that it matters, Moon already said he plans on becoming Kim Jung Un's whipping boy so there's not going to be much cooperation with anyone.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Well... It seems to me South Korea declared trade war against Japan. It also gives a meaning that South Koreans are not able to dialogue with Japan. Japanese side tried with a lot patience explain that it was not embargo, but still they kept thinking it was a embargo. Anyway, there is nothing to do with what South Korean government decided to. One thing I can tell, nobody will go to South Korea embassy and burn the Korean flag in Japan. The Japanese will only enjoy their time with grandparents and siblings during this period. They will even thinking about them as usual.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
After South Korea minister acknowledged 156 cases of illegal exports to North Korea that was reported on JT some days ago, such decision from Japanese government was more than correct.
SK is like a 4 year old child throwing a tantrum and crying in the middle of a room, wanting it's mommy to pick it up and tell it everything will be ok.
Seriously, grow. up.
Ganbare Japan!
Korea started it. Japan did nothing wrong.
This says a lot about Korean hysteria people sometimes call Hwabyung. How laughable it is to newly create category-C to put Japan alone into it
Carry on SK. Stop GSOMIA, Stop exporting DRAM, Boycott Japanese products, Japanese athletes and Tokyo Olympics and break all ties with Japan. But Just don't cherrypick.
The biggest and identifiable damage Japan could have, if any, is when SK stop marketing K-entertainment business which it won't for sure as it is almost one-sided business already. But if it does at all, well, Abe must deal with bunch of claims from Japanese young girls. That's pitty LOL.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Can someone who are expert on trade rules explain what international principles Japan broke?
From my point of view Japan didn't break any international rules by deciding to downgrade South Korea. Japan like any other country has the power of decision on what he wants to do and who he wants as member of his white list country. If Japan decides to take out Poland for example, he can do. If Japan decides to remove Argentina, he can do. None of those countries would protest since it is Japan choice.
I think it's the other way around. Abe came to realize that Moon is completely out of his depth and is now toying with him.
And I know people who would never buy a Japanese car. It's called personal preference. Your friend wasn't part of a country wide Korean goods boycott.
Those who blame BOTH sides equally either have no real interest in it at all or merely have no grounds to support SK about what's going on. So the best they could, is to blame both.
Ganbare Japan!
@ Yuri Otani. You cannot be serious. The USA has Japans back, 100 percent. South Korea wouldnt even think about it, its a nonsense idea.
This move by Moon is simply tit-for-tat and petulant. It is going to hurt SK a lot, and not hurt Japan even a tiny bit.
Thank Moon for this mess. His strategy all along was to work together with North Korea for China. Great diversion for China to flex military muscle on Hong Kong and subsequently Taiwan. People of South Korea and Japan need to wake up and cooperate.
Looks like Japan is not that bothered.
"Both the US and Japan have said they want the arrangement to continue, but Pardo said the effect of the termination would remain largely symbolic.
South Korea has already been investing in its own satellite and anti-submarine programmes to monitor the North’s activities, while Japan has also been developing its own intelligence programmes.
“This shows that neither South Korea nor Japan wants to rely on each other or third parties, namely the US, when it comes to monitoring North Korea’s military activities,” Pardo said."
Shin Ra
I guess they didnt want to report the story about the third group SK was proposing for Japan that was below the two groups they currently have just to spite them.
Oh the irony...
South Korea admitted it detected 156 violations of export laws, not attempted violations. From what has been previously reported, these were discovered after the fact, not prevented. I'd like to see a link to something backing up your claim.
These links mean nothing.
My claim is from a previous news story on this very website. Until you can provide something credible to refute it, you don’t have a leg to stand on. Much like South Korea.
Good for Japanese competitors of samsung.
Yes, and once again, that was his personal preference. Most people I know that refuse to buy Japanese cars have never even owned one but won't buy them for the simple fact that they are Japanese.
My point is, whether it's a single item like a car or a blanket statement covering everything, there will always be people that will not want to buy something from a particular place.
The difference is, only in Korea are they carrying professionally designed and printed boycott signs.
Fox Sora Winters
slow sarcastic clapping Well done. That'll show Japan that you can be trusted with potentially dangerous exports that can be used to develop weapons. Throwing your rattle out the pram and crying like a baby. Really mature. Well played.
Well, if that's the way SK wants to play it, their loss. Japan may well choose to escalate, and that'll hurt SK more than it'll hurt Japan. You'd think that with NK firing rockets at will again, SK would try to keep all its allies close, united against a common enemy. Instead it stabs Japan in the back and leaves itself in a dire position. Seems like the Moon Jae-in's tree doesn't go all the way to the top branch.
So you are saying that Japan is passing sensitive materials to North Korea? I mean, at least Japan is using a credible excuse to sanction SK, Moon's excuse is more akin to a child singing 'I'm rubber, you're glue'.
peppy kids
So it's just symbolic and otherwise just used to try to maintain some competitive advantage. Is there a competitive advantage?
LOLLOL Good example of what not to do as world leader : ) Lets subgroup this guy next to Trump and Kim Un
Doesn't sound like they know what they are doing.
I don't think Tokyo really cares too much about what SK does to its own economy or whether it trades with it or not. If its a cost benefit analysis then the cost of doing trade with SK outweigh the benefits. In the end SK needs Japan than the other way around.
No problem. Not much difference there. lol
Note that Japan removed SK from their whitelist on the grounds that SK was lacking in sufficient export controls and SK itself admitted to 156 violations. So what reason is SK giving for removing Japan from THEIR whitelist? None. Just a childish tit-for-tat. Pathetic country.
South Korea, unlike Japan, violated the WTO rules.
Mind you I'm not knowledgable in politics and its ins and outs damn near at all, but I find it funny how much SK really hates Japan. Don't get me wrong, atrocities were done in WW2, but they've all been compensated (at least from what I've been reading and from small research on my end) and they're now a part of history. Matter of fact, I'd argue that Japan has done more than any other country to help SK get truly and firmly back on its feet, and help grow industries that are now, at least from my POV, truly vital for SK's economy and success - entertainment and electronics, primarily, as well as other chip-making industries, etc.
Even more trivial is the fact that the Japanese were never interested in boycotting SK products and are still consuming them, while the opposite can only be said for SK, where people started bashing Japanese products in an almost SK-way.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, why act in such a way, South Korea? If anything, to a country that has, essentially, brought you where you are today, from giving you the knowledge and the tools for technology, to being one of the first nations to accept and popularize K-culture such as dramas and music. I hope the folks over there steering this country now what they're doing, 'cause if not it really looks like the Titanic.
Please excuse my english.
Japan reduces the speed, not cancels, of a few products into South Korea. Ones which can be used in the manufacture of weapons..
(If this is or was also partly a reaction to South Koreas lack of good will in its treaties with Japan I don't know.. probably)
South Korea puts on government sponsored protests and now wants to make all trade with one of nearest partners more difficult.
It really makes you wonder if someone is disappointed they aren't receiving nice big envelopes of cash anymore or mad with power or simply using all this to try and stay in government for a little longer..
I feel sad for everyone being manipulated through this and the general negativity its creating in the area.
Ah, your preferred trade list. The one Japan bothered to spoon-fed you to learn what to do?
Impressive. Japan you did it again by sparing the rod and spoiled the child. too bad.
Cistec SK is referring to Japan's transparency is General incorporated foundation, not Japan governmental organization. SK is checking totally wrong place.
Also, Your links did not prove at all all if those 156 seizure were results of preventing illegal exports or after.
Besides Korea's data only shows total seizure every year and no mention at all re company names, the number of case associated with WMD.
I didn’t even say if it was true or not, just credible. Korea doesn’t even have an excuse except for ‘Japan started it!’
But seeing as how Korea admitted themselves that there have been export violations, I tend to believe Japan on this one.
Keep ‘lol’ing, doesn’t change the fact that Korea is floundering.
peppy kids
@ np complete
That's not correct, several European countries have continued to demand reparations. Which happens any time they don't get a prefer treatment.
This brought a back lash from the German people who refuse to give anymore.
Germany never gave reparations for its colonial massacres during its expansions in Africa.
But the real gold is South Korea has refuse to recognize its war crimes in Vietnam.
Here is a nice little excerpt from Wikipedia;
A September 1, 2017, article on Justice for Lai Dai Han's website said, "In an audacious display of dishonesty and hypocrisy, Seoul is always quick to highlight the suffering of its own people during past conflicts, but develops a severe case of national amnesia when facing its own crimes in Vietnam."[51]
Allegations of wartime rape has recently been raised in recent years, with testimonies from offspring fathered by South Koreans in the Vietnam War known as Lai Đại Hàn were ostracised and neglected by Vietnamese society following the war
Now something about a sincere apology and compensation...
Some Germans could be suffering from inconvenience from having to pretend Brandt style-mourning.
If you have nothing to present other than German-model, try to present your own home countries' model
about atrocities your ancestors caused.
Those ethnic-Korean posters, show us your own model wrt atrocities you brough in in Vietnam to begin with
because it was NONE of your WAR.
np complete
If you examined exactly, you wouldn't mix up wartime labor issues and comfort women issues.
just saying.
“and plans to file a complaint with the World Trade Organization.”
I always thought the Korean government were idiots but this is way beyond.
I am more worried about a physical war with Korea attacking Japan. The US would sit it out and do nothing.
I meant to say "brainwashing way", I'm sleepy as hell, lol
Then silence is golden let karma n ICJ decide between korea n Japan if korea comes forward
Plus follow the three monkeys “dont see evil, dont speak evil, dont hear evil” n the latest dont post evil
Raj Pirdnani
Why start war, lets be at peace. S.Korea don't start it please. Japanese are supported by USA and you don't want USA and Japan your Enemy.
At the end of the day, it's like dealing with a hysterical child.
At some point you've just got to let child (Korea) keep screaming and crying for as long as it wants until it realizes that that strategy is no longer going to get what it wants.
Japan has been far too patient and accommodating with Korea.
There are plenty of other more trustworthy countries in Asia to do business with.
All the same, it's a shame for all the folk down in the Busan-Fukuoka Economic Cooperation Zone.
Forget the Seoul-Tokyo spats, how are things going with them?
Busan is 208 kilometers from Fukuoka and 428 kilometers away from Seoul.
Perhaps the Three Kingdoms area of Korea (삼국시대) should amalgamate with Kyushu and the pair be done with their capitals?
Sad, S Korea just signed off one of its last few peaceful economic advantage with Japan. Over confidence that they can match or better Japan's technological and other talents on their own or with some other unannounced partner (probably China especially with the blockchain and 5G technologies) with the potentially large market and immediate market in NK, they have again bit the hand that helped and fed their economy.
Japan is not accustomed to retaliation as they know by experience that such moves only lead to conflicts and disasters, but had to respond and expose the facts and the truths without the trumped up accusations and implied ill intentions which SK is actually doing. The only way is to expose the facts and the truths when the media is used as a weapon. (Problem is, the Japanese are very poor at it.)
Sadly still, Japan has allowed thousands of S Korean and other nation's companies to actually own companies and businesses and real estate in Japan. Therefore it may be that SK as with China has more than enough "presence" in Japan such as LOTTE, so that they can "ignore" official relationships. They can rely on their own planted companies in Japan to benefit from the Japanese.
Now Japan may have to respond by changing it's laws to "reflect" ownership that exist in other countries, If one says no more than 49% then in Japan, they can own no more than 49%. If one says no foreign ownership then Japan must also say No foreign ownership for that country. Or as Koea is starting to do and did in the 1960's, nationalize ALL foreign owned companies and real estate as being Japanese or require 51% or more Japanese ownership.
There is extreme danger of such moves by SK or by Japan if this "craziness" continues.
@extanker Today 08:11 am JST
S. Korea:
BTW, your claim is not from Japan government, but from Fuji TV, which is a tabloid-like media and its claim was already refuted by S. Korea government:
Wallace Fred
Funny, did you actually expect a different result? The time of cowering to bullying is way over.
np complete
Let's look back a few months and examine exactly what triggered this whole thing...
1) A while back a South Korean court (whether they were right or wrong is inconsequential) declared that Japan owes money or compensation for the comfort women issue.
2) Japan claims they are all of a sudden enforcing anti-terror trade restrictions, (timing here is everything) and they openly state, it has nothing at all to do with the comfort women issue (which in S. Korea, as in Canada & U.S., the courts are independent of the legislature) Japan points to an example of the Submarine Propeller technology (this goes back a few decades) when THEY, a Japanese company sold the technology (for the milling machines) to a Russian entity... So the example they are using to support their claim, while valid, is their own violation, not South Korea..
3) So now S. Korean Gov't is responding again...
At least, the Japanese Government could come clean and say, "Yes, It's all about the comfort women issue..." Instead of some fabricated claim, which is about as valid as George Dubya's Iraq WMD claim...
This is typical Japan behavior... Don't expect straight talk, because, you'll never get it...
And I usually take the Japanese side, but not on matters stemming from anything to do with ww2..
They could have long ago, taken the path which Germany chose...
Notice how NO ONE ever accuses Germany of any history white washing or denial...
Wallace Fred
Hold on a second. Since when do we take any government's word at face value without any hard irrefutable evidence?
np complete
Sorry, my bad, I've heard this stuff so many times in the last 10 years, I instinctively stop listening as soon as I hear the first couple words out of the NHK announcer's voice...
Japan is not noisy. There also has been no non-buying campaign against South Korea. Korea is only unilaterally calling out.
25 years ago, while enjoying a beer with a Japanese friend, my friend said that he would never, ever buy anything that was from Korea.
(I was showing him my new Samsung camera).
@Mitsuo Matsuyama Aug. 12 06:15 pm JST
It is not surprising that naive and ordinary Japaneses are so much easily brainwashed by Japanese media.
The detection of 156 cases proves that SK is doing a good job in preventing illegal export, as those cases were prevented before going to NK. In the case of the U.S., they detect thousands cases of illegal exports every year. Japan does not disclose fully the statistics of detection, while SK has fully disclosed it in public. Even your Japaneses government already denied that the detection of 156 cases is a factor in considering change in export regulation for SK. Sigh....
And I know people who would never buy a Japanese car. It's called personal preference. Your friend wasn't part of a country wide Korean goods boycott.
His exact word was ANYTHING. (Not a specific thing such as a car or a camera).
Agreed that both sides are overly proud and extremely stubborn.
They are so similar that they hate to admit it.
Anyway in all european news this regional feud have no importance.
This shows that it is merely a matter of keep the flag high.
Maybe Japan and South Korea should wake up and realize that we live in 2019
As I said,both are very stubborn and won’t listen to neutral opinions.
I’m not Japanese neither Korean.
Westerner here.
Lu King
Hi! South Korean here. I was interested to read what the Japanese media had to say on this matter so I came over to have a looksy. It was mostly what I already knew so that's great! From what I gather, this was a Tit-for-Tat maneuver on South Korea's part, they are crossing Japan off the white list because South Kore was listed off Japan's A-list! (Previously called white list) There is no benefit to either side! From my perspective this is just becoming a childish political fight that can be resolved right now if prime minister Abe retracted the trade restrictions. But that's never gonna happen so I guess we gotta wait for WTO results.
As expected. An eye for an eye. Now please negotiate!
Saying that every individual right to compensation is settled by the 1965 agreement is stubborn by Japan to believe. As is South Koreas stance that they can keep making demands of compensation over and over again. Settle your differences once and for all and move on like "normal" countries. That said, the U.N did adopt a resolution in 1996 that said Japan should compensate individual claims made by South Koreans.
It would've certainly helped a lot if Abe and his government stopped downplaying the comfort women issue as well! I understand why you are mad South Korea, but please not let your rage on Abe and Nippon Kaigi affect bileteral ties with the Yamato-people! That's the least you could do. Keep individual compensation claims outside the relation between the Yamato and Korean-people.
Samit Basu
Japan can't. The terms of US-Korea GSOMIA prohibits transfer of US intelligence acquired on Korean soil to third party without the consent of Korea. Basically, the US can provide Japan satellite and spy-plane acquired data, but not the ground-based radar data.
This is why Japanese MoD chief has flown to Washington DC and plead with US officials to persuade Koreans to not cut them off.
Samit Basu
It is the loss of this early warning from both Korea and the US(US agreed not to share its radar data acquired from Korea-deployed radars with Japan without Korean consent) that is freaking Japanese MoD out.
This is same as Korea turning lights off Japan's room at night and Japan now must use a handheld flashlight to look for things.
Do the hustle
These two countries are absolutely ridiculous. They are like a pair of schoolyard brats. - It takes two to make a fight.
@old man - Solely blaming one side in a dispute is a quick way to lose all credibility, in any debate.
Japan and Korea do right things to abandon corrupted, discriminate "preferred trade list".
Let us establish a new, an open, a fair northeast Asia system, in which all members trade equally.
Samit Basu
That one is coming on 23rd. Japan has 11 days left to stop this, by retracting the whitelist removal.
The President's office actually had a press conference with only Japanese journalists, where when asked about the GSOMIA renewal the official confirmed that Japan was untrustworthy and military secret exchange with an untrustworthy country was "improper".
Moon has no reasons to back away from this, since the anti-Japan sentiment helps his party while robbing support away from the Pro-Japan conservatives, so Moon will carry on until the parliamentary election early next year.
@Mitsuo - This gets trotted out for a showing whenever a SK-Japan dispute arises, but seriously what a tired old cliche. You are ignoring the fact this whole thing was kicked off by an independent court ruling in SK, nothing whatsoever to do with a politician or political party.
As for convenient political timing, how about the timing of the announcement, right before the election in Japan? Shinzo thought he might win the super majority in parliament if he shows he was still relevant in East Asian affairs, to portray himself as a top dog when in fact he's been more of a lap dog in recent peace talks involving NK.