Japan Today

South Korea to return to Japan's 'white list' for exports on July 21


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Japan needs Korea, and visa versa. Its pick a side time.

If Biden gets elected again. Allowing the North more freedom to challenge the Western Allied front.

Seriously I am telling you. I am in Korea. The North do not respect Biden over here.

God help us all. We will need the free flow of all import and export goods if war breaks flowing freely out of both ways. Strategically speaking.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Marc LoweToday  01:50 am JST

Simple economics people. Japan needs Korean goods more than Korea needs anything from Japan. Korea overtook Japan in the 1990s.

What Korean goods are found in Japan? Even Kimchee can be had made in Osaka by ethnic Korea-Japanese. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Although it was the only Asian country to receive preferential treatment in the first place, it was removed from the white list due to the G7 and other groups' allegations of illegal use of hydrogen fluoride by President Moon Jae-in.

Resuming without clarifying the suspicion means that North Korea and Iran will advance their nuclear development.

Japan does not need South Korea, but these three items, which South Korea cannot produce in its own country with the same quality, are absolutely necessary for semiconductor manufacturing.

From now on, Japan will cooperate with the United States, Taiwan, Holland, etc. in the manufacture of semiconductors, and Korean memory will no longer be needed.

Going out of their way to put South Korea back on the whitelist will only result in a further decline in the Kishida administration's approval rating.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What does Korea actually need for Japan? Nothing concrete comes out when I ask.

There are only Korean products that can be substituted in other countries.

Although each country imports it simply because it is cheap, there is unfortunately no product that can only be produced in South Korea.

Conversely, in the case of Japanese products, patents for product manufacturing are held, and for semiconductors, for example, Japanese manufacturing equipment and materials are indispensable.

South Korea has never been in the black in recent years in trade with Japan.

It continues to run a deficit of more than $20 billion every year.

That is more than anything else proof that South Korea needs Japanese products and materials.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The reason for this should be based on everything else except politics/geo politics, yet, sadly, it was based on non thing else except, politics/geo politics. What a sad state of affairs.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Japan needs South Korea more than they need Japan. After their horrid mismanagement of COVID, it's no surprise Japan is giving up. But, calling it a white list is sort of racist. Despite this sensstionalozed report, North Korean missiles have nothing to do with this. Simple economics people. Japan needs Korean goods more than Korea needs anything from Japan. Korea overtook Japan in the 1990s.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Korea completely opposes Japan's dumping of nuclear waste into the Pacific, doubt if they will be purchasing any food from here, and rightly so.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

God luck with radioactive japan food products.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

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