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S Korea, U.S., Japan hold anti-N Korea submarine drill


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These “drills” have a devastating impact on marine mammals and should be banned. 

Nonsense. The equipment that was being tested is not the equipment out there on that carrier strike group. Blue water ASW is conducted with as little noise generated as possible. Why? Any noise you generate makes you a target for the sub you are hunting and it alerts the sub to the fact it is being hunted. Instead you use bubbler systems to silence your ship (find out what Prairie and Masker are ) and otherwise take precautions not to emit. The helicopters will maybe use active sonar during the final run in to attack but those sonars are not high powered, not low frequency and have a very limited range. We never killed anything using them. Whatever those tests were off Hawaii were of an extremely low frequency sonar at very high power and would probably produce the same effects within our own ships and subs as it apparently produced in marine mammals.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Rodney yet and still you eat seafood!! Right!!

These “drills” have a devastating impact on marine mammals and should be banned. Thousands of dolphins and whales have been killed around Hawaii.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It always struck me that submarines would be key to any Taiwan straits conflict. They could be ordered to continue their operations indefinitely regardless of if Taipei is destroyed

It's going to be tough to operate a submarine, or anything that floats, in the Taiwan Straits after the USAF and US Navy fill that strait with aerial mines. Just saying .......

3 ( +4 / -1 )

It always struck me that submarines would be key to any Taiwan straits conflict. They could be ordered to continue their operations indefinitely regardless of if Taipei is destroyed.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


How many more years can the Kim regime self sustain?



The U.S and it's allies are going to have their hands full with NK and China going simultaneously

Kim isn't suicidal, North Korea's own estimates has the ROK taking over all of North Korea in a month, the ROK's estimate is 2 weeks.

Hence the nukes are needed to deter the ROK invasion of North Korea. And people don't understand why Kim is obsessed with nukes; he needs them to guarantee his regime's survival.


Will they join against China.

No. Korea and China has a secret non-intervention agreement confirmed by two former presidents. In other word, China doesn't intervene when there is war in North Korea, while Korea doesn't intervene when there is war in Taiwan.

Kim knows China sold him out and this is why Kim is obsessed with nukes.

Will they join against Russia.

No. Koreans are still thankful of Putin for having taught them how to build aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, hypersonic missiles, space rocket engines, long range radars, S-400 class SAM, anti-tank missiles, 800 km/hr torpedo, etc and won't betray Putin.

Will they join to defend Taiwan.

This is a tricky question. The secret non-intervention agreement requires Korea to stay out of Chinese invasion of Taiwan. At the same time, the US plans to invoke US-Korea mutual defense treaty when the first US warship is sunk by the Chinese missiles during the invasion.

So who knows what's gonna happen.

It would be easy for Japan to say:"I'm pacifist, Article 9,

Indeed, that's the Japanese plan when China invades Taiwan, and will prohibit the US use of Okinawan bases to launch military intervention.

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

Anything North Korea related South Korea will join, self interest, Korean Peninsula!

Will they join against China.

Will they join against Russia.

Will they join to defend Taiwan.

South Korea even under Yoon wants close relations to China, wants Chinese money to support Korean companies and economy.

South Korea only has to care and worry about Korea! Korean Peninsula!

While Japan has to care about everyone else! ! !

Japan has to help defend Taiwan.

Japan has to help South Korea in Korean War 2.0

Japan is in Quad Alliance, meaning we have to help India,Australia, USA if needed.

Japan is joining hands with UK, willing to support Ukraine and visit in person.

It would be easy for Japan to say:"I'm pacifist, Article 9, all this issues is not Japan's responsibility, we need to focus on our economy, need Chinese money too after 3 decades of stagnation".

South Korea needs to take more responsibility! More burden sharing! Against the big powers like China and Russia! North Korea in comparison is a small tiny baby next to China and Russia.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

These “drills” have a devastating impact on marine mammals and should be banned. Thousands of dolphins and whales have been killed around Hawaii.

How much ASW training have you had? ASW is normally done very very quietly. The sub doesn't want to give its position away and the hunters, surface ships and aircraft don't want to reveal their position. It is all done passively. Use of an active sonar immediately gives the sub a perfect datum at which to fire a torpedo so you don't do it. Done right the adversary sub should never know you are there.

The US isn't discussing what those underwater tests were about but they certainly weren't anything we had available to us on aircraft or on the ships. At sea ASW is conducted in great silence.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

How many more years can the Kim regime self sustain?

It's an interesting case, isn't it, SDCA? Worrying that such a regime has sustained itself for so long. Human beings will submit.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Some intel reports are indicating that China is planning to take over or attack Taiwan in the years 2027

I heard the same story that PRC would attack ROC in 2022, but it never happened.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

It was predictable that under the Yoon administration SK and Japan would be conducting joint exercises.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Some intel reports are indicating that China is planning to take over or attack Taiwan in the years 2027, The U.S and it's allies are going to have their hands full with NK and China going simultaneously unless NATO joins the fight God forbid.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

How many more years can the Kim regime self sustain?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

All as bad as one another

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

These “drills” have a devastating impact on marine mammals and should be banned. Thousands of dolphins and whales have been killed around Hawaii.

Quite so! Better to let Kim develop and drop a nuke on our heads.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

These “drills” have a devastating impact on marine mammals and should be banned. Thousands of dolphins and whales have been killed around Hawaii.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

More crazy Kim 'retributions' in 3...2...

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

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