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S Korean court finds ex-lawmaker guilty of misusing funds meant for wartime sex slave victims


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What a sleazy filthbag this Yoon is. Motivated by selfishmess and greed. The corrupt old hag should be in prison.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Historians say tens of thousands of women from around Asia, many of them Korean, were sent to front-line military brothels to provide sexual services for Japanese soldiers. Hundreds were registered with the South Korean government as victims but only eight of them are still alive.

Poor women, exploited by the Japanese military during the war and then later by Korean activists.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

The Comfort Women movement in South Korea has been a money maker for activist leaders. Those found guilty should be properly prosecuted. The victims are the surviving CW expoited by both the IJA when young and then by South Korean activists in their old age. Even the money Japan paid in 1965 due to "Koreans who suffered" did not go to the survivors but was used by the South Korean government.

Under the present Yoon Suk-yeol administration the Comfort Women issue as applies between South Korea and Japan the 2015 Agreement is recognized. Leaving South Korea to domestically resolve remaining issues.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

"Poor women, exploited by the Japanese military during the war and then later by Korean activists."

Plus Johnny Somali.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Historians say tens of thousands of women from around Asia, many of them Korean, were sent to front-line military brothels to provide sexual services for Japanese soldiers.

And you know who started this service for our frustrated boys at the front? The late ex-PM, long time LDP member, Nakasone, none the less!

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Why would she get a suspended sentence? For such a crime. Korea man up.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Why would she get a suspended sentence? For such a crime. Korea man up.

Because SK govt cannot stand making a sentense that "We have been all foolish"

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Funds from Japan, 100% sure.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Anyone else committing this list of fraudulent activity would not have got a suspended sentence. However as she is or was an MP and anything to do with the comfort women issue in SK is a holy cow there was no way she was going to gaol.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Poor women, exploited by the Japanese military during the war and then later by Korean activists.

And you know who started this service for our frustrated boys at the front? The late ex-PM, long time LDP member, Nakasone, none the less!

NO, exploited by Korean thugs, Korean mama, Korean businessmen who didn’t even care whatsoever under the period when even real parents sell doughters to the sex industories for their own living. Learn more about Korean history upto the time of Korean War where even then- Korean president admired CWs serving for US/UN solidiers to earn foreign ccy.

Nakasone was not the one who started it. He received the military order and got involved in setting up CW stations around battlefields.

Yoon Meehyang IS North Korean agent provocateur

4 ( +4 / -0 )

When do you people all wake up and can see and understand what the heck CW issue was

4 ( +4 / -0 )

BertieWoosterNov. 14  07:11 pm JST

Historians say tens of thousands of women from around Asia, many of them Korean, were sent to front-line military brothels to provide sexual services for Japanese soldiers.

And you know who started this service for our frustrated boys at the front? The late ex-PM, long time LDP member, Nakasone, none the less!

Fact Check:

The earliest record of an IJA Comfort Station is from 1932. Ex-PM Nakasone was born in 1918, making him 14 years old at that time.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

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