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Support for Kishida cabinet slips to 28%: poll


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Kishida is taking a hard hit, in combination with the polls representing views on Ukraine.

You mean the polls you said existed but that you could never produced because they didn't? those are still impossible to find, even by you.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Technical problems with a national identity card system is one main issue undermining support, the newspaper said.

Kishida is taking a hard hit, in combination with the polls representing views on Ukraine.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

falseflagsteveJuly 25  11:08 pm JST

Probably win the next election easily anyway, lol

Of course they will, because of the low voter turn out, the vote-value disparity between urban and rural areas that heavily favours LDP candidates in the countryside, and the fact that the LDP is the only party with enough candidates for every constituency.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

In fact, there is.

Easy to find--go for it!

If you claim there is a poll saying support for Ukraine lowers the support but you are completely unable to show it that means you are recognizing there is no such thing, your are abandoning your claim and remains disproved.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

> What poll results? there is no poll that says support for Ukraine was a reason for the lack of popularity,

In fact, there is.

Easy to find--go for it!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Probably win the next election easily anyway, lol

Things likely to remain the same old way

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The personal beliefs of those whose opinions are part of the poll results.

What poll results? there is no poll that says support for Ukraine was a reason for the lack of popularity, that was a completely baseless assumption made.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


Today 09:58 am JST

Don't gloss over the DPJ's failings.

Sorry, what have the DPJ got to do with anything? The party is gone, and the people most closely associated with it have vanished into obscurity. It looks like you're trying to get the LDP off the hook with the old "look what happened last time the other lot got in" line, but problems with the opposition parties have more to do with inherent weaknesses in the electoral system that are in the LDP's interests to do nothing about.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

So what happens when he inevitably goes to 5% or under?

Do we get a tax refund or something?

Do we get to pick the next clown to replace him?


3 ( +5 / -2 )

This Ukraine support is not helping either

Based exactly on what? personal beliefs?

The personal beliefs of those whose opinions are part of the poll results.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

There are plenty of reasons to be dissatisfied with the Japanese government. But some glitches or teething troubles with the My Number system? Come on, there are far more important things than that.

Cost of living

Low wage growth

Olympic corruption

Increasing rural/urban divide

Increased tax on self-employed (the so-called "Invoice system")

Coverup over Johnny Kitagawa

Coverup over Unification Church

US sabre rattling with China

Continued poor representation of women and minorities


1 ( +6 / -5 )

Should've cut a deal with Russia for oil, restarted nuclear programs and spent on the money he sent to Ukraine on small businesses hit by covid and stabilizing the birthrate

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

And the fact that only a quarter of voters support the three-decade history of failure and corruption of the LDP doesn't matter one single jot.

They will be voted in again next time because there isn't a democracy here.

There is a highly - visible kabuki of fealty and feudalism, cabals and brown envelopes.

Wave gloves hands out of loudspeaker blaring trucks every few months and continue to bilk the supine populace.

Then point at China/Korean abductees/ insert distraction and wait for the vassals to do that which is expected.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Resorting to xenophobia to eliminate potential rivals like Renho.

Yeah the stark contrast between the way Japanese right-wingers acted like Taiwan's "best friend" for geopolitical purposes (read: "enemy of my enemy") versus Japanese treating Renho (an actual Taiwanese person) with xenophobic suspicion when the stakes actually mattered was always interesting to me. Almost like a really conspicuous example of political honne and tatemae.

JJ that is an EXCELLENT point. it basically shows that the LDP and the right-wingers in general are dishonest and unprincipled.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Resorting to xenophobia to eliminate potential rivals like Renho.

Yeah the stark contrast between the way Japanese right-wingers acted like Taiwan's "best friend" for geopolitical purposes (read: "enemy of my enemy") versus Japanese treating Renho (an actual Taiwanese person) with xenophobic suspicion when the stakes actually mattered was always interesting to me. Almost like a really conspicuous example of political honne and tatemae.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Electricity prices will rise again in October after the introduction of the qualified invoice system. Hopefully his support rate will totally tank.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Those disapproving Kishida don't vote LDP so much as don't vote at all. Supporters of the LDP show up much more. Then you have the distortions of the districts favoring rural areas...

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Back to the basics please. Capitalism means growth at all costs, not for everyone but on average. And when I now look around, I see the contrary, everything on the decline, birth rates, economic activities, and yes, you guess it, also the much lower content of my and most other people’s wallets. If he talks about new capitalism then he just has to initiate new growth, not only managing the decline and wasting the remaining budgets.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

He's not been here much lately. Getting out of touch with public sentiment. Showboating around the world has not helped the average Taro and Keiko pay their bills or produce children.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Sunk quicker than a Russian flagship.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

28% is good. I am a scholar and prefessor at prestigious unvieristy's where 28% is a passing score. Japanese politicians especially cant please everyone all of the time because Japan's population is mostly cantankerous geriatrics who hate everything anyway. Aside from the technical difficulty with a national card system, Kishida has done a splendid job. Vietnamese workers are happy and paying taxes despite being discriminated against by landlords. The elderly continue to work as taxi drivers because the economy makes them to. All in all, he is leading Japan very well. His approval rating sould be 99%. Why it is only 28a% is beyond me. I guess regular people are just too dumb to realize what's good for them. Let's support Kishida more.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

If Japanese major media didn't abandon journalism, support rate would be more low.

Major media in Japan don't criticize at all such as Govt who does nothing to Covid19 9th wave or PM Kishida who prioritized travel than responding domestic flood, don't even mention about suspicion of Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

PK strikes again.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Plenty of opposition parties and potential coalitions out there offering an alternative to the LDP.

Let me guess, you have no idea how the PM gets "voted" into office here.

If Abe was reincarnated as a member of the opposition, HE couldnt get himself voted in as PM.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The number of people who disapproved of the cabinet rose to 65% from 58% last month

But do they disapprove enough to vote for another party? My guess is no, and they will go out and vote for their LDP masters as usual.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Will he even notice the polls, I mean when is he ever in Japan?

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Don't gloss over the DPJ's failings. You're right - they were dealt a crappy hand with the earthquake and tsunami - but to start with they went through 3 prime ministers in 3 years - not a great way to show stability aye?

They also decided it was a good idea to scrap a planned American base relocation, reduce existing bases, and extend an open hand China, only for China to become more aggressive and take advantage of the DPJs weak stance. Because they had alienated the US, we were up poop creek without a paddle.

They got obliterated in the 2012 election, 308 seats to 57 ... "It was a bloodbath"

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

End times are near...

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Who? Easy to just sit behind a keyboard and snap your fingers and say "Time for change"

One should consider what they mean before that, as right now there arent a whole lot of options out there that would be better than Kishida.

Ahh now I get it, you advocate for an unstable Japanese, revolving door leadership, like there was following Koizumi and until Abe part 2, new PM's ever 6 months to a year, and the economy a mess. - Yubaru

"Yeah, buy what else are you going to do about it?" is pretty much the LDP's entire manifesto at this point. Plenty of opposition parties and potential coalitions out there offering an alternative to the LDP.

Not sure why you're bringing up revolving door Prime Ministers when that's a trademark of the LDP. The annual reshuffling of the chairs on the deck of the Titanic.

It's a symptom of the government systematically trying their best to ensure there are no viable political competitors. Things like taking taking advantage of voting disparity which has been ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court on multiple occassions. Resorting to xenophobia to eliminate potential rivals like Renho.

They were lucky that in one of the two instances the LDP hasn't been in power for the last 6 plus decades Japan was hit by one of the worst natural disasters in its history. Scape goating the DPJ government for the Fukushima meltdown when it had in fact been caused by the decades of the LDP's own lack of nuclear oversight and regulation. It'd be interesting to see what may have happened if the LDP had been in charge at that moment.

So following the governement line that there are no alternatives isn't going to solve any of Japan's festering issues. Toss out the corrupt party that relies on voter apathy, suppresses political discourse and ensures that Japan is in actuality, not a democratic country.

-7 ( +8 / -15 )

Spin that revolving door to allow yet another patsy into the top job.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

I feel like the standard of living in Japan is too comfortable (at least in terms of material distractions) for young people to vote for left-leaning parties, unlike the youth in most other developed countries.

You are onto something here. Japanese youth just accept what is given to them and not once are going to stop scrolling on Insta to think about politics or economy.

So what? Is anything going to change? His support could fall to 8% and it wouldn't be any different. 

Exactly. LPD will just replace him with whoever else, they will win the next election anyway.

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

Support for Kishida cabinet slips to 28%: poll

So what? Is anything going to change? His support could fall to 8% and it wouldn't be any different.

This is not a democracy

-14 ( +15 / -29 )

Approval rating doesn't mean anything in Japan - people will remember the chaos that came with the DPJ government when they were voted in 15 years ago.

-18 ( +2 / -20 )

This Ukraine support is not helping either

Based exactly on what? personal beliefs?

6 ( +16 / -10 )

Mainichi Shimbun is not a left-leaning newspaper. This might really mean trouble

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Neither is the rise of the gig economy and Japan’s two tier society gap becoming larger

-7 ( +13 / -20 )

This Ukraine support is not helping either

-12 ( +9 / -21 )

I feel like the standard of living in Japan is too comfortable (at least in terms of material distractions) for young people to vote for left-leaning parties, unlike the youth in most other developed countries.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

We strongly disapprove!

But we won't vote for change!

-7 ( +18 / -25 )

Always interested its worded as support of his cabinet, suggesting the issue is not him.

"He got a boost in May when he hosted a G7 leaders' summit in the city of Hiroshima but the cabinet's support has plummeted 17 percentage points since then, to just 28%"

The boost was him the decline the cabinet.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Come on, Japan! Time for change!

Who? Easy to just sit behind a keyboard and snap your fingers and say "Time for change"

One should consider what they mean before that, as right now there arent a whole lot of options out there that would be better than Kishida.

Ahh now I get it, you advocate for an unstable Japanese, revolving door leadership, like there was following Koizumi and until Abe part 2, new PM's ever 6 months to a year, and the economy a mess.

No thank you!

-23 ( +6 / -29 )

Well, just goes to show Kishida's overseas "diplomacy" didnt work, and now with more prices rising, and no realistic end to the inflation continuing to go up, his "popularity" is taking a hit.

5 ( +17 / -12 )

I imagine a lot of people are pissed off because things get steadily worse at home, and they see him endlessly swanning about the planet smirking.....

8 ( +26 / -18 )

Come on, Japan! Time for change!

20 ( +27 / -7 )

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