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© 2014 AFPTokyo assemblyman quits after tweeting 'Drop dead'
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Wow what a hot head, I could see a young person saying such stupid things over the internet but a 51 year old politician? How does he treat people he speaks with personally? It's probably better that he resigned anyway.
He only has to resign because he went after someone who supports Abe's policies.
A politician should adhere to the highest possible standards of ethical conduct.
Hmmm It sounds like this guy was TROLLED hard which might be a more appropriate title for this article. There's nothing like an expert Troll to take you out of your normal mindset.
I wonder if that poster sent him the troll face after he got what he needed to embarrass this politician.
To be honest, I would probably say the same thing to someone who is defending Abe and his policies. Yes, let's send the young and jobless to war and kill THEM instead.
Sad how this guy quits but yet the sexist pig still has his job and others are still hiding. Where is the justice??
actually, i'm in total agreement with what the lawmaker said. before sending young men to die for your country, you should be the first to volunteer. in other words, drop dead before others drop dead.
Since when was Nakano "upmarket"??
The words may be undiplomatic, but the sentiment is shared by many — including me.
What happened with freedom of speech people cares so much about? And beside I'm pretty sure Ishihara said a lot more vile stuff on National TV and he didn't need to resign. Such double standard I always see in Japanese politics.
Twitter - the home of our intellectuals and thought leaders........
This guy is gone but every one of the representatives who heaped sexist abuse on Shiomura last month have not only kept their jobs but, for most of them, gotten away with it without even stepping forward to apologize?
That ain`t right.
Indeed, this is CLEARLY the best solution to Japan's massive shortage of young people... send them off to war to die.
Do I even need to include a /sarcasm tag?
Paul Arenson
Thanks to people like Kaneko for telling the LDP fascists what they need to hear. Recall that the US SCAP put the unrepenitent fascists back in power after a short period, who then proceeded to enlist the Yakuza to beat anti AMPO protestors. The reinterpretation of the constitution will have severe repercussions with Japanese kids perhaps drafted to fight and die again, this time of the side of the US.
The hypocrisy of the Japanese right is they always attacked the peace constitution because it was presumably imposed by the US. But now that the US is behind the revision, they suck up to the US. The US, which devastated Hiroshima and Nagazaki, now enabling Abe, who's wet dream was always to dismantle the postwar "peace" order. And now they have found the perfect scapegoat in NK and China. But this will only encourage NK and China to react more harshly and justify huge military expenditures.
Kaneko is right. This is what is behind his remarks. He may have lost his cool. But hundreds of thousands of Japanese progressives were persecuted and even executed for opposing Japanese militarism by Abe's grandfather and his cohorts.
And now, when John Mitchell in the Japan Tmes has uncovered Vietnam era Dioxin stored at Okinawa bases, dioxin which pkay a part in the 2-3 million deaths of Vietnames that Japan was complicit in by hosting the bases, well, we can only look forward to more such horrors if we allow democracy to be subverted by the likes of Abe.
Kaneko should be supported.
I would have told the politician 'better dead than red'
".....He was reacting to a series of comments from a supporter of the recent decision by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s conservative government to permit the use of force in defending allies...
The supporter said young jobless Japanese could help the country by taking part in such military action."
The fellow who said this should resign also.
They showed the twitter exchange on the news this morning. He did get trolled hard, by a rightwing supporter. The other guy was saying we should send the NEETs and hikikomoris and other scum out to go and kill/die for us. This guy responded by saying "before sending those 'scum' out to die, you should die first, you are the real 'scum', just go die already"
Not what you expect a assemblyman, but it was the result of being trolled.
A politician should know better, but it seems that Twitter can get the better of anyone. Glad to see that the JCP has higher standards than the LDP politicians, who regularly come out with worse, but don't bother to resign.
I must say, I do agree with Kaneko's sentiment.
He did nothing wrong, get the troll on TV justify himself, probably babble and cry incoherent slogans. I am glad there are some politicians who are there for principals not cash.
A politician should adhere to the highest possible standards of ethical conduct. nice thought but you may see grass grow on the moon before that becomes a reality
@CrazyJoeJUL. 17, 2014 - 08:32AM JST
A politician should adhere to the highest possible standards of ethical conduct.
You are right. Smarter politicians know how to insult more efficiently with politeness.
'Drop dead' is a figure of speech. Like 'Go eff yourself. (A little challenging to do literally--you know what I mean?) Of course, self-control is preferable, but. It is politics. It is the heat of the moment. Let all those who are throwing stones make sure they have not transgressed in like manner. (Or lack of...) Politics--the trough that it is--rarely attracts "nice" people. Yawn . . .
This is exactly what I though upon first reading this story. That little cabal of asshats got away scot-free, and this guy is asked to step down because he told a particularly myopic and obnoxious constituent to drop dead? Sure, not very neighborly of him. But then again, there seems to be a rash of un-neighborly behavior going on at all levels of Japanese government.
Sigh…. Japanese politics bring the word "broken" to a whole new level of meaning.
Dude won't survive one day here on JT. Talk about weak intestinal fortitude.
"Drop dead" may not sound that harsh but there is a lot of cultural difference in what is considered offensive. The imperative of the Japanese Shinu, to die is probably the second the most thing one can say in Japanese.
Drop dead. Translated from koroshite yaru? or Shinde shimae? or.... Human scum? Hito kuzu? Extremely insulting in Japanese language. But maybe as tame as Drop Dead of human scum. Come to think, English words of insultings are tamer than Japanese words.
Toshiko the tweet used (死ね) - "shine". Incidentally the same word that Abe-kun told women to do in the workforce :)
”死ね” ("Die!") is some pretty strong language in Japanese. I'm trying to think of an equivalent saying in English, but most of them are too foul and/or harsh to meet the terms of agreement for JT. I think the closest approximation would be along the lines of, "The world would be better off if you had never been born." A more memorable permutation of this type of insult is Alan Shore's farewell message to opposing counsel,"Maybe someday you'll get horribly sick and die."
Harsh, yes, but also rather juvenile. The use of "Shine" is more of an issue related to bullying in Japanese public schools than it is among supposedly mature adults. To use it as an adult suggests a loss of self-control. But then again, the person he insulted did suggest that Japan's unemployed youth be used to the fill the ranks of Abe's new offensive capability-enabled SDF, much like the U.S. armed forces did with its poor and minorities during the Vietnam War. I might have lost it with such an idiot myself.
"You ARE human scum. Drop dead! Before killing innocent civilians, you should drop dead!" Kaneko, a representative in the upmarket district of Nakano, tweeted on July 6.
This is exactly how these people act and react to this issue. Instead of discussing the issue with a cool head these fanatics get made and act like 5 year olds. Glad that he quit.
“You ARE human scum. Drop dead! Before killing innocent civilians, you should drop dead!” Kaneko, a representative in the upmarket district of Nakano, tweeted on July 6.
He was reacting to a series of comments from a supporter of the recent decision by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s conservative government to permit the use of force in defending allies.
The supporter said young jobless Japanese could help the country by taking part in such military action."
Ooh, shame on that supporter for supporting the killing of innocent civilians in any use of force in defending allies!
JCP motto:
We'd kill for peace!
CGB Spender
No real loss here. Those are the biggest nut jobs.
Those are the biggest nut jobs.
Actually, they are one of the only parties that is actually making sense in this country at the moment - a frightening thought I know but the truth.
Elbuda Mexicano
I think this politician is just VERBALIZING what we all really think about the young, lazy new generation of parasite Japanese youths who do not feel like working, studying etc..and just spend their lives locked up in their rooms until they die or cause other problems for their parents etc...
El, they are that way because of their parents and the system. Sorry but the LAST people I wannt defending this country are the folks you mentioned. Frankly, I'd love to see Abe, Ishihara, Hashimoto... put their mouths were their money is, step up and serve - that or their kids. Though I guess with Abe he doesn't have any - and yet, no one asks him when he's going to have a kid...
As some of the later posters have mentioned, this word is a giant NO-NO, very near top of the list of non-pc words in Japan and carries huge emotional baggage.
Absolutely forbidden throughout the education system, it should never be used by adults in public. The actual meaning is hidden way back in the historical subconscious.
And this is why people with a lot to lose should not have social media accounts. One wrong expression can cost you you're livelihood.
Allies, how do they work?
Not to mention people with a life.
It may "seem" to be forbidden throughout the education system but our elder boy had to put up being told that in his Japanese school - ending up with a broken arm. The younger one went to an International school and the "worst thing" he ever experienced was a Philippina cleaning woman who saw him eating "ramen" and said "Oh ! He's eating worms...!"
As for the politician, he is perfectly right ! Before sending off young Japanese to die, Abe should go himself...
I am not defending anything for a minute. Just watching JT readers above poo-pooing the word, I struggled to explain how some people in Japan genuinely see it. Got two minus points for my effort.
Actually kids use it all the time, but if you get caught they make a big song and dance about it. Just keep your voice down and make sure the class bullying target hears it.
When my daughter went to nursery school here she came back after the first day and said what sounded like "Shinnay!", the very first time she had ever mentioned the word death in our household. That dying, (removing yourself from the gene pool) is one option, a way of improving society, is part of the Japanese mental environment I have no doubt.
@afanofjapanJUL. 17, 2014 - 12:56PM JST
Toshiko the tweet used (死ね) -
Thank you,
In feudal time, "Shine" was yelled by executioners before a prinsoner execution of "Uchikubi" (death by hehading (not seppuku: is performed. Then heads were displayed at designated area called "Sarashiba".
After feudal eras,
At brutal yakuza wars, they yelled "Shine": when fighting with their katanas.
Kishi was attacked by right wing at airport. Right wing yelled Shine,
Asanuma was already killed, then, Right wing yelled Sjine before they killed Asanuma.
So, shine is not used like "drop dead" in Japan.
"Drop dead" said in WHATEVER form would be inappropriate on Twitter even towards a troller.
So, are you in agreement with this nut-job?
With this? Before killing innocent civilians, you should drop dead!” Yes.
tmarieJUL. 18, 2014 - 07:47PM JST With this? Before killing innocent civilians, you should drop dead!” Yes.
Agreeing with whack jobs is not the most sensible thing to do. If you believe that this mans views and childlike behavior are worthy of your support then you will always get what you deserve.
I find it sad that folks support the most unstable of people when they dislike or disagree the present government.