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© KYODOTop court nixes Okinawa governor's appeal against U.S. base landfill
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About time the Governor gave up on this, the occupiers will always have the call.
Aoi Azuuri
Recent years, who has virtually selected judges of supreme court of Japan is LDP cabinet who cling to build unnecessary and costly runway.
Mr Kipling
The top court being the will of the USA. Japan obeys, Okinawa suffers.
In every litigation involved with the landfill work for Futenma's relocation to Henoko, seven so far, the Okinawa Prefectural Government (OPG) has lost to the central government completely. Doesn't the OPG know there is no separation of powers in the Japanese political system and that the judicial and executive branches are all part of the same gang?
And so, I propose the OPG change its current litigation strategy. Futenma is an illegal property by nature because it sits on illegally confiscated private lands. In other words, the U.S. Marines are using Futenma, and occupying the land, like illegal squatters, and so they have no right at all to demand for a replacement to be provided in exchange for its "nominal" return.
Wow the rubber stamp jokes followed their bosses call…what a surprise!
you’ll never get rid of the rock oyster US once they have attached!