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© 2016 AFPTrump: Japanese will 'watch Sony TV' if U.S. is attacked
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© 2016 AFP
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Haaa Nemui
It's not protection, Trump, it's control. That is the reason America is in all of these places.
...But Sony is no more in TV production :)
Sounds like he thinks Sony is a TV broadcaster rather than an equipment manufacturer. Maybe he was referring to Sony Universal content? Either way, Trump is as careless with his language as he is with international relations. While not to say judicious change based on negotiation and recognition of mutual benefits is impossible (in fact, it happens continuously), the intricate interrelationships painstakingly constructed from the ashes of World War Two are to be respected, not toyed with.
Well at least he was not attacking gold star parents again today.
As horrible as his campaign is with gaffe after gaffe and made up "facts" like Russia will not invade Ukraine (it already has) and videos of crates of money in Iran (which does not exist) one can only imagine what Trump would do as President. He would destroy the USA and cause massive problems everywhere else as well.
Republicans, what spin do you have to offer now? Hillary is worse? That clearly is not true. You got nothing. He is your nominee and he is mentally unbalanced. But you voted for him over the 16 other losers.
Polls are dropping for Trump now. The republican party is sick enough to vote for Trump but fortunately the country as a whole is not so ill.
He's also willfully ignorant of how much Japan pays for the US military to be in Japan. HOWEVER, he is not ignorant of how ignorant and easily manipulated his support base is. If he shouts the proper words and phrases, they will support him, and shout back the same phrases. Thought, logic, facts are unimportant.
Also, Bush Jr was at least smart enough to surround himself with people who were smart enough to understand the world (mostly daddy's friends). Drumpf has surrounded himself with... his ego?
I looked up this last time all this came up, Japan pays a lot towards hosting the troops, and more than the other countries by total cost percentage.
Trump and his uninformed rhetoric is dangerous, like in this case perhaps, in time Japan could move to defend itself completely, and I would hope without changing the constitution too much, but that takes time, you can't make these grand statements and risk international instability like this guy does, and this is as nominee only, I truly fear what a Trump presidency could do to the world.
American is here in Japan for its own benefit just as much as its treaty with Japan.
He also seems to be harking back to the days of RCA and when television manufacturing was an prestigious industry. Another sign of an ages, addled brain.
Sony TV or no Sony TV, his parochial and unsophisticated audience will get his message. That's all that matters really.
I think they would probably be watching samsung or LG.
Another day, another gaffe from Trump. This one bashes Japan though so I doubt we'll see as much outrage compared to Trump's bashing of Muslim military families.
Sony was the first Japanese company for expanding US market with home entertainment successfully in 1950s and 60s. If Trump thinks Japanese are die hard fans of Sony, he is still living in 1950s and 60s. Now a days Sony is struggling to make the profits as Trump is struggling with his party elders.
The golden days of Sony is over as easy days of Trump campaign for candidate race. Trump should be more diplomatic as alternative President of US.
William Zimmermann
Donald Trump is not a serious candidate. He's using this to a dance his business career. There is no way you can win and he knows it . He's going to lose is going to be forgotten in no time. Good Americans apologize for this man. Hence my apologies to Japan
I don't know if trump is really so ignorant or if this is an act.
And to those claiming he is better than George W, I'm not sure. W was not/ is not as ignorant as people think.
Yes, Iraq was a disaster but compared to Trump, Bush acrually looks like a good president.... And he understood the importance of the US - Japan Security alliance, hence his cozy relationship with Koizumi.
Why is he still being so pathetic. Why have his handlers not told him that the ultra-rightist Abe has passed legislation that allows the Self Defence Force to go to the aid of the US? Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.
Is he advertising Sony TV in USA thinking a stingiest Japanese company will donate money?
Who is going to control this madman if he gets into power?
He wants Japan to pay more to fund US's hegemony in Asia? Pay more to the colonialist to occupy land in their own country?
Without these bases the US wouldn't have much of a military footbase in Asia.
Trump should try and crash a JHS world history class and learn a little something.
Maybe Trump is not getting enough sleep ? Maybe he stays awake trying to think of new people and/or countries to slander ? In the photo above, looks like his hair has turned white !
Well, according to Mr. Trump he does "know more than the Generals."
^ I am not making that up.
China can't attack yet. It loaned too much money to USA.
Winifreda Basit
Oh Trump,Oh Trump!! you don't know what are you talking about!!
No they won't.... because if the U.S. is attacked the attacker would only be China or Russia at this point in time. And if that is the case, especially in the event its a Chinese attack, you know the Chinese would probably strike Japan at the same time. If it was Russia... they might not go after Japan but the U.S. could handle them alone... but I'm sure Japan would send troops if needed. Trump is way off base. Only speculating here....
He might only know Sony is Sony Television Entertainment.
Dirk T
Trump is wrong to lump Saudi Arabia into the same group as Japan because Saudi Arabia funds the Wahhabi/Salafi education and the promotion of intolerance by which a Shiite or a Yazidi or a Christian are deviant people.
Saudi Arabia works to undermine the United States. They are an enemy. Japan is not.
I'm sorry to be so direct. Trump is a moron. No offence to other morons, but come on this guy has the common sense of a five year old delinquent.
But as once asked, "who is the greater fool? The fool? Or the fool who follows him?
Nothing wrong with giving Japan 5 years notice of abrogating the current one-sided treaty & letting them choose between going it alone or a fairer NATO-style treaty with bilateral or multilateral protection and spending obligations.
Maybe he will lose because.... Maybe he will lose because Republicans chose someone insane like Trump for the nominee instead of someone normal like Chris Christie. What were you Republicans thinking choosing a clown like Trump. If you had chosen someone sane Clinton could be losing now.
The sooner China and Russia take Japan Japan is a non-NATO ally named by GHWB back in 1989- this was under Republican watch.
You want Japan to disappear. You are free to think that cold thought as you wish but it would impact you and the rest of the world more than you think (and it's not just about Japanese made cars).
If Russia and China invade and destroy Japan as per your sick wish it would disrupt the world as Japan has critical manufacturing that help keep the world running and world GDP would be badly damaged. Again, we are not talking about Toyota. We are talking about industrial components only made in Japan and if this gets disrupted it will bring world productivity to a slow crawl. Think about Japan-only made steel parts that go into giant ship engines (what if these components can no longer be supplied). Or carbon wingspans made by Torray that go into today's modern planes that are more fuel efficient. Those are just two examples out of many many. If Japan is wiped out as you wish it will make your life personally a lot worse- things on a global level will be slower, less efficient, and more expensive. You should reconsider such bad thoughts. And why do you have these thoughts in the first place?
Your future under a Hillary presidency.
You Republicans decided to choose a crazy clown to run instead of someone normal so you have to look to yourselves as the real problem.
I am a Republican who tries to vote in favour of what is best for the country and not the party. This year Mr. Trump is a menace to both the US and its allies and while Mrs. Clinton is not Angelic, I will much prefer voting for a rational person for President than the man who keeps psychiatrists and pundits awake at night trying to figure out what of several personality disorders he might be afflicted with. I know some see him as The Second Coming but I, after seeing him performing on various stages around the US, see him as The Second Coming of Mussolini. I see a few similarities in both of their posturings on public stages.
Trump sounds like he hasn't followed any news since 1985. Nobody told him about Japan implementing collective defense?
Yeah, but they don't really want them. When the Filipino parliament ordered the US bases out of the country, Washington obliged and left quickly, with a smile of their faces. These were America's largest overseas bases at the time.
Since then, it has been the Filipinos who have regretted the move, not the Americans. Now the Vietnamese (!) are also clambering for the US to take a more active role against China. Japan is no different.
William Wong
In the outcome of President Trump insist to pay up when North Korea invade south korea and troops embrace itself in japan. Then he say nah we withdraw troops back to US, as businessman and getting vote rating up at home, "this is too much lossess and why should i sacrificed american bloods. Japan defense force is mature and can hold itself.they have sony and godzilla" when korea invade japan, President Trump say well theres one competition off, America will be great in economy again. KOREA can be friend. He didnt harm us. All is business"
The U.S. was founded based on equality for all regardless of religion or ethnic origin, Trump does not believe that. Trump is racist and a war monger. The rest of the world, except Al Quaida and ISIS are hoping he loses. ISIS would love it it Trump wins because he'll play right into their hands.... heck, they manufactured Trump.
Simon Foston
DebuchoAUG. 07, 2016 - 02:31PM JST
So how exactly do you think the US is going to go about rewriting another sovereign nation's constitution? Talk us through the process involved here.
WilliB: "Another day, another Trump smear by the media."
The media is merely reporting what Trump said, so unless Trump is smearing himself -- which is the case, really, but you seem unable to grasp that -- you have no idea what you are talking about. Go ahead and ask Trump what he meant by his comments here, and I have no doubt he'll tell you he meant exactly what is reported: That Japan either needs to pull its weight militarily or else pay more for the US defence it enjoys.
Where is the smear?
YOU, on the other hand, are as usual just proving defensive in light of the facts.
Trump strikes me as a product of the America vs Japan corporate "war" and hostility of the 70~80s during Japan's economic boom. He's stuck in that era and can't get himself out of it.
Agreed, Trump only see's Sony electronics, Toyota cars, bad for 'Murica cos 'Murica was "great" for the rich non-minority male back in the 80s!
I am not sure what Japan can do if the USA is attacked by China or Russia. We simply lack the strike forces to attack either China or Russia. We can help protect American forces in our area of operation. The specialty of the Maritime Self Defense Force is anti submarine. However I am sure if China or Russia attacks America, they would attack American forces in Japan. That would bring Japan into the conflict. I have no ideal why Trump says the SDF will not support America.
Back in the 1930s when it all really got started. You should know this. It was called RCA Victor back then, the Victor part being Japanese (JVC). An interesting history which led to three companies having the rights to use the "nipper" logo.
What a moron, deliberately antagonizing your own allies is about as stupid as you can get. It almost seems as if he's deliberately sabotaging the US out of spite
During the Korean War, U.S. bases in Japan were vital for maintaining the defense, independence and peace of South Korea against N. Korea and its partners China and the Russians. Thus, Japan has already proven itself as a friend and ally of not just the U.S. government but also of the government of S. Korea. Japan deserves a pat on the back, not a kick in the behind.
Japan as an American I am sorry for the embarassment that is Donald Trump, our bad.....
Japan PAYS a lot of money to have US bases here And what is Trump's problem. He says there it is not enough? Go over the numbers instead of just saying it's not enough. There are US military bases all over the world.
Also, latest Trump (vs. Clinton) scam and it shows how much of a scam artist Trump is and how honest Clinton is: Quote from source:
Trump has taken his investors for a ride and now doing the same with his donors. Clinton is such an honest and great lady that she lets her donors have free choice of NOT to continue recurring donations.
Does anyone know how many Japanese are employed on the bases here in Japan? I recall in the late 70's early 80's there were many Japanese working on Yokosuka base. I worked with them side by side. Do they count for anything?
Dre Hund
Lots of comments. Sony might be thinking the old axiom, "There's no such thing as bad publicity." But golden boy almost got it right. They could stay home and watch Sony Playstation. Call Of Duty, anyone?
If Trump wins, and ever need something from Japan, he will come out with "my words were taken out of context..."
GWB had at least common sense a stupid man could follow. He would never say the nuclear option would not be off the table when starting a war with Iraq again. The nuclear option is for mutual destruction in the (non) cold war. Let's give GWB a break. Even he admitted the ball on Iraq War part 2 was rolling with so much momentum he could not stop it.
he says Japan stole American laborers Japan's labor market is going overseas too. Does Trump understand this? Japan no longer makes "Sonys" Just about all current Japanese brand consumer electronics are no longer made in Japan.
@yuri. Trump does not know Asia at all sonemaybe mea t Korea or Japan.
Bamboo Scramble
Is there an end in sight to the shame Trump places on Americans when he says these things?
Victor was record player maker. there was no TV yet in 1945- am I wrong? Trump is about 70 Trump was not doing music in 1960 He could be in NY
Frederic Bastiat
He's half-right. It may be on a Sony TV, but it'll be the inane variety shows, not even news.
as always Donald is winning hearts and minds (not).....
He is supposed to talk on foreign issue to compete against Clinton GOP wanted him to win election.
badsey3 (Pallets of cash)
Fred Wallace
Clinton hitlist:
Another day, another Trump smear by the media. What are some specific examples of Trump being smeared by the media?
Fred Wallace
This is what I posted earlier about another death of an individual directly connected to them. You can yell coincidence a you'd like but the body count speaks for itself.
The lies::
The warmongering ::
Moderator: If you post this again, you will be suspended from the discussion board.
He seems remarkably ignorant of the fact that the US very carefully and deliberately carved out the current socio-political reality in Japan and elsewhere in Asia in their post WW2 occupation of the region. It is so because they wanted it so.
I'm a bilingual American songwriter who lived in Japan as a boy in the 1950's. In 1988 I wrote a satirical rap song, Heisei Rap, inspired in part by Trump's headline-grabbing anti-Japan comments at the time (Japanese companies were out-bidding him for NYC real estate), and also by the amusing (to American ears) sound of the new Emperor's reign name - "Hey-Sey". The lyrics include Japanese gibberish and the rap ends with this final stanza, offered here in the tongue-in-cheek spirit in which I wrote it: Yakitori yakinori kabushiki-kaisha Mitsukoshi Mitsubishi rikishi no bunka It's a Sony it's a phony feeling of a yen pump The only one to save us now is Donald Trump
He talks and when mediaforgets to smear him, he yell from top of his head to ensure media smear
There are Sony 50 + inches new kind of screen TV selling in USA. He might meant that type. .
Bush families did not attend Republican Convention. He hates Japan more than he hated China. He create men.s attire in China and export to USA. He can noolt do same with Japan so he says Japan stole American laborers.. Then he planned to dump about 6000 a day Japanese cars imported from Japan in Calf. Ocean. but. that failed. Notice no one in US complain Japanese brand left side handle cars made in USA. except Trump.
Well duh. What? You'd think they'd watch it on RCA TVs?
@thepbot:when RCA made TV? it had been movie maker.
Well Trump may just be the kind of candidate China and Russia would choose to back. If he gets elected and persistently avoids good advisers it would only be matter of time until the US goes down on its knees by internal conflicts and lack of external respect. Then China and Russia can start dictating their order to the rest of the world. But of course it is only until they start getting suspicious about when the other is going to stab them in the back of course... and so it goes on...
Trump has no clue about the nuances of foreign policy and only thinks in terms of money. His comments - and actions if elected - will only speed Japan into changing the constitution and arming up to defend itself. With the USA showing reluctance in the region, China will grab its chance to seize and militarize more disputed islands, and will deploy miltary vessels in the South China Sea. With less US support for countries like the Philippines, they will partner even more with Japan.
Japan and China will clash - skirmishes at first - and there will be a war with China. All accompanied by a global economic slump.
America, be very careful what you wish for.
And there are many old old TV series shows all day long.
He isn't going to become the next US president, they're selected..... And Clinton has already been selected.
Indon't know other pace of Trump's business but zTrump hotel on Las Vegas Blvd. have more minority like his daughter said in her speech.
If he learn to keep his mouth shut, he might be able to compete against Hillary.
Patrick Kimura-Macke
Mr. Trump wins, US pull out. Don't worry! Maybe Mr Putin will do it for free?
It is true that the US economy is in bad shape. However if the US would consider to not enter every possible unsolvable conflict for a few years I bet the economy would recover quite well.
Hillary has supporters in Dem party. Harry Reid the trouble foxer is retiring after this session but party is not worrying. As for GOP, they are not unified yet. Instead of worrying what Trump blart on Japan, worry how Hillary will interact toward US base problems in Japan.
The answer is yes. Since March of 2016 Japan has the right to exercise collective defense under certain circumstances, such as mobilizing the SDF to defend an ally, namely the United States, or countries when not doing so could jeopardize Japan’s own safety and security. It is in this light that the JSDF has been operating in the South China Sea, JMSDF vessels visiting and exercising with the Philippines, Vietnam. Australia, India, etc. as the peace and stability of the South China Sea, a major trade route upon which Japan relies upon, is fundamental to Japan's safety and security. Seems like Trump isn't the only one who doesn't know what's going on.
I answered your question, The new laws are written so as to allow JSDF to engage an enemy attacking a US asset, in a geographical area potentially far from Japan's shores.
The new laws were worded so that not much "stretching" is needed if at all. .
Louis Amsel
as lousy as he is, he does have a point. and the world wouldn't mind a pre ww2 america, which is happening anyway regardless who wins this election, the post ww2 and coldwar dividends that america has been enjoying have been largely spent up. its a logical move to think about your next step for next couple decades.
Maybe not politically correct but its true, the US shoulder the cost for many nations. We are not the world's welfare country, lets start thinking equal.
Japan pays to have the US here but it would cost them a lot more to fund their own military.
The US needs to rewrite the Japanese pacifist constitution before this can happen though.
Are you f`%&#ng kidding me? You're an idiot if you think the MSM hasn't been barraging Trump with negative after negative articles, and you say we live in a a bubble? Open your friggin eyes!
Fred Wallace
Why do all my posts about hillderbeast removed? This is what I posted earlier about another death of an individual directly connected to them. You can yell coincidence a you'd like but the body count speaks for itself.
The lies::
The warmongering ::
Moderator: They are not relevant. In fact, too many of your posts are having to be removed. Please lift the level of your contributions.
Fred Wallace
The lies::
The warmongering ::
Moderator: You can have 24 hours off from posting.
Obama has been droning innocent lives. Trump just wants to nuke ISIS in what he calls ISISganistan so which is worse?
You are pathetic people who support her. She might be losing if you guys didn't nominate a person who is a clown and literally looks like one. What were you thinking choosing Trump for the Republican nominee. This is your guys' doing.
as usual trump speaks the exact truth
Heh. Reminds me of Full Metal Jacket: "Seen any comcat?" . . . "yeah, saw a little on TV." If China becomes more aggressive near Japan's territorial wayers near Senkakus. . . . the US will be obligated to defend that for japan too.
Thus, they can watch more "tv."
China can't attack yet. It loaned too much money to USA.
Hopefully they won't do a Pearl Harbor.
Visiting and Exercising are totally different than actually engaging in an open conflict on the high seas. I don't think Japanese people are ready for that. The Maritime SDF might. But rather than stretching the Security Laws, I'd bet Japan would rather watch unfold on TV.
Seem like they're already having trouble with Chinese vessels near the Senkakus and around the east china sea. Seems like they're preoccupied with real threats like shooting down NK missiles from the sky.
or is not demanding any more funds
I know they do, that's why this comment applies to your comment.
Your future under a Hillary presidency.
I'm just so tired of you establishment robots. Obama has been droning innocent lives. How do you Obama supporters justify that? Hillary wants to continue the wars. You are pathetic people who support her.
Okay. What if the US is attacked near the Philippines or somewhere in the south china sea? Would it be within Japan's constitutional legal scope to aid the US? Will the Security Laws suffice in that scenario?
Like he said. . . "They'd watch it on their Sony tv's." Do you think Japanese mothers would like to see their sons / daughters become involved in that conflict? Yet young American G.I's would come in runnin' & gunnin' if the Maritime Self Defense Force were attacked @Senkakus. The alliance is so 1-sided, it's not even funny.
@ JefferyDomer
I think you are right. I wish the US would get out and Japan get friendly. The current situation is just a continuation of the same old divide and conquer. If Asians got friendly they would not need the US or its dollar.
I wonder if money is spent on encouraging the Japanese to be sure that the Senkakus are their own. I have read the history and it is clear that there are two sides, when one only hears one. I wonder if American money is spent encouraging Chinese fisherman to swarm the same islands.
Well we can just leave as like Japanese will do and not help. Let Japanese fend for them selves. That is what the Japanese want USA to close all bases and leave. That is about the only sane thing Trump will do since the people of Japan do not want to pay for The sooner China and Russia take Japan the better the world will be
How is this loudmouthed-self-centered-me-me-me-narcissist still running for president ? oh wait, did I just described Americans in general ?
Trump is right. The United States is nearly broke being the policemen of the world. I'm willing to bet most of you posting against trump were also for America to stop being the policemen of the world. America has the largest military budget because it's all over the world. Maybe it's time for other countries to start protecting themselves. Especially with The China threat, Japan has to have a real serious conversation about changing their constitution; stop being so idealistic , becoming more pragmatic and get out of that bubble.
Lots of criticism here, but I wonder if you trump haters can think past your emotions. If other countries start pulling there weight, then this would effectively end the establishments hegomonic control and warmongering ways. As long as the US flips the bill or is not demanding any more funds, then they can never be questioned for their actions.
Another day, another Trump smear by the media. This will be standard operating procedure for the next 3 months.
Actually, it does not. He simply stated a fact, although in plain words, not in politico lingo. What does Clinton say Japan would do if the US is attacked?
Perfect statement! Just goes to show how far we've fallen that anyone running for president MUST have handlers to tell them what and what not to say. Wake up from your nap, Trump is not a politician, he will say whatever he wants whenever he wants. Maybe he will lose because of it because the MSM will drive his comments into your brain like electroshock therapy. What's pathetic is parroting the MSM BS.
On his worst days, Donald Trump is STILL a better Republican candidate for president than George W. Bush ever was. The rot in the U.S. Republican Party has been a very long time in the making. As somebody who likes Japan, I found few images more nauseating than those of former PM Koizumi Junichiro ingratiating himself to such an extent with George W. Bush during their meetings. But I digress...
The above article is about a stupid, tiresome point that Trump keeps making. Unlike Japan, the continental United States is impervious to conventional military attack. The only ways America's adversaries can directly attack it are via terrorism or nuclear missiles. It's not like an enemy force can amass itself along the border in Mexico or Canada and successfully take U.S. territory a la North Korea against the South in 1950. Therefore, I've always found the idea of reciprocity in defense treaty obligations to be kind of dumb.