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© KYODOJapan to pursue TPP 11 plan despite Trump hinting U.S. may rejoin if much better deal made
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For once I would like to see Trump put his money where his mouth is and actually negotiate something.
Thank didn't take long. Trump hates being snubbed.
Lol he waited for Japan to ratify a new deal with a bunch of nations then announce that he’d be back in...but on some freebies.
Aly Rustom
Yeah. Good luck with that Trumpie
Trump wants anything that he doesn't have to put any effort into. Gimme, gimme, gimme. Just look at that picture and it says everything.
Looks like hes got Agent Cash on the left and Agent Credit on the right.
That didn’t take long, after Japan brought together this massive deal without the US, he just couldn’t be left out. I can’t think of any other way the TPP could have turned out better.
Either way, once Trump is gone the US will join, but on the current members’ terms
Spot the idiot, it's not hard.
Please President Trump, say goodbye to the TPP forever. The other countries cannot be trusted with making their own countries great again.
Nothingburger news but what a photo--was it cosplay day at the nursing home and they did a MatrixーMen In Black mash up?
It seems he changed his mind about TPP joined other partners. He might have felt lonely he lost big businesses.
At least he is able to see what the trade pact encompasses. Us little people were not allowed to see it before they signed it. I still have not seen a clear bulleted list of what it is or was about. I have heard rumors about how some prices and tariffs will be eliminated eventually for my great grandchildren to finally say, "Wow, American Beef in Japan! a reasonable price!"
If that was true then he would have kept all the swamp going such keeping Climate Change as it placed in every ridiculous part of government.
Staying in TPP would have no effort- it is already a done deal. Making new deals is a lot of work.
UUUHH, I think it's the other way around.
Matt Hartwell
Japan should say no to any major renegotiation's and focus their energies on bringing in other important countries in S.E Asia and South America, starting with Indonesia and Thailand, both of which have expressed an interest. And at least one from South America, preferably one of the more developed countries of Uruguay/Brazil/Argentina, although I'm not sure if any of those have expressed an interest so far, perhaps waiting to see what happens for Chile and Peru.
Should also be very open to South Korea joining. They have expressed an interest as well.
The key component was the USA as it is the largest economy with a 2017 GDP reported at 19,362 billion US$
The TTP countries as they currently stand for 2017 have a combined GDP of 10,371 billion US$
Thats just over half of that of the USA on its own.
If the USA was to rejoin the TTP it would put this trading pact at 29,773 billion US$ or 29.7 Trillion!
It was interesting to look up the individual GDP’s of these participating countries and there were some personal surprises!
Mexico 1,142 billion US$ (bear in mind Japans is 4,884 billion US$)
Brunei 12.0 billion US$ (I figure their inclusion and contribution is simply oil vital to Japan)
While the group of 10 as it currently stands has a combined GDP 10,371 billion US$ which is only 1,567 billion US$ or only 15.1% shy of China’s GDP!
The inclusion of the USA into the TTP would give it roughly exactly the same size as the EU and Chinese economies combined! Food for thought.
The biggest stumbling block for the inclusion of the USA will be dependant on Japan’s preparedness to actually open up its economy to foreign market competition from the member countries of which the USA would be by far the largest. The stumbling block has always been Japan. Obama was prepared to compromise massively to get it through with the simple goal of countering China economically in the region but really at the expense of the USA which was actually going to provide, by far, the biggest market. Trump wants the deal but not at the expense of the American people and so they should not. Everyone needs to compromise, none more so than Japan.
I for one would love to see Japanese supermarket shelves filled to the brim with foreign products side to side with Japanese products instead of them bundled all together in a tiny unrelated section of the supermarket because if they were put in with the Japanese stock you would never find them! And the prices of the stuff is simply ridiculous compared to back home!
I don't think the TPP was a particularly good deal for the US. For example Japan insisted on maintaining huge tariffs on many food items whilst demanding the US remove tariffs on Japanese exports to the US. Plus, the bid rigging and collusion in Japan means overseas companies have approximately zero chance of winning any public works contracts.
Which were supposed to go down with the original TPP. Japan has zero tarrif on heavy items, cars, steel, solar panels (which Trump raised the tariff on). There are foreign companies doing well here. Apple and Disney are not complaining. Or CocaCola.
Is this realistic for the Japanese market? You can buy foreign seafood and I always see foreign frozen vegetables that are cheaper than Japan produced and sourced. Other examples, as well. Should we expect Japanese people to buy Froot Loops?
I see this already in the seafood area.
Overall, it looks like another Trump broken promise.
USA can't be taken seriously. Trump wants special treatment, not an equal trade agreement. Pass
Ray Payne
Japan is a very secretive protectionist country with its many hidden trade barriers - that inhibit and restrict American imports into Japan, greatly driving up the cost of goods, such as processed food, beef and other agricultural products.
Trump should demand that all trade barriers be removed from TPP and other countries. What is best for America is one on one trade agreements that is fair to all parties.
Agree to some extent. Could do with 1kg Greek style yoghurt i.o tasteless 400g pack we have here tbh.
I have to say I very much agree with Trump on that. A FTA with a motley crew of countries is a recipe for disaster ( that's why Japan, Canada and possibly a few others want to protect some of their brands & industries). Some countries have much more to offer (and to lose) than others.
The other countries cannot be trusted with making their own countries great again. last I checked Australia NZ Canada had lifestyle as good if not better than the US, healthcare higher education is affordable and welfare for the poor/ jobless is satisfactory. Their countries are already great.
Like what? What secrets? Does the CIA know something? No tariffs for cars or electronics. Also, I do see a good number of non-Japanese grocery items cheaper than domestic ones. There are about 15-20 countries (Australia, Singapore, etc) that have trade deficits that have trade deficits with the USA and they are not doing all Trump about it. And you want cheaper beef and cheese then Trump should join TPP. It seems when Americans come to Japan and don't see Froot Loops in a Japanese grocery store they get upset and blame the Japanese government. If you want big size American groceries with a big size freezer in a big size house then Japan is not the country to be in.
TPP 11 is a fascinating mix of countries rich in capital, technology, low-cost labor, and resources. If they are honest in implementation, it should be highly successful. No wonder Trump is regretting his decision to snub them.
Frankly, I think the trade bloc would do better without the US, at least initially. Each country has a unique advantage to bring to the table, and none is powerful enough to bully others. After the TPP 11 is up and running and the kinks worked out, it can consider admitting the US but with no preconditions. I think that's what Kono meant when he said Japan "would like the United States to come back, but (first) we want to bring (the TPP 11) into force properly." (Of course, by that time, Trump will be history and the US will likely have a Democratic president.)
Ray Payne
I am an American businessman that has lived in Japan for more than 57 years. I have imported numerous processed food and agricultural products from New Zealand, Australia and the US. I do know - as to what I am talking about when comes to trade barriers.
What qualifications do others have that are making negative comments about free trade - something that they have no experience in or knowledge of the true happenings.
I agree. I'm American and those are the things I miss the least. I'd prefer lower prices for Italian and other European cheeses.
So everybody thinks he is an idiot, but he played golf a lot, everybody did the hard work, and now he will take over as boss.
Trump is finding new ways of making himself (and by extension the country he presides over) look pathetic. Storms off in a fit from an agreement with allies on the assumption that he would be wrecking it for the other countries, then when they go ahead and do it without him drops comments like this which seem more targetted at scuttling their efforts rather than a serious attempt at rejoining.
The rest of the world will be better off pretending the US doesn't exist for the next 3 years.
Ray Payne
I do not think of myself as a monolinguistic American businessman, nor do I think of myself as "the authority".
I think of myself knowledgeable of the true facts that did and do take place.
Back in the eighties, Japan had a quota system as to how much beef could enter the country, also with levels of taxies that were about 200%.
I and others, working with the American embassy's commerce and agricultural departments, were able to convince the Japanese government to do away with the quota system and greatly reduce taxes. I wrote papers and visited MITI, Jetro and our embassy often.
New comers to Japan, although consumers, and that's exactly what most are, do not understand the in's and out's of trade. They have no idea as to what it's all about, yet they make wild comments.
Why are prices for some imported goods becoming more stable? Because of the hard work done by others to eliminate quota's and reduce taxes on behalf of the consumer. Enjoy!
Again, what a spineless flip-flopper covered in Cheeto dust. Stick to your guns, woos. People voted for you to be America First (KKK motto)! Now you’re buckling under to some Non-Whites! For shame, loser (or, as your support base would write: looser.)
Make America Isolationist Again, CornChip Boy!
i.e. (for Cornchip supporters who don’t understand sarcasm): He’s going back on his word (which is useless) Again! Next thing you know he’ll be allowing Immigrants in to Take Our Jobs!
Aly Rustom
Sooo true..
Aly Rustom
Mr. Payne- were you by any chance working at the American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa?
Please give a real example. Like there are no Froot Loops in Japanese grocery stores. Is that due to a trade barrier?
What has been achieved in the EU (28members from both sides of former east and west divide), is it possible to do a new common future at the Pacific, even stretching continents?
Without a bombastus at the table (the foto tells all) it will be more easy, or is it?
@mods, seriously, is it cool if I take breadcrumbs from other user's comments, Google their user names and then ask them to confirm their former place of employment and the city they used to live in? Just to satisfy my own curiosity? Think about that for a minute.
Do pray tell sir how you know that Japanese beef hasn’t undergone the same?
Depends on who supplies you.
Meatguy is great as they also do stuff from back home which is not available from other sources.
Local meat pie supplier is meh based on the pies I know and can get from Meatguy
Doubt that any changes, etc will make a difference based on any future agreement.
I do like black pudding but just not the same as we get back home, Meatguy is now selling one of 3 types I grew up with.
Btw, not British but learned to love the food.
NZ lamb has gone upto the double while air fares are a fraction. The only unchanging topics over here is what politicians are concerned about.
My local import shop changed from Hanamasa, still good but can no longer get lamb cheap.
Still a bargain for much but alas ....
But got the mint sauce ready as was taught to me by my SA family, might not be authentic though.
Kobe White Bar Owner
It's all the stuff we can't read that freaks me out, and should any logical thinking person.
Ray Payne
Aly Rustom,
Yes, for years I was the American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa Committee Chairman for the Asia Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce.
Best regards,
Ray Payne
TPP is an interesting project depending how you manage it. First it create a pacifique community and place Japan out of asia. It shows a long terme choice of nature too. It is not just economics and I don't think against China.
Secondly, TPP is made to expend. USA is a big partner, and a large economy. Fair trade need to balance the dumping economic effect to be fair and not create dumping bubbles. Asking moderation when too economic don't have the same weight seems logical.
What I regret, is the lack of news on the subject that concern the whole world. French people have a lot of economic interest in Asia. Little countries all around the TPP trade are very much concerned about the creation of a new economic zone that will change the market local rules.
Aly Rustom
I believe you and I may have met back in 2002-2003 at a Tokyo convention and we may have had a conversation about Japanese protectionism way back then. You taught me so many things. Anyway, nice to see you on the forum.
Ray Payne
I have been fighting Japan's cunning disguised protectionism since the early nineteen-eighties. My experience comes from personally importing to Japan processed food and agricultural products.
Aly Rustom
Now you also have to fight idiots on this site who don’t know anything but try to argue with you as well.
Thank you for all your hard work sir!
Been to all 3 countries. The vibe in all 3 of these countries feels like 1 big country. Nothing new there. TPP probably would work for them because they have nothing to lose regarding trade.