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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.Trump to team up with Abe for round of golf in Florida
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More like Abe is going to be his caddy.
Alfie Noakes
Nice. Perhaps they can have a little wager on the side. After all, Trump has a long history of gambling with Japanese people...
The Bannon & Trump presidency is turning out to be an even greater disaster than Nixon's turn at the helm. The danger of Abe sycophantically saddling up to Trump is that the Abe administration could also go down with the ship when the sinking of the Trumptanic.
Trumpy voice"the Japanese prime minister and I played golf ... it was a good game...of course I won but he played his best.. I won though and everyone said how well I played..5000 people cheered for me.. "
Trump was often slagging Obama for "neglecting his presidential duties" whenever Obama played golf. Now it seems that Trump is doing exactly the same thing. How about staying in Washington and doing some work? Talk about bone idle. Perhaps Trump doesn't have the stamina for a full week of work. Low energy Trump.
Fake news.
Fake news.
Fake news.
For his own sake, Abe must be prepared to look the other way on the golf course. Trump isn't going to let any "facts" get in the way of a "huge" scorecard. I predict a 59 or better. The only question is if he can beat the Dear Leader's famous scorecard?
Peter Qinghai
Abe is to Trump
Trump is to Putin
I do recommend that people take the time to read a few articles from Breitbart. The racism, hatred, anti-semitism, and all around lying quickly make themselves obvious. When one sees that Bannon, of Breitbart, is the Chump's chief intellectual advisor, it become obvious why Chump is already in so much trouble, both domestically and internationally.
Probably, along with other natural resources. Also about casinos.
Carolee Thumma
So he took a vacation last weekend, taking this one too...he doesn't get it does he? The President doesn't get weekends off...but then again Bannon is there to sit in the Big Boy seat.
It's probably going to rain heavily, given Trump's luck.
Good to see Abe keeping business before pleasure, NOT!
I have no comment of golf at Mar-a-lago (speaks for itself really), but on another golf story I was curious why comments were turned off for the feel good story about Hideki Matsuyama defending his Phoenix Open title in front of 660,000 fans to win a cool 1.2 million dollars. Surely not a controversial or sensitive story, so why not allow us to write congrats?
Moderator: The comments were not turned off.
Alfie Noakes
Quite. This idea, that the problems of the world are simple enough to be resolved by a couple of "good men" ( they're nearly always men ) over a round of golf is the reverse of another idea promulgated over the last 50 years or so; that the problems of the world are simple enough to be resolved by simply removing the "bad men" and then their people will immediately accept freedom, democracy and American apple pie.
Sadly, as we have seen from Libya to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and so on, the world is far more complicated than that. Yet so many politicians and media continue to cling to this simplistic view.
Is Abe the caddy?
Abe will throw the game and then commit more cash to the US.
I expect that Trump will ask Abe to pay for the round.
Trump's presidency will be advantageous for Japan! The outcome of the meeting on the 10th will be a major boost for Japanese companies.....
I wonder who will let who win.
Money and employment speaks wonders.
Fake news.
Barely a week has passed since President Trump then Mr Angry, huffing and puffing, Japan this, Japan that, their car manufactures are robbing us blind, Japan taking advantage of the American security umbrella, etc, it's toys off the table time, the Trump administration taking it in turns kicking them round Trumpton.Towers
Now roll on a week and Abe san is off to Trumps links at his Mar-a-Lago private resort in Palm Beach, after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson confirming his country’s commitment to the defense of the Senkaku Islands. Even U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis got on well and found time to share a joke with Defense Minister Tomomi Inada.
Heck President Trump wants Abe san as his golf buddy.
Does that sound a twiddley bit strange.
I wish I could say I came up with the tactic myself. But I'm simply playing the other team's game.
Go team!
Fred Wallace
Thanks moderator. The gestapo is alive and well. So much for freedom of expression.
Moderator: If you knew anything about the Gestapo (which you do not), you would realize how offensive your use of the term is. A very poor contribution from you.
Did Abe inspct women are gooolllfing or not. Back in Japan, Olympic people are unable to coolmplete golf talks.
Hiroshi Ishida
Best wishes
Frederic Bastiat
Geez, Trump and Abe are going to get to know each other a bit on the links. Any idea how many times Obama did that? Hypocrites
Sorry no casino talks. Trmp coo not have mody. Vegas casino tycoons ow realize Tokyo is expensive unlikewhen they acquired Desert so they are not tool interested now. They are hoping Jpaese wealthy organization plays toiclu themto be junior partners. Trump? he can't operate business. Even if he collected back wo billion. Not enough. Icon' think he is interested in casino business that have to employ young immigrants to fill m employees.
Now there nothing like a round of golf to come to the rescue and solve all the political, social, environmental or economic issues facing the global community.
Whether preventing nuclear proliferation, the catastrophic threat of global warming, or the ongoing argy-bargy around accusations of foreign exchange market intervention/currency manipulation. No need to bother with inter-government platforms for negotiation when a meadow with 18 holes is close at hand.
I am anticipating the Broadway adaption of Abe, Trump, the musical with a PM May's limited contribution as a member of the chorus. La La Land with the unnerving prospect of bumping into President Putin in the guise of Dr Strangelove in an adjacent bunker. Predictably President Xi Jinping prefers a game of Football so will be indisposed.
I wonder if bookies are posting odds for this on any of the online gambling websites. If so, my money is on Trump — I have a feeling it would be in Abe's best interests to avoid a twitter-storm and let Trump win.
Best of luck to Abe (don't drop too much tax money directly into the till at MaraLago.
bones: "More like Abe is going to be his caddy."
And bring him his drinks, polish his shoes, and give him our pensions.
as usual lots of off the wall completely out there responses. its called ningen kankei in japan. developing a relationship.
Frederic Bastiat
Wow, the crybabies are out in full force. Is it a full moon?
Geez, Trump and Abe are going to get to know each other a bit on the links. Any idea how many times Obama did that? Hypocrites!
They will talk about oil ?
Hi Alfie Noakes My Grandfather favorite 'Golfing' parable. The links is the only place where men can play a round and put the world to rights,secure business and finance deals, without the negative contributory influence of women.
Politely, there have been times I look over at that his Golf bag in the corner mentally selecting which driver or wood and where I would like to stick it.
Frederic Bastiat
Let's be honest for once, national leaders have often played golf together. Stop being hypocritical.
You guys criticized Obama relentlessly for playing golf. Why the sudden change in attitude?
Frederic Bastiat
I don't recall leftists complaining when Obama played with celebs(on the taxpayers'dime), yet hypocritically winge that Trump is working to build a relationship with a national leader(that's his job).
The right complained relentlessly when Obama played golf. Why the sudden change in attitude?
The right complained relentlessly when Obama played golf. Why the sudden change in attitude?
Aside from presiding over Apollo 11, Nixon ended both the draft and the war in Vietnam, established relations with the PRC, took the first steps in ending the Cold War (detente and ABM treaty), desegregated schools, and established the EPA.
Trump is only 2 weeks in. Give him time.
Fred Wallace
Lol, @strangerland quit while you're ahead. Beds were already made, that ship has sailed and sunk, you get the idea!!
Despicable, small-minded comments.
I hope that they have a sunny day with a cool breeze and each score a couple birdies. I know that in fact Trump supports Japan. People need to judge him NOT on his words (media sound bites) but rather on his actions. This goes for all people.
Mr T is the best thing to happen to America in more than 100 years. One must understand the immense problems facing the US to realize this fact. Rid one's mind of polictially corrupt (PC) agenda and focus on what's important to working people and famlies. Many of the good people of the nation support his policies very strongly. Obama was the most awful president is the history of the country. Those who still support his ways are called liberals. Liberalism is a mental disease.
Trump's agenda is focused on ridding the nation of costly misguided regulations and making the country more business friendly across the board. Such a strategy ultimately benefits communities more than government funding. He also is looking to put more citizens to work and lower crime rates. His team's focus is to lower the insanely bloated federal government spending away from marginally productive programs to those that directly benefit the working class and their communities. For example, promoting private business rather than government sponsored programs. Less government equals a better nation.
Those who brings up racism or immigration simply do not have a logical argument. The country needs GOOD immigrants not uneducated and undocumented ones. Only weak liberals raise the R word card. For example, Germany under Merkel has committed national suicide (natricide) and the once most safe country in Europe, Sweden, is now the rape capital of the world. Trump was elected because he is against such immigration polices whereas Clinton supported them.
Also note that the electorial system was created and is fantastic because it limits the power of the heavily populated and biaised coastal metropolitan cities that would skew the true voice of the broadbased opinions of the American people. Mr T is going back to the roots of the founding fathers. America has been going downhill since 1956 but has really snowballed its decline in the 1990s when globalism started taking root. People must understand that global elites do not care one iota about the common people and only wish to make us all the same. Better that we are all "treated equally but are not the same". This is the real meaning of diversity.
It is recommended NOT to get one's news from any 3 letter corporate political PR program. Almost ALL politicians, democrats and republicans, are shameful shams. Trump is trying to dismantle the corrupt American political system (drain the swap). Wise patriotic people support him. Wealthy liberals who don't are simply hypocritical liars.
Best to get one's information from sources based on facts and figures rather than corporate and special interest sponsored fake news. Here are 3 conservative yet REAL newsites: